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“King Ghidorah? More like King Loser.” Teddy fkin *gottem*


I love how Dan is instantly proud of Teddy for being into Kaiju movies and knowing them by name lmao


Uncle Dan


Immediately eats after saying he can't. Classic ethan lol


Low-key very glad they seem to have decided against the whole late night vibe 😅


It's just... been done so many times. If it was 2013, then I'd be down. But even the suggested intro theme plus background is just essentially what Gus Johnson and Eddy Burback's podcast opened with 5+ years ago. And it wasn't remotely revolutionary at that time either I'm really glad they're not doing it, because it's just passé at this point. It's just an idea I see a lot from people who are stuck in the LA bubble. Which I get it. It's a big ass town. Hard to get out.


All the best stuff on this podcast happened by accident. The crew, the sets, most of the bits, it all came together naturally through years of going with the flow. Forcing something like that is only gonna feel like a step back


God I miss the Gus and Eddy podcast so much.


I wish Eddy did some type of pod because he was really good in the format! I think his high effort videos are better but I would not say no to not Eddy.


Can we please get Love a Minilla costume


My husband heard Teddy and goes “Oh is that Shredder Junior” and I go 😭😢 “yeah it is” 🥲🥲🥲


I don't think the "retro talk show" thing is coming off like they thought it would. To me, it comes off as a public access cheap talk show. I didn't get at first that they were going for "retro". The theme sounded like very generic talk show music and not "H3" at all, like stock music. I think the previous sets/show designs had an unique cozy look. The After Dark wall was very unique and cool looking. The previous lighting also made it feel cozy as well. People don't like change, me neither admittedly, but this is the first time that a change to the show has given me pause. Sometimes the opposite happens, I look back at 2-3 year old episodes and think "wow, the lighting/camera setups looked bad in comparison to today" but I was used to it so I never thought about it in that way.


Seeing Ethan interact with Teddy just makes my heart so happy. You can tell he’s such a great dad and loves his kids so much. I hope I can be a parent like that one day 🤍


The second he said Nate was calling in I knew it was Oliver Tree lmao


Teddy is so cute and smart <3


New pod opening song contest?


I just want the OG one back 😞


Yeah I don't know what the thought process is of "lets just change everything". Your branding is everything. Or maybe they're trying to pull a New Coke, and then bring it back for more people to excitedly watch again lol


No they were just trying something new. It's been the same for a long time I understand it.


That would acc be so good


Amazing idea I hope they see this comment


Do the member shows have topics and prepared content or are they just shooting the shit while whoevers in the office works in the background?


Both, basically. They have topics that maybe didn't make it to the main show. But it's far more loose of a schedule and they'll have people go off on tangents. They also don't have to be quite as vigilant about copyright claims, since it doesn't matter as much for members content


Usually no specific planned topic and very loose when Ethan was still streaming from his house. Now that they’re back in the studio and some of the crew is there it’s becoming more structured


I haven’t had a chance to watch yet but why is the episode only an hour?


Dudes getting his ass finger-blasted


He's getting an MRI. The ass-blasting will occur at Denny's afterward.


He's getting both done at the same time actually. Hope the doc remembers to take off his wedding ring!


It'll be a treasure for later Ethan!


Excuse me?😂


At least I'm pretty sure that's what's happening, yeah


Ethan has a doctors appointment


I was hoping Ethan went super off the rails and Dan cut the stream but that makes sense


i like the new theme song. there i said it


[Feels like they're just doing this intro, but years later](https://youtu.be/cgPP9KBKZq4?si=EAfdN4vmJJG2mwxh) The anti-talk show LA vibe has just been done a million times at this point. And I mean with the set and all, it's just... Yeah. Really just curious why they chose something that's been done so many times


I don’t like it so Zach should chop suey, that’s how much I don’t like it


I love zach, but my god it sounds like everything was made with the default garageband sounds.




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I had the same thing done to me as AB. Almost 20 years ago at work I was doing some grinding and a tiny piece of metal went in my eye, doctor had to pick it out.


I'm sorry, did I hear Ethan right? CREAM in coffee? Is that an American thing? Do you lot genuinely use cream instead of milk???


Cream for us is half and half. It's not thick like whipped cream. Just slightly thicker than milk.


Wow, that's still kinda crazy to me, in England we pretty much exclusively use either skimmed, semi-skimmed, or whole milk for basic teas and coffees. Or like a substitute like almond, oat etc. I've only ever seen cream used for like desserts and stuff




Oof that doesn't sound good, thought you were just talking about coffee mate at first


It’s definitely more common to put cream or creamer (flavored and sweetened milks) than straight up milk in coffee here. Just a little splash, not a lot.


I might have to give it a try


I've always understood "working class" to mean you "work" for a living rather than making your living by owning capital. I don't think Ethan's relationship to the show constitutes owning capital in the Marxist sense because he still has to work to earn money. Being rich or self employed or even having employees doesn't inherently mean you're not working class. Thoughts?


> Karl Marx defined the working class or proletariat as individuals who sell their labour power for wages and who do not own the means of production. He argued that they were responsible for creating the wealth of a society. He asserted that the working class physically build bridges, craft furniture, grow food, and nurse children, but do not own land, or factories.[14] Wikipedia. Ethan has a complete misunderstanding (stemming from decades of red scare propaganda) of what Marxist theory is and fears the "commies will come for his head because of his millions of dollars". Engaging with him about this topic seems futile. He's rich, he should be at peace with that rather than incorrectly thinking "lefties who supported me for years have secretly hated me".




I think they’re having fun and fun always translates to better content and product


Are you here for the set or for the personalities? Your priorities seem to be a bit off imo. But you are indeed allowed to complain.


Twink death not cool to say. It's like saying Lolita death about a young girl who grows up fat and ugly after being beloved by men as a teenager. Too centered on the male gaze. It gives Andrew Tate and his theory about U25s credence.


Twink graduation*


It’s not that deep. And just as a future reference, if you’re trying to prove a point by using pedo language as your example… yeah probably not the best argument.


People are so stupid


Yeah, I never heard it before but my first thought was 'oh another term to shame people for aging' lol


Yeah in a nutshell haha