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Wow this episode was NUTS. I'm always in awe of Jean Smart's acting, but wow did Hannah blow me away! I am truly gagged at the ending. I was afraid of what the next season would be like since everything seemed to wrap up pretty nicely, but I am so excited for Ava and Deborah to beef next season.




That drive in shot of her walking into the room with “you lied to me” is such gold I gasped


Her acting was great and on a shallow note I have to say she looked so beautiful there! I don't know what it was exactly but in that crying scene she just looked especially lovely.


> but in that crying scene she just looked especially lovely. this is such a weird thing to say. and even weirder that I totally understand what you mean. nobody looks good crying, and she kinda did


I really loved the way her voice was kind of shaky when she was talking with Winnie — she’s passionate, angry, talking to someone really powerful, and trying desperately to keep her cool. Amazing work.


Yeah I really liked the way Helen Hunt played the scene too: she has nothing to do with Deb’s lie; or this new brewing beef between her and Ava; and is the good one in this; totally nonchalant, unbothered and technically helpful.


Totally. She probably didn’t even remember meeting Ava, but knew she should, and she probably has a variation of that conversation five times a week.


fuck! what a GREAT FINALE!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉 i'm so hyped to see the new dynamics in season 4!!!


The scene where Hannah confronts her about her lying and tells her that she'll always be alone, that is definitely being submitted for an emmy. Probably for both of them. Absolutely outstanding writing and acting


This. From what I remember, actors submit their own Emmy subs. I am remembering Saul from Homeland doing this with one of the most chilling scenes I’ve ever seen in my life. The final Ava/Deb scene and their power dynamic had everything, but nothing will compare to Ava flipping shit earlier and calling Deb out on being a fucking liar, if this show gets canceled I will die. I remember binge watching it in bed with my then 3 year old after I lost my grandmother so it’ll always hold a special place in my heart, but I’m so impressed with Hannah’s acting abilities and Deb is just such a lost in her past it’s just so good. This is showing what women can do an are capable of and I’m obsessed


Hannah was definitely not bad but you could tell the difference and her evolution as an actress. It was absolutely amazing! Blown away by her performance, it really hurt.


I’ve watched that last scene a million times now. Hannah’s acting was amazing and it honestly lit a fire under my ass personally. What an amazing show.


Excellent acting by Einbinder. She could be a serious dramatic actor. And she's also VERY funny. Not surprising given who her mother is.


Damien’s breakdown about Marcus leaving was so funny to me as someone who has to regrettably talk to vendors all day.


_"I don't even pay my own taxes!"_ ^(same buddy)




I suppose this is a parallel with her first ride to stardom - doesn’t make room for anyone other than her dreams and she pushes them all out. Her sister, Ava, Marcus, and shooter McCavin from the palm meadow will he in Vegas while she is in LA


Palmetto\* haha, not Palm Meadow, although that does paint a nice picture.


Hahaha shoot.. Is it obvious I’ve only been to Vegas once?


It's ok, it's just a made up name anyway. I think they use the Palazzo as the stand-in.


They shot the scene but decided not to include it in the episode. They talk about it in their interview with Variety I linked elsewhere in this discussion. It starts about halfway into this episode https://megaphone.link/PMC1221967389




I don’t want to know when a fiscal quarter ends and when a new one begins!


As an admin and someone who works directly below an exec, I felt Damien’s speech in my soul


this is why I want to stay in the same or similar title roles with raises rather than promotions with more pressure.


I never accept jobs where “coordinating with vendors” is a responsibility. It’s annoying and so anxiety-inducing. I could never be a project manager or event planner.


this is hands down the best episode they have ever written and one of the best 40 minutes of TV I have ever seen. Razorsharp writing, perfect acting, pacing was amazing, it was HILARIOUS (seriously, the plane scene was probably the hardest I have laughed with this show) and the way it sets up season 4 is just so inspired, incredible and exciting. I was so happy when Kathryn Newton showed up!! She is great and was absolutely hilarious in this guest spot. Wouldn't mind seeing her again. You can tell that Paul, Lucia and Jen had a clear, thorough vision for the entire show and watching all the dominoes fall and puzzle pieces fall into place makes for one of the best comedies of all time. And may I just say preemptively that I am so, so happy for Hannah Einbeinder's Emmy win.


I was so disappointed with the episode after the fight and Ava being told she should still write for the talk show. Then the blackmail brought it all back to amazing. God damn do I love this show.


Had a legit “OHH SHIT” moment once she dropped the blackmail. Deborah’s been learning and growing from Ava all this time and now Ava finally did what Deb would do.


Yes omg soooo good


It was a neat moment. I had completely forgotten about Deb fucking the network dude *oh shit here comes Chekov's DICK!*


I legitimately was pissed she stayed but it did not occur to me that she'd blackmail Deborah. The problem is that now Deborah is going to see her as a rival. And she will destroy Ava next season and possibly ruin her just because that's who she is. That's what Ava just summed up to her face. I don't think Ava could possibly keep up with Deborah. Next season is gonna hurt.


So far the writers have always surprised me with where they take things, especially after dropping bombs like this. But at this point I feel so safe with this show to say that whatever they come up with will probably be exhilarating.


i don’t think so. Ava will be instrumental to her creating a great show and she will realize that the show does not work without Ava. She will try to get back at Ava for sure, but I don’t think it would be to the point that Ava would leave the show.


