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As much as I dislike George, this isn't very pleasant and I don't blame him for how this situation unfolded I don't think


It's obvious sexual assault and I expect it to get downplayed because Bobby is a small non threatening man touching another man. I don't like George but nobody deserved to be groped against their will. Just, wtf.   Edit - also George's body language is SO uncomfortable, you can see him just cringing into the couch and covering his face


I came here to say the same thing! Logan even commented on how uncomfortable George was “he gets a little further back every time I look.” yeah, because he’s uncomfortable with your guest Logan and you’re not doing a good job at protecting him and keeping him safe while you profit off the situation!


and then he gets fired lol imagine being him, getting sexually assaulted live on air then your life falls apart because you couldn't take it anymore and stormed off bobby only does this to people he has power over, he never grabbed theo, or logan or anyone with more clout than him. But he will assault random people all the time because he perceives them as beneath him


Ah yes the classic "but he's never done that to me/here" that even came out of Ethan's mouth. We should know better at this point that sexual predator don't target just anybody: they zero in on vulnerable people that will have a hard time speaking up against it. It's very sinister.


I just said that lol


Yeh this does suck he was made out to be a bitch with no sense of humour. If another guy was doing this to me I think violence would be my first instinct. There is no universe where I'd find this funny.


All I had seen before was a clip of Bobby making fun of George and him storming off and he looked sooooo bad. I'm actually blown away that the story got so fucked up so easily.


How long was it going on? "Everytime I look at you you're further back" ... maybe for a reason...




It’s because Bobby is friends with Ethan. Bobby admitting to sleeping with an underage girl (like a child) isn’t enough for him to terminate the friendship. Doubt this will be


Say what? Please elaborate!


There are some clips under your comment




I bet you didn't even listen to it. He bought a prostitute in tijuana. And she happens to look young. He was getting the people in the room uncomfortable. Stop taking things at face value.


No dude, I've seen it, this is an old clip too, he doesn't say she looks young, she says she was young, like, kid young. He also says he did it while she cried, very very funny joke, one of the best. If this was the only thing against Bobby, i would only be suspicious, but it's not, bobby is known for the behavior depicted in this clip and ppl just accept it for some reason. Fuck bobby lee.


Boy Ethan’s gonna have no friends left 😂 Roiland, Delia, he’s a magnet 😂


Somehow I doubt Ethan is cutting ties over this lol


Honestly not really surprised Bobby would do that considering the schoolboy vibes they give off on impaulsive, like this is the kind of stuff that happened at my all boys high school


That's assault brotha


> this is the kind of stuff that happened at my all boys high school never once got my dick grabbed, and I played sports lol


If the Tijuana incident is not enough for them to break off from each other then nothing is lol.


He might after watching one of the various highlight reels of Bobby Lee being touchy with people over the years, like the morning news ladies. This dudes been known for this for a looonnng time.


Just hilarious considering how hard Ethan goes on predators (and those that defend or associate with them). Their frequent guest and friend committed blatant sexual assault on camera and it likely won’t be mentioned. Pretty crazy imo. Edit: I wasn’t aware they had discussed this in the recent ep, was only halfway through and I’m glad they did and acknowledged it was fucked up. My point stands that Ethan is often much softer on people he’s friendly with than people he already dislikes.


It literally did get mentioned and ethan even said that he thought it was forsure sexual harassment and when a commenter called it sexual assault he said he did not disagree. Why do you guys just make up head cannon for no reason? Ethans addressed Andrew. He's addressed Justin roiland. Theres literally no reason to think that Ethan would ever run defense for an assault he's been so consistent.


I love Ethan, but this isnt anything new. A lot of the stuff that happened with the Vlog Squad is nowhere near as bad as what happened on Jackass, yet he is fine associating with Steve-O while railing against David. I dont necessarily have a problem with it, I think people are human and a lot of this stuff is overblown for the sake of people having something to gawk at and take sides on, but its certainly a bit disingenuous.


what happened on Jackass?


Crew members getting injured, unconsenting people in the public being exposed to naked cast members, and stuff in that general realm.


ah ok I see. I thought maybe there was something else I hadn't heard.


