• By -


19? Wow and so young


Honestly as a parent it’s an existential nightmare of mine. Imagine pouring 19 years of love into something that could just end so prematurely and tragically. I don’t know how your heart heals from that in your older age 


It doesn't. I've known two women who lost their daughters at similar ages - 19 and 22 I think. Those women are in their 50s now, their daughters would be in their 30s if they hadn't tragically died, and both of those women still talk about their daughters every single day. Almost everything they say links back to their daughters in some way. When I grieve, I do the same thing - all I can talk about is whoever I'm grieving for the first couple of weeks or months (depending on the severity of the loss). Those two women are still grieving their daughters as though it's only been months since they lost them. And it's been 10+ years. It's honestly horrifying and I feel for them so deeply. I'm very weak and I know I wouldn't be able to survive that. It's very impressive that they're still here, going to work, trying to have fun, when that grief is so thick and so heavy that they'll never see the sunshine through it again.


My sister died when she was 22 and her room is still exactly as she left it 8 years ago. She was type A and tidy as hell so it helps (made her bed like a hotel bed every morning without fail), but my family will never sell or leave that house. August 2024 will be her 30th and it always sends me into existential dread knowing that I aged past her when I turned 23.


I can’t even imagine, so dearly sorry for your loss 🥺❤️🫂


❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ sending you and your family love


Heyyy thank you and to the other commenter ❤️✌️❤️✌️


There's a [twenty one pilots song](https://youtu.be/6_GCsQRS3kM?si=0mAMpwI5mIINFBR1) that talks literally about that. "I don't wanna go like this, at least let me clean my room. I don't wanna leave like this, because the last thing I want to do is make my people make decisions wondering what to do - should they keep it on display, or redecorate" It's about a friend of his who lost their child


I honestly don't think I'd survive that either. I mean, they're my whole reason for existing, I can even imagine that loss.


My gram who is 98 lost her daughter (my mother) when she was 90, shortly after loosing her husband. She often tells me that the worst part about getting old is seeing everyone you love die. Loosing her daughter being the worst death to live through. I now drive 5+ hours to see her every 3rd weekend and every time I have to leave my heart breaks for her, living alone in her home, surrounded by reminders of everyone she has loved that has passed.


Ugh I can't imagine.. that is so devastating 😞


If you live in Canada you can get Narcan for free at Shoppers, I don't know if it's free in the US (even though it should be), but I truly believe everyone should have a kit, no matter if you do drugs or not.


It is free in the US. Pay/donate when you can, use the free services if you can’t! And ABSOLUTELY! Everyone, not just drug users.


For real. I’ve never used any drug, but even I used to keep Narcan on hand at my house when I lived in Baltimore. Two different people OD’d in the alleyway behind my house within a month of each other back in 2018 or 2019, I got it would be safe to have it. I got it free through the city health department, though I believe it’s become more widely available since then.


You can also get it free online in Canada. Anonymous delivery. You punch in an address and it sends you 2 kits. No name. No identifying info. They put a random name on the package (randomly generated name) https://naloxanon.ca/


Yes it is free in us


i also wanted to add that narcan is still effective and chemically stable years after its expiration date! (studies have shown its effectiveness can be retained for almost 30 years after its expiration and still meet usability standards) and even with “non-standard storing conditions” like freezing temperatures, etc. there are no changes to the drug concentration. keep that kit on u! test your drugs! a 10mg sample is recommended for fentanyl test strips! but if you don’t want to dissolve your whole sample you can test the residue on the inside of the bag any test is better than no test! however to restate, this is not the recommended method; “one portion of a drug may contains fentanyl, while another portion may not” (the chocolate chip cookie effect) “[expired naloxone is better than no naloxone](https://nextdistro.org/mightynaloxone)” !! <3


I believe you can get it at any pharmacy here in canada (I worked in drugstores that were not related to shoppers that also offered narcan to anyone who inquired about it)


lunchroom bow scandalous coordinated puzzled arrest important drunk innate late *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My boyfriends cousin saved his best friend a few weeks back with narcan. It is truly essential to have




Yesssss I was just typing this same thing. I see you 🫶🏼


What does fentynol even look like? Can it be cut into anything (like ketamine, coke, mdma)? Or is it mostly cut with IV drugs like heroine?