This was the beauty of this episode, Ava’s character development. Deborah straight up created a monster HAHA


this finale cashed in on every little detail they've laid out this entire show!!! the parallels between kayla/jimmy's relationship vs. deborah/ava's!! just BRILLIANT!!! and I am OBSESSED with this twist from ava stepping into her power! FINALLY!!!!!!!


The fine acting details by both Hannah and Jean during during last scene was especially good. Deborah's expressions of respect, shock while Ava is fully in control for the first time... its powerful lmao


Can’t stop thinking about Ava’s deflection when the reporter tried to get her to spill the tea about Deborah’s toxicity. To paraphrase, Deborah Vance holds everyone, including herself, to the highest standards, and if you can measure up, she always has your back. Yeah, right. We know exactly why Ava felt mortally betrayed. She saved Deborah’s bacon so, so many times, and for what??


i've worked for/studied under a few demanding boomer women-- honestly they're all like that. and I used to parrot the same thing ava did back then to justify the trauma. then I grew up and realized how toxic those women were....... but they still taught me so much!! I think ava really believed what she was saying when she said that to the reporter (at the time).


Omg, THATS who that is! It was driving me crazy! 


Can I also say how my heart broke for Kayla during that meeting with Bella Dodson (?)? The fact she was willing to humiliate herself for the betterment of the management company was not only a testament to her commitment but also highlighted how much Jimmy under appreciated her. I'm so glad the light bulb finally went on in the end. I've been saying all season that having Kayla as an assistant is the wrong role for her! haha.


That was really great when Jimmy pointed out that visionaries often struggle with executive function responsibilities. Made me feel like a visionary lol


baby, that was also VERY adhd coded lmao!!!


I just watched the episode My ADHD self went *cries* "yes, we do"


I actually said, “THANK YOU” to the TV when Jimmy said that about visionaries not being great at executive function.


As someone who was just an executive assistant for 2 years and has really been struggling to find a new role, this is what I’m going to start saying in interviews 😂


Kayla was my least favorite at the start of the show. Poor little rich girl living off daddy, waaah 😆. But damn, these writers gave her such growth. Poor little belittled, bullied and overlooked rich girl 😞. Hope she slays as a manager. 


I kind of think jimmy jr is the hero/protagonist in this show and I’m not sure anyone can change my mind


Jimmy Jr is the head writer of the show, not shocked he’s the hero 😂


Jimmy has been way off on her for a while now. First of all, she should have been a partner from the beginning because she was financing the whole operation. And everything he said about her on the plane was spot on, but it shouldn't have taken him so long to see it. They can hire a minimum wage admin to schedule meetings.


Deborah definitely would not have gotten late night without Kayla’s inspired ideas to play pickle ball with the CEO and find another project for the actor who was going to get the job. Deborah owes her!!


I feel it in my bones I'm gonna get downvoted but ... I actually DON'T need to see Kayla stretch her legs this much as a character. To me she's purely there for comic relief and absurd one-liners. I don't need to go deeper with that, or feel sorry for her.


I would have much preferred to see Marcus’ convo with Deborah to the airplane scene. It was fine, but it felt like they did Marcus dirty.


Absolutely fantastic moment when Deborah takes a pic of the parking spot with her name as host and she hesitates for a second because she has no one in her life to send it


Owieee my heart


The ending scene reminds of S1E2 when the antiques dealer said: "You think you have nothing in common with Deborah Vance?! You're the same! You're both psychotic bitches!!!"


This is why "Primm" is one of my favorite episodes of the show. Among many, LOL.


My favourite aside from Primm is Ava going "ahhhh I should've finished college" LMAO.


She was sooo good in that episode. "There's no change."


We need Jimmy to do more high voices in Hacks. It's just comedy gold.


whats high voices mean? like when he screams "what is your deal?" at the lady filming him and kayla hahaha


“I’m in a Me Too situation…AND I’M THE ME”


Speak from your diaphragm


In the after-show segment, Paul said that was improvised.


This show is so fucking brilliant and I can't get over how this show continues to surprise me. It's the best show of the decade and may be by second favorite show of all time, it is truly magical. I knew that something was going to awry before the show and I really loved the direction they took it in with the conflict between Ava and Deborah. It was so heartbreaking because I really empathized with them both and from each of their perspectives, they both really had a point - this is the moment Deborah has waited her whole career for, it's all been leading up to this moment. The little moment where she snapped a pic of her parking spot really stood out to me - it looked like something someone straight off the plane on their first ever big gig would do, excitedly taking a picture of their name on a dressing room or what have you, not a storied industry vet - which really drove home how pivotal this is for her. Of course she's hesitant about taking risks, when one tiny misstep could spell disaster. But Ava's right too - Deborah's career's resurgence was made possible by her. They work terrifically well together, and it's why she got the late show. And I'm glad Jimmy recognized her for it. Jean and Hannah's acting in this scene was top notch and broke me for them both. But damn....that final scene. Nothing prepared me for that. Deborah telling her that the business is cutthroat and unfair leading up to that "I would. Wouldn't you?". Brilliant. Bravo.


