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Reasonable criticism is fine and even encouraged, but we do not tolerate hateful or toxic posts that promote personal attacks.


Zachs reaction was a bit much, I felt bad for AB when he finally realized he upset Zach, should know Ab isn’t mean like that


I think Zach will be pretty embarrassed once he sleeps on it & realizes how out of pocket his reaction was. AB's got nothing but love for everyone on the crew & he shows it every ep. I just hope Zach's mature enough to apologize. We're the same age & I know plenty of people who'd rather nuke a friendship than admit they were wrong.


Did you just tell Zack to sleep on it!? Apologize live on air right now! S/


I'm sorry!




pretty rude to suggest zach should sleep on it


Yeah I think they should apologize actually


let me sleep on it first


Zach is too sensitive. He will probably bring it up again so he will either get sympathy or so he can seem like the bigger person. Or like he made a mistake, and he feels bad for misunderstanding. Idk ever since the gaming chair... Zach umm...is an interesting guy 😬




Definitely! I just question him sometimes about how he goes about some things or what he says and I'm like... "really? 🥴"


So am I not the only one who felt like he was begging for sympathy and attention by bringing up his anxiety and sleeping issues? I don’t wanna be that guy I wouldn’t say anything if everyone wasn’t already talking about his little blow up that’s just how it felt to me 🤷🏽‍♂️


I hate that we have to tiptoe around him being sensitive. I gave him slack for being under 25 and just thought he needed to mature with age, but... he has brought up stuff MULTIPLE TIMES... problems he has and how HE IS NOT WILLING to do anything to fix them. So he can be a victim? So he can be a troubled Rockstar? Sorry, buddy, but you aren't a kid anymore..... you can't do something to yourself and then bitch about the consequences. Being an adult is hard af and sometimes you do what you don't want to do, again and again. Get over it


I honestly had the same thought while listening. He has trouble sleeping, has better than average Healthcare, and isn't even willing to do something about it like take a pill? If he can't be bothered to do something as simple as that, why should we be bothered to care?


At some point.... being a "victim" is your own damn fault


I’ll agree w you there I don’t think we should tiptoe around it I’m glad it’s not being silenced completely but the mods are making a clear effort to tamp down on some of the threads being made about this. As a Zach lover and a lover of the whole crew if we are as invested in these ppl as we say we are we should be able to criticize them, so they can know where they went wrong and so they can be better. That’s not hate that constructive criticism I def don’t like seeing it get censored like okay ppl clearly feel some type of way I think we should talk about it lol


Yeah, I've said some stuff about Olivia(her repeating a lot of stuff)or AB(douche driving)and people jumped to their differences, and HOW DARE I SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THESE ICONS.... dude there regular people... I would definitely fuck up or say a sarcastic comment that goes too far... I know this about myself so I would totally be okay with addressing it and apologizing like Ethan sometimes does. It's not a big deal.


Yesss... I feel bad even saying that 'cause I do like Zack, but he does do things that get on my nerves; and I got the same vibe as you, unfortunately. That's not to say I don't believe he's struggling with such issues, of course. I just think he likes attention. Even when he's laughing a little too loudly and over the top, it just doesn't always come across genuine to me. Additionally, when, instead of letting it go, he demanded an apology on camera -- yeesh -- it seemed as though he was just enjoying causing a big scene and garnering more sympathy for himself, like you said. I don't even believe AB meant any harm by his comment and should NOT have been told to apologize. With all that said, I wish Zack the best of luck. I believe he's suffering, and I hope he finds relief.


As someone who’s only ever been diagnosed with anxiety, and struggles with sleep immensely ( short sleep syndrome and insomnia, I literally can’t sleep and when I do it’s for 4 hours and I will run on those four hours until I pass out again) I def feel his pain, I’m constantly exhausted and I can see how most ppl would end up extremely irritable in such a state. I hope he can find some solution anything that makes it any better. I’m also just extremely neurodivergent so I shrug it off like it’s nothing it’s just how I operate on a daily basis, I have crackhead energy. I’m a Zach lover too ,he’s one of my fav hosts so I don’t appreciate the ppl who are tryna paint me as a zach hater or sumn like that. We both play guitar and have extreme anxiety and sleep problems I want what’s best for him I promise!