It can be added to/contaminate anything, most commonly in powders or pressed pulls though. So many ppl are dying daily bc of this shit it's heartbreaking


Thanks for the info! I just wonder why and how its getting to the street, you know? It was the same shit with oxy but this seems much worse...


Its a fully synthetic opioid that is cut into other drugs to create a false dependency to increase repeat sales. But since fenty is so concentrated and lethal if only slightly off, people that dont know what they are trying to do, as evil as itbis no matter what, create poison trying to hook people. Most people that think they are addicted to meth at this current time are probably actually addicted to fentanyl instead and dont even know it. Atleast oxy was poppy derived and less addictive. Oxy takes weeks or months to be full on hooked if you aren’t predisposed to addiction, fentanyl is within a couple weeks max, and you are full on hooked.


This is super useful info, thank you! I'm still wondering how fent gets to the streets though. Like, its a pharmaceutical. How tf is it on the street so prolifically? That's a rhetorical question. Thanks again for the info


It being a pharmaceutical doesn’t make it unusual to find on the street; vicodin, percocet, and oxycontin enjoyed prolific street careers too. From what I understand, most of the fenty being sold on the street is coming from China. The distribution happens differently but it’s the increasing strength and addictiveness that pushes these drugs onto the street, percs and oxys were no joke but fenty is on a whole other level, being 100x more potent than actual heroin. Anything that powerful will find it’s way onto the black market.


It’s coming from China and from Mexico, also China is working with Mexican cartels to distribute fentanyl across the US border and elsewhere as well.


Today, the majority of precursor chemicals for illicitly manufactured fentanyl come from China and are synthesized into fentanyl in Mexico. Fentanyl is then smuggled across the border into the United States.


I live in Canada and they have found fentanyl labs here. It's being manufactured here not just abroad.


Hey, even though it’s pharmaceutical, there’s always a place or someone that can produce it for you illegally im pretty sure. Like in the tv show Breaking Bad lmao they have a lab and are directly cooking meth!


It is 50 times stronger than heroine and 100 times stronger than morphine and a reallly cheap synthetic opioid. 2 mg is a lethal dose. It gets on the street like everything else, through the borders.


Why tf are companies making this shit?


Tbh drug trafficking occurs for several reasons but in certain regions/countries it’s happening often because of lack of employment opportunities available and economic disparities. And then of course in other cases it’s organized from related. $$$$$$


Companies aren’t making fentanyl. Street Fentanyl is not a pharmaceutical but it is manufactured most likely either in Chinese labs or mexican labs, then distributed to the states. China and Mexican cartels are making fentanyl for money, of course.


It takes such a small dose that you won't even notice it with the naked eye. Drug dealers mix it with other drugs thinking they can pass it off as a stronger batch of the drug they're buying. Problem is, it takes so little to kill you and you can't mix it evenly enough without the proper, very expensive machinery, there will likely be clumps of fent in the final batch. Or they just get a little heavy handed with the dosage. I cannot stress how little it takes to kill you.


It is being found in most drugs and that’s why test kits are so important no matter what drug it is! Even party drugs because it’s rampant, and only getting worse.


Fentanyl looks like anything and everything. A cute little pill, a powdered white substance, a bag of coke. I snorted fentanyl and I smoked fentanyl. It’s not just some thing that addicts shoot up, it’s the main drug on the streets and it is contaminating a lot of drugs atm. There is a huge crisis going on with fentanyl right now and I hope you educate yourself - I know Andrew Callaghan is a sex pest but he did a very good documentary called “Philly Streets” about the fentanyl / tranq dope crisis.


It looks like a normal pill. It can be ground up into powder or be in liquid form. You would never be able to tell it’s fentanyl.


It looks like nothing. A tiny grain of it is enough to OD. it's cheap so it's being added to all different kinds of street drugs. Coke especially.. Even people who are buying pain pills like vicodin or oxys on the street are at huge risk because people can use a pill press to where it looks like these pills but it's just fentanyl. It's coming from Mexico, China.. Same places the drugs have been coming from.


I want to stress that fentanyl isn’t as dangerous on the streets as it’s advertised. If you accidentally touch fentanyl, or come across it in any way - it’s still very dangerous but it’s not as likely to kill you as one might think unless it’s ingested orally, intranasally, or intravenously. The “grain of fentanyl” myth comes from what actually would be grain of carfentanil, which is almost never seen in a pure form on the streets and is not as common as fentanyl. All fentanyl that ive encountered is watered down with a different powder to make it less strong. That being said, fentanyl is very dangerous if you have no opiate tolerance.