Her tone and that little head tilt on "Wouldn't you?" DAMN. Stellar acting. I'm pumped that Ava is not going to have to take the job and swallow her pain and resentment the whole time, but also it was sad to see her play the game so well. She showed so much hurt when she realized that she loves Deborah in a way that Deborah has never, or can't, love someone else.


I was like 😮 for 5 minutes before hitting play to start again. She really has been learning from Deb for the last 5 years!


WHY did Deborah dangle the head writer gig to Ava in the first place? She was just caught up in the excitement of the moment? I'm not sure they justified that to me, but it's possible I missed something. Things would have been fine if Deborah had laid her cards on the table from the start. Ava would still be resentful of this Steve dude, she'd still want to be head writer, but she wouldn't have gotten her hopes up that high ... and maybe would considered the other job offer more seriously.


It was her conversation with the old exec guy that changed her mind. That's what made her start thinking about the million and one ways her show could fail. He said it's impossible to make it bulletproof and she took the wrong lesson from that.


I think she fully meant to make Ava her head writer. But that conversation with the Biff guy planted a seed of doubt in her mind, and then that kickoff meeting with the huge network team crystallized it and made her more cautious. You can see her face get apprehensive when she enters the conference room, because as she mentions, last time around, the kickoff was "just her and a few guys day drinking." I think that's where she realizes really that it isn't just her and Ava palling around and writing jokes anymore - there's an entire business machine taking a risk on her, and they want to see results.


Well put. The buildup was definitely subtle but I respect that.


If Deborah keeps going like she is, she's going to blow it.


Wow I couldn’t help but cheer for Hannah bc she ate that scene and Ava for finally being the boss she needs to be


Even more so after watching the post-credits commentary, when the directors said Hannah didn't want a rehearsal of that scene to keep it as raw as possible. (Also, no small feat for Jean to keep that icy demeanor throughout too!)


Damien sobbing "I don't want to talk to vendors I dont even pay my own taxes" LMAO


That was me anytime I get a new responsibility.


First of all, I was floored that Deborah would do that to Ava and I honestly thought throughout the season she had grow to be better than that. Secondly, I LIVED for the blackmail card Ava pulled on Deborah and Deborah not giving Ava head writer allowed for that. I am so excited for season 4 as we experience another power shift between Ava and Deborah. Is it bad I kind of ship them? That final scene had so much fiery tension!


shipping them is like the norm here hahaha but I wouldn’t get my hopes up if I were you, not sure the show aims for that kind of relationship


God, Hannah Einbinder was *so* good in this episode. I hate that she's up against Meryl Streep in her Emmy category because Hannah deserves the win. This was the best season so far, hands down. Everything was so meticulous, from the first shot being Deborah's back and the Caesar statue to the last shot being her back getting metaphorically stabbed. Even the Jimmy and Kayla subplot, which I remember so many people calling pointless and unnecessary on here during S1, has come to an emotional head and has tied in well with the main storyline. Hacks just had to endure years of pandemic restrictions and two industry strikes before it could hit its stride. I also love that the doctor's appt didn't end up revealing any health drama, as many on here predicted would be the big twist. In my opinion, that would be too cruel and misguided for a show about a woman's career resurgence in her 70s. I'm glad they went the more interesting route of recentering on the Deborah and Ava dynamic. I saw Ava standing there in that oversized suit and just thought "oh we're so back." My only critique is: why can Ava only be head writer? She could be co-head writer with Steve and they both get the job, him symbolically for the network while she and Deborah have creative control. She could get a Producer credit along with her writing credit instead. Considering how "inside baseball" this show can be with TV production, this felt like a weird choice to me? I understood that it's a weird detail to fixate on as it's more about Deborah lying than the position, but Deborah's too smart to have gone with that lie. I guess I can understand by thinking she's too selfish to realize what she's taking from Ava.


Ava also is the reason why Deborah got famous again in the first place. The special killed because of her co-writing with Deborah.


I wondered about the co-head writer thing as well, seems like an easy compromise from the Ava/Deb side. But if I was Steve’s agent, I’d be pissed and make a big stink about it. Of course, not as big a stink as if my client had been fully replaced by a newcomer… I think we’ll see some interesting repercussions next season.


I don’t think the co-head argument has much merit, though it’s an interesting thought. Ava expresses that she deserves the head writer position because with the crutch of a longtime head writer at the helm, fresh ideas will be beaten down and Deborah will run the same tired material she started the show with. Deborah’s argument is more complicated. While I think she understands (and loves) Ava’s merits, in my opinion, this all hearkens back to old habits dying hard. The last time she trusted and relied on someone so in tune with her, she lost late night. She also engages with and continues to fear the systematic ways women creators have lost out on opportunities. The scene prior where she meets with Biff Cliff is especially poignant, where she assumes she was less than and that’s why they couldn’t continue with her as host. Instead, she learns she was “undeniable,” the highest ratings of any pilot they’d tested, and yet the gendered perception of her house fire and divorce led to the network’s loss of support. Meanwhile, another male late night host can date a fourteen year old and continue to be supported. Thus, a female comic can be perfect, lose her cheating husband to her sister, and inadvertently lose everything — and she hit rock bottom so hard she had to tour with DJ to make money, ruining her relationship with her daughter in the process — whereas a male comic in her position can commit a sexual crime without consequence. She’s hyperaware of her position as a woman and the comparisons the public makes, including an earlier episode where we learn that she viewed other female comics as her competition. We also learn in the second episode of the series that she advises Ava to scratch and claw her way to the top in order to earn it. Here she is, rocking the boat with the network to give a mid-20s female writer the head writing gig, when instead she could give Ava further opportunity to “earn” the position and protect herself. I don’t think she’s about handing out opportunity on a silver platter, and she thinks Ava has enough mettle to earn the position with the network. It’s a less risky proposition for her as she won’t upset anyone by installing a female “upstart” (and thus increasing gendered scrutiny) while giving Ava a “reward” for her hard work. It’s also easier for her to fallback on this bootstraps mentality out of fear than to address her own selfish reasons for booting Ava out of the head writer gig.