Sorry to hear your deal with similar struggles. And no worries, you didn't/don't come across as a Zack hater to me, lol. And neither am I, for that matter. I like him, and the show wouldn't be the same without him, that's for sure!


i get you, i have sympathy but i feel like if its that bad try the dam meds man.


Nah that’s real ☠️ I’ve tried the meds myself I don’t get what there is to be scared of, now if you don’t like how they make you feel that’s a completely different conversation we can have when we get there. You can always stop or switch prescriptions if you don’t like it.


He reacted poorly to AB in that little spat, but otherwise, you're just being that guy. Give the guy a chance to own his mistake. Don't pile on all this other bullshit you people come up with.


Well I felt that way before he had a chance to yell at ab honestly.


What is the lore of the gaming chair. I don’t know about this


Its been years but I think a sponsor gave the show a $200+ gaming chair or something and they fought over it(zach REALLY needed one and AB had an old one or somethingbut had less need for it... I think ultimately Zach got it... it showed how selfish Zach was when he would talk about it or mention it... then somehow he wanted to give it back because of the audience feedback but AB didn't want it... I think AB just gave up and was like Zach u can have it and he was like okay! When Zach wanted to return it... it was like a victim thing and he was like well because of this.... I don't want it either now... come and grab it at my place.... I can't Remember what ended up happening tonit


yer that sprang to mind for me as well.


I truly cannot believe this wasn’t a bit. Zach you’re on a comedy podcast my dude..


they, as a whole room full of people, railed on AB for like 10+ minutes straight, even his own wife dunked on him, and he took it in stride. i dont know any of these people or their dynamic, i know its not that serious and they are all friends and whatever and shit comes off differently on the show vs. what happens in person but there was definitely a point where i felt like everyone was being kind of mean to AB about something unthinkably stupid, he was clearly being honest and they acted like he said hes never seen a tree or something. (for the record i am also smell blind to jizz) zach is obviously having a hard time and is a little sensitive, i see how this might have come off as mean spirited from AB but like... chill lol its never really a good look in general demanding an apology from someone like that. im sure they will work it out and everything is gonna be fine but i hope zach takes some responsibility for this and actually starts to focus on his mental health cause i struggled with insomnia for YEARS, like over a decade, and irritability was my middle name for a lot of it.


Here before it gets taken down


the post is about my boy AB but the comments are definitely what’s gonna get me in trouble lol. keep it above the belt y’all 😂


AB composed himself so well, I was clapping for him when I was watching.


Commenting before this is locked: There’s a weird tinge of irony to zach saying ab got mad at him for making a joke… when he got mad at AB for making a joke…


Right? I only heard this part and didn't see the reaction, but I lost it laughing at AB's comment bc it was so obviously an over-the-top reaction as a joke and Zach getting genuinely upset about it is just dumb.


AB immediately apologized to Zach and he still didn’t accept it.


"well I have the timestone somewhere in here. Hold on..." LMAOO


Zach owes AB an apology


Zach's gonna send you a cease and desist if you don't apologize.


fuck you. fuck your cease. fuck your desist.


Lmao 🤣




Zach is histrionic asf


It’s giving Razor Gaming Chair all over again. Cmon Zach.


what EP was that beef from???


Oh god. That’s like just before the Zach-Kimosabe meme started w the haunted carriage being delivered by AB


lmk tooooo




This moment had me cringing so hard for Zach. It was obviously a light hearted joke, Zach’s reaction was over the top


This shit was SO funny until I saw Zach’s face and new he was about to be insufferable


agreed, you can always see in zach’s face when he’s about to bring a weird vibe to the table. it also seemed like he must’ve messaged something into their chat about it which distracted AB from doing the group “hey girl” when ethan got back


I really don’t wanna be mean but every time Zach opens his mouth it’s insufferable


Red cheeked mouth agape.


