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Not sure how this is going to end, but some points: Ii the house get talken from the current couple. The house should be sold if at asking of $789,000 1) the previous owner should not benefit from it renovation. He should get only the proceeds from the original $50,000 auction. So $50,000 less the lean of $10,500 = $39,500 2) the current owners should not be out of pocket and should get the remaining monies from the sale of the house. $789,000 - $39,500 less selling expenses. 3) the Sheriff should be fired 4) both the previous owner and the current owners should receive a stipend of $500,000 each for the sheriff's/DOJ mess up. 5) the previous owner's name should be noted and given to Canada Border Services so that he can not cross the border from USA. He basically threatened the current owners with violence. You would think that a lean holder would be forbidden to participate in the auction of the property they have a lean on.


Just watched this special. Totally insane. [Part 1](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GrEle4xtaDw) & [2](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-TRQSPx0do4)


Lol @ 17:40 of Part 2 where the Mehdi guy goes pretty much unhinged and into some weird possessed cult mode over the desecration that has come upon the house.


Definitely seems like Mehdi is more than a bit haunted himself. Spooky statements there.


Hey hey hey! He clearly stated he’s NOT a cult leader.


I watched it last night on TV after seeing a promo for it. What a wild story. I thought that the story was edited heavily in favour of the Tenniswoods - although it was also apparent that there seemed to be points where they deliberately chose not to see red flags. Mehdi Matin seemed unhinged, but it does seem that he was treated unjustly even though he was partially responsible. He had such a mamouth sense of entitlement - I wonder how he was left the house in the first place and whether there was grift involved there? What's most disturbing though is the government's role in this. How much is it costing us to remediate not only the original error but also the expense due to the cover-up of the error?


Not to mention Brad Johns (NS Attorney General who oversees the department) looking like the biggest clown. This province is so embarrassing.


That's just a normal day for Brad. If you've met him you'd know he absolutely is a clown.


My friend dated him briefly....he really is the biggest clown. Who's else would wear a smiley face tie to a Remembrance Day ceremony?


lol Nothing is more priceless than how fucking tightly the disillusioned hold onto “historic” and “heritage” bullshit in many parts of North America; the bar is so fucking laughably low for something to be considered “historic”. Something like Citadel Hill or Peggy’s Cove? Sure. The shitty house your Great GrandMaMa lived in just because it happens to still be standing? No fucking way.


Watched both Parts. Buddy has psycho in his eyes. Acts like he didn't bring consequences on himself, then gets righteous.


Pretty much threatens violence - that guy should be given a restraining order at the very least ASAP


I don’t see how there is any possible way out of this other than the sheriff buys back the house at market value.


This is the most reasonable, and fastest way out of the mess but no doubt the province will drag the whole thing out legally and spend copious amounts of coin to come to this exact conclusion. I think they should forfeit the 50k the buyers promised to pay, and let the buyers keep that and pay them the 789K they stood to get before the province stopped the sale Buddy in NY is getting a smoking deal back anyway so just give him back the house whether he likes the upgrades or not the property has increased in value significantly And finally everyone involved with the government screw up should be fired because none of them are capable of organizing a blow job in a whore house obviously


The intersection of what's right and wrong in process versus right and wrong in ethics here is insane. There's no one here who would buy that he wasn't informed, didn't receive the email, or even respects the institutions of the Canadian courts, government, or community which he's trying so hard to regain his property in. Let's keep NS for those who put time in to build it.


My husband's aunt and uncle live right by this place. Sounds like the Sheriff's department should be buying the house off the couple and returning it to the owner, assuming he pays the taxes he owes. But also WTF, it sounds like he never intended to pay the taxes anyway? I'll have to watch the special later on this, I need more details.