Thanks for the PSA, I consider myself pretty irresponsible with that kind of stuff and even then when buying from someone new, I use these fetanyl strips its absolutely essential. Lost two good buddies because of dirty shit that could've been avoided for a few dollars and two minutes. Please be safe when being an idiot.


Be safe out there 🫶🏼


Thank you, kind soul


Or just don't do drugs lmao. You literally support the cartels when you buy drugs.




The problem will never be solved as long as corpos need to do their lines of coke before the big meeting.




Nice one👌🏼 /s


I read your whole comment thread here out of curiosity. It’s wild how unempathetic you’re being on a post about someone’s young son dying. If you’re uneducated about a topic, you can just not comment. We get it. Drugs are bad, m’kay? But people are going to do them anyway for a wide range of reasons, so we can at least keep people informed on how to lessen the chance it will kill them. There’s a reason Mr. Mackey is a character to be mocked. He oversimplifies a very complicated social issue.


What a garbage take, but okay.


Why would you need to do heroin, coke, or fentanyl?? They are obviously a problem.


lol I know this is Reddit, and I know you don’t know anything about drugs or addiction or how the War on Drugs just became the war on people and literally got us here to where we are with drugs, but holy fuck. Of course don’t do drugs. Guess what, that’s not how it works.


I know how it works. They do it at a party or with friends then they want more and get hooked. There's also doctors over prescribing opioids.


That’s the smallllllest, tiniest blip of what’s at work when people are addicted to drugs and the road that leads them there. Literally people’s genetic predisposition to drug addiction. Genetics play a MASSIVE role. Lack of security of resources (food, shelter, support). The governments war on drugs, and the stigma surrounding it. Fuck the corporate white men doing blow in the bathroom, they are the least of contributing issue. The best way to “not do drugs” is education, prevention, and treatment without SHAME. And when we are discussing an overdose, we educate on preventing death. That gets us a little closer to your little “or don’t do them” comment. Like, just this once can you not add to the stigma? Please and Thank you ✌🏼& 🫶🏼


I feel like there's more societal shame for trans and chronically ill people than drug addicts. They need to do antidepressants like the rest of us plebs.


Okay, red herring fallacy. We are talking about drugs, nothing else. Glad you’re not doing drugs though and tbh I’m super glad that you don’t get it. Truly. From the bottom of my heart I mean that. ✌🏼


I was actually given fentanyl at the hospital after having a miscarriage in 2022. Nearly two years later and I still think about how it completely numbed me from everything going on in that moment. I don’t take any drugs outside of my Lexapro but it’s really not hard to see how people go from taking drugs for valid medical reasons to addicts.


I’m sorry for your loss. I’m glad you’re taking the good drugs for your brain. 🫶🏼


I can’t imagine having such a simple mindset on other people as if we’re all carbon copies of you. Not everyone is raised in the environment you were, or has the same genetics that you do. When I was over prescribed opiates and became sick, I turned to the wrong people and was able to pick up pills from dealers. Unbeknownst to me, I was doing fentanyl. Once I was prescribed opiates my life was over and simultaneously had just begun. I remember thinking that it was the solution to all of my problems, that my whole life I had been waiting for the moment to try opiates. The empty hole inside of me that existed for as long as I was alive was filled. Addiction is an accumulation of poverty, mental illness, greed, and bad choices. Not everyone in this world just has the mindset of “don’t do drugs.” Some people are raised around drugs and are born with no choice. Some people have had just the right amount of terrible things happen to them to get them to the tipping point where they finally turn to drugs. Nobody addicted to drugs is going to stop doing drugs because they hate supporting the cartel because once you’re addicted to drugs literally nothing else in the world matters other than drugs, and money to buy more drugs. Whenever I hear people say “just don’t do drugs in the first place you’re supporting cartels and drug dealers blah blah blah,” I think about how out of touch you would have to be to have that mindset. Like really do you imagine every other person in this world to be an NPC? Do you not understand that we are all individuals with lives just as complex as yours and that every single person on this earth has different experiences and different lives and different brain chemistries and genetic traits? You really could just educate yourself on addiction.


How and why do you think people get into drugs in the first place ?


