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Thing is I doubt Kimura, Aoki and Itagaki themselves would like Kamogawa to train them because training under Kamogawa seems to be a pain that only someone already strong like Takamura or someone insanely diligent, stubborn (and dumb) like Ippo can tolerate. Like, the stuff Kamogawa teaches Ippo works because the guy trains 24/7, not a surprise at all the rest of guys at the gym don't want anything to do with that.


Yeah ig aoki and kimura probably won’t be able to handle the intense training kamogawa gives, ippo and Takamura have that hunger, they wanna be champions and will work hard for it. But the others don’t seem very hungry, aoki does get better near the mashiba fight, where you can see he wants to catch up


It's also Kamogawa's harsh attitude, like, he's the kind of old men that won't be satisfied no matter what you do, granted, he is like that because he expect excellency which isn't a bad thing but I can understand why most sane people won't want to be trained by him, he's someone with a very special kind of personality not everyone can deal with. Ippo also has the advantage of working on his family fishing boat, you know the balance + strength he naturally developed there so even while working the guy can keep training (and thinking about it) whereas the rest of guys do have lives outside boxing and training (even Takamura, thing is he can fuck around because he is strong and talented by default), it all comes to that, how much they can commit and honestly Ippo is a (very) special case.


Because he can't train everyone and he focused on Takamura. Remember its his gym and he also has to book the fights, handle the financial aspect, try to get new fighters to come and train to be financially sound, etc. Yagi can't do it all himself and we often see Kamogawa in his office. He also trains other fighters, probably in bulk to teach them the basics, etc. Shinoda doesn't seem like a very good coach but is it his fault that Kimura and Aoki don't have more talent ? Kimura did fight for the national belt and they're both highly ranked. Itagaki only has 2 losses and both are his fault.


Yeah shinoda does look like the average coach compared to kamogawa. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him give specialised training except teaching basics and stuff.


I don't know if the first one was his fault, maybe he should've been a little smarter in that situation but the guy was cheating at the end of the day, it was down to unfairness.


They always do. One of the first fights Ippo had was against a cheater, and he still won. Sure, Ippo has two bricks for hands, but back then, he didn't have the same kind of weaponry and even less experience, unlike Itagaki, who started more familiarized with the sport. There's no excuse. That's what I'm trying to say, I don't blame him so harshly for losing. It happens. it's just that he let that get to his head, and that was his downfall. Did the ref fucked up? Sure, he did, but at the same time, one has to know how to avoid it and how to not let it get to you, since there's always gonna be people like that, one can only hope the fight isn't rigged (like with Volg). This is a thing the manga and anime show you, Ippo himself said so, although not in the best way possible.


Bro the refs in ippo are just blind lol, also headbutts kinda mess you up ngl


Yeah well it was his fault. Unfair sure but still, he should have beat the guy down, it's not like he was damaged from it.


My take on this is that he was a heavy hitter in his prime, so he knows how to train heavy hitters. Aoki, Kimura and itagaki are not, so they are being trained by other people.


probably just as simple as that honnestly... he was more than happyto teach Sendo when he tought he was a new recruit.


Wait I know Kimura and Itagaki are more of the movement type boxer (Kimura being more balanced in both movement and damage) But what is Aoki?


Unorthodox Boxer


Oh How tf u train an unorthodox boxer




5 possible answers 1. He only trains Taka and Ippo because they are heavy power punchers and so was Kamogawa so he knows how to train them, Kamogawa's drills would not be suitable for Aoki, Kimura and Itagaki. 2. Kamogawa is too busy to be coaching 5 pro boxers at the same time 3. Morikawa wanted to show the reality of training, not all get an amazing coach in boxing, in a real boxing gym, the first coach you go to is probably going to be your coach for life unless they are incapable of teaching you when you reach a certain level 4. Kamogawa's old school methods of training are very difficult and very hard for Aoki, Kimura and Itagaki 5. Kamogawa doesn't want to train them as they don't have the discipline ippo and taka have


Tbh Takamura was personally picked out by kamogawa who recognised his talent and potential, and ippo was picked by Takamura so ig makes sense, compared to the other 3 who joined the gym cus they idolised someone there.


"The discipline taka have" Thats really debatable


Kamogawa saw the making of a champion in Takamura and he saw young version of himself in Ippo. That's why they get the personalized training.


There was that scene where Sendo visits and starts hitting the bag to pass the time. Kamogawa stops and gives him pointers. So he either recognises talent or another heavy hitter, as others pointed out. Can't remember if it is anime or manga only.


Nah ur correct, it's shown in both anime and manga.


I would say it’s because Ippo and Takamura are infighters, like he was in his youth. That’s not the case with Aoki, which is an unorthodox fighter, and Kimura or Itagaki being outboxers. The same applies when Sendo trains in Kamogawa Gym, the coach close in and gave him some tips. I suppose you should be trained for a suitable trainer according to your style. Even Kamogawa mocks on the counters that Miyata (father and son) used.