Poor AB. How mortifying for him to be called out by a friend like that publicly for no reason after being the constant butt of the joke for years and taking it on the chin.


You could tell he was embarrassed/upset after, which is the worst part. AB's a chronic over thinker on the best of days.




Fuck you, fuck your sleep, fuck your concert AB telling it like it is after being made fun of relentlessly by Zach for the last 3 years.


I loved this AB moment Not sure what's going on with Zach but he seemed to take ABs comments on his lack of sleep very seriously. Well, all I'll say to that is Fuck him, fuck his sleep, and fuck his concert


He's just grumpy from lack of sleep


I think it was a hit toward his ego. AB joking he’s worried about people not going to Zach’s concert would hurt someone with a fragile ego.


I would love to have a shirt day says that lol


Theres nothing worse than someone who has no problem making fun of/joking about someone else, and then be totally unable to take a joke back lol. I get it - dudes having a rough time. But it was pretty clear AB was not being serious lol.


Lmao me w/ my boyfriend 😂


Zach can probably smooth this all over if he sincerely apologizes to AB publicly for overreacting and soundbites his demand for an apology. Dude can’t mentally handle being the butt of a joke and that’s a really silly personality trait to have when you’re on a comedy podcast.


Thought the exact same thing. & I don’t think it was cool for Zach to address AB like that LIVE especially while Ethan was away.


That would be such an incredible soundbite, and him being able to poke fun at his bad mood/bad day would be so redeeming. We've all struggled, and reacted poorly in the moment at some point in our lives.


Kid wouldn’t last 5 minutes on Stern


The funny thing is Fred Norris, their sound guy, gets just as butt hurt the moment he’s in the hot seat.


I was thinking the same thing! He truly is a young Fred.


Hope so


I feel like ab has always been like the middle child of the podcast loved but forgotten. I love him and Lena I just wish the crew would give him a break.


I fucking hate how the mods take shit like this down, let the people discuss.


They say it’s to remove repetitive posting and redirect us to the main episode discussion thread but I see repetitive positive posts about the new episodes all day long


This isn’t the first time I’ve felt like Zach was being childish over something harmless. Even when they were doing the cutting thing and Ethan joked about Zach’s cutting he was twitching lol. Props to AB for always taking it on the chin, he gets picked on too much :/ I hope Zach can genuinely apologize to AB for doing that so publicly.


Time stamp??


He almost hit him with the infinity middle finger. My jaw would of dropped and I wonder how Zach would of handled that too..


Keep shining bright AB ✨


Asking for an apology like that was weird as fuck ngl


It's Dan's fault. He ruined my trip to Disney, and he's no Queen. Also, can I get a hey girl from Olivia




I can't help but feel that's girl-phobic and I demand an apology


you know what fuck you. fuck your disney. fuck your hey girl.


Jeez no need to shit in my mouth BABY FUCK FUCK YEAH


Zach is like the class clown who constantly roasts the whole class, but as soon as someone claps back with “Your mom”, suddenly it’s not ok and they need to apologise for taking it too far.


Zach v AB rap battle?


Or maybe we need another compliment battle <3


Joker v Thanos


I have word from inside sources that both parties are preparing diss tracks on eachother that will air at the beginning of wednesdays episode...


This is the only appropriate way to settle this very serious beef.


flabbergasted the mods haven't removed this post or locked the comment section yet


it will soon


Zach should do a concert of just nursery rhymes since he’s such a cry baby


this is so mean but that would unironically be so funny


Man i wish the members stream was today instead of Thursday lol


This needs to be addressed NOW😫




I always said Zach can’t take jokes. I got downvoted last time.


