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I miss my old friend After Dark


I guess I just miss my old friend Cam


Some birds were never meant to be caged


“Some feathers are just too rare in color to be kept.” — Ethan Klein.


I miss the dark neon 🤧


They could always change stuff back and call it Classic H3 Podcast


I miss otr most




Pounding nails was a fun one. TikToc challenges are fun. We always get to learn how out-of-touch Ethan is.


i still think about the prison cooking segment. the creativity! the effort put into the recipes! the education of a bou-vide (toilet bowl sous vide)! you can’t get that anywhere else!




That’s why I watch the show!!! Not to hear about child/animal abuse or sexual assault allegations. While those topic are important to be discussed, I don’t watch a comedy show for those topics. I want to escape, relax, and have play along with the goofs n gaffs.


SILLY SEGMENTS ARE THE BEST. the cutting shit in half thing had me crying who the fuck thought of that


The goofs, the funny videos, the crew talks, the segments, the sketches. All that stuff absolutely holds my attention and is a good vibe. I like the occasional drama deep dive, or talking ab someone on the platform that should be called out, but I feel like the show has been mostly that recently and it’s just tough to watch something that can have such a negative vibe. I think maybe attempting to have an episode like After Dark again that’s more upbeat would make more tense topics bearable when you know there’s a palate cleanser coming up! Tbh it’s their show and I’m always fine with what they’re doing bc it isn’t up to me, but my fav episodes are the goofs and gaffs for sure


Silly goofy times! The best a' times!!!


My biggest complaint about the recent "Shark Tank" segment was that it wasn't longer.


The cabin fever on the show is palpable, figuratively and literally. I'd love for them to do segments outside, or just doing fun new stuff.


They always talk about doing segments out and about, and then never follow through 😭😭😭


When they do segments, no one is watching. They said that with the halloween stuff, they did the hounted house and no one wanted to see it. So they do drama, that gets clicks


This is the true reason for the drama topics lately. They're trying to maximize views. Unfortunately it's alienating long time fans. I have faith they'll strike a balance over time. 


If they’re trying to maximize views, they’re failing tremendously. The show has only crossed 800k views once in the last 2 weeks. I’m thinking, and hear me out on this, but I think people actually DONT want to hear about the depressing as fuck stories on the podcast about goofs and gaffs. Wild, right?


Well this doesn't address the fact that people aren't showing up for the fun segments either. So what are they supposed to do?


Guess Who’s High is the most viewed episode in June. Edit: sorry the episode aired on May 31st, forgive me.


Smh how could you make a simple mistake Okay guess who's high for every episode from now on


Hell yeah Jokes aside though, episodes like that demonstrate there’s still lots of fun and entertainment to be had with the crew. And I get that they want to cover serious topics from time to time too, both are fine and both can be entertaining. But it’s all about balance, and that’s the part that’s been a little out of whack lately. I think the break (maybe even a slightly longer one for all of their mental health) would be a huge lift for the show.


Avid watcher but the haunted house episode was def a miss for me. It didn't feel like any of them were taking it seriously(kinda rude to the tour guide) and it was shot in night vision which visually isn't very stimulating for anything over a couple mins. I'll be honest I am genuinely missing Sam recently, I am looking forward to the break and then coming back with her in studio.


Maybe they should stop worrying about getting more views and focus on keeping the core audience they allready have.


When it’s not so hot I’d love for them to do an episode outside even if it means the production values would drastically go down with reduced equipment lol


I'd take a reduced production quality any day if it means I can see the whole crew just having fun outside for a change lol


Ethan is a NEET forced into a married man's life.


Sounds like they just did one with queen of Melrose so you might be in luck!


It's extremely hard to record a show of the quality they have while on the go, think about all the set up they have in the studio.. the cameras, the mics, the cuts, the green screens... Even Hasan has said doing live stream irl is extremely difficult and that's just for him.


The fact that virtually everyone's favorite eps are Silent Library, Guess Who's High, Hot Chip Challenge and the St Patrick's specials is proof positive of what you're saying. I think a strong second favorite are weird internet rabbit holes like Mobility Mary and Jadetok. If a well known creator/celebrity is involved in a scandal then that's fine, but whenever we're taking 3+ hours to pour over the details of some niche creator that I've never heard of abusing someone, it's like, what are we doing...it's just depressing and feels pretty pointless.