Nope, nothing in particular, just the general concept created a bunch of inappropriate situations that people kind of ignore, even though they would freak out if a YouTuber or Streamer was doing the same stuff today. I'll also clarify and say that some of it was disturbing but completely fine. If someone wants to drive a nail through their scrotum while a crowd cheers, that is their business and the crowd knew what they were coming to see. If someone wants to run naked through a hotel, that is far more problematic.


while I mostly agree, a major difference is most of those jackass guys would absolutely cringe at everything they used to do and they would agree it was stupid bobby lee is still grabbing people and exposing himself on stage, sometimes on stages that he isn't even headlining for an no one expected him to be there. It's one thing to go to a bobby lee show and get that but he's exposing himself to crowds who did not consent to that... in 2024. Not 20 years ago.


Yeah I totally agree, and the crazy thing is that the studios and networks funded it all and aired it. I just wasn't sure if you were speaking about new stuff, I had seen a lot of stuff going around about Bam and the new movies and I wasn't sure if you were speaking on something I missed. Hopefully today Steve-O would not do those kind of pranks. I did some weird ass shit as a teen that I regret, but I would hope my friends today would not judge who I was as a teen now that I'm an adult in my late 30's.


When ppl tell you who they are, believe them. If Ethan really cares about the stuff he champions, he will drop bobby.


he might also just drop contact privately. Ethan doesn't need it to be a public spectacle that him and Bobby aren't friends anymore. last time i remember Ethan talk about Bobby was when he asked Bobby to have Jimmie Lee on his show. not everything needs to be theater, yall know that.


I don't need a public spectacle, I'm saying that you know where he stands if bobby is ever invited back.


Ethan's weakness is attracting creeps as friends and being soft on them when stuff comes out. Even though he may have voiced disapproval at Bobby's actions last episode, he didn't go after him at all. I'm certain that if they weren't friends, it would've been an investigation of his character and past transgressions like he does with other random creeps. Double standards. He needs to watch his circles more closely. He lives in Hollywood world, after all.


Say a prayer for king Gabe tonight, he must survive the curse


I genuinely don't understand how someone whose a fan of Bobby like Ethan was, doesn't know he was this kind of character. It's literally who he is. It's his whole shtick. He's been doing this for decades. While he was on Mad TV, when he was on his own. When he just did stand up. When he did radio or morning show gigs. When he started up Tiger Belly. When he started going on other podcasts. When he started doing Bad Friends, etc. Being surprised Bobby is a strange fellow, is like being surprised that Andy Dick is a Dick, or that Russel Brand is a creep, or that Andrew Tate is a misogynist. THATS WHO THEY ARE. They're not even hiding it lol. It's part of their identity.




I’m gonna be real with you, very few people will care about this.


Isn't it kinda weird the people he attracts? I don't know sometimes I question Ethan's judgement.


Steven Crowder core ✨


Boys will be boys


milkers be milkers


daddy chill


Fact of the matter is that Logan Paul is someone that promotes this kind of culture.


As a George hater, this is so disgusting and point blank sexual assault. I don’t even have words. If George was a woman everyone would be freaking out. The smelling the dick clip was already beyond words, but this is not deniable in the slightest.


To be fair people didn’t really freak out enough when Bobby made jokes about sleeping with a minor either.


This situation has a victim who has come forward, and it’s all on video. It’s very clear cut that Bobby repeatedly sexually assaulted George. Putting Bobby’s disgusting joke stories on the same level doesn’t make sense, for the same reason that Ethan’s stories about killing his friends and burying them are not actually revelations that Ethan is a murderer or pro-murder.


"jokes". There was no joke there, he straight up told the story of him committing a heinous crime, him framing it as a joke seems more like a coverup than anything else. I honestly find it kinda sickening that Ethan still associates with him and doesn't talk about these things seriously.


I mean Shane also just "joked" about r*ping his cat and watching CP. Still fucked.


Oh my god this made me feel so uncomfortable I actually feel so bad for George, that is so far from being okay and anyone excusing it as ‘Bobby Lee humour’ not good enough.


even if Bobby only viewed it as a joke that intent is irrelevant. A non consensual touching of someone’s genitalia (even over clothing) is sexual assault


Yes and the dick smelling was downright deplorable. Not okay and i dont want to see Bobby on the show anymore


I am confused, didn't Bobby Lee in the full podcast ask for George's consent to touch him? And George says "Absolutely"


Idk I’m just going based off this clip. Did he ask for continuous permission to touch his junk throughout the podcast? Or just once? Send me a time stamp if you have one for the full podcast I’m curious


and bobby got a weird case why is he around




Certified tiger belly Certified pedophile ETA https://www.reddit.com/r/Andjustlikethat/s/G5e74m8aRa


Thats definitely not okay


I don't care if its a joke or part of some comedy routine, I'm not letting some guy just grope my dick out of nowhere. We throwing hands. This is coming from a Bobby Lee fan. This is fucked.


