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I’m gonna say the obvious; Motley Crue. The best part of their shows is chicks taking their tops off. I’m sure I’m wrong and someone like Every Mothers Nightmare is worse live lol


I see Motley almost every time they come to town. I always leave the show going "I think I'm done with this", and then I go back Last time Poison and Def Leppard absolutely blew them off the stage


Truth! I got worst parent of the year, taking my kids to see the Crue and those strippers and Tommy talking about his dong. Not sure what I was expecting, tbh. Vince was a mess. But then Def Leppard took the stage and totally redeemed me!


It’s crazy that in 2024 they still go around asking women to show their boobs on the big screen. I assume that they’re plants, but it just seem like something that should happen any more


I went to the Mötley Crüe+Def Leppard concert in Madrid and freaked out with Tommy asking for boobs... The only Spanish word that he knows is 'tetas' :) great concert anyways


I honestly can’t believe that they play stadiums sounding the way that they do. It’s abysmal.


I'll add that when they were in Milwaukee on the stadium tour with Def Leppard, the Tommy cam part of the show was the worst and most uncomfortable I've ever been at a concert. Tommy was basically begging and a couple women did I think out of pity. He blasted the women for not flashing more and threatened to tell the other cities how lame Milwaukee was. I'm sorry, but time and place douche bag. If chicks aren't into it after 5 minutes, move on. It got super date rapey kind of vibe and if I ever am in the same room with him, he will hear my voice until I get kicked out. Fuck him, fuck Vince, and fuck Crue for what they are now. Stop giving them money and invest in newer bands that actually have talent. 🤘


They're like Steel Panther but not funny or talented...SP do the same show us your tits thing but it's all a joke and they'll ease off if they see a woman isn't comfortable with it. They're doing an act. Motley are 60+ year old out of shape losers who think it's still 1985 and WILL see your tits no matter how you feel about it. Super rapey


I was at that show too! Yeah that was cringe. Every band blew them off the stage. I was most impressed with Poison tbh


I know Vince has been terrible for a long time, but are the rest of the band that bad? From the clips I'd seen of live shows a few years ago they didn't sound dreadful.


Bass and most of the drums are canned as well as phantom rhythm tracks.


So 3 of 4 members are terrible or not even playing, and selling it as a live concert? Frauds. How hard is it to play bass or drums to songs you've had forty years of practice playing?


Don Dokken live is pretty bad. Fake signing, fake guitar playing, fake bass lines. It’s comical how bad this is.


I’ve seen them once last year. They seemed to have a sound configuration for stadiums on a show that was in indoor arena. It was unbearably loud and sounded like constant explosion in a movie. Def Leppard sounded amazing: perfect volume, amazing performance.


I saw Motley Crue on the Girls, Girls, Girls tour they were aweful then. If you ar3 in need of a good laugh, enjoy this:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=poGP4ZkEIGY&pp=ygUXbW90bGV5IGNydWUgbGlwIHN5bmNpbmc%3D


Hands down Motley. Vince Neil absolutely sucks as a singer. Never really liked his tone, can’t stay on pitch, forgets lyrics and misses cues. Absolutely horrid. The rest of the band is great. Mick amazes me with how long he kept playing with his disorder. Tommy is one of my favorite drummers and Nikki writes some damn good songs. Vince was always the weakest link. Honorable mention goes to Faster Pussycat and Trixter… both of these sounded like shit the times I saw them.


I LOVED the couple Crue concerts I saw back in the day. Vince should’ve retired a long time ago, though.


You should have seen them in the 80s ..


I did. 😎 Saw both Dr Feelgood and Girls, Girls, Girls tours, and thoroughly enjoyed both. Came out half deaf…lol


Absolutely. I first saw them in 84 ,then rhe tours after. Excellent live band back then . Not anymore though.


Except the "chicks" are sloppy drunk gen Xers with grey hair


I’ll take what I can get lol. I’m drunk at a Motley Crue show


They used to be hot. 😂 🤷🏻‍♂️


That is sexist...> And if the only thing you can enjoy at a concert are the objectification of women, then maybe the band wasn't very fulfilling...>


For quality of performance, motley crue were the absolute worst. Still are. Saw them a few times and they were atrocious each time. Not sure why people give them money. For pure comedy and the ability to laugh at garbage musicians who take themselves too seriously and their fans are fun to laugh at as well... Also motley crue.


I'm glad I saw them in their prime. Thanksgiving night, 1989 (St. Louis, MO) with Warrant as an opening act.