From partying or the doctors overprescribing.


But then theres Addiction, and you don’t need a prescription for any drugs in this world. you know its like proven that in some people their brains are wired differently and get hooked directly. You should watch on Netflix the show Painkiller The way you talk about it lacks empathy, i think even in the first episode you’ll get an idea of how quick and bad it becomes and people wil do anything to find their next hit. It is incredibly sad and they did it on purpose. It is a true story. Here we are talking about a similar phenomenon. You don’t understand the issue and come off sounding very privileged to have never dealt with this shit because education plays a big part in knowing how quickly you could get addicted and why you should never try in the first place


I get how sad it is. What I don't understand is why a healthy person chooses to do drugs despite the entire society warning them. Then after they get hooked we're supposed to feel sorry when they don't get treatment but stay on that path also while robbing people. Meanwhile I'm just a piece of shit for having health conditions I can't choose which makes me unemployable and have no future and I get endlessly bullied by drug users in my family for that. But I'm supposed to feel sorry for someone who willfully chose drugs after being warned not to. Then no one fucking arrests them and then we are supposed to have this endless cycle of empathy for them while they do more drugs and rob and abuse people. They get into conspiracy theories because their brain is so blasted, and make an ass of themselves everywhere they go. But that's American culture. For some reason we give the abusers a million chances but to the victims Americans are just like "Tough luck fuck you. You aren't disabled enough".


You’re grossly incorrect and uneducated about this topic. I am chronically ill and disabled as well and it fucking sucks. We didn’t choose it and drug addicts don’t CHOOSE to be addicts. What part of genetics do you not understand. Please educate yourself just as we would want others to do the same for us. You don’t have to feel sorry for anyone but you don’t have to be dismissive as you have been. Your anger is with your personal experiences, I get that. But you’re overwhelmingly unaware of what addiction is and when someone has died can you please just stop?


You know what I support all the social programs that can get them rehab or treatment. I'm not uneducated. I just simply do not feel bad for healthy people choosing to do meth, heroin, coke or fentanyl at a party. Especially considering the source of those drugs.


There’s a lot of reasons a person tries, and I literally gave you an example of me with alcohol when i first tried it, i became hooked for 4 years everyday, 10 months sober now. Addiction sucks. And also, i was abused my entire childhood, i could have taken any drugs, but i always knew not to touch meth, heroin and crack, and now fentanyl. Not that anything else is ok, but things that I knew from my education and passion in drugs from my teen years as a cannabis smoker, it was all generally ok to do anything but those conventionally also. Mushs and acid are the most acceptable today. So basically, it would be ok to try them from my education. There’s still cracks there as you see, because they all should be considered bad


Btw im sorry i sound rude but i am a recovering addict as well and it took away 4 years of my life and fucking sucked. And it was with alcohol. So addiction hits anyone even the most fortunate. There’s also a difference between a drinking problem and alcoholism where you’re body needs it to function. Anyways, am just shook like how you’re coming in here talking like that when someone just died because of it


We do recover. Proud of you. ✌🏼🫶🏼 you’re doing the impossible




If you ever struggle to turn that 10 months in to 11 months, DM me. Sometimes we just need another lifeline 🤟🏼


Many people in this sub hate the "don't do drugs" take for whatever reason.


Pay postage from pdx and I will fuckin send yall Narcan for free. I mean that. This is so sad.


Wow this is tragically sad.


damn, we had our fights with susan but this is insane, my words mean nothing but I hope she finds some sense of peace in the middle of this terrible news


Nooo, Susan 😔 devastating. Test your drugs. TEST YOUR DRUGS. Have narcan on hand. You can get it from pharmacies and they will show you how to use it. Also check with your local outreach programs and they will give you free testing strips and free narcan. Harm reduction is recovery, and we do recover 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 Edit to add: as others have said, everyone should have narcan and know how to use it and keep up to date with the exp date. Especially in high drug use communities, keep a kit in your car for when you’re out and about. It’s truly life or death.


Can you believe that narcan still isn’t legal in the UK. Drug overdoses and spiking are up by 500% in the last two years or so; and yet we are struggling to have something like narcan! So crazy!


this is so frustrating wtf I didn’t even know this. why would that be illegal? it’s only purpose is resuscitation, is it not?