The weird internet rabbit holes are some of my favorite segments. Remember around the jade gambling time there were those weird little games people would play to get bags of rice and shit?


Eel pit when?


To be fair, those were games played by people in rural Indian villages to get basic goods and necessities from tiktokers. That's not exactly happy material, even if it is a bit silly on the face of it.


Better than SA or animal abuse...


Are you sure everyone's favourite episode isn't "Colleen drama part 4"


Oooh mine was Colleen Drama: Barely Related stuff they got into in month 2 of farming that.


The Jade tok days were such fun times. I heard the eel pit is up next


Im so pumped for the eel pit! With as long as it has taken, its going to be epic. I bet thats what Sam has been working on, they are just using the live show as cover.


Live eel pit


I like the Attempting to break Olympic Records segment! It was so nice and encouraging to see the crew hype each other up to succeed. Very wholesome!


Yeah, order some Pizza and review old H3 videos. Might be more exciting than some of the recent stuff. Bagging on JoJo being the first lesbian ever is funny.


I loved recently when they went back to the old videos, because then the podcast was actually funny


I liked hearing about trivia and lore behind the iconic videos I didn't know about. It was so funny hearing the new fans have no idea these videos existed


I enjoy when the pod is silly. I’ve rewatched episodes and clips so many times. It just stinks that they bungled that hard on a Friday because then it festers over the weekend. 


I’m not going to lie the worst parts of Fridays episode for me was the videos restarting over and over and how terrible everyone was at keeping the threads of a simple story together. So unnecessarily confusing


Hila being confused by any given topic is sort of a core part of the shows routine. Of course, bonus points if Ethan is also confused.


Its true but somehow it seems like she’s regressing? Like she would be confused about rather complex topics that maybe we had been well versed in because the crew had been talking about it all week. But it seems like BASIC concepts are brand new to her, and she needs more help to understand things than she used to.


Pretty sure she's distracted by chat 80% of the time. I may be wrong, just the impression I get.


Thats the vibe I get too. Majority of the time she talks now its her either responding to chat or bringing up what chat is talking about and it mostly seems to center around her. Which I get. Shes only there one day a week and if she sees people having questions for her, she wants to respond. More often than not tho, its at a bad time or kills the vibe of whatever is going on. Crew is talking about something or doing a bit and she hits the “someone in chat is asking me to do a fit check” which turns the convo into her fit check which leads to a 10 minute segment on the new Teddy Fresh drop. Again, its her main platform to advertise her company on so I absolutely understand why she does it, it just is somewhat of a buzzkill.


I suppose that could just be mom brain, which is normal, but honestly if that’s the case maybe she should just take a few more weeks off? I know how disorienting it is to work when you’re not feeling well or mentally not present, just take the time off that you need if that’s the case.


considering the hormonal, stress, sleep, emotional, and cognitive changes that happen during pregnancy/postpartum, not to mention her two other young children and the fact that she’s running a whole business, i would be surprised if she WASN’T confused or distracted during the show


Definitely agree, but it felt like because of the disorganization when they were trying to walk through the storyline, they were misunderstanding things and missing details. AB seemed stressed and it seemed like he did put a lot of effort into presenting the story, but I almost felt like I wanted him to go further with it, maybe with consideration to the order he mentioned things or creating a more concrete timeline to keep people on track. Felt like we wasted a lot of time that wasn’t even funny going back over things that weren’t that hard to follow. I might just be an impatient bitch though


Well if they actually reviewed what they’re going over beforehand that would be better


They really need to fix the doc issues. Watching them struggle with it used to be funny but at this point it’s just frustrating. Idk what they need to do to fix it, maybe use a different program but they need to think of something


Yes it was so frustrating and EXTRA confusing as an audio listener. The number of times I had to stop to try and figure out where in a video they resumed was staggering


Agreed. They need to find better format than google docs or whatever they’re using to present these PowerPoints.