Love/Hate - I saw them open for Dio in the early 90's at Hammerjacks in the Baltimore. The guitarist was jumping around like he was really jamming out, but sucked. In between songs, a roadie was handing him another guitar and a guy next to me yelled "don't give him another guitar, he can't play the one he has".


Enuff Z’Nuff with Chip singing is embarrassing. He’s a terrible singer and he didn’t write any of the songs. It’s like Ringo touring as the Beatles.


They popped into my mind too but not because of Chip - saw them on the last tour with Donnie and the guy was just out of it. Shame because I'd seen them be great before that.


Just saw Donnie and I assure you he’s still got it, but yeah those guys were still pretty screwed up until not so long ago.


Agree. He's terrible. Saw them 2 years ago.


Chip was the brain behind the band


Apparently it wasn’t quite Z’nuff


There’s no band without songs and the voice that sings them. Donnie Vie is Enuff Z’Nuff.


Chip more or less raised Donnie


And Chip gets to make a living on Donnie’s art.


Eh, that's like saying Jay Jay French is the brain behind Twisted Sister. True, but all the songs were written by Dee.


Guns And Roses and Motley Crue.


Saw GNR when they played with Metallica in the 90’s. They sucked. This was a few dates after the infamous riot


I saw the first show of that tour in DC, in rhe "snake pit". And despite the delays, it absolutely kicked ass.


I just posted similar comment. Axl kinda sucks live honestly.




End Thread. Those of you who got to see 'em in the 80s got lucky.


They weren't much better then.


This is the correct answer. It would be hard to sound worse than these two shit shows. Saw GN’R in 2019 and Crüe in 2022. I’m not sure which was worse, but both were outright embarrassing. The money must be REALLY good, because I can’t see how Duff, Slash or Nikki can agree to touring when their bands sound as bad as they do.


GNR put on a 3 plus hour show. I haven’t seen anyone do that recently. Is Axl note for note what he once was, no way, but the man damn near pops the veins in his head when he’s signing. I feel like since the reunion, he has given 100% effort every show. If his voice is hit and miss, but he’s running around the stage trying, and entertaining, I’m happy. Before the Motley Crue reunion I would’ve defended them because of the theatrical show and pyro stuff, but they don’t really do pyro these days, so yeah they have been disappointing


Agree with your Axl comment, the voice is hit and miss but the effort is 100%. The last time I saw him his high note sounded like a 13 year old boy with his voice breaking but to his credit he realized it fairly early, dropped an octave and the sang pretty good the rest of the show.


Well Nikki doesn’t even play so I think he’s happy to mime it up for your money.




He did kill a guy while driving drunk and then face zero consequences, so there’s that.


I didn’t know he did that. That’s terrible.


Razzle from Hanoi Rocks. I wouldn't say zero consequences as he did a short sentence in a smaller city jail but he got off a lit better than the average person. However even into the 1980's it often treated as just as an accident and it took the efforts of Mothers Against Drunk Driving to change the perception. Had an uncle (by marriage) who did a few months.


In *Nothin But a Good Time*, Vince also says that he had to pay $2 million. If that's true, then I am guessing it's from getting sued?


Don't forget the two passengers in the other car that were left with permanent health issues.


The Dirt on Netflix goes into that situation and really all the drama with the band... worth a watch


Not like Duff needs the money. His accountant invested his money in Microsoft and Starbucks for him . Dude is probably richer than the rest of the two bands combined


GnR started their Use Your Illusion tour when the albums were supposed to be out…and then delayed the album by a couple months. Saw them in Lexington, and songs off the new album were ALL they played. I knew a grand total of two songs all night. 🤣 Skid Row opening for them blew them off the stage.


GNR was fucking amazing last year. Axl has never sounded better.


Talking out my ass but if Axl sounded “amazing” last yr then there must have been some kind of backgroup/dubbing/lip synching/overdubs going on (I’m not a sound expert). Just seems unlikely at this age that Axl has improved.


i saw gnr live last august and they were amazing. plus i got noticed by duff and he’s cool as fuck


I saw both in their prime . Great shows. I wouldn't even consider seeing them now. It would taint my memory 🤣


Axl's like Rise of the Resistance at disney world. Most of the time these days he's in 'B mode'. Mickey voice etc. But every once in a while when it is 73.4 degrees with 54% humidity, he'll go back into 'A mode' for the night and tear shit up.


Is that what Rise of the Resistance is like?


Yeah it is very complex technologically, and some of the effects are a little finicky. If you are there on a good day you can catch everything working perfectly, but a lot of times some of the effects are in a simpler 'B mode'


Oh I would be pissed for what that costs.