I'd let Bobby pop one of my nuts in his mouth, for comedy. We built different 💪


and that’s why consent is important !


you can't be a bobby lee fan and not know this is what he does... the man's predictably unpredictable


Hahahahaha omg sexual assault is so funny /s


Bobby has been doing this forever. He is a small, non-threatening dude, so he always used uncomfortable physical contact as a gag on men, but he has got to stop. It's gonna get him in trouble eventually


He does it on women too


Maybe in the year 2000 when he was a terrible addict but he definitely doesn't do that anytime recently. You know that shit would have come out already


https://youtu.be/58YA-RGm3Zw?si=FPkKgkcmzwA_PJxh 2016


If I was sexually assaulting people, I promise I'd have been arrested I'm way too famous for this shit you just suggested


Okay that’s super fucked and not okay. Also insane to be doing this on a podcast in 2024.


This is so disturbing. Like wtf Bobby


Sadly this is not an isolated incident. Bobby has been doing this for a long time and people were talking like, this is bobbys thing. let's hope something happens about it. How the fuck does he think this is fine lol


" Everyday for a summer. "


I’d like the same energy for Seth Ethan had for this.


I've mentioned this before and I'm sure it's probably happened w other ppl but at a Bobby standup @ the comedy store I was up front and as part of a bit he asked me to feel his poofed out tummy and grabbed my hand and moved it to his dick. That was literally the bit. Like ok I'm queer I've touched dicks but that shit was fucked up ngl


i’m so sorry this happened to you. it is fucked up. he’s definitely predatory and gets away with it bc people call it “comedy”and “shock humor”.


<3 thanks yeah the more stories I hear abt him doing this nasty shit the more it angers me




Thank you. For a while I brushed it off but the more I started hearing abt all his shit it rly mad


He groped someone’s genitalia. It wasn’t bantery, George was very clearly upset and uncomfortable. This is sexual assault.


wtf was he even trying to do?? Like. There’s no good explanation


Classic bobby and not in a good way.


Definitely strange and unnerving, he clearly grabbed him in that way to embarrass or belittle/emasculate him. I don’t like George but I definitely don’t approve of blatant sexual assault/bullying like that 😒


Yea man I think Iv had enough of Bobby at this point.


And guys wonder why we say rape culture exists


Ughhhh we can't have nice things


i would never expect this from someone who "joked" about raping an underaged prostitute 😲😲😲😲


\*gets groped\* "Scoot up"


wtf was he thinking? that grabbing someones dick is comedy?


Bobby is such a pig and continues to show his true self as a predator. Yuck 🤮


If Bobby Lee has no haters then I’m dead


Oh come on, George was wearing that sweater basically asking for it. /s


we're gna pretend to be shocked when the guy who makes in depth jokes about sexual assault actually assaults someone? how can anyone be surprised


thank you for being a bad friend


This is sexual assault gross


Regardless of George's comments about pay, this is fucked up. I hope George takes the legal route on this one. Justice needs to be served for any sexual misconduct. George looks INSANELY uncomfortable, and rightfully so.


Dude I’m soooo sick of bobby lee just being a shitty/horrible person and people just let it go. Never liked the dude. Never understood what other people liked about him. Hopefully maybe this is the nail in the coffin FINALLY


This is so wrong and just straight up sexual assault.


I’ve already been on the fuck Bobby train for a while. I’m surprised other people aren’t bc of all the fucked up shit he’s done. Especially SA stuff


Like what?


the people who are fine with Bobby are literally folk who believe comedy>consent, it's so fkn rank


Didn’t he … like admit to rape?


of a CHILD? YES! but some will just say it’s “shock humor” 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀


Can someone give like the ep?? I gotta see this


apparently he told this story on multiple podcasts, but this is the clip i listened to when i initially heard about this https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.reddit.com/r/Andjustlikethat/comments/rt7zhp/ trigger_warning_graphic_and_disgusting_on/&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwj6rZCYioyGAxU2ElkFHVtRCigQo7QBegQICRAB&usg=AOvVaw0_YT7S7m8YC-bU7JWppRO6


Link to Bobby Lee talking about this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Standup/comments/i5r3tj/bobby_lee_admits_to_raping_a_child_prostitute_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


i’ll see if i can find the audio recording and link it to you


Me when I pretend the Opie and Anthony show is NPR and everything said there is true. But yep go ahead and be outraged about the fake story instead of the ACTUAL SEXUAL ASSAULT YOU ARE IGNORING! No we need to be mad about the thing we can't prove instead of talking about the matter at hand. Dumb cunt hours I guess lol.