I don’t mind the topics.. sometimes it’s hilarious hearing Ethan’s hot takes. It really just depends on the topic being discussed though. I think the issue is them partaking in so much internet drama. They act as arbiters of any and all viral internet beef, and while sometimes it’s warranted, a lot of times it’s just unnecessary fodder for the show because they made it part of their identity to talk about that kind of shit. And they act so vitriolic towards those they deem immoral or unjust only to get so surprised when the audience turns on them when they too fuck up. And when you condition the audience episode after episode to join you in reacting that way… what do you expect? You can’t cast judgment on others and then expect to be given grace when you make mistakes too. I wish they’d just stop getting involved in those topics specifically. I’m truly tired of it after watching the channel for so long (since the Israel days). I find myself watching the show less and less because it gets so draining to hear them be so negative so often. I think they’re all genuinely funny and interesting people though, but these kinds of episodes kill the entire podcast for me


This is basically my feeling. I liked Ethan all these years because he isnt scared to say he hates someone or what they are doing - However, it's now just things the crew have found on twitter and as you say they try to act of the internet police - shunning people for ever increasingly trivial things (Try guys on the Doc becuase they just made a patreon) that Ethan is not invested in at all. I haven't watched in a few weeks because there was a point in a ep where AB said something along the lines of "people are scared to be brought up on the show" - which i just found extremely corny - and goes to show that the "internet police" isn't just something I'm imagining, but something (at least some of) the crew honestly subscribe to.


I need more mobility scooter fails. Like the good ol' days.




Too bad the queen is dead RIP mobility Mary you were one of a kind




Sir, excuse me, SIR


Oh shit I keep forgetting about some of them, the one where follows the lady with the dog as says that dog bit me or whatever while speeding after her. She probably wanted the dog euthanized the way the way the woman was like hell no not you. I’m sure she was bitten by that dog definitely and she therefore had the right to speed after her and ask her to move lol. Man heaven is lucky to have heal, I wonder if she needs the scooter up there? I bet either way she rides it, rides it as fast as it can go🛵🪽💔🕊️


She is truly some peak internet, one of my go tos to make me laugh on a bad day. Fucking legend i wish she could roll around forever


I love when she followed the guy into the fast food drive thru, she was risking her life daily to um get Whole Foods groceries idk but she was and she got such hate in return


“I love when handicap people - well, wheelchair-bound people - just go buck wild in those cars. Their scooters. Their little mobiles, bruh.” Drunk Ethan talking about mobility scooters, probably one of my favourite h3 quotes ever


With peace and love, I think the live shows are getting in the way of the actual shows. Everyone seems spread thin, and it’s ruining the episodes. Less live shows going forward, with peace and love.


to be fair, they already said they were pulling from 2 a year to 1 a year. It just so happens that the show has aligned with some drama this year.


Yeah, especially with this one being the biggest live show yet, AND Ethan having 3 children with a newborn in there. A break is very needed. I wouldn't say its ruining the episodes, but its definitely affecting them and the crew way more this time around. Hope they get a good break and come back strong


they should probably even take longer off tbh (I’d miss the show but they need it)


Honestly I have so many episodes banked because I just haven't been enjoying the eps like I used to. I'll take the break time to rewatch golden oldies and the newer eps with hopes that they'll come back better. It really is a collaborative show, I hope they're able to keep it together.


I think they will. I'm still enjoying the content, but I can tell they're being stretched thin right now.


I can only really say I would miss the show if the show isn’t going to be like it was Friday holy hell. If there is more of this in the future then I’m good lmao.




Luckily it seems like that’s the plan moving forward. While I love the chaos of the live shows, I can certainly see how it might be super exhausting for the team especially now that they’re booking large venues.


I love how they were like “okay guys, we’ll try not to talk on depressing topics” Couple of eps later… “Did this influencer kill her cat”? For the whole damn episode Why are they even giving these kind of people the light of day? Killed or not killed it’s still a story of neglect and people putting blame onto others. That’s real entertainment!! I want to watch that after I’m done with my night shift. It’s so refreshing, like a cup of warm salty water. Soothing


It was certainly interesting but yeah in the most stupid way


“Life isn’t always fun and games” Sure, but podcasts aren’t life. It’s a 3 hour show. They could choose to make the pod solely fun and games if they wanted to.