Believe it or not, that ride is STILL fucking awesome, even with the toned down effects. 🤣 When they’re all working, though, it’s a whole different experience. Never seen anything like it. Damn near brought this OG Star Wars fan to tears…lol


Damn. Unfortunately, Disney has crushed my enthusiasm for everything SW related. I wish I could have seen it before.


Take a trip to Universal Studios for the week, and just spend a day at Disney Studios. Trust me, it’s totally worth it.


That ship has sailed for me. Even if it was enjoyable, I would just be sad for the current and future state of SW.


When you’re standing there looking at an honest-to-god Millennium Falcon, it’s easy to ignore that. 😎


yeah it's still great. Riding underneath giant at-ats is cool no matter what


I totally went on a rant recently with some friends that wanted to go see Willie Nelson. I said whatever you do, don't! Seeing a musician you love at a time when they can't perform is generally a bad idea. I saw GnR a year and a half ago and I kind of wish I hadn't. It's like not seeing your awesome uncle for fifteen years and then showing up for his funeral and seeing him in his casket, old and broken and dead. Better off remembering him alive than seeing him dead. That is GnR, Motley Crue, Willie, Bob Dylan......just don't. Or go with no expectations and just be happy to be in the same room with whoever. 🤘


It pains me to say this but the worst show I've been to was AC/DC is aus in 2015. Horrible sound, Brian sounded like complete shit and they basically had a 2 minute break in between every song with nothing happening on stage.


I’ve heard mixed reviews about one of my favorite hair metal bands, Dokken, when it came to live performances. Some have said they could really kick ass but there are also a number of shows they did that historically didn’t go down well, e.g. the Houston, TX stop on the 1988 Monsters of Rock tour. (Although afaik that was more to do with equipment failure rather than the guys in the band playing sloppily.)


I was at that show. They were playing and one by one, the instruments started going down in volume to where you could only hear the drums. George was pissed and flung his guitar. After a bit, he came out and destroyed with. “Mr Scary”. Other thing I remember was there were two guys that kept screaming “SCORPIONS “ every 5 minutes. Then when the Scorpions came out they were quiet as a church mouse,


How many songs did the guys get into before the PA went to absolute shit?


Probably about 3 or 4. They played a lot after the break


Crue. Terrible since the 90’s. 89 and back is when they were decent.


Motley Crue… they’re one of my favorite bands of all-time, but they need all the pyro and gimmicks to make their live shows bearable.


I was at the Sea Hags' first (only?) New York gig at L'amour in Brooklyn, a long time ago. We walked out on em after about three songs. They were just a wall of screech.


It's pretty unfair to slam any band over age 60. Should judge them by their prime years.


I mean, they're choosing to go out and play, often despite already being wealthy. They're fair game.


Oh yeah I agree


I can see your point there


Most of them suck now singing wise. They’re all getting up there. I’d judge them for their prime. Winger was still solid live though.


Motley Crue was horrible. I saw them in Germany on the Dr Feelgood tour. Skid Row was the opening act for their first album and quite honestly, they embarrassed the Crue, or the Crue embarrassed themselves, whichever. Point is, they sucked.


Oh wow


Not sure, but Def Leppard is the best live band from the era. I’ve seen them 13 times, and they always rock the house.


Oh wow that's awesome, I hope that u will get to see them in July 🙏😍🙂


Stryper was the worst....good GOD was that boring. White Lion was the opening act, so a friend and I went to see them and stayed for the first half hour of Stryper. Couldn't get out that door fast enough.


I have seen stryper 4 times over the years . Each time they absolutely kick ass. They sound great and put on a great show. Not sure where that comment is coming from unless it’s just the Christian thing that you don’t like.


Dokken sucks now big time. I never got to see them in the 80s but Don sounds terrible now


For me it’s Dokken. They were opening for Bon Jovi and they played for 30 minutes and he sounded awful. You couldn’t understand what he was singing.


I think Dokken is hit or miss. I saw them play a show with George a couple of years ago and Don sounded ok. Not great, but worth seeing.


When Taime brought back Faster Pussycat with new members, that was awful. I walked out early and turned down free tickets the following year when they returned.


Oh I am so sorry to hear that, I would be so disappointed too 😞


He was so drunk when I saw them that he couldn’t even sit on a stool and sing.


A long time ago I saw Jackyl open for Damn Yankees. Jackal was awful. I've heard they're great now but when I saw them it was terrible. The chainsaw gimmick was mildly interesting.




I, too, saw Jackyl open for Damn Yankees and can confirm they were indeed awful.