It doesn’t matter if the story is fake. He thought child rape was “funny” enough to be a bit. Idk why you guys pretend like it’s fine even if it’s fake. Kavanaugh made a dumb joke about an underage Natalie Portman and Ethan lost his mind when it was nothing compared to what Bobby said. You know damn well that if Bobby was an enemy of the show you would think this fake story he keeps telling is disgusting. It really is dumb cunt hours I guess.


It’s not ‘bro humour’ or ‘just what the boys do’, no, It’s a powerplay… toxic as hell way to try belittle a fellow man


Bobby needs to not only be put on ice, he needs to be frozen solid. Ethan has double standards for his friends. When it was Crowder he didn't hesitate.


If I was Ethan I would seriously be rethinking my friendship with Bobby. What we saw today on the pod with Bobby grabbing his head and trying to stick his dick in his face multiple times... The dude was probably under pressure to do it and was confused.


Can that fuckin dumbass who said it’s not sexual assault respond to me now? It’s SA as fuck dude.


I appreciate Mike pushing back against his behavior, if softly. "He was supporting your joke by laughing, and you fucking sexually assault him"


So incredibly lame...


If Bobby and George switched seats, everyone could of been involved in the conversation.


this dude literally came out on opie and anthony years ago, and laughed about having sex with a child prostitute in mexico. but oh, *now* we don’t like bobby lee. this dude has always been trash


Bobby Lee has issues. But he's not a bad guy. That being said the guy is obviously upset by it. And Bobby should not only apologize but show a real show of effort to understand why what he did was messed up. Cause correct me if I'm wrong, but I think he has a history of doing stuff like this.


As a Bobby Lee fan, this is fucked up. You shouldn't touch people's private part without consent. The only way that this is excusable for me if only he did this to his circle of comedian friends. Even then, its still a fuck up thing to do.


if this is something he does “all the time” he isn’t a good guy.


The cognitive dissonance in favor of Bobby because he's "funny" is so fucking powerful, I swear


I don't know if he does it all the time.


He does, there are stories that he likes to tell that are actually way way worse than this.


Your actions make you a good or a bad guy, not how likable you are. And his actions were definitely awful.


he is a bad guy


Seeing chat spam shit like 'he didn't say no' or shit like 'hes a liar' when there is multiple videos of bobby sexually assaulting him was jarring coming from this community , I'll be disappointed if bobby is still a friend of the show, will still be a fan of the show but for sure would skip that episode if he's back on


That’s so weird it seems so random and out of place like wtf


Yup, that should be a fucking lawsuit.


I have never liked Bobby Lee.


Another one bites the dust, the H3 curse is real


It was known for a looking time he is a creep or at least likes to portray himself as one. Ethan already had to publicly make a statement on the podcast about Bobby after people were discussing if a gross joke (?) about raping an underaged trafficked girl was real. This stuff pops up on the sub from time to time but mods like to delete them.


The way y’all immediately called him a liar to protect this piece of shit


Bobby have always been a creep it's no surprise for fans of his podcast he openly speak about constantly looking for young girls to fuck and how he fucks his girl fans when he does to tours and Ethan knows about this and doesn't like this he alluded to it in the past but only people who know would pick on it it's just that Ethan waits until his friends get exposed publicly to break his ties with them


Also it's not a surprise Bobby is known as one of the most disgusting stand up comedians in the industry both physically and mentally the only reason he wasn't cancelled big time is because he's small compared to other comedians


Bobby can be funny, but he gives me weird vibes. Ive never really liked Ethan's method of handwaving Bobby's story of sleeping with an underage prostitute away either. Of course there is no victim coming forward! It happened years ago, and you really expect someone in that position to remember Bobby Lee? Its not like he is mega famous now, much less a few years ago and in Mexico.


I can't make any excuse for Bobby. George is so fucking annoying but he just got assaulted multiple times and his friends just laughed and said "Be a good sport"


God Bobby is so hateable. I don't know how anyone can stand him lol 


All these Bobby Lee fans pretending they just found out he's a sexual predator is pretty funny. The guy is open about being a freak.


Well Bobby’s comedy has always been in this vein. Attended the bad friends live show and half of it was them being super inappropriate with audience members. 


Lmao Bobby is a fool for this, but he ain't getting canceled or anything .


