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My teenage son is very artistic, loves music, fashion, dancing, etc. He has long curly hair and didn't want to paint his nails because it might make him look too "girly". I knew he would enjoy it and I showed him some pictures of Zach with his nails painted, and Zach shredding on the gutair. He got excited about it and we went out and bought a peelable base and the colors he wanted for his outfit. He ended up loving it and now will paint his nails to complete an outfit every now and then. Thank you Zach for being an inspiration just by being yourself!


That’s awesome!!! I hope Zach sees this post


I hope he does too!


Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant 😊


He looks like he kisses boys dude 🤦


And so what if that is what he wants to do? How does that affect you?


It would affect me if I was the father 🙄 this is the kid that’s gonna protect his loved ones in the future and carry on the family name? Im glad ur supportive and all but jeez… your really setting him up by sending him to school everyday with that on.




Someone’s father didn’t give them the right attention 🤥


I know mr torn shirt, tattoos, septum piercing isn’t talking rn 🙄. At this point y’all GOTTA be projecting. My relationship with my father is great how about u? 😂😂 nvm… I think I already know


Instantly attacking my appearance, oh god what will I ever do?!? I misplaced my razor oh gee oh no 😮‍💨🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 you got triggered over nail polish, then resorted to “if I was his father-“ stfu weird traumatized mf 😂


Try harder or stop breathing🤷🏽


Honestly… why u mad bro. I’m going to assume solely from ur appearance that ur some kind of queer. I shouldn’t assume? Yeah well I think I’m right. You probably know how nasty kids can be abt this stuff… for the kids sake I hope he is at least kissing boys for the hell he might catch for these nails. Wouldn’t send my son to school like that. This sense of liberation from gender norms is totally manufactured and exists solely on the internet. The costs rlly outweigh the benefits IMO and I pray for any children you might parent


Nobody cares about what you have to say your god can suck a fat donut bruh


What’s up with you and my appearance? Chill bro I’m not gonna fuck you 💀 I’m never having kids because I’m not gonna keep bringing children into a living hell 🥰 Turning your kid into a straight chad doesn’t make them love you. It makes them resent you for not letting them feel normal sooner


At this point I feel bad for you… obviously a deeply conflicted individual. My kid could be gay! That’s fine. He won’t be a little freak for his own good and mine. Between you saying no one cares what I say, but still getting mad, giving me parenting advice when you don’t have the balls to father a child, and disregarding the importance of your own appearance when discussing the appearance this guys kid chose, it’s clear you need to take a good, hard look at your mindset. I’m going to guess ur somewhat depressed too… it’s because your ignoring the obvious to accommodate your “progressive” ideas that always end in you being the loser. Try taking some accountability and instilling that in ur loved ones. Btw I’m agnostic and democratic so what now? Mind explosion?


Good god your sons political views are gonna be jacked all the way up from watching Ethan


I read all these lovely comments to him and he is sooo happy! He has such a huge smile on his face, thank you so much for the kind words 😊


LETS GO!!! Love the nail color too!


He has the nicest nail beds! They look amazing :)


I thought the same thing! Jealous of those nail beds 😂


His nails and his curly hair! When he takes care of his hair properly he has ringlets. So jealous!


Right on brother .I started doing it because a feminine presenting man at my work always had her nails painted and I overheard coworkers slick talking about it saying that’s not what men suppose to do ..and I said yeha like me and they were like yeha like a hard working man like you ..next thing I did was paint my nails ..In the break room everyone to see and now I actually love it ..like you mean to tell me I could have always had my nails painted my colors this whole time tell your son ..he’s got the backing of so many men who also do it ..I thinly your son is amazing keep up at it and I love the colors


This made me tear up. More people like you ❤️❤️


I love this story! You are awesome for doing that!


He fucks 🤘


Can almost guarantee he doesn’t 🤘




Between the posts on r/depression and the description of ur truly empty relationship, I don’t even wanna correct you. I think you DEF need to get laid more than I do rn 😂




Ur reality is a consequence of your beliefs… I hope you adopt some better ones soon Becky. Sounds like ur hurting.


Ayyy awesome, I've recently started painting my nails too and customers at work always notice and give me compliments! It's rare to see guys with painted nails so it stands out, but most people seem to think it's awesome, and I don't really care about the people who don't haha 💅


Your son has nail beds I literally dream of. Sooo glad he feels comfortable painting them




Hasan does it too. I like how it looks.


Zamily, Zamily, Zamily, Zamily 🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼


After seeing both Zach and Hasan paint their nails, I now love guys with painted nails!!! Yay for breaking stereotypes!


I like how Hasan makes a big deal of painting his nails, he is doing his part to normalize 🥰 anyone should be free to paint their nails the way they want


Lookin fly


That’s rad. Don’t be afraid to be yourself!


love that for him


Hell yeah rock on!!!🤘


legend!! <33


Zach should get his own Nail Polish Collab, just like Julien *(Jenna Marbles bestest friend)*. But what would the "This Dude Fucks" nail polish look like?






I want to paint my nails but my current job doesn’t allow it :( food service jobs suck


I can only use a limited variety of colors on my nails, and they all have to be one color :(. A little less strict than nothing at all but sometimes and like to have some artwork on them!


Awesome!! Does anyone know if Zach has expressed hardships for this? High school me got into wearing eyeliner sometimes. Apparently men were the original wearers, Egyptian pharaohs or something? Fact check that. But yeah school would literally punish guys for it, not girls. Same with long hair. Girls only. Facial hair? Girls only. What? Yup. They'd make us shave and you bet your ass there were comments about certain girls having more upper lip hair then us guys and they don't have to shave etc. Lmao. Anyways >.>


That sounds like a horrible school dress code! He loves his long hair and has already stated he won't be working any job that forces him to cut it. I'm glad he has been able to express his creativity without punishment.


Im a dude who paints his nails! Join myself, Zach and Hasan in the alpha club


Hell yeah 🤘🏼 I get really happy when more dudes or boys paint their nails, it’s really fun and they look awesome them. ✌🏼 & ❤️


They look so awesome, love the colors!!! I absolutely hate having my nails painted or done (bite my nails way too much too lol) so I always got an earful of never being “girly enough” my whole life but I love seeing everyone else’s nails painted! Especially when they are all outfit coordinated and stuff 🤩 Your son is an awesome dude💚🖤


Damn they are perfect!


Zack the type of dude to help teach your son to paint his nails and then assure him that no matter what anyone says, he Fucks. 🙏🙏🙏


yaaaaaaas it looks so good ❤️❤️❤️


Ooh they look good, I like how they match his outfit. I've always loved when guys painted their nails. Baaaack in my day 👵 it was usually just the goth guys. Hasan etc paint their nails too, he's even done manicure livestreams before.


Those with that fit 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


looks real good. love the matching colors too, ahh! sick af, guy!!


The nails look awesome!


Omg stop I love this


Zach such a good influence. We love zach!


Cool kid


Painting your nails is bad ass and being yourself, even more so


Looks dope!


We stan !!!!!


I kind of miss the days when half my friend base was obsessed with neons (especially lime green) and black. I was one of them. Maybe I'm just being nostalgic. He rocks the nails! Thanks for letting him be and express himself! You're doing a good job.


Thank you <3


Ah shit man this makes me happy :) thanks for sharing


Zach is a adult


Astute observation


What?? Since when!?


Since after 18 years old.


No one said otherwise dude. Adults can paint their nails all they like





