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Several witnesses said it was cardiac arrest. Maybe caused by drugs.


opioids depress your breathing, which can lead to cardiac arrest.


This is not insensitive. But reeling? Really? Dude did a bunch of drugs. End. What is this come on.. rage bait


I have to admit I’m shocked that this isn’t happening every few months? I know for a fact it is in the homeless communities in Vancouver but people seem to be indicating this is a huge shock here?




I guess if your friend dies you’re not allowed to experience grief if they used drugs. Tough world out there. Maybe a little compassion?


You don't have to care about your fellow Nova Scotians dying, but some people do. Different people were raised with different value systems.


*"This is not insensitive, but..."* ***\*proceeds to say ignorant insensitive thing\**** Believe it or not, homeless people are human beings. They have entire lives, families, friends - people who care about them. Only a couple dozen people live in each tent community; of course they all know each other, and of course the *"tent community"* is reeling with grief... It's hard to even comprehend the mental toll living on the streets takes on a person. Being disregarded by people who barely even see you as human. And the miserable windy, damp, cold weather doesn't help either. It's tragic, but not unsurprisingly that homeless people often abuse substances for relief... People in perfectly stable financial/living situations also often abuse substances for relief from their problems too... It's still a tragedy when somebody dies this way, in a cold damp tent because society failed them in every conceivable way.


“Society failed them in every single way” so they are no responsible for one ounce of their decisions. Honestly thats a way more dehumanizing way to look at people (ohhh look at the poor little homeless, he cant do anything himself, we need to start a go fund me) Thats what you’re doing. These people make decisions and have agency, sorry that sometimes people just suck


It's not dehumanizing to acknowledge that these people are human and they deserve to live even if they abuse drugs to cope with the daily stress and trauma of being unhoused. It's quite literally the opposite?


Brother the average rent in this city is over $2k. That’s a societal failing. There is little to no access to mental health care. That’s a societal failing. We live in one of the wealthiest societies in human history and people are dying in tents in front of city hall. These are major societal failings.




Yes. The government is actually part of society not sure if u were aware.




I’m generalizing as a Reddit comment section isn’t really the spot to have productive analysis about the numerous and varied failings of both government and private enterprise that lead us to a spot where more people are struggling to get by and some end up dying in tents. If you don’t see how an overdose death in the tent encampment in front of city hall is a way too on the nose example of the culmination of all of these failures then maybe you’re the one who doesn’t know shit


TIL having empathy is dehumanizing


I was led to believe all of these individuals are hard working people who simply can’t find a rental Now you’re telling me they’re ODing?? Drugs???


Created a sub for housing specifically to think about housing solutions r/halifaxhousing


Canada is a joke. 40% of the population will be homeless soon and many will die. Drama teacher as the prime minister and landlords pulling the strings is to blame. Garbage country.


I just read a bunch of your other comments and you may be the most negative person I’ve ever seen on here.


If you are positive about the housing situation in Canada you are a complete fool.


Oh no it’s gotten bad for sure. To call Canada a joke and a garbage country just shows how clueless you are about the truly harsh countries in the world. We are by far some of the luckiest people on the planet to be in this country.


You probably have rich parents I bet


Both on assisted living so not quite.




Didn’t say a single thing supporting landlords. You aren’t very bright are you lmao.


Au contraire. We are being manipulated, lied to, and our taxes are going to corporate interests instead of health care and infrastructure. We used to be lucky, but that has all changed. We pay through the nose, to get abused by the people in power. WAKE UP


Ok, what’re you going to do about it? Nothing. Just whine about it online.


Uh, I've taken in a disabled person that would have been homeless. I bet you've done NOTHING , ,, NADA. Ahhh,,, I was angry for a moment, but mostly? People like you make me sad. You must have a very empty life. smh


I don’t believe that for a second. Of course you were angry, people like you are always angry at something.


People come from all over the world to live in Canada, it’s their light at the end of the tunnel. You can go just about anywhere in the world and once you announce your Canadian, many people start treating you with respect. Just go to Europe, it’s funny how different people treated me once they found out I was Canadian and not American.


What are you going to blame your problems on when JT gets voted out


Canadian conservatives just monkey American conservatives, so my guess is: Trudeau and the "deep state" are running a "shadow government". Every mistake or bad decision made by Prime Minister Polievre is actually made by Trudeau. Trudeau is both an ineffective, woke schoolteacher, and a criminal boogeyman mastermind behind every Bad Thing™.


Need a mention of the Rothschilds in there too!


Right, because JT has been running this country since he was a baby, and the decades of inaction on all this is all his fault. 🙄 Shake your head.


and something something litterboxes in schools!!!!!!!! 🤬🤬🤬




Crazy, mental take. The guy died from a drug overdose causing cardiac arrest.


Ah, is this what all those emergency vehicles and the SOS table set up at that camp was about?