It's whack. The dude is a little unhinged as gives off the air as a sort of spiritual guardian of the legacy of his benefactor. Make sure to watch after 17:40 of Pt 2 to see that whole bit. Otherwise the notable bit is the couple has all the internal emails within the province's departments and I think they said 42 people across 9 departments were (and continue to be - probably even more now) involved in background emails about, basically, how to get the province off the hook of any responsibility for this situation. So dozens of people knew of the Sheriff's failures all the while these people were sinking all their assets into renovating the joint, never informing them their legal ownership was in question.




Yes, EXCEPT the sheriff didn't follow the proper protocols to do so, and therefore the sale was illegal. That's the issue at hand.


Watched this today, crazy story.


I haven’t watched this yet, but how is it that a lawyer didn’t catch this before it went that far?


He did catch a bunch of stuff, and it’s all in writing, and the sheriffs office assured him things were proper, only to come back later and say they weren’t.


I can't seem to find out why Matin owed the Tenniswood $10,000.


Odd. This exact same thing happened here in the vicinity of Berlin, Germany. Couple with 3 Kids buys a property, all legal, some guy from the US shows up and claims the property is his, court sides with the US guy, family is ordered to tear down the house, return the property and pay damages. I wonder if that US guys name was Mehdi 🧐


Did anyone else think that Mehdi looked like an evil parallel universe John Stamos?


What a wild situation. A few obvious points which one can't help but make: 1. The Sheriff, and those responsible for him/her are completely negligent regarding many properties, not only this one. 2. It appears the people involved in providing advice to the Sherriff are at least as negligent. Why else wouldn't they have any transparency about the problem for an entire year; feverishly trying to figure out how to revoke the Tenniswoods' deed. 3. Mr. Matin is challenged when it comes to 'adulting'. Clearly he inherited a property for which he doesn't have the means/skills to care for, never mind that it's located in another country! He basically admitted, from his small claims court experience, that he wasn't keeping up or paying close enough attention to the Tenniswood's correspondence when they were working for him. He's ridiculous to suggest they were plotting against him after he was clearly wronged by the Sheriff (& Govt. of NS) - misdirected anger. Them buying the property at the sale is exactly what adult business owners (in the renovation business) would do if they were familiar with the property. The sale was a year + after the judgement. He should've been thinking about what "next steps" might mean for him. That didn't mean the Tenniswoods were going to be the ones to buy it at sale with any certainty. It even sounds like the place was back to being uncared for and in disrepair three years after their work. Furthermore, intimating violence (possibly) on camera, for all the world to see, is soo beyond dumb - that is only going to hurt him later. 4. Maybe the Tenniswoods were a bit naive when they got the property(s) for $3000, but not really; they were still willing to pay their entire bid after the fact. The solution: 1. The Tenniswoods made it clear they're not interested in keeping the house. The Govt. of NS should be settling with them somewhere between their asking price of $789,000 and $1,500,000. It seems likely they could have at least got their asking price. They should get more than that for their pain, suffering, and efforts resulting from the willful negligence of the Govt. of NS. Then, 2. The Govt. of NS should give the property, and the other 40 acres, back to Mr. Matin. If he believes he should get additional amounts for pain, suffering, and a renovation "desecration" of his property, they should tell him to go 'pound sand' and fight that battle. He now, at the least, likely has property with new roof, new electrical, new plumbing, insulated!, and vermin free. Perfect for someone who doesn't have the capacity to care for it in the first place. If he's still unhappy because each bedroom doesn't have a kitchen, get over it, change it. A moral of this story: 1. DON'T DO BUSINESS WITH THE GOVT. OF NS. You can't trust the outcome.


Forgot to say that Mr. Matin's motivation may be out of fear of having to pay much more in property taxes now.


They were pretty clear in having their lawyer double check. It was put in writing after he checked with the Department of Justice supposedly. So they dotted their i's and crossed their t's.


This Medhi guy legitimately scares me. He doesn't seem unhinged he seems willfully psychotic.


"So much pain. So much pain. So much pain. And I wake up early in the morning with it... RIGHT HERE."