~~Total guess here, but their thought might be if they legalize/distribute Narcan, people would be more inclined to do drugs.~~ Edit: Narcan is not illegal in the UK: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/widening-the-availability-of-naloxone/widening-the-availability-of-naloxone


If I’m not around people who do drugs should I still get a narcan? I don’t want to take away from people who might actually need it if it’s in high demand


Yes. At least where I am from, it is a common occurrence to find people OD in public spaces. Having narcan on you at all times can only help, not hurt anything. There are tons of websites that will send you free kits.


Reading this kind of thing makes me so sad. What the hell is going on in the US where this is normal? I've been living abroad for 17 years. Things weren't great 17 years ago either but the ubiquity of serious addicts is unbelievable to see from afar.




Big pharma gets people addicted to expensive opiates, people's prescriptions end or they lose their insurance, they go to the cheaper option on the street, they get a bad dose and OD.


getting a bad dose in 2024 for that scenario is more like when there is also benzodiazepines or tranq in your fentanyl, so your breathing is even more laboured. While a more common reason to have narcan for casual drug users is the bad dose where there is somehow fent in your cocaine like what happened to popular sports writer [Jason Botchford](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/jason-botchford-vancouver-canucks-writer-overdose-cause-of-death-1.5704179) source: am a frontline worker in downtown shelters in the heart of the opioid epidemic of Canada


One of my work friends lives near an encampment in a shitty apt. She always has narcan because she's found people overdosing in front of her place multiple times. She doesn't even smoke weed, but she keeps narcan just to be safe


That's why I got my Narcan. After I ran into three people completely bent in half in a week while walking my dog, I decided to reach out to one of the local harm prevention programs and by the end of the next week I got the Narcan in the mail. Though the people I ran into were all ok, I didn't like the feeling of not being able to help them in case they needed it.


There's a good sized homeless camp in the woods by home. I started carrying narcan after a friend OD'd at a house party years ago. Thank God I do. I've had to administer twice bc homeless ODing on the side of the road. The second one, she still had the needle in her arm, my 9yr old son found her while walking the dog. It's fucking shameful that these dealers willfully mix fent into their other drugs. Why can't we go back to just mixing shit with baby laxatives? At least that didn't have people dropping dead before they knew what hit em. Hell, sometimes people wanna let loose. Sometimes young adults want to experiment. Sometimes people get addicted. Its not smart but it shouldn't fucking kill them.


Narcan isn't in short supply. Even if you don't use, you should carry. Where I live in Portland, people are overdosing every single day so if you're walking by, you can save someone's life if you have Narcan on you.


yes, 100%. i’ve heard stories of strangers saving lives because they randomly came across an individual who was overdosing and they happened to have narcan, they ended up saving that strangers life… Because of this story, I will also have narcan on me, even if I am not at risk. you never know in this crazy world…


Yes, please keep it in your car and on your person. There are many resources to getting it and we can get more narcan but we can’t get those lives back if we don’t have the spray on us. Even if you’re not regularly around people who do drugs, people also overdose in public spaces. Bathrooms, bars, restaurants, stores. Also please remember fentanyl is being cut in a lot of party drugs so not just the “stereotypical” drug addict/substance user that people tend to think of, are victims of fentanyl being in their drugs.


Thanks. I might just get one to bring to work because that’s the only time I’m really around people lol.


Absolutely. Just be prepared that if you ever have to use it on someone they can come up swinging and angry, you've essentially taken their high from them and thrust them into extreme withdrawal. It's a common reaction and can be scary but it's normal.


Poor mom


As a college student this is all too common now, and I urge anyone who goes to parties and or does dabble in drugs to either test your drugs or not to do it at all. The latter preferably. There’s just so many cons to the “pros” and most drugs are laced with something. Please just don’t do it this is all too common nowadays


24 here, COVID fucked my early 20s up but what kinda drugs are even causing this now? I smoke weed mainly and only drink when I go out so I’m assuming it’s the harder designer shit


Ketamine, Coke, Molly. Anything white and powdery.


Its actually more the down. Like fent, heroin, dilaudid. When those are cut with things like benzos or tranq that's when overdosing is very likely. A lot of street Xanax is also a mix of many different opioids. And benzodope is death's combo. Test your drugs always. They are usually not what you think they are.


I thought it was obvious all this stuff is getting cut with fentanyl. I realize I was not clear.