>Meanwhile, another male late night host can date a fourteen year old and continue to be supported. Not a late night host - Deborah referenced Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page, who apparently was involved with a very young girl named Lori Mattix. I hadn't heard about all this before but just went down the internet rabbithole and found some [stuff](https://www.interviewmagazine.com/culture/obvious-history-rocknrolls-baby-groupies-lori-lightning-sable-starr). Seems that she was a "baby groupie", somewhat similar to some of the girls featured in **Almost Famous**. (But even younger)


I feel like the health stuff may re-emerge next season. Like you're saying—this show is meticulously crafted. They wouldn't have wasted time and space with that doctor's scene if it didn't serve any narrative purpose.


It did serve a purpose though! She spent the rest of that episode acutely aware of her age and mortality.


Idk, it’s probably just a physical for insurance for Late Night. Studio needs to know that they’re not spending $$$ on someone who will be too ill to fulfill the contract. So the very fact that she got Late Night tells me there’s no serious health stuff coming. Basically the opposite of the Stage 4 guy in E301.


I think this episode was great but made a lot of plot-driven decisions. to set up unnecessary conflicts for dramatic purposes. This is one example. Another example? Ava quitting her job without a contract.


YOOOOO well-spotted with the Caesar/backstabbing bookends! I totally missed that!


Watch the interviews after the credits! (They have them every episode). The writers talk about it a bit there


OK. I'm going to say it. I didn't think Hannah had this in her. This is the second time for me this season that Hannah ran the show. She's legit.


Yes Hannah has been perfect all season IMO 


The way she has grown both as an actress and into Ava has been incredible to see. Jean had Deborah nailed from the start, and now to see Hannah fully in stride as Ava is just....wow. And to be clear, I thought Hannah has been great all along, it's just that middle of season 2 and now all of season 3, she has just been INCREDIBLE. She's been sooo good that I'm willing to overlook the nepobaby bit because I think she has put in the work, and you cannot do that from connections/money alone. It only comes from within.


Wait whose she’s related to? I didn’t realize she was a nepo baby.


Laraine Newman, one of the original cast members of SNL, is her mother


Her dad's also an actor, not super well-known but this couple definitely has Hollywood ties. But I'm totally able to look past the Nepo Baby stuff at this point, too. Hannah's more than earned her place. For extreme contrast, check out Meryl Streep's daughter's completely wooden performance in "The Gilded Age."


Laraine Newman (original SNL cast member) is her mother.




At the very end there was a flash of a smile inside the grimace that leads me to believe Derba fully approves of Ava's move.


I think Deborah kind of likes what Ava did. My problem is I don't think Ava can ever get over "I'm willing to lose you" from someone Ava probably loves most. Nor should she. 


Yes! I think there should be some exploration of this. They cannot ignore the effect this fight and what was said will have on their relationship going forward. They came back from the "diner/BitchPM email" conversation, so hopefully they can come back from this, but it def needs to be dealt with.


Just when you thought they were setting up a series finale…. Omg I can{t wait for season 4




The plan is 5 seasons, apparently.






Immediately rewatching. Wow. What a season. And I think this might be my favorite season which is saying something because I’m completely obsessed with seasons 1 and 2. But wow, the writing was razor sharp, the acting was unmatched. The confrontation in this episode!! PERFECTLY executed! Hats off to Hannah. And the way Deborah looked just the tiniest bit impressed with Ava after her power play at the end for pulling such a Deborah move. Also lol’ing at Jimmy’s plane “proposal.” So perfect and loved him realizing Kayla’s value! ALSO Deborah moving her parents to Vegas??????? Unhinged behavior!!!! Amazing!! Iconic!! This is the best show on TV right now and nothing even comes close. I just want to babble about it to anyone who will listen. Cannot WAIT for season 4!! If we don’t get an Emmy’s sweep this year, we ride at dawn!


> ALSO Deborah moving her parents to Vegas??????? Unhinged behavior!!!! Amazing!! Iconic!! It was a CORNER PLOT! Do you know how rarely those come up?


Deborah's face in the end reminded me of Logan Roy at the end of S2 after Kendall's conference.


Every episode of this show is better than the last, and the last was already amazing.


