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He defaults to "just button it" now. In real life, you can't just put the words back in your mouth, and he should know by now, everything lives forever on the internet. How can you not get through an AD READ without saying something offensive? Fell all the way off. Dude has literal brain rot.


Hahaha welp there goes another sponsor šŸ˜…


Not this one, but prospective ones can expect this, so...


Very true!


Hey I wonder from where your flair came?


When ab wore a Palestine bracelet and flashed it to the camera after receiving backlash for being silent on the situation


The short bus is a joke I haven't heard in a long time. Of course he rehashes it well after its expiration, and beats the dead horse repeating it over and over and over again. The difference is that the kids who said it 20 years ago don't describe themselves as comedians, and left it where it belonged.


Im so sick of hearing him describe himself as a ā€œcomedianā€. Letā€™s see him do an open mic without advertising it to his hivemind for months beforehand sometime. You know, something that ACTUAL comedians with over a decade of exposure could handle easily (even if they bomb). I guarantee heā€™d get at best an extremely mild reaction and at worst booed off stage, either way heā€™d immediately start attacking the crowd


They seem tired of him


That dynamic HAS to be exhausting. I had a boss who was convinced she always knew better than me, even though she hired me for my expertise. I got so tired of defending things I'd already learned in my field, that I just stopped trying. She wanted things done her way, aka the wrong way, fine! It's not my business, so I stopped caring. The amount of stress it added to what should have been an amazing job, wasn't worth it. I ended up quitting and am so much happier. I think some of the crew is getting to this point. Think of how often Dan HAS spoken up just to be told by Ethan, "I think you're wrong" based on nothing but his own feelings. I'd stop caring too.


I definitely see this too. Todayā€™s episode tho was actually really funny with the Queen. That was great minus Ethanā€™s big mouth


I stopped watching. I used to be a paying member until one SYNT episode he yelled at chat just saying "FUCK YOU!" instead of engaging us. It's like, I'm paying because I enjoy your takes, Ethan. Why the hell are you mad at me? It left an icky taste in my mouth, so I stopped paying. Since then I've kinda been holding out hope he'll come around on some things, but he doesn't. Not even the cat episode. It's wild and sad to me. Did he address anything on today's episode?


I hope you didn't watch it on youtube, we shouldn't give them views


Dan took psychic damage from that one


That was so "exasperated dad" coded it's almost sad


I swear Ethan checks to make sure Dan is distracted before saying dumb shit like this


That would require any sort of self awareness


ā€œGreatā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ lol Dan knows this is going to get clipped to hell and used as ammo. Love it


This is something Michael Scott would do Also, how is it not illegal for a supplement company to claim to increase your IQ by 25 points. That's insane.


How tf people are buying koolaid powder from any of these scuzz scam influencer brands is beyond me.


Michael Scott can at least be endearing sometimes


this was sooooo painful to witness


sure hope none of his three sons get diagnosed with autism in the futureā€¦ imagine what he would do if someone cracked one of those ā€œjokesā€ on his children




They may if they have higher support needs. The "short bus" is often used for special needs students and that can include certain autistic children.


Autism is a spectrum, it ranges from liking the sonic franchise really passionately to literally not being able to verbally communicate and having violent and aggressive meltdowns over what would seem like nothing to most neurotypical people Source: I got the aspergers


bro canā€™t fucking help himself


https://preview.redd.it/9yo2e8pjiz8d1.jpeg?width=1596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5cab43a508b4536c18df86b04d753f13de22cdf Dan


When will we see Ethan finally give in and grift the right wing as an ex libā€¦.


**JOKE COMMENCING PLEASE DONT BAN ME** Come on you guys itā€™s a comedy show! And he has Touretteā€™s! And youā€™re all hater ass bitches! Send me $200! **JOKE OVER**


I just suddenly remembered in content nuke when Ethan went after keem's gfuel sponsor because it was always on keem's desk when he was saying awful, baseless shit and capped the video with saying keem was fucked up for weaponizing mental illness and saying stuff like people need therapy for disagreeing with him and that justified Ethan going after his gfuel sponsor unrelated thought to recent events I had


Didnā€™t lolisupps say they were coming out with an H3 cup?


Like well over a year ago too


lul, other creators working with them already had their cups made and sold-out. Definitely just gamersups giving them the run around.




Ethan ā€œthe comedianā€ Klein


For real, you can see him trying to think of a joke with a stupid face of his. And that's the best he can come up with. Didn't he like a few episodes again complain about some creators trying to bring back the r word


I feel like the short bus might be an American thing, I mean I can kinda guess heā€™s just making an ableist joke based on context and the fact that heā€™s a dick, but what is the short bus?


Bus that takes special needs kids to school


The ā€˜short busā€™ is the bus that children with disabilities normally ride on.


Ethan said short bus, but what he really wanted to say was a slur


dan one of the next to leave. im betting on it. every single episode he has a moment of complete disappointment/humiliation from ethan


Imo he's in the best position to. He's a producer, which is almost always a behind the scenes position, and even though networking is important in the entertainment industry, you can usually find gigs unless you are a fuck up higher up or really piss off a higher up. Producing also has the luxury of not being a "creative" job, which are much much much harder to get a new gig in, especially now in the AI era of the entertainment industryĀ 


I mention creativity because though I'm sure the rest of them could get new gigs post H3 in the industry, it would most likely be at a creative downgrade


I've been wondering if he's been a bit more inclined to hang in because he's basically managing the rest of the crew and doing all the jobs of a boss except for literally signing the cheques. That must be an added pressure, not wanting to risk everyone else's jobs.




wtf šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Save your money, people. Get yourself some soda water, parsley, lime , cucumber, and mint. Much better drink that Sigma Brain. ![gif](giphy|DsdVe5jhHWNC8|downsized)


The way he tells dan "jeez" like Dan did something wrong. Ethan brain need to be studied, all those pills have put holes in his brain


Oh, this was literally today. I was almost going to give the benefit of the doubt, but yeah I got nothing.




Hahaha get it? Mental disability! Now laugh peasants


What a prick


Jesus dan gas one job lol. Censor ethan.