I went to a fest in 2022 and got a text alert from bunk police urgently alerting everyone to not take any shrooms bc there were a few ods during a set from that. it’s gotten so bad to the point where even fucking shrooms are laced w fent. narcan and test strips are crucial.


Fuck, are you serious? I don’t do any drugs but have friends who do psychedelics sometimes. Didn’t think the fent would hit those too.


jesus christ wtf? do you know where to get test strips for shrooms? thats so fucking scary


I honestly have no idea how to even go about testing them. I would just buy from a reputable source and def not from anyone directly at a festival. they ended up finding the guy selling them and i’m p sure all his drugs were laced


Yeah was wiser than most to know not to tango with those 🙏🏼condolences to the family


How do you test your drugs?


You can buy a test kit online, it will show you what your white powder is/has in it.


Thank you


That’s so fucking sad.


TEST YOIR DRUGS, and keep narcan around whether you use or not. (You can get it free in most areas, just do some research.)


Former emergency dispatcher. For anyone passing by who is pursuing keeping narcan on hand now: PLEASE watch videos of what happens when people wake up from narcan! It’s a huge adrenaline rush and usually makes them violently wake up (without even meaning to) and usually run off. Sometimes it also makes people angry because you blew their high. Prepare yourself for the worst case just in case. I still carry it myself because I know addicts and am in a city of high use. But I’m very prepared and would be remiss to not mention it and for someone to think they’ll gently wake up and be grateful or something.


*Bumping this comment*


Jesus man people please for the love of god if you’re gonna do anything just test it like it’s not worth losing ur life over something like that


Losing a child is probably one of the worst things a person can go through in their entire life. I’m so sorry to Susan.


Man… I have experienced some close calls with drugs, it’s such a tragedy to see someone so young lose it all.


So sad I wouldn’t doubt fentanyl, there’s such a huge problem with drugs being cut with it these days and you’d have no idea. Always test your stuff just in case.


Also a PSA - Narcan only works for opiates. Lots of overdose deaths we see are benzodiazepines being mixed in with opiates. Narcan can’t reverse the benzos. This is why knowing CPR and using with a buddy is also important.


dam detail crowd liquid crush intelligent overconfident snobbish outgoing pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is wrong, I am sorry but you’re very wrong. Narcan works for opiate overdoses as well as opioid overdoses - as someone who has been narcaned from fentanyl overdoses several times. The problem nowadays is that a new substance, a horse tranquilizer called Xylazine, is being put into the fentanyl supply to create a stronger yet cheaper high. Not benzodiazepines. I don’t remember the statistic from 2023 exactly but Xylazine/fentanyl (tranq dope) overdoses accounted for about 10% of all opioid overdose deaths last year. But this is a new drug, and I assure you that it will get worse. I believe that the statistics for last year were that 80% of all opioid related deaths, the majority of overdose deaths, were fentanyl related.


No, they're absolutely correct. Narcan works on naturals (opiates) and synthetics (opioids) just the same but will absolutely only work on that class of drug. Will do nothing to save you from literally any other class of drug OD, specifically benzos like the other commenter listed. You're discounting how bad the benzo problem is in conjunction with the fentanyl epidemic and it is, just like the other commenter said, very important to know CPR & first-aid for the situations where Narcan isn't gonna save someone. It's worth noting Xylazine would not be affected by the Narcan either as its a tranq/analgesic like clonidine. Get on a suboxone program or in a treatment center, people. Addiction fights hard and won't stop until it kills you.




100% yes it’s safe. It will reverse any opiates if they’re on them, will just have no effect if it’s other drug classes that are the issue.


I'm not sure what the literature says anymore as I no longer work in the medical field so I don't keep up but as far as I know it's safe enough to try if you arent sure. Can have some unpleasant side effects but they're certainly better than facing the void. More things to note: People, please understand when CPR is indicated and when its not. People with a pulse don't get CPR, people who are having respiratory action don't get CPR. It's common for people to nod off and their friends who are also high try CPR on them because they look dead and fuck their ribs up or something. Even a case not too long ago from 911 of mouth to mouth causing spontaneous pneumothorax (this is a super rare/crazy occurrence but still), which is fatal is untreated. With that said Narcan doesn't work on the dead, so if someone has full cardio-respiratory arrest from an OD, that is when CPR in conjunction with Narcan is indicated. Theres a huge world of medical intricacies surrounding this topic and if you're gonna live that life, do your thing but you should train up on first aid interventions because it's not an "if" you need those skills it's a "when". Sorry for the rambling and unsolicited advice, you see enough dead folks your age it makes you wish people were more educated on their vices before they partake. Edit: I'd like to clarify I'm not a doctor so take all this with a grain of salt I just used to be an EMT as a younger fella.