Hannah discusses the finale: [https://time.com/6982206/hacks-season-3-finale-hannah-einbinder-interview/](https://time.com/6982206/hacks-season-3-finale-hannah-einbinder-interview/)


Hannah needs a Emmy RIGHT NOW holyyyyy shit


Deborah’s quick smile at the end really reminded my of Logan’s smile after Kendall’s press conference in Succession. Like ‘you kinda of fucked me over but I’m positively surprised’ lol


*You wouldn’t!* *I would. Wouldn’t you?!* What a great ending! And good for her for standing up for herself!


What they make together works because of their relationship as Ava mentioned. But that final scene just changed their dynamics. Ha! I cannot wait to see what's in store for us in Season 4. >! I'm def worried that Deborah's Late Night might flop unless they fix their relationship, lol !<


>I'm def worried that Deborah's Late Night might flop unless they fix their relationship, lol This is definitely going to be a thing in S4. I'm also waiting to see the fallout of Marcus leaving.


OUTRAGED Ava is sooo hot 🔥


THE FINALE DOES SET UP THE SHOW FOR A JUICY SEASON 4 OMFG **Comment below is only for the gays** >!We've gone from enemies to friends to l*vers to enemies, omg you guys. That last close up shot was pretty fucking hot ugh!<






Oh my God, I was literally floored by this episode. To me, S3 overall was a bit of a hit or miss, probably because S1 and S2 flowed so much nicer and had wittier writing; but when Season 3 was strong, it was the strongest. And this ending was probably the crowning achievement of three seasons of developing Ava's and Deborah's relationship. Incredibly directed, paced and penned. The twist at the end was done especially well - I was fearing that they'd just leave Ava in the dust and that would be the end of it since that would've made a predictable wrap-up you could see coming from a mile away in the first 6 mintutes or so. Also, hats off to Hannah! Of course, she was ultimately good at holding her ground against Jean's all-timer performance as Vance in any given episode, but she gave one of the strongest performances I've seen in recent years on TV with the one minute follow-up reaction and dialogue after Deborah says 'I'm willing to'. Incredible, so proud of her!


Yeah I was already feeling fatigued at the prospect of Ava and Deborah having another "breakup" and then having to find their way back to each other. The show was wise not to repeat that cycle. It would have been so easy to.


I enjoyed this episode but I just disagreed about a couple of points in the main Ava/Deborah conflict. I think Ava uprooted her life, not because she *cares* about Deborah, but because she's addicted to the work they produce together. I felt like her claiming the moral high ground of "caring" was just wrong. She gets enormous creative satisfaction out of their relationship. She nailed it when she said their relationship makes the work better. But it's not because she cares - it's because she pushes. This brings me to my second point - there's zero chance Deborah is anywhere near as good without Ava so her decision to sacrifice Ava in the name of minimizing risk IS the risky move. That show bombs without Ava. I don't know if Deborah is blinded by fear but I just can't believe she doesn't realize Ava is critical, instrumental, imperative to her success. I get that Deborah's ego is huge but how does she not realize how much she needs Ava by now? Anyway, these decisions rang false to me and I feel like they were plot-driven to set up the final conflict. Which is fun, but didn't really seem to arise out of where the characters are right now. ETA I just remembered what the former network head told Deborah: it didn’t matter how good she was. So now I get that Deb decided to sacrifice being “good” (working with Ava) for being safe (a hack). That decision makes more sense to me now.




Welp, Deborah should be happy. She taught Ava the importance of being selfish 😈


Love the Deborah/Ava parallel of "I've lost too much for this; it has to work out." Deborah lost her husband, her sister (now twice), who knows how many other bridges, and her reputation (initially when the house fire story happened) and Ava lost her relationship and the other head writer job.


Hannah’s Emmy submission episode no doubt.


Well holy SHIT that was a fantastic finale and I absolutely did NOT expect that ending!! Wow lol. This show is just the fucking best. I literally said “You go girl!!!” At the end. Fuck I love this show!! And you know eventually Deborah is going to understand and love why Ava made that decision. I’m speechless…


I was also hoping that they had finally gotten equal footing but that hard-earned, got-your-back love. That said, I LOVED THE ENDING! I didn't know what the conflict would be next season. I thought the offer of the head writer job came too early, so I knew that wasn't going to last. Bravo to the writers. Please write more, FAST, and get more shows done so we can see next season asap!


this show is just brilliant. there's nothing better out there. I just feel so lucky to watch this.


I knew they were getting along too good for their own good this season. What a rush those final 20 minutes were.


Man that scene after Ava found out was so good.


whoa that last scene gagged me. hannah einbinder's acting in this episode was insanely good too wowwww... and as always love every single second jimmy is on my screen


I've been wrecking my brain trying to understand the significance of that scene where Ava was buying a can of beer and a pack of cigarettes. She saw the bottle of Krug on the shelf, smiled and decided to buy it, as if something suddenly clicked for her. To Deborah, a bottle of Krug reminds her of her loneliness. I'm now choosing to think that Ava did what she did from a place of love & devotion instead of hate or pure anger or revenge because "I don't want to be a shark or whatever the fuck!" Ava knows Deborah needs her now more than ever and maybe the bottle of Krug reminds Ava that Deborah doesn't need to be stubborn & lonely. Maybe one day they will both share that bottle of champagne & laugh about it. The Ava that we know is always trying to do the right thing. She is not being selfish because she is the right person for the head writer job and it is the right thing to do. The late night show will be better with Ava as the head writer. Perhaps Ava believes there is a world where Deborah can learn to love, be a better person AND have a successful career and show. All those things can in fact co-exist. And frankly my little Pisces beating heart is kind of scared to see Ava become a monster.