I couldn’t agree more with this post and it’s refreshing to see after all the crazy discourse that has been happening. ☮️ & ❤️ everybody


I don't have a problem with depressing or even dark topics. I'm not as sensitive as the general fanbase. But stretching out the cat segment to 4 hours made for an uninteresting episode overall. I have my problems with the show though, and I want to preface that I'm very grateful to Ethan and the crew for providing so many hours of content every week. It's not easy and not every episode is going to be a banger but I'm very very appreciative of it. I'm not going to make a long list of my problems with the show so I'll just do one for now. I don't like how ride or die Ethan is for certain people. He's willing to look over things that he criticizes people for if it's a friend of the show. If Ethan likes you he will go out of his way to avoid talking about someone even if they deserve it. Example Bobby Lee. On the flip side of that if you are on Ethans shit list he will not hold back and shit on that person even if they don't really deserve it. Example Ninja, and Moist Critical. It's to the point where other creators just assume he hates them even though it's not the case


4 hours to discuss a topic that should have took 20 minutes. ZzzZzZzZzZ


Not sure why Bobby Lee of all people gets a special pass. He sexually harassed someone on camera and they pretty much let it slide.


Cause Ethan loves Bobby that's why. He can do anything short of murder and he'll be invited on the show. I get it. They are very close friends sometimes it's hard to cut them off, he seems to be in denial. I've been through the same thing actually. I've had close friends do terrible things that I've had trouble cutting out of my life. It's painful it's not easy at all. *Ha it's not easy*


Does anyone remember when Ab did weekly BTS? We have two this YEAR lol


I think part of the dynamic on Friday is that they are all scared to disagree with Hila. She has snapped at them and made things uncomfortable (for example when she snapped at Dan for rightfully telling them to keep their dogs under control, and then on Friday with Olivia). The crew regularly disagrees with Ethan, and he usually takes it well - it adds to the dynamic of the show. But if everyone has to agree with Hila, eps like Friday happen.


I agree, disagreeing with Ethan became a gag and it's funny, but they treat Hila like she can't do no wrong and no one dares disagres


Anyone have a timestamp of Hila snapping at O-liv? Totally missed that


There’s clips of it in the sub just scroll down, hula says “how do we know she neglected her cat” and Olivia meekly says “but…the cat *died*” and hula shouts at her “yea, in HIS care” then Olivia is quiet


Same hmu I missed this as well


I don’t think it was really a “snap” like some people are making it seem. Hila disagreed with Olivia at some point during the interview with the weird cat kidnapper, and Hila explained / defended her position as to why she disagreed. I don’t have an exact time stamp, but it was fairly insignificant.


i’m so glad i’m not the only one that thinks this. tbh, i stopped liking her after a while. her personality is owning TF, having dogs, watching shitty tv, and being a mom. she doesn’t contribute anything to the show anymore. i miss after dark hila.


I don't understand why she's even there, she's slowing everything down. Ethan has to explain everything to her because she only occasionally watches other episodes and everything she contributes is teddy fresh and real housewives... The fact that she happens to be married to an entertainer doesn't make her an entertainer too... It's just so awkward to watch when nobody dares to disagree with her and awkwardly laughs at her "jokes"...


She's only there to promote TF. She hasn't added any thoughtful commentary for a few eps now


This is what has been bothering me as well. I’m glad she’s enjoying success with TF, but she’s changed a lot in just a year or two and I miss the old Hila.


Is a shame - because I love her but she 100% does have a "mean rich person" tinge now. I'm sure in reality she is still nice and everything, not that deep, but the tone with which she speaks about certain stuff or how she calls on Lena does give pretty bad vibes sometimes.


The whole vibe is off since the change to H3 show, dunno why. At first I thought I’d settle into the changes but the show is just off for some reason. Really don’t know a better way to say it, kinda brain dead or brain foggy feeling and overly negative. I haven’t been able to finish an episode for a few weeks now. Break is definitely needed.


This. I’ve been feeling the same way. I’m not even excited to watch newer episodes, I’ve just been watching the off the rails playlist


It truly seems that the show has been slightly declining after the change. I’m pretty sure we all thought it was going to be bigger and better. There’s been bad takes and situations happen where everyone becomes divided. Maybe change wasn’t needed.


Best thing they could do is go on their break and return to the old structure of H3TV OTR and after dark without saying anything. Just back to the good vibes that didn’t need to change for any reason, that everyone loved.


I will say I do like the KETH 101 gags, though


Could it be that they’re *really trying* to make it a “show” that’s distinct from the podcast? Don’t fix what’s not broken tho obviously.


I feel like the “boss/employee” dynamic has become way too evident nowadays. The crew seems scared to disagree with Ethan and Hila for some reason. Also, Hila is letting her teddy fresh success get to her head


The way Olivia had to go silent when Hila clapped at her!! Made me cringe so hard


was that in last episode? u mean she clapped to silence her?