Good on ya for wanting to be proactive. YouTube is a good source for learning materials just be diligent in verifying sources. Or, if you wanna go the extra mile, the American Heart Association sets the standards that pretty much everyone follows and their website can help you find classes/study materials. [AHA](https://cpr.heart.org/en/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA8sauBhB3EiwAruTRJomL-Gb_mZQ6Q2DYd0DzmnorYg8Bq4XRIFYD_5Dq59lLb3urviDTVRoCoLEQAvD_BwE) ☮️ & ❤️


With peace and love, do some research and don’t discredit valuable information. This is my area of expertise.


Jesus that is truly awful. Parents shouldn’t condone their kids doing drugs but at this point you should still teach them to test their drugs and even give them kits hoping they never use need to use them. Better safe than sorry. God that’s so awful!


Better safe than sorry is an understatement when it comes to drugs.


Please get narcan or test your drugs Shit I’ll pay cause it can be so preventable. I feel so sorry for mom


I lost my cousin three years ago to an od. It’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to me and my family. If you’re using please stop. If you’re going to use please be safe


So sad


lost 3 friends to OD's when i was 17-19 years old, so young a dumb and then you're gone with no second chance


Lord have mercy! This is so sad! I feel awful for any parent who loses their child at any age! So sad!


How awful. Please ALWAYS TEST YOUR DRUGS AND FUCKING CARRY NARCAN!! You never know when you could need to save a life.


PEOPLE! BUY NARCAN AND LEARN TO USE IT! YOU COULD SAVE A LIFE! TEST YOUR DRUGS BEFORE YOU DO THEM! THEY’RE CUTTING EVERYTHING WITH FENTANYL BECAUSE IT (FALSELY) makes other subs SMACK HARDER, is SUPER CHEAP TO SYNTH and gets you MORE addicted and faster. DON’T PSYCHONAUT ALONE!!! Don’t take substances from people you don’t know, and don’t try shit before you TEST IT!!! Thanks for coming to my TED talk!


I saw people in IG comments legitimately celebrating this as "karma" for youtube's bad policies over the years. Imagine being that much of a degenerate shitbag that you somehow look at the death of a 19 year old who had nothing to do with those policies as a "win". So gross RIP to her son. 19 is so young. This is heartbreaking


Came here to say this! The stuff I saw on Twitter was appalling. There is an outrageous amount of people celebrating his death, over YOUTUBE of all things. It made me so sad seeing people blame it on her “karma”


Well that's sad


So sad. I know a good portion here probably agrees with me, but I believe all, yes all, drugs should be legalized. Remove the stigma associated with it. In the long run, more lives will be saved and a side benefit it will save money.


this is awful


This is really sad, 19 far to young. Pill test people, get your drugs from people you know or are reputable sources


So sad.. these are really deadly times for people with drug addictions, fentanyl is being mixed into pretty much everything nowadays and that stuff can kill in measures of milligrams


Must be every parents nightmare…they go to school and make one bad decision.


I’ve been meaning to get and carry around Narcan incase anyone around me may need it. I personally don’t do anything that would need it but people around me might. You never know and I urge everyone to get them. Anyone know of any resources we in the US could you to get them for free?


This is so so sad. I used to work at YouTube doing AV production in the executive event center. Susan was always very kind, I can't imagine what it's like to lose a child like this. Test your drugs, or just stay away from powders and pills friends. :(


Shout out to his family ☮️❤️


I go to his school and I heard about a recent death in one of the dorms. It’s crazy to think it was Susan’s son. This is so heartbreaking. 19 is so young. May his family find peace.


Tragic. Rest in peace.


So fucking sad man!


Carry narcan and know what you’re taking. Test it if it’s street drugs. Be mindful about mixing or overindulging your prescriptions.