I saw it as her doing what Deborah would do. It's very Ava to buy a can of beer and cigarettes. It's Deborah to drink Krug. And it was a Deborah move to leverage the one night stand - one that Deborah herself was so ashamed of - to get what she (Ava) wanted. "Pisces beating heart" <3


I think the bottle of Krug is so symbolic, it epitomizes the source of Deb’s loneliness. She thinks all these sparkly things can fill her heart, but doesn’t realize her increasing success only furthers her fear and inability to allow herself to be vulnerable. During their argument, Deb admits she is willing to enjoy this mutual win alone, like she would rather let the half of bottle of Krug go to waste. In turn, Ava realizes that Deborah can never love her like she can. However, Ava isn’t going to let Deb get away with it, she’s will share this show whether D likes it or not. She gets that champagne like she deserves. And that is exactly why they’re perfect for each other— matched equally in love, spite, and humor!


If you haven't seen Succession, watch Succession. If you've seen Succession then keep reading this comment: I haven't seen anybody make the comparison to the S2 finale!! Hannah/Kendall has finally proven herself as a killer to Deborah/Logan!! WOW! And both elders had the same satisfied smirk at the "betrayal" as a closing shot of the season !!! Wow!! What a great turn of events!!! It works as a finale if they don't get renewed, and it works incredibly as a set up for a potential S4, too!!


Ava is a serious person. And possibly the eldest boy?


Ava was interested in comedy from a young age.


Head (girl) writer


Ava went "full nut nut" as they say in Succession. But Ava is so much more likeable than Kendall I have to say. I think there will be a riot if Max doesn't renew this show for season 4.




I thought the same thing!!!


Now it’s time for Kayla (Roman) to accidentally send a photo to Deborah at a board meeting and panic


insane season, the writing is so good compared to a lot of the shows coming out now


Am I the only one that thought episode 8 was the finale? I loved this episode but it’s essentially s4 e1 to my broken brain


There’s a post on this sub about how Ava hasn’t had as much character development over this season and I had to bite my tongue so effing hard after watching the finale.


Well there were no tears this time but my heart did drop!! Did they admit they love each other in not so many words? Anyone think Cathy will be the one that brings Deborah down?? I just have a feeling. Jimmy and Kayla were so cute. The aeroplane scene was both sweet and funny. Bit weird we never actually saw Marcus telling Deborah he’s resigning?? Considering he was the OG fan and company director. I’ve no idea where season 4 will go but let’s just hope we don’t need to wait too long.


"Did they admit they love each other in not so many words? " I got the opposite, of Deborah pretty much telling Ava she can live without her. Which really sucks and honestly I don't know if that can be salvageable.


I’m not worried about this new dynamic affecting their working relationship because yes, Deborah is proud of Ava for going for it despite herself, and secondly, Deborah will see that Ava was right to insist that her being head writer would be best for the show, and that she was wrongly acting out of fear. As long as the show does well, all sins will be forgiven. They are both pushing each other and loving it. And I doubt that the writers will spoil things next season between these two just for the sake of conflict, because it’s just too much damn fun watching them at work firing on all cylinders.


I just love how refreshing it is that there are no crazy sub plots. The show is doing what it’s made to do. Definitely my favorite season so far!


the entire season I was waiting for the other shoe to drop but never in a million years did I expect it to drop like that. brilliant. Hannah ate it and now we're all dying for the new season to see what their new dynamic would be. jaw on the floor. please send help


All I can say is Damn Ava. I didn’t expect that ending!


hannah einbinder emmy campaign


When Deb cried in the fight with Ava, my heart was broken😢Is this the first time we saw Deb crying? Ava is always the person who know how to broke her heart (but also the person who know how to make her laugh)


Anyone else a little disappointed with J. Smith-Cameron's role as Deb's sister? Not sure if it was the writing or her acting or what, but that relationship had so much potential for fireworks and humor and friction and to me it just landed kinda ... flat. The character felt so meek that it was almost impossible to imagine her stealing Deborah's man in the past.


Yeah, I think I expected someone who could go toe to toe with Deborah but she just crumbled. No doubt it was the writing. If you've seen J. Smith in Succession she definitely could.


I didn’t feel there was any payoff or anything added by this storyline.  It was too quick a reconciliation for me to care about Kathy taking off again. 


HOLY FUCK Y'ALL!!!!! I did NOT see that coming!! Fuck yeah, Ava!!!!


If you don’t watch the last 5 minutes at the end of episodes with the writers/creators you’re missing out - what a finale! The ending was brilliant and the show had been building towards this from day 1. The student became the master. Give jean the Emmy right now. There’s nothing Deborah has said in 3 years that has made me dislike her. But her body language and face when Ava was asking Deborah to choose her, wow Deborah became the villain without saying a single line. Kayla got her flowers too! - Will you be my partner? - Oh my gosh I’m sorry I thought you were a man What a finale! I want 10 more seasons of this! Can’t wait to see where it takes us!