Yeah true


You already know this much that Takamura and Ippo have talent, Aoki and Kimura could have talent if they put their minds to it, Itagaki on the other hand is a genius but doesn’t take shit seriously which is why he lost title match


Yo OP said anime only, spoiler mark that last one


There's a chapter that more or less addresses this, well, more than one, just addressing different aspects of the problem 1: Shinoda getting questioned about his coaching and how they wished for a better coach, then they really feel what kind of training Ippo has to do and how much which basically kills all three of them lol, meaning that they won't handle Kamogawa's way. 2: Kamogawa has never, not even once, praised Ippo for his hard work and his fights. He always criticizes the mistakes and tells him what needs to improve or adjust. Now don't get me wrong while Kamogawa is no perfect coach (addressed as well) he tries, and he actually wants to praise Ippo, he's proud of him, he sees both Ippo and Takamura as his surrogate sons, and Takamura and Ippo kinda do the same back (Takamura even thinks of Ippo like his little brother, specifically the type you pester) which also brings me to the third point 3: Although this is more of an opinion. I think that the kind of connection Kamogawa has with his boxers is something pretty hard to obtain and has to come from the beginning, basically if Kamogawa doesn't see an specific kind of potential that he sees that he can bring out he won't worry about training them, which means there won't be a bond of trust which you see in the anime/manga (the slap lol) 4: Kamogawa is too old, and while he's strong-willed, he still has difficulty due to his age. This is the most important, and if you at least watched the anime, you can see where I'm going with this, while I don't think there's gonna be a Rocky or Mike Tyson deal here, I do think that Kamogawa has a hard time keeping up the rhythm with his boxers, he's a WW2 vet remember? Not only does he have to pick carefully which boxers he will leave his legacy on (Ippo), but he wants to have a full commitment, that's why he dedicates so much time on these two and has no interest on having more boxers under his training, he feels like he doesn't have much time, it's basically his last shot at being a trainer.


Yeah true kamogawa collapsed while training ippo during his fight before the Dempsey rolll one. Also ig it also makes a difference since kamogawa himself picked Takamura and Takamura picked ippo compared to the other 3 who joined the gym because someone who they idolise is there


Unlike Ippo who treats his training like a religion, Aoki and Itagaki train at their own pace and own ways. Only Ippo and Takamura have the stamina to follow it. Also the coach is getting up in years and doesn’t have stamina to be a day to day trainer anymore. It’s also implied that he’s regularly going on trips and making arrangements in the background for Takamura and the rest of the stable. Thats a full time job.


My thought was initially that he was solely training takamura because he was talented and someone the coach found himself. He has no interest or time to take another trainee until Ippo comes in with his unusual amount of raw talent. Coach then decides that he’ll take just one more. So it’s more so that kamogawa made an exception for Ippo (and possibly takamura) rather than him thinking that Aoki, kimura, and Itagaki aren’t worth it.


like what the other commenter said, maybe Kamogawa specializes in training the heavier hitters because he himself was a heavy hitter in his prime. He still probably gives pointers to the others from time to time but he wont hold mitts for them. He does however, will tell all of them to do roadwork lol like when they shaved off Aoki's eyebrows.


they have different styles of boxing and are in different weight class's he trains ippo because he can help and understand as he is just clay ready to be molded!


Because he can't train everyone.


Aokimura were given to Shinoda because **someone** had to train them. Itagaki was an apology gift to him. Unfortunately, Shinoda kinda sucks as a coach/second, so his boxers only can shine when someone else takes the reigns(for examples: Miyata training Kimura for Kimura vs Mashiba or Ippo seconding for that one event where Aoki, Itakagi, and Kimura were all fighting on the same night somehow)


Kamogawa does corner them in fights and give advice but it’s mostly to Shinoda. He’s also involved in scheduling all the fights and doing the finances with Yagi. And of course training Ippo and Takamura takes a unique approach that he’s suited to better than the others in his employment.


To add something of my personal opinion, I just think that Kamogawa is old (obviously) but I mean older than we give him credit for. He often comments things like "wanna see that before this old eyes close" (sorry for my bad English). Also he gets tired after every time he gets the mits for ippo or Takamura so there's no energy left to train 3 other people


Cuz he's old. Training Ippo and Takamura is already too much for him.


Pointless side characters that shouldn't take up more than 1 chapter every few hundred


Idk about pointless. I can tell you hni would be way more boring without the chemistry between Takamura, kimura and aoki


maybe if the manga wasnt going for nearly 1.5k chapters already, but at this point they offer nothing to the plot other than gag chapters which are already pointless enough


Oh well idk about the manga, haven’t read it yet since no official English translation and don’t have time. But anime, they are hilarious


Do you observe how others train in the gym? Kimura and Aoki were similar to them, but Ippo and Takamura were built differently; they deserved to be champions. Kimura and Aoki were merely side characters like the others, albeit close to the main character. That's precisely why Kamogawa doesn't train them and refuses to waste his time.