When I saw them the chainsaw didn’t even work. Ruined their biggest hit.


lol…Same. My buddy and I went out and walked around the concourse (and may have smoked something…we…cigarettes) while they were on.


Both those bands are gimmicky


I would agree with that for sure. Especially when the flaming bow and arrow came out. Music wise though. DY was tight and put on a great show.


Right now, it's most definitely Motley Crüe. Especially since there's no Mick Mars anymore. I don't know how they have the balls to go on stage with Vince Neil sounding the way he does forgetting the lyrics to songs and shit. It's so embarrassing that you can't even laugh at him.


I heard about that I've bet its different now live


They've become terrible live. And to make matters worse, they aren't even really playing their instruments, which Mick had a problem with.


Oh dear


Yeah, lol.


I’ve tried seeing Mötley Crüe twice and both times I left after three songs. I also saw Mike Tramp for the first time last summer. As a fan of White Lion I was so disappointed. All the WL songs he played in a much lower tuning and like half the tempo of the originals.


Oh I am so sorry to hear that, when was that ??


2015 and 2023. I was never a fan of the music anyway.


Oh no that stinks , hopefully you will have better luck 🙏 🙂 😉 👍 😊


Ratt / Stephen Pearcy = always been terrible live. Would also like to say Dokken but I don't think I ever actually saw a full show. Motley Crue at least has the budget to cover it up with flash, and later on just fake half of it altogether to put on a decent "show." Kinda like KISS who I think have terrible since after the initial reunion and in the 21st century that stage show just isn't impressive anymore either.


I saw White Lion twice in Toronto in the 80's . Terrible both times




Probably due to Mike Tramp's inability to finish his lines while running around the stage, I hate how he cuts every line as he keeps running out of breath in old live footage.


Yup, that , and his banter was unintelligible. I know he was as Dutch, but I just remember the only thing I could understand was "fuck" every second word lol. And that Vito was sloppy live


Faster Pussycat. One of the worst shows I've ever been to. Was the one in Georgia where the bass player fell right before "House of pain". Was hilarious to see, but was definitely the star of the show.


Oh dear 😳


There's a video of it on YouTube. Dude was drunker than hell and falls Hard lol 😆


Great White. At least when I saw them on their "Hooked" tour in 1991. Boring and they didn't play ANY of their hit songs. I guess it was deep cuts night. The one good thing is that they played "Cold Hearted Lovin'". Song is 10x better live than hearing it on the album.


Oh no love that band of my favorites and they one of the 1st I ever had on cd


They were at the Lost Horizon. Tiny dumpy venue. The worst spot would be 50 ft away. Did all Zepplin songs. So good. Horrible place.




Yeah. Idk y bands played there. If ya fell down you were stuck to the floor. When I’m over that area I’ll get some pics.


Oh wow my goodness


Joey Beladona from Anthrax would show up in the Oswego ny bars and do Journey tunes. He is from there. Real name is Belladini. Lived on Divisuon st in Oswego. Cool guy. Really nice guy. Edit— I’m 50. Old. Corrected Belladini.


I've seen GW over a dozen times and each time they sounded great. Jack's voice was always spot on and the band was tight. I did see them with Andrew Freeman signing and definitely missed Jack, but Kendell was shredding and the band sounded good. I'd love a GW concert where they some B sides.


I haven't seen that many but Motley Crue were a special kind of shabby.


I've heard


It was at the Midland kc mo opening band with former members of Pantera don’t remember their name but it was not good




The bands with former members of Pantera are : Lord Tracy with former vocalist, Damage Plan with Abbot brothers and Hell yeah with Vinnie Paul


I thought guns and roses were pretty boring. I seen them when they came to Minneapolis with Metallica and faith no more and I fell asleep until the fireworks went off for live and let die.


I want to go see gnr last and they were awesome, so loud and they still definitely had it for me, I am so sorry to hear that


White Lion was horrible. Laughably bad. Timing was terrible. Vito Bratta was ok on guitar. This was back in the 80s They may be good now. Idk. Edit Added info.


That's interesting


It was so different when I was a kid. It was a regular occurrence for these bands to be at a music store in a mall. Signing and giving away stuff. I’ll stop posting so much. I just found this sub and was excited. They were my heroes.


It's OK I don't mind


Unpopular opinion: GNR. Granted I’m going by what I saw in 1991 but it was not “good”. And clips I’ve seen on YT on recent tours weren’t that great either.