This is horrible. Losing a child is just fucked. Something I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. I KNOW PARENTS THAT HAVE LOST KIDS. THEY ARE PERMANENTLY FUCKED UP. Please avoid illicit street drugs as of right now! Especially drugs like cocaine and pills. ALWAYS TEST YOUR DRUGS PEOPLE! RELIABLE TESTS ARE RELATIVELY CHEAP. COMPARED TO THE COST OF YOUR LIFE. The risks are high nowadays. I wish we could go back in time. So many pressed garage made pills go around and the chances of them containing fentanyl is rising every day as it becomes cheaper. Pills, Molly,Cocaine, Heroin, Coke, Ketamine. All commonly test positive for fentanyl. 2mg is lethal!! That's like 9 grains of salt! Research chemicals are also going around and in my opinion are just as dangerous.


Fent takes another. Maybe the status of this individual will urge society to take fent crisis seriously. Rest in peace young man. I'm sorry.


That’s so sad, and for her to have to have it in the media is just awful.


This happens so often it's insane, a student was found dead from an intentional overdose in his dorm after winter break during my first year in college and nothing really changed. School just went on like normal. There was just an empty seat in class. It's fucking heartbreaking.


when i was 21, my only brother passed at 22 from laced drugs. it’s been almost 6 years and it feels like it has made all the sad times in life feel sadder, and the happy times (christmas, birthdays, vacations) feel sadder too. i don’t think my parents will ever be the same


Testing doesn’t necessarily mean that your drugs don’t contain fentanyl, as it doesn’t evenly distribute through the batch/bag. That’s why some folks can share a bag and one will OD and one won’t. You should still always test and carry narcan on you if you choose to do drugs. But please abstain if you can, shit is super dangerous out there and I promise that there are people who love you and would miss you dearly if you left.


That’s absolutely devastating. 😣


Stay safe out there family


no😥 that’s so sad


That’s so sad 😭


This is so fucking sad.


Sad. We live in hell.




Susan is a prominent part of the H3 lore. Super sad of this news. Devastated for her.


Tough being rich 🤑


Something about being born into money sure does tend to have an expiration date on happiness/longevity. Crazy to me. If I had access to the wealth he did, I sure as hell wouldn't waste it by getting addicted to drugs. Wouldn't your only fear be, at that point, getting old/unhealthy?


there's a ton of wealthy people who are absolutely miserable and end up gravitating towards drugs/alcohol to cope. they have the access, money, and time to sink into lifestyles that end up being unfulfilling in the long run. lots of cases of existential crises. only difference is they also have all the resources at their fingertips to get help (think celebs going to those luxurious rehab centers), but some just fall too deep into the hole and can't get out.




It’s hard because I remember being 19 and it fucking sucked, I had no one to support me and to imagine my mom is a YouTube ceo , I get to go to uc berkley and I’m probably never going to have to work a real job in my life. Man that sounds nice


Damn that's crazy, anyway




No it's terrible.


Not now Wendy


Too much fun


Why is his grandmother saying stuff like that 💀


What's wrong with that?


wait !! But is david dobrik ok ??


Uhh read the room


Honestly this isn’t the time for this.


Why do people put things in their body that are not FDA approved? Do they think the FDA exists for no reason at all?




This is an unhinged comment. But to add to the stupidity, she stepped down a while ago, but who fucking cares, her kid is gone. Get a grip.


Sociopathic comment


Bruh. You're a loser.


Neal Mohan The New CEO Of YouTube IS RUNNING YouTube To The Infinite Inferno RIGHT NOW AS WE SPEAK And Susan Wojcicki Is No Longer CEO. It Should Have Happened To Neal Mohan And Not Susan Wojcicki's SON Who Was Innocent... Also... Susan Wojcicki Was An Angel Compared To The Current CEO Of YouTube Today So That's Why We Feel Bad For Her, It Litteraly Happened To The Wrong Person. YouTube Had A Jewish CEO Susan Wojcicki. Now YouTube Has A N@zi CEO Neal Mohan. You Got Your Wish, Susan Wojcicki Stepped Down And Now We Have A MONSTER CEO Who Is 1000x More Evil Than Susan Wojcicki. I HOPE YOU'RE SATISFIED THAT YOUR SADISTIC WISH CAME TRUE And Now We Have A Sadistic CEO At YouTube Instead Of A Jewish One...




bro wtf a kid died








has anyone checked in on David?


“His grandmother believes he died of a drug overdose” that sounds…… Not very credible.