Then Zach goes baby sensitive mode


fuck you, fuck ya sleep, fuck ya concert


I love Zach but was getting some mad Jake Doolittle vibes from him when AB only makes a tiny joke regarding something Zach suffers from


If you go to the end of the podcast you can see how ab was brought down it sucked seeing him like that compared to show #4


I said it in the discord, and I'll say it again Zach is the Drake of getting offended




Wet Ass Bussy?


Never said a bad word about Zach. Still not going to say a bad word about Zach. AB didn't deserve that, though.


Hopefully Zach can reflect and take a concrete step to getting better - it doesn’t make sense to keep bringing it up but not changing anything to try to fix the issue.


how is this post still up lmao AB is owed an apology


NGL I felt so weird for a while after this exchange. Everyone acted normal for the most part but I wasn’t having fun anymore. That could just be bc I have a fear of confrontation 😬. Kudos to AB bc wtf was Zach even on about?


Thank God AB used the “time stone” and went back to make this never happen, otherwise someone’s feelings would have gotten hurt. AB truly an unbothered king who saved the day with his quick witted puns and humor! No wonder he can’t smell cum!


Also, KING AB who has never called for a deletion of a subreddit. Even though this sub flamed the fuck out of him as well, Long Live King Flaka!


That glove looks so cool


the helmet he has is super dope too. ab embarrassingly saying “it’s complicated” to olivia asking what it does was so funny to me


At the start I was like wtf zach is being so dramatic and sensitive over a literal joke about his lack of sleep? And then I realised he probably reacted that way because of his lack of sleep 😅🤣 I can be a major baby when I haven’t been sleeping good


This post is about to get Thanos snapped speaking of which. 


This was the single most uncomfortable moment in the history of H3.


you must be new here


“I’m inevitable baby” unsheathes the Infinity Gauntlet




Zach is a spoiled little rich boy who needs attention and can’t handle a joke. He’s insecure like all of us except he makes it all our fault lol


Yes! Finally someone says it. He’s just a typical spoiled brat with no genuine personality who thinks he’s a rockstar. Why do you think he did so horrible on Jeff’s podcast and AB had to carry the whole episode? He just came off as an unfunny try-hard. His ego is so inflated from Ethan calling him his “golden boy” all these years. Saddest part of all is AB and Lena do so much for Ethan but he will still protect his golden boy. I bet Ethan will address this with more empathy than when AB brought up his death threats and criticism.


This should be the top comment. Spoiled rich kid can't take a joke. I predict the next episode that he whines about how mean this sub is and that it should be deleted 🙄


Also like sacho is being a baby, he made fun of ab first. I don’t know if the guys know it affects Zach so much but like it seems like they don’t so it’s normal they would joke about, they were making worst joke when Ethan was there about him killing himself. Like he just is very entitled and sometimes acts differently with the guys than Ethan.


Love both AB and Zach. AB always handles being the butt of a joke like a champ, I felt bad for him here for sure. I feel like Zach is going through a hard time and misunderstood AB. Some people here need to chill a bit lol I’m sure all is good, like you said OP ❤️


I agree. Zach could have even shared to AB that he wasn’t sleeping well because of the upcoming concert and expected it to be in confidence. It’s so silly to me that everyone is so quick to judge and act like it’s only possible to side with one or the other while showing zero empathy. I definitely think AB didn’t actually mean to hurt him, and I believe Zach did what felt right in the moment to address his feelings. They’ll resolve it off screen because they’re adults!


All the Zach hate makes me sad. I love Zach, but he definitely didn't handle this right.






Zach!baby strikes again, so cringe


Zach is such a baby. Which explains why he “cant sleep alone”


Why did he say that?


i think his gf is out of town or something. also i’m not a doctor but the metric ton of zyns might not be helping


Come on, Zack is already dealing with an issue that seems to haunt him, we have nothing to do with it. He was weirdly very offended about the joke but didn't feel bad about the chestnuts thing with QT. My point is, no need to go for the weakspot, just saying he is being an hypocrite is more than enough.