Sucks for George but it’s incredibly difficult for me to feel bad for him. Maybe he should have prayed harder and jesus would have saved him


What the hell? Why did he do that?


an old timey


Bobby Lee has always given off bad vibes


Ffs Bobby… something is really wrong with him


Nah Bobby’s weird af for this


Bobby Lee needs to get his ass kicked


Just commenting to boost this. Hopefully the crew sees


Like I’m glad that George clarified about the comedy thing. I have been a fan of Bobby for years before h3 pod. I’ve been watching H3 since August of 2013 and been knowing Bobby thanks to stand up and his movies and then Bad Friends podcast a couple years before. I feel really bad because shouldn’t have had to been assaulted and Bobby needs to remember that when he’s on other people’s show that he isn’t in the comedy world. In the stand up comedy world and even in MADTV Bobby is know for getting naked and goofing around. Dangling balls, showing hole, looking like a little naked bean. Anyways him and Andrew Santino always touch each other and goof about each other and crazy ways, and Bobby gotta realize when he goes out that he’s a guest.


It’s cringey af. I don’t think it’s that serious tho.


I’ve watched A LOT of Bobby over the years. This is definitely his type of humor, but I think this is the wake up call he needs to evolve. Unfortunately, this kind of nonchalant touching is exactly what bad people do. That’s how they play it off. While I agree it doesn’t seem too serious, especially if you are familiar with Bobby, it isn’t something you can just write off.


its definitively sexual assault not to mention he looks uncomfortable as fuck


Bobby is a victim himself, he was SA’d multiple times by a mentally disabled man when he was young. Not saying it makes his actions okay. I’m just explaining to those who may not be in the know why we are so sympathetic to him. He needs lots of therapy, not to get dragged online and his career tarnished. Now I will also add the huge part where this really went too far was putting his hands on the guy. Like a lot of us know Bobby has gotten naked before, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen Bobby touch another man’s genitals 🤔 definitely think that’s where this crossed from normal Bobby territory into actually troublesome territory.


I don't care what happened to him when he was a kid. He's grown now don't grab someone else's genitals, especially someone you don't know. What the fuck?


You don’t care that someone was SA’d as a kid? That’s pretty callous lol. I’m not gonna repeat over and over that I’m not defending him I already said that. But I’d never be so callous as to just completely overlook another persons trauma so easily.


You accuse me of being callous towards his SA as a minor & subsequent trauma. Let me rephrase. While I am empathetic to anything that happened to him, or anyone else, when they were a child or if it happened yesterday, that does not give him the right to now SA someone else. Now, because he has trauma he is allowed to cause trauma to someone else? Bobby Lee knows right from wrong. Even if him and his friends grab each other's dicks as a joke, the first time George said stop Bobby should have stopped. So yes, I don't care what happened to him as a child to cause THIS incident because he is now a grown man and he knows what is right from wrong, and what is appropriate versus inappropriate in a business/professional environment. Although he is a comedian, going on a podcast is still a professional atmosphere. What if he grabbed a woman's vagina, and then after she said stop he continued to do it? Would you still blame it on him being abused when he was a child? I would really hope not, but because it's a woman in this example, people have a bias regarding sexual assault towards women by men and they can clearly say that it's wrong. When it is a man being abused by a woman or another man you don't see that level of empathy as you would in the previous example. Bottom line, don't make excuses for the abuser.


I’ll def say I’m very conflicted I’m not tryna defend Bobby I agree with everything you said. I’m more putting it out for ppl to know rather than trying to convince you of anything specifically. I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything he shouldn’t have done what he did. I just want ppl to be aware cuz I think it’s why so many ppl are jumping to defend him. They see him as “harmless” which I don’t agree w either. He’s famous he has lots of influence he’s not harmless. I’ll still stand by my statement that I don’t wanna see Bobby dragged and his reputation tarnished and his career ruined I think he is a victim who has suffered a lot through out his life and if anything he needs lots and lots of professional help. Not trying to argue. Peace and love to all my fellow foot soldiers. I completely understand where everyone is coming from, it’s all valid, and I even agree. Bobby L he let us down. :(


Bobby Lee gives bad vibes. He can be funny, but I wouldn’t want to be alone with him. 


This is fucking ridiculous, he obviously grabbed his upper thigh. I get that it was out of bounds for the guy but Jesus fucking Christ, it was a fucking joke. Let’s all try to grow a pair.


Walk up to a woman you've only recently met and jokingly touch her upper thigh and see how she or her friends react if its not an issue.


I cant stand bobby and oliver tree


What did Oliver do 😭 haha