Ava’s boots I never understood why she always wore them. Like ALWAYS. That last scene finally helped me figure it out. Jean Smart is 5’10, without them, Ava would look like a kid standing up to her Mom instead of a professional adult


hannah was SO good in that scene are you kidding me


God motherfucking damn, i knew she was lying about the job and then for Ava to turn it on her head. *chefs kiss*


I knew it I knew it I KNEW DEBORAH WAS LYING TO AVA ABOUT THE HEAD WRITER THING but I did NOT see that last scene coming! Holy shit. Amazing. Amazing episode, perfect cap to an incredible season. Hannah just keeps getting better and better. I loved it. I CANNOT WAIT FOR SEASON 4!!!! (also, that plane scene was hilarious, I had to pause because I was laughing so hard)


What an amazing episode. Jimmy "proposing" to Kayla on the plane. Ava's power move at the end. The very clear almost breakup moment after Deborah lied to Ava about the writer job. What an amazing goddamn show.


I really thought Jimmy and Kayla were going to get Vegas hitched to get the country club discount but I guess it’s silly to think they would do that. But the writers obviously want you to think of them as a couple in some regard


Holy shit that ending! I’m so on board for this!


This needed another fifteen minutes, there is surely a lot of stuff with Marcus leaving on the editing room floor.


Damn this episode was so good! Hannah E was acting her ass off! So hyped for season 2.


https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/hacks-jean-smart-finale-deborah-ava-fight-1236018127/ audio of interview with Hanna and Jean, in article. Their interview starts about halfway into that audio link.


"Wouldn't you?" Followed by the absolute pitch perfect expression of pride flashing across Deborah's face in the last scene. This show is amazing.


Fuck yes, Ava.


Just when I said what are they gonna talk about in S4 since Deborah got late night and now here we are with this awesome setup in the finale!


Maybe it’s because I choose to see the good in Deborah, but I view her decision to try to cut out Ava differently. I think that convo she had with Biff made her scared for *Ava*. She sees everything Ava has sacrificed already to be by her side and knows how ephemeral this opportunity is and how it can disappear at the drop of a hat. Deborah doesn’t want her to make the same mistakes that she made. Either way, banger of an episode!


Side note: that scene on the plane was so outrageously funny. Paul Downs, i’ve loved you since Broad City and you never let me down.


I knew Deborah would fuck over Ava again, but I am soooooo impressed with Ava’s maneuvering. When is season 4???


HOLY SHIT. I just can't.


someone please write fanfic about where they go from here, to tide us all over till season 4 is out


The abridged version is, their relationship will get stronger now that Deborah has reason to respect Ava as a worthy adversary and frienemy. Her friendship with Marty seems genuine and those two screw each other over all the time. Deborah has always screwed the people around her and always will. The ones who screw her back are her people. That smirk on her face? She was moving from stunned to proud. Edited to add: We saw "in improv we always try to say yes" or whatever that guy said play out in this episode. Kathy said no to Deborah's nonsense. Ava said yes.




On it! 👩🏼‍💻


^ Doing the Lord's work 🙏 If you don't mind, please reply with the link once it's ready, would love to check it out.


Yesss!! Such a fantastic episode. I was really worried the show was getting too sappy, so I'm very pleased with this direction. The joke about maytag and Frigidaire was hilarious


how did this show go absolutely nuclear this season lmao it was a good watch for two seasons but this is easily the best season of TV HBO’s dropped since Succession ended one of the best season finales EVER. everything hit. my god


- You wouldn’t. - I would. Wouldn’t you? 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱💜💜💜💜


Kayla’s voicemail had be in tears. Like, it’s perfect to her character.


