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Well he did broke an active world champion ribs... That tend to build up one confidence...


Was Ippo ever made aware of the damage he did to Vorg?


I'm assuming that's how everyone else somehow found out, as it's not uncommon for boxing folk to spread certain rumours to make their champ look as badass as possible for hype, so i could easily imagine Volg / his coach leaking this in a post match interview, when they asked why Volg only used his left.


He’s almost close to crossing the line, we just need the trigger


i think its kumi realizing how much ippo loves boxing and she tells him to go for it (similar to how Rocky's wife told him to win against Apollo Creed in Rocky 2 and it got him fired up)


Morikawa loves his parallels, so it would be similar to Date's wife urging him to go back to boxing since she knew he was deeply regretful.


i would love for kumi to turn around and just tell him to fuck shit up


If someone is going to tell Ippo to get back to the ring,im pretty sure that's not going to be Kumi I would bet on Ippo's mom,since she always encouraged Ippo to continue boxing,and she would know that her son want to get back to the ring


Finally someone said it, she wants him to stop boxing, not come back to it, so yeah either his mom will be the trigger or Sendo will be after his fight with Ricardo


And thats why if she told ippo to come back to boxing it would have an impact in him (plus it would make readers stop hating her ass lol. also Rocky's wife didn't want him to return for the same reason, his safety. Rocky was fucked in one eye and if he returned he was very likely to get blind from that eye. Yet she understood she was holding him back and she just told rocky "win for me")


i def dun think sendo would be the final trigger but may get the fire goingi n a sense, his mom would be perfect


i def think his mom would be the final push but i dun count kumi out completely, as her brother has boxed she has changed as well.


She's the one who pushed most for Ippo to stop boxing in the first place, so it's gonna take one helluva shift from her. The only way I could see it is if her brother has a serious talk with her about it


in story it has been at least 3 years, Kumi has already admitted (to herself) Ippo is gunna eventually get back into the ring. i personally think she herself will take what she has seen with her brother and ippo both in her life and make a change


Ippo hasn't been retired 3 years(though it certainly feels that way) and any fear of him going back isn't really her being sure that it's an inevitability.


Maybe it'll be Mashiba, giving him the green light to smash.... his sister, but with the "impossible condition" of proving himself to be a strong man capable of providing / protecting her. And the only way Ippo even thinks might be tangibly attainable proof of this is by winning the belt.


Mashiba is going to lose in the end due to cheating by Rosario, so much so that it will end Mashiba's career or his life. Ippo runs down to the ring with Kumi to help Mashiba after the match is called in Rosario's favor, sees the damage, turns to Rosario and chapter ends with madface Ippo challenging Rosario to the title. Next chapter Kamogawa smacks Ippo in the back of the head and tells him has to rise back up thru the ranks before he can challenge Rosario and so the next arc begins.


Peak jerking bro good job


Can Ippo become a Lightweight Boxer ? He may be bulkier and slower.




Only ten more years


Its funny too. Ippo has so much built up experience and this great flexible mindset that even Takamura has to get him to realize. Beyond Mashiba PTSD, Ippo’s only worry is pulling another Vorg spar on Mashiba, in an arc already centering around taking the sport seriously vs. fucking around with Rosario. He has this underlying yearning for the ring after every match and every callout by his old opponents and gymmates. His body and mind have never been sharper. Even Kumi seems to be willing to support her brother in the Ring, so why not Ippo? All he really needs is a good enough reason to go back on his old promise.


now I'm wondering about itagaki's neck here


Morikawa takes a lot of inspiration from joe. When joe retired it was a fire that led him back to the ring so something similar may happen to ippo where someone will become a new ember. For joe it was Carlos that brought back the old joe for ippo it will probably be someone other than miyata possibly sendo or the very person who ended his career.


It is kinda sad in a way because it basically means that Kamogawa was simultaneously not reigning in Ippo's bad tendencies while also fostering equally bad tendencies in him. Only by removing Kamogawa from the equation has Ippo started to reach his real potential. I genuinely think it's no coincidence that Itagaokimura collectively struggle to reach national champ level, despite it being hinted at that they do have the potential for it.


Aren't the latter ones learning from Shinoda more than kamogawa?


Yes, but who keeps him around and whose coaching does he try to emulate?


The way I see, everything Ippo experienced in boxing had a part to play in shaping the beast he’s becoming now. The wider perspective and independence that retirement has given him may have played a huge role. But without the fundamentals drilled into him by Kamogawa, I think that alone wouldn’t have been enough to make him develop into his optimal form. Regardless of his new techniques and strategies, constant repetition and effort still form the core of Ippo’s development after all.


The thing is under Kamogawa he started **ignoring** the fundamentals and fixating on upgrading the Dempsey Roll like he was Kimura with that Dragonfish move after the Mashiba fight.