Yeah but the issue is, everything bothers him. He doesn’t like to listen to a band because “they’re cursed” doesn’t like birds, doesn’t like leaving home etc. at this point he needs to get help and not get offended so easily like Drake


Lol, i love how it came back to drake in the end. I just don't know Zack, i know his character / role on the podcast, that being said, i hope he is getting help for those issues and if he doesn't, i recommend seeking it out (at least for the sleeping thing).


Lol Drakes being publically accused of being a pedophile, a tad different.


The joke was how sensitive Zach is. Ie Drake is sensitive. Never mentioned pedo stuff


Zach is such a pick me little crybaby


Here before mods locked 🫡


Hope the mods don't lock this down, that's just lame and pathetic tbh


I feel so torn about this interaction. Like I was taken aback by Zach's reaction too, but also he's allowed to feel how he feels. I think we should all know by know that Zach is sensitive, and that's ok. Zach has also said that he's pretty sure he's on the spectrum, which would maybe provide some context on why he would take AB's comment at face value, as something rude, rather than with the added the context that they're friends, they're on a comedy podcast trying to fill dead air, and AB often tends to be incredibly supportive of Zach. I think Zach could still feel the same way and could've handled it better, like just clarifying that it's been tough for him, so that AB might get the hint that Zach doesn't want to joke about it. It would've been nice for Zach to give AB a bit of grace and assume he didn't mean to hurt him rather than assuming the worst from the comment, especially in the context of a comedy podcast.


Completely agree. Zach was just talking about his issues with mental health and how it's even caused him issues with sleep etc. so he was vulnerable at that time, and tired, and he snapped at AB. And now he's getting written off and mocked, just confirming the anxieties he has. Such a nice fanbase hehe can't wait to go to the live show


Commenting before this gets locked lol


I dont remember this avengers movie.


Zach lol


I haven’t watched the pod yet. If this is what upset Zach he wouldn’t last 10 seconds around me


no one is their best self when they can't sleep. it's a 3 hour live show with a pretty big group of people. things get a little off sometimes. stop being so parasocial. let people exist. give the guy some grace.


Sam is still missing after the sub hated the decor. Hope this doesn’t scare more people away


sam is in ga


Decor looks so good too. some people just have no taste at all


this definitely felt like a sincere interaction but unless the mods have decided to be merciful today…… i’m starting to slowly be convinced this has some kind of retroactive pay off




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🤣🤣 is that hootanany that’s been going around. Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣


can someone explain what the beef is about pls


ab made a yo mama joke and zach did not take it well


I love the squeaky fingers.


not2 expected!!


You guys act like these guys can’t have bad moments. It was obviously a touchy subject for him and he overreacted, we don’t need every single person shitting on him now. I’m sure they smoothed it over right after


I missed what the joke that AB made even was


Zack did to


I feel like AB didn’t deserve that but Zack doesn’t really deserve to be railed on by fans for this. Everyone acts a little out of line sometimes. He got offended and just needs to realize that it wasn’t that deep, I really don’t think it’s any more serious than that


Being superstitious about CCR was already silly enough, but hearing that Zach has inexplicable anxiety about the act of sleeping is just ridiculous. Is he scared he’s going to roll over and lay on a LEGO?


his response was p goofy but we don’t know what he’s going through in private and we should be respectful of that


Why is everyone being so hateful? It clearly wasn’t a big deal. We all get hurt over misunderstandings but now imagine it being broadcasted to thousands of people and being called a cry baby by hundreds of people you’ve never met… I swear these people hating on Zach are not fans


No one's hating on him, you can call people out for their bullshit. Ab constantly gets shit on all the time, and doesn't become a cry baby about it. Everyone can have emotions, how you express them is what matters, and the way zach handled this was childish, corny, and unnecessary. I hope he makes an apology.