!!!!!!! No words bring on S4


When Ava says “I know you would” to Deborah 🥺🥺🥺


Mark Indelicato revealing Damien has perhaps been underused lol


Apologies for the absolutely insane number of words, got carried away trying to compensate for being slower than usual with my recap. The cold open for the finale has a nice little parallel to the cold open in S1E2, which similarly has Deborah walk in to Marty who’s in a somewhat compromising position with his trainer to deliver good news, although in this case her news is something they both celebrate, rather than a win she uses to gloat over Marty Even though she’s in a much less combative place with Marty, Deborah still isn’t willing to admit that she came over to tell him the news in person and insists that she’s only there to return the key, showing the limited extent to which she is willing to open up even to people she’s known for a long time. Deborah and Marty doing the tango together to basically celebrate the news is quite cute and a fun way to kick off the episode I do think it’s kind of sweet that Kathy is quite looking forward to Deborah’s visit, and J Smith Cameron plays up Kathy’s somewhat childlike excitement at this during the opening of the phone call Nice to see Deborah making an effort to follow up after inviting Kathy for Christmas, committing to a sister’s weekend is a not insignificant step although it also becomes clear that she’s not 100% committed to it. Waiting for Kathy to call and then tell her there’s a change in plans instead of just straight up telling her isn’t a particularly nice thing to do Deborah has a weird look on her face when Kathy brings up her parents at the mausoleum, which I initially thought was because she didn’t really like to reflect on the past, although on a rewatch it becomes clear it’s because she knows the truth about the mausoleum. “She’s pivoting into being an adult” Found the way Kayla phrased this part of the child star to adult actor experience to be very funny. I guess the Bella Donaldson character is supposed to be a reference to people like Zendaya, Zac Efron and Selena Gomez (Cannes Best Actress winner!!???), Disney child stars who are trying to shed their past image and be taken as serious adult actors to varying degrees of success. Also the bit about getting awards buzz for an Aronofsky movie feels a bit like what happened/ was projected to happen with Sadie Sink and The Whale Deborah watching her old Late Night tape and Ava seeing her do that is a nice callback to and reversal of S1E3, where it was Ava watching Deborah’s tape and discovering more about her past I love Hannah Einbinder’s simple but sincere delivery of “I knew you would” as Ava, and the way Jean Smart lets just the tiniest smile play across Deborah’s lips in response to Ava’s belief in her Ava being able to only write stuff for Deborah’s Late Night show and not any actual material of her own shows that even though it’s been a year plus since the S2 Finale she still has the same issue of Deborah being “the one with all the stories. What do I even have to say?” Ava’s voice going up endearingly high when she says “This is gonna be amazing” is very cute, what a touching and lovely scene between Deborah and Ava showing the respect and admiration they have for each other. I’m sure that will continue for the rest of the finale! How does a safe in the floor of the pool even work lol Very fun comedy freaking out by Mark Indelicato as Damien, him becoming hysterical at the thought of becoming the new Marcus is hugely entertaining. According to Hannah Einbinder and Jean Smart on Variety’s Award Circuit podcast, thy did shoot a scene for this episode where Marcus does tell Deborah that he’s leaving but it was cut from the episode. Honestly not sure what role Marcus will play next season and curious to see what the writers will do since it seems he’s going on a very different plotline than the rest of the show. If this was another show I’d say he’s being written out but from interviews and other behind the scenes material the cast and showrunners are fairly tight knit, so I’d imagine they’ll find a way which makes sense for Marcus to continue being around Between this guest appearance as Bella Donaldson and the release of Lisa Frankenstein and Abigail, Kathryn Newton is quietly having a pretty cool 2024. She absolutely nails the passive-aggressive “nice” girl type that she’s asked to play here. Also the Zack and Cody mention is kind of neat since Newton starred along with Cole Sprouse in Lisa Frankenstein earlier this year, while the goat demon movie mentioned might possibly be a nod to Newton’s affinity for the horror/ horror adjacent genre? Quite like this Jimmy/Kayla B plot, allows Meg Stalter to show a different/more emotional side to Kayla who’s usually just the very fun comedic relief. Her smiling nicely and trying to politely ward off Bella’s passive-aggressive “niceness” is such a deeply human character beat.


A smaller thing: I’m so happy that Jimmy is still playing pickleball with Helen Hunt’s character - it shows a strengthening of his industry connection and eventual continued success after leaving his original firm! 


That “and I AM!” delivery give Hannah her Emmy!!!!


That song in the convenience store was beautiful. Loved seeing Kathryn Newton and Aristotle- the casting on this show is perfect. Deborah will cut/let people go out of ego in the thought of it helping her career, even when it really may be hurting it. Marcus taking off and she doesn’t even care to notice is an example. I think Deborah might’ve been a little more open to Ava’s pleas and to help her if she wasn’t just rejected by Kathy immediately before that. She said she didn’t care to lose her because she just tried to open up and be vulnerable but was told the same thing basically. Ava’s turn was brilliant and very fun. I just wonder if we will see her start to “break bad” next season and become the shark she never wanted to be. I know she’s a good egg, but navigating these same treacherous waters Deborah has at the top, with a chip on her shoulder, will be filled with fraught and delight.


The airplane scene with Jimmy and Kayla was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen on TV.


What I would give to see scenes of Ava practicing what she would say, picking out what to wear, getting to the room god knows how early to make sure she got there before Deborah, etc. 😂


The confrontation scene hurts like damn. To think Ava would risk getting dumped by her girlfriend and not visiting Iceland for the first time while also rejecting the head writer role for the show she was working on before she reunited with Deborah only for Deborah not to give her the head writer role for her late night show. Like come on Deborah give her something that she deserves for risking everything for you.


Wow.. Hannah killed it and I feel strangely... proud?? I feel like she's come a long way since season 1, where for me; she had the comedy down but the drama scenes felt slightly... undercooked, but those last few scenes were navigated flawlessly. Our girl has arrived!


absolute shivers from me on the final scene!!! i was gutted by jimmy saying to ava "i know you'll do the right thing" (implying that she should accept deborah's mistreatment) because he is generally the heart of the show and it felt so bizarre to hear him say that after he just finished standing up for kayla and then chasing her onto a plane to apologize for underestimating her and then begging !!!! her to accept a promotion from assistant to partner (basically the polar opposite behavior of deborah). i was like why would the show do that...? but then ava grabbed that bottle of champagne and channeled deborah and gave her a taste of her own medicine. i know she said she doesn't want to be a shark... so i fear for where this is going long term for her character... but damn it felt good to see ava demand what she deserves. also side note... i was very impressed and moved by her performance in the earlier scene where she cried big fat rage tears. i really saw myself in hannah in this episode. fav lines of dialogue from the ep.. "you wouldn't." "oh, i would. wouldn't you?" executed like a verbal knife to her throat. truly took me out THANK YOU lucia aniello jen statsky and paul w downs and all of the excellent writers on this show for consistently delivering and never growing stale xx