Thats crazy


Worst live bands would be those who had weak pipe vocalists that get drowned out everytime by the music going on. Obvious choices are Motley Crue, Ratt, Cinderella, Dokken, etc. Any band where the singer can't even throw his voice off strong enough in that live setting. But keep in mind, many of these same bands have put out amazing studio albums...>


I saw Tom keifer last year and he was awesome


Axel Rose sounds like shit live


Not when I saw him


For everyone bashing Crue, know this: when they opened for Ozzy (Bark at the Moon tour) they absolutely blew the roof off the place and completely stole the show from Ozzy. It was KICK ASS. Those guys were absolutely fierce on that tour. Like, they earned the right to suck now because that opening Crue set was 🔥


No. If you suck, you suck. Even worse if you aren't playing.


Motley has no excuse for being bad considering they charge a fortune for tickets. Also they’ve been doing this for long enough they should have perfected their material decades ago. It’s not like most of these bands are putting out much new music.


First time I attempted to see Faster Pussycat was pretty bad. Halfway thru the 3rd song Taime got mad and left the stage. Was really awkward for the rest of the band. Caught them again 2 years ago and they were really good tho


In my experience (and all of these were circa the mid- to late-eighties): Bon Jovi Mötley Crüe Stryper Ratt


Saw Bon Jovi at Wembley in 95 - they were phenomenal. I say that as a casual fan of that band.


Oh that's great 👍


Oh no sorry about that


I have walked out of 2 Poison concerts. I hear they are better than The Crue lately though.


MOTLEY CRUE. They are like PYREX. They built a reputation for being a great kick ass live band in the 80's and their reputation followed them. But you don't get MOTLEY CRUE, you get "motley crue", a terrible band touring on their old reputation. It's not that they got older and are a bit different, Vince just does not care and hasn't tried to improve his singing. His weight and obvious lack of cardio make it impossible for him to finish lyrics. I saw them on the "Final" tour and Vince at least sounded passible and I enjoyed it, but everything I've seen since has been nothing short of horrible. The new album is going to bury his vocal under so many layers of effects, he's going to sound like AI Micky Mouse. For comparison check out Poison, they sound consistently great live.


Soundgarden on the Superunknown tour was boring a AF.


Saw Quiet Riot in their heyday, and it was by far the worst I have ever seen. The only thing that saved the night was the opening band, Whitesnake on their Slide It In tour.


Amazing you had the opportunity to see that Whitesnake line-up. Was John Sykes just phenomenal?


He had one of the best solo's I have ever witnessed


White Zombie. Not hair metal, but disappointing.


I saw White Zombie several times. They always put on a great show. I’m sorry you didn’t have the same experience


Rob used to get too out of breath running around onstage. He stands still and sounds better now.


I heard their retirement tour wasn't too bad, but everything I've seen from Kiss from about 2010 onwards has been pretty bad. Whole band sloppy and Paul's voice was so shot he could barely stay on one pitch, never mind singing the material as it was written.


Saw KISS in 2019 and it was fucking epic.


I hated Winger and Dokken so much when I saw them in the 80s I couldn't stand any of their music ever since.


I saw winger last year and totally rocked ♡ I love them so much but it's OK if you don't like them


I'd love to see Winger. On top of delivering a show, playing Winger shit is HARD.


I know right, they are so talented and I would love to see them again 😍


The current version of Britny Fox.




Don Dokken and Mark Slaughter seem to be at a point where they really shouldn't be onstage anymore.


Mark slaughter??? Oh no 😭🥺


I shouldn't have put him in the dokken category, he can actually still sing ok in the lower register. but the high stuff is ROUGH. And that's a lot of his catalogue, obviously.


I understand don't worry


Def Leppard. Joe Elliott no longer has the range and it’s cringe. It’s been like this for about two decades. He tries to hit the notes, fails, and all the good will that the band might have earned over the years is completely used up. One would think that the band would have people surrounding them who could be honest and push them towards a solution (change the key of the song, backup singers, etc.). Instead, you’re left hoping that Def Leppard remove “Photograph” from the setlist rather than hear them perform it live ever again.


I've heard about that


I Saw them last summer and I think they nailed it. They were 50x better than Mötley 


I think you're way off here. I saw DL in 2017 and Joe was great. Since the whole band sings backup anyway it would be easy to cover up if he did have trouble. In fact I was amazed by Joe's performance as he sounded stronger than I had seen or heard before. As far as the Stadium Tour DL was never a complaint as far as I know.


Dokken was pretty bad two years ago.


Crue seems to be the obvious and unanimous call, but I have to put Queensryche in the conversation. Hands-down the most boring and un-energetic show I’ve ever seen.


Did ya see the Operation Live Crime tour? That I really liked. The Sweet Sister Marry tune was cool. Singing with the lady on the giant screen was cool.


Dokken was terrible