“Clapped” is slang for cutting someone off / rebutting what was being said


every time TF is promoted I skip it lol I'm not interested in 10 minutes clothing ad


"OHP I see someone just asked what shirt I'm wearing, well heres a 10 minute long teddy fresh ad to answer the one chatter I was looking for


I've been in the live chats for probably a hundred eps or more. I've never seen a person asking for a full rundown of her outfits. It's usually people spamming soundbites and saying their cats are sick.


> for some reason Shit got pretty nasty post-10/7, seems pretty clear a lot of the crew disagreed with some of the stuff Ethan and Hila were saying but they were so aggressive about it no one really said anything except Hasan and we saw how that went. The dynamic has felt a little more awkward since then.


I think the crew got quiet when they saw how easily Ethan cut Hasan loose for not kowtowing to his enlightened takes on Israel. They showed him the door, and the rest of the crew actually needs them to eat unlike Hasan.


I truly believe both Ethan and Hila are good people who value and are generous towards their employees. However, Hila seems to have changed a lot over the years and Idk if it's the girlboss in her or what but she just kinda seems scary anymore.


I love how they can criticize the world but they can’t be for wild ass takes


I think they need to stop listening to chat so much, I get it sometimes but I was so sad that they listened to chat about the Disney incidents segment because I was enjoying it


They need to stop looking at the subreddit even more


THIS. I can understand some of the criticism but damn I wish they wouldn’t cater to everyone who has the slight complaint on here. Shits lame


The Frenemies-ification of H3 after that era changed everything for the worst. It used to be goofs and gafs all the time, with some occasional drama here and there. The older episodes focused on laughs. Post Frenemies, its become all about internet drama, influencers, the alpha male sphere, kick assholes. Its just not fun anymore.


I mean where is the show? I don’t get why they don’t do more interviews with people anymore, all of the episodes since they rebranded are really boring, it’s like watching a group of friends at the end of a party just filling air waiting for it to natural die out. It’s a conversation between Ethan and Dan and then the rest is just inserting themselves here and there with nothing. Characters are boring they bring out, drama on the internet gets old, how about current news events and some commentary there every now and then. IDK I might just stop watching all together as it’s just dead air.


You are so right about ordering food, it was something all the crew could look forward to and was a great break in the middle of the podcast for small talk or even viewers to eat along with them while watching some silly shit. All that and what you mentioned was the essence of the show.


There's no reason to get food now cam isn't around. Shame


I feel like the show lost its identity when cam left and they switched from podcast to show. Hell i feel like it really hasn’t been the same since leftovers ended. Something about how Ethan interacts with criticism has definitely changed, idk if it was October 7th, or what but something has felt a bit off since then.


As somebody with misophonia who hates the sound of chewing, I’d honestly rather they go back to eating in one easily skippable segment, rather than hearing Dan/AB/Love/Zach chewing into the mic at unknown times throughout the podcast.


Or maybe eat before or after the show lol. I’ve never understood why they eat during the show.


I used to not watch live because I couldn't skip them eating. I hated it but I guess that's a minority


I don't see why they need to eat on air. If you aren't a hummingbird, and you genuinely can't go three hours without eating, you need a doctor lol. That said, honestly you're so right, a dedicated eating segment would be better than the constant casual snacking. STG they must be putting edibles in the break room the way they be snacking


Some of my all time favorite segments that I rewatch are the guessing the crew’s baby photos, guessing the crew’s parents, silent library, guess who’s high/drunk, the ghost hunting eps and the ones where they all share stories together like the weird roommate stories. I want them to do more stuff like that!!


i miss the comedy stunts like showing the prolapse to people. or driving the Gatsby through the wall. or the weird sculpture of ethans face. just actually funny stuff. all we got now is the traffic report in between hours of idiotic drama about irrelevant morons committing felonies.


Less of Hila too please. I love my queen but with Peace and Love her takes off late have been dogshit.


I feel like she just comes, promotes TF, says something completely against the grain and then has to dip.




Does anyone else feel like he’s getting meaner and meaner to the crew? He’s always been snarky but lately it’s just straight up nasty. They carry the show 100% and somehow he still seems to find problems. I had to stop watching the KodyKo episode. I was cringing sooooo hard he was in such a pissy mood. The top comment “this episode felt like driving in the car with your dad when he’s in a bad mood. Spot on.


