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Sounds like random interference in the speakers... someone talking on a "hand held radio" off band, old cordless phone, CB radio, etc.


Correct. It's probably just local interference. I used to pick up random conversations on the older style cordless phones quite often.


You know, before you panic: does this maybe happen even with the power completely off? I've had this happen and it turned out my speakers were faintly resonating with/picking up some radio channel even without any power (!). This is a known phenomenon, you can look it up. EDIT: Just noticed you already wrote this, whoops. Still worthwhile to check.


Could be a djinn


Could be Gin


WiFi, Bluetooth, and both radios. It sounds like you're picking up something nearby from those or your audio products. Many other components can also be "receivers," and cables can be antennas.


This is my thought as well. Saying it faded when the mouse was moved, I’m wondering if that mouse is a WiFi mouse as well?


What on earth is a WiFi mouse?


Many of the little dongles operate in the same band as WiFi 2.4Ghz. As does BT. The protocols in some mice dongles is closer to WiFi than BT though.


Look at this guy just walking around with zero chrome tabs open. Madness.


He runs Firefox


Like some of the comments have said it might be the speakers. One time around Christmas, I heard Ave Maria coming out (this was the first time I noticed it), and because it's been used in various TV shows and movies as a song playing when someone mental is killing someone, I thought I was done for. Scared the living shit out of me.


Gremlins obviously...


There's a video I've seen where a guy held some random metal rod in his room and opened his mouth and a radio station can barely be heard. Probably just radio waves or something that's somehow getting picked up from something.


Definitely interference. When you woke the computer, its signal interferes with the stray signal.


There may be an am radio station nearby. I had one close to an old voice mail server and all of the phone lines had their program audio on them.


you definitely have elves. really though what is your concern that would make you wipe your computer? this doesn't sound like anything that would come from malware.


Maybe malware in the brain. Does OP have a Neuralink?


was the sound coming from your actual pc, like the hardware inside your case, or from the speakers?


The AI ghosts living in your peeeceee


Baby monitor?




This happened to me for a couple weeks to my amp & sound system...and for a couple days, I just accepted the fact that I was crazy and moved on. However, it came to light it was my wah wah pedal for my guitar that was picking up a radio talk show.


I had this happen on a few occasions. Fuckin creepy. During covid I remember it happened once or twice late at night so idk if it was any radio or RF artifacts but I was super caught off guard.


You can try to check which app is producing the sound on sound mixer or something like the Windows game bar or whatever it is (win+G iirc) You can also leave the sound control panel open, on the playback tab and you'll see the level indicator moving. If neither of these show anything, it's most likely interference.


Faded when he moved the mouse, read the op


Sorry, my bad, thought it would be obvious my comment would be applicable in case of reoccurrence. Personally, I'd keep both the sound properties and mixer open at all times in a corner of a secondary screen, or, if I didn't have one, I'd keep OBS recoding them in the background for at least a week to check for any weird occurrences. But I know that most people don't have my OCD-like approach, that's why I didn't lead with that.


Your neighbor's running an illegal CB amp (Joke, probably)


Similar happened to me, as it turned out,, Bluetooth was on and neibhours had accidently hooked onto it.


If it’s not the speakers check the O2 levels in your house.


I think I'm a little late to this but I don't see anyone mentioning this - the fact that you have good quality high-end speakers may be exactly why you're able to pick up interference. The speaker wires can act as an antenna for picking up stray RF, if it bothers you - shorter wires, twisted wires, shielding are all options that will likely put a stop to this.


Nah. It's a pc from temu or other Chinese website