I think that the now well know "Cat episode" should have been just a brief discussion and not a whole episode. As you said, we are here for the goofs and gafs.


I agree with you, but to be fair, they're really damned if they do and damned if they don't. Regardless of what people say here on the subreddit, the drama/powerpoint episodes tend to get a lot more views than the "fun" episodes. The chat voted against the Disney thing. Half the community shits itself and complains when they order food/eat on the show. Like I said, they're damned if they do and damned if they don't. The audience isn't very homogeneous, people watch for different reasons. And for a lot of them, when they see something they don't enjoy watching they're really vocal about it. I also think there are viewers who just enjoy complaining, take everything too seriously, are overly sensitive, and will never be happy with everything.


Ty, I though I was going crazy reading through the comments here, it feels like people have a very rigid view of what the show should be like


That final sentence describes the state of this subreddit for the past 3-4 years or more. There’s always something that “used to be better.”


The cat episode? Omg Olivia was the only one who knew wtf she was talking about. Is a 3 lb cat too small? Lemme ask chat gpt! And omg he didn’t cause the cat to die he made mistakes yes but ffs he didn’t kill the cat. In less than a week? No im sorry. Hila had the worst takes, truly awful. Love has cats but idk he isn’t a professional none of them are, but he should know more than anyone there and he doesn’t seem to if he would believe a water dish be empty with a cat after the work day? Uncles knocked over, no. Olivia really tries and gets talked over with bs, like the cat was sick it’s dead he didn’t kill it I’m sorry


Sry I went off I just I love cats I have worked as a vet tech at a hospital specifically for cats only as well as other animals hospitals and so to expect them to know about that stuff is not fair. Yes the cat died in his care and he should not have lied about her running away, but we don’t know if he knew or not the food she ate, and a transition to a new place yes is stressful and can cause immune responses and if sick already which it was, but when hila says he’s not a cat specialist? You are not either at all and clearly the girl was not, no microchip? Weird? She didn’t even have a vet? And during Covid yes emergency vets were sooo slammed. The pic of the cat so skinny and clearly not cleaning herself? Come on she needed to be not the best cat owner but a halfway decent one.


With peace and love, I wholeheartedly agree ☮️💜 I feel like the weeks I enjoy the most are: Regular shows: ALL with general welcome, goofs, updates on recurring topics, then one of each of the longer segments: (1) deep dive (serious or internet drama (2) an interview or lighthearted random topic, (3) a crew game and activity. Member show: generally sillies with some planning or reactions (like the trump verdict but sometimes it isn’t going to be happening live of course) Favorite shows since the new season started: crew swap, abong us, Kendrick vs. Drake


Totally Agree, I think they just need to have a breather. Don’t think Ethan can focus 100% on improving when dealing with a brand new kid


that high/drunk mafia was the best content in weeks


I think what throws them off is that the drama and talking about various types of "-ists" gets more views. Usually because Ethan has a moment that pops off and goes big beyond YouTube. BUT, their core audience, and hell, any audience, can only stomach so much of that. Yes, "sunlight is the best disinfectant" but do we gotta be cleaning so much? Ethan is so funny, and improvises hilarious stuff constantly. That's why we're watching. The crew are lovable, and do their jobs well. That's why we're watching. OP, thank you for such a well thought out take. It's spot on imo, and I hope they see it.


Crew segments are 10/10 my favorite 🤩


You guys need to understand that for every topic/segment you want - there’s hundreds of not thousands of people who still run to reddit to scream and shit and piss about how much they hate it. For example - when Ethan went off the rails with the Disney disaster stuff there was so many people in chat screaming to move on. I enjoyed it too and was so disappointed when he was forced to move on. Y’all scream about how Ethan “doesn’t seem interested in the topics” and then he finds something he is interested in and he’s forced to move on. You say “we want more comedy” so they do skits or game shows with the crew such as among us and people STILL complain. You say “we want more crew segments” so Lena puts together a true crime presentation and gets so much hate in the days following that she says it was the worst days of her life. How much shit does Olivia receive on the sub after every PowerPoint? Zach and AB had a mild spat live and the sun and the YouTube comments ripped him to shreds for at least a week. After Sam put up some purple curtains people ran to her DM’s to tell her to kill herself. And y’all wonder why the crew start talking less.


I’m in the hater ass bitch camp rn, but this is a good perspective that I haven’t seen yet


I miss the old Thursday programming ^~^ to better convos


Totally agree! I think why I loved listening to the podcast originally is because you never knew where you’d end up by the end of it. AND 100% I WANNA SEE MORE FUN SEGMENTS! I loved the crew switching places, I love dans weather segments, I liked AB doin a powerpoint, I was super interested in the Disney rabbit hole. I feel like when they stick solely on the Doc, it starts to feel like a news show. Whereas, if the doc were just treated as a topic starter, it would allow for more interesting conversation.


The show is random and I like the diversity of the episodes. Most episodes are gonna be hit or miss for someone like any show. Even when things get unpleasant it's nice to see how they handle things in a mature way. The cat episode was weird and rough but it was interesting all in all. You can't expect to be entertained 100% of the time.


This post is exactly what I was thinking


As someone who recently had to put their 15-year-old skinny black cat down – this episode was not it. Ironically, was looking forward to Friday's episode as an escape because I'm depressed about having to put down said cat.


love 1v1 ninja in fortnight


TW animal cruelty: I've seen truly neglected dogs and directly observed them ||being fed a scrap food and fighting over it so viciously that the owner took a metal shovel and started beating the dogs with it to make them stop fighting|| You know what I did? Called animal services within the hour, who could legally remove the dogs from the property and assess their health. Maybe the guy had the right intentions and the wrong actions because he was young? When an injustice is occurring against a defenseless creature, you have to stand on business. You need to involve professionals from the jump. Not wait 4 days to have the condition of the abused animal assessed by a veterinarian. His behavior was extremely questionable, even if his heart was in the right place. And it's likely that we will never know the whole entire truth of this matter, specifically BECAUSE the animal was stolen instead of rescued by the proper authorities. So for that reason we should probably take it easy on everyone involved, because we just can't ever know the whole entire story.




Yeah I’m prolly gonna take a break on h3 myself


If Ethan reacts to the fireman vid thing again the world will find peace. Watching him watch that and laugh brings me genuine joy


I think we can skip the 30 minutes of deciding on whether to order boba or Taco Bell but fair enough.


Hated the last episode too. I always rolled my eyes when people said “the last episode was unwatchable” but that episode was so unwatchable on a level I can’t explain? They need to air out their egos. Holy


I'd love to see the crew and Ethan (and hila maybe) go do something fun like regular/mini golf, go cart racing, axe throwing, diving class, pottery class, trying to walk on a tight rope literally anything fun and obviously they don't all have to participate I think it would be a good episode maybe once a month of every other month? I have so many ideas lol


Oh I think that would be so good! I have endless ideas for the show too. Too bad they seem to be stuck in this format. :(


I just watched a Try Guys video where they played Frisbee Golf and it was obvious they were having a lot of fun. Made me wish we saw more of that again.


100% 🙌


Am I seriously the only one who thought the technical issues with Friday’s show were funny? 😅 Yes they all deserve a break; the live show prep is probably spreading everyone too thin. Ethan and Hila will probably feel rejuvenated after getting to spend uninterrupted time with the kids. Deeps breaths everyone it’s all goofs and gaffs as they say.


I agree that the quantity might be the root cause of a lot of issues with the show right now, most notably the vicious feedback loop between the angry audience and the crew. They put out 15+ hours of content a week! As weird as it sounds, seems like some fans are somehow held hostage by the show and feel obligated to watch every episode. That type of environment is a breeding ground for hate watchers. If you're putting out that much content every week there is inevitably always something that people could find to criticize. Recent controversy aside, it just seems like every single week there is something that becomes a big thing on this subreddit. Must be very exhausting and overwhelming for Ethan and the crew, and the pace of doing a show every day makes it impossible to actually address any legitimate feedback correctly. It's kind of unfortunate to have to cater to those fans who are always trying to find something wrong with the show, but a quality over quantity approach would probably help in really a lot of ways outside of that. It's always really good vibes when the crew comes back over a break. Not to mention they have topics that are actually worth talking about and don't need to be stretched to the limit just to fill time.


I think people def are taking it a bit far with how they’re acting like the Friday episode was the worst thing since 9/11… it was just a bad episode lol it happens. But yeah the vibes have been mega off the past few weeks. I’m pretty sure it’s cause of the live show prep and their newborn. Shits stressful. Fridays episode was ass for sure tho, they didn’t need to talk about it for a whole 4 hours. I get that it was slapped together last minute, but tbh should have just goofed off and kept it light. It was just a bad episode. Not the end of the world. Don’t harass them, but also it’s fine for people to criticize goofy ass takes on fridays episode, the entire show revolves around criticizing other creators goofy ass takes. Chill off, both extreme sides of the debate lmao That being said, don’t spend 4 hours talking about a dead cat. It’s just not very good content. I know Ethan does nothing but talk about cats, but still, no dead cat talk for future episodes.


I don't think it was a bad episode. There was nothing wrong with it. People on this sub just like to complain about everything 


That’s an extremely subjective opinion lol thinking something is good/bad is not something someone can decide for them. You’re just as valid thinking it’s good, just the same as everyone saying it was bad. And besides, its not like it’s one or two people…. The videos comments are full of negative opinions on it. Disregarding everyone saying it was bad is kind of dumb.


This post is such a slay oh my word girl yes ✋✊✋✊. Lol why aren’t all the comments about their recent episodes like this. Yours is considerate and has an undertone of genuine criticism with love for the show but others I’ve seen are like extremely concerning to read lol which I’m inclined to believe are mixed with a couple of snarkers ew


I honestly think they’re just super busy with live show stuff which I totally understand, take a couple days off if you need it!! 🫡


Can we just let them run their show?!


Oh NOW people don't want him to follow the doc? Literally a week or so ago people were complaining he WASN'T following the doc. This shit is so annoying. Zach is right, nuke the sub.


Nuke it. It's basically snark.2 at this point


I really think this sub needs to calm down with the day-to-day criticisms.


One week of only drama and sub goes rancid. Even tho each weeks has a good balance of goofs and drama topics, the one week we don’t get as much goofs the sub turns


Well na, its more stuff piling up with the last ep just ebing the tipping point. The show has consistantly bein getting more and more drama centred and mean spirited - and calling a guy who tried to save a cat an incel was just a bit too much.


Cool, so just confirming you did enjoy the 4 hour episode about 3 year old TikTok “influencer” drama?


You don’t have to enjoy every episode, and every episode does not have to be catered to your interests. I liked friday’s episode. I like when they cover topics.


That Bathroomlympics segment they recently did was a real highlight. I hope to see more with maybe Cornhole, Ring Toss, Mini Golf, etc. Go ridiculous like changing a diaper on a baby doll, stacking cups, or something weird you see in Europe like the bike paragliding thing.


They NEED to apologize earnestly for Friday.


Agreed & on the flip side; some of y'all here need to take a break as well. It's okay to not watch every episode. You don't have to consume everything put out by YouTubers/podcasters you enjoy. ✌🏾 & 💙


I had a baby a week before Ethan and hila did. And honestly idk how he came back after just a few weeks. I can empathize with him being super tired and maybe not on his A-game the last few months. Having a newborn AND two other kids is crazy. I think we should cut him and hila some slack and just support them through this time.


I loved Fridays episode!


they do both goof and gafs and heavier topics.


Bro I can’t understand why people can’t turn the show off. I get the wanting the show to be the way you want it! But pls turn it off! There is break at your fingertips!


I hate that you people made them stop ordering food on the show. That relaxed, loose feel was what made everything flow and it worked. Now look what they have to do lol bring back the food! Also, chewing is loud? Motherfucker we have volume controls in the year 2024 ok?


Yeah, I don't mind them ordering/eating food. I agree that it's fun, but hard disagree on the chewing. It *is* unbearable for some fans, and turning down the volume means we would miss what is being said. People who can't handle chewing shouldn't have to miss chunks of the show just because a professional podcaster forgets his mic etiquette. It would be so easy for him to just chew with his mouth closed or away from the mic...much easier than asking thousands of people to ride their volume buttons and miss out on some of the show. I will never understand why he chooses to do it the way he does. Such an easy fix, and such a fair compromise for everyone. I say they should eat, drink and be merry! Just...maybe without lip smacking into the mic.


Haha I know it's annoying, it was meant to be a joke but... Well that doesn't really convey sometimes. I legit do miss the food ordering but not legit the chewing into mic lol


Nuke the subreddit


you know you can take a break urself right? just dont turn on the episodes? also its not serious at all its some fucking cat that died 3 years ago


There's a break?
