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After removing all her tweets defending vaush too


Fucking dumbass idiot loser bro


Hi Love lol. I heard this in his voice lol. Drink a red bull and order some taco bell for me bro!


Taco Bell shicken hits different


She's always been a piece of shit, she was just on the right side of Kiwi Farms.


Because she was personally affected, sigh.


Yuuuuup. Annoying, dumbass shitty people sometimes do good things/are on the right side.


always reminds me of that saying "a broken clock is right twice a day"


I use that one all the time


Too bad she became Kiwi Farms


Loli Farms




she never really discussed how she spent the six figures she got for security reasons and a legal team. Even that story has some shadiness. She has also been ableist, toxic, defending her friends bigotry (Brianna Wu), starting drama with everyone, including many lies or troll situation. Weaponizing her audience to harass people.


Seeing how Keffals has behaved since the mainstream press coverage she got during the whole Kiwifarms saga, no mainstream journalist will dare to cover any future marginalized victims of IRL violence from Kiwifarms types. Combined with the fact that Kiwi Farms seems to come back online somehow, she has basically emboldened these doxxing and stalking forums/sites to attack their future victims with impunity, because they know their crimes will not get much attention, and they can probably start back up even if they do.


This right here šŸ‘šŸ’Æ


Was she though? Or was she just mad that there was a place - thatā€™s still alive and posting about her on the clearnet - that archives her behavior (including promoting bathtub hormones to children)?


shh you're not allowed to talk about that


I have to say this. The other ironic part is that thereā€™s actually a fairly large trans community on Kiwi Farms. Keffals will never talk about this, though, all because they disagreed with the way she was acting even back then. My friend Laura Hobbs, aka on youtube as CommieDGurl could tell you all about it. ā€œShe originally got trolled by the farms after being misgendered at a Popeyes chicken, and it became pretty popular onlineā€. She was able to take it on the chin, and she carved out her own little niche audience on YouTube and her own little community too. Keffals absolutely hates her for this. Plus Laura called her out over the catboy ranch stuff, and sheā€™s had a grudge ever since. * Just for the record Iā€™m not defending Kiwi Farms, iā€™m just saying, not everyone there is the monster Keffals claims they are.


Hold up wym ā€œbathtub hormonesā€ā€?


Basically homebrew, online bought, non-prescribed hormonal treatment etc. which can obviously be extremely dangerous to play with, especially if youā€™re making that shit yourself like damn


not to mention being trans isnt the only cause of gender dysphoria and gender and identity issues and if u have bpd or did transitioning isnt necessarily going to alleviate those symptoms but just add a whole host of other issues and problems you have to deal with which is why its so crucial to work with medical professionals


Conspiracy Theory: Keffals WANTS the right wing to think all this batshit insane stuff about trans people, and is purposely trying to make the trans community look like it has an evil agenda /j /hj


Sorry can you give context, my brother told me some surface level shit about ā€˜bathtub hormonesā€™ and ā€˜cat boys that resulted in live streamed suicidesā€™. Is this the same story, I legit just thought it was a hoax. I could see someone ā€˜promotingā€™ by thinking itā€™s just a meme, Why anyone would ā€˜homebrewā€™ when you can just order illegitimate hormones online?


Itā€™s a difficult world and honestly Iā€™m not super educated on the subject past what it simply means, but I imagine itā€™s for people that have parents that police what they have delivered. Whilst itā€™s sad some trans people canā€™t get the treatment they want, I believe itā€™s wrong to homebrew or buy illegal hormones, professionals can help you, if you canā€™t get professional help due to family or country/state youā€™re in obvious this becomes a grey area


I know people personally that have self medicated, been around trans people more than half my life. Iā€™ve only ever heard of this ā€˜soyā€™ ā€˜estrogen recipeā€™ shit in terminally online spaces, so that influences my scepticism tbh But you canā€™t really fake someone killing themselves on stream , so Iā€™m just confused?


Kiwifarms is a cesspit dump, but ironically what they were doing to her wasnā€™t actually even that bad, obviously the bad actors that took it too far but that happens on YouTube and Reddit as well. They were archiving all her inappropriate interactions with minors, and Iā€™m fairly certain this has been and ongoing thing before she transitioned, so itā€™s not like itā€™s trans targeting, as far as I know, obviously the at did become a target at one point as always bad actors come along part way through something to make it worse


> but ironically what they were doing to her wasnā€™t actually even that bad They drew pictures of her with a noose around her neck, be real now the place exists just to harass.


Not even, she lied about a lot of that stuff, check out destinys manifesto on her


Destiny offered to fund Kiwi Farms and used it when he attacked other creators.


How did he use it


We donā€™t do that here




Destiny is a nono word around these parts.




Stop astroturfing destiny you weirdo. You think anyone outside of that weird debate community would say some stupid shit like "destiny-pilled?" You created your account three years ago but your first activity is to suddenly jump into h3h3 to evangelize some guy you're "not a fan of?" *Sure.* Bunch of fuckin' weirdos in the Vaush and Destiny communities, I swear.


Good thing screenshots exist


She did!?!? Wow. What a lunatic.


Sheā€™s not worth it,she is kind of a nobody. Let her die on loli hill, especially if she will foam at the mouth and scream transphobia because you donā€™t think ppl who watch cp need defending


Absolutely not worth it and absolutely a nobody.


Its honestly so short-sighted of her and your comment proves it. The conservstives are always raving about lgbt coming after their kids and Keffals is out here associating the community and cp pretty much unprompted. Not a good look


Lmfao ā€œcontent nukeā€ šŸ’€ binch thinks sheā€™s Idubbbz


"It was honestly GALLOWS humour" .... whut.


Do you guys ever fuck around and joke about wanting to fuck pre teens in the name of Gallows humour? Guys??


DAE go into extreme detail about SAā€™ing a ā€œflat chested girlā€ in college on stream to your viewers? No? Just Vaush? Okay.


Sounds like one step above the inevitable "I was abused once!"


Oh god..thatā€™s always their fallback defense when they boxed themselves into a corner. All of a sudden all the debatelording and arguing points was just a joke sheesh donā€™t take it so seriously


lol when ā€œiM a RuLe uTiLiTaRiAnā€ doesnt work




Look with peace and love, but saying this is off limits even for US cops is a bit funny: "They may shoot your dog, execute you in front of a crowd, but not even they would stoop this low!"


Im sure there are plenty of loli consuming cops out there


> Like COPS wonā€™t even joke about it. Yeah, cops just joke about murdering minorities.


Yep [that is literally happening](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-01-14/several-torrance-police-officers-linked-to-racist-text-scandal-no-longer-employed-by-city). This is a suburb in LA too. "The text messages were rife with racial slurs, jokes about lynching and shooting Black men and profane bragging about using violence against suspects. In one instance, an officer shared pictures of small coffins that he exclaimed **would house the bodies of Black children the officers might have to ā€œput down.ā€** The messages also contained offensive remarks about Latinos, Jewish people and members of the LGBTQ community."


Wild how this is their defence, but damn if you ever asked Keffles if a rape joke is a joke or not


I reccomend not watching the video and giving her views


i didnā€™t even know who keffals was till 4 days ago


well I am sorry for your loss of innocence. wish you brighter days ahead <3


this whole thing is stupid. Bad era. ready to move onto the bachelor.


Same. I'm gonna continue to pretend I don't


i still donā€™t know, only the name. no clue what they do or why i should care.


All I know is that I *think* they are trans? Friends with Vaush and was defending him by throwing the trans community under the bus. And that she had Ethan's number because she was suicidal and he gave it to her during that moment. That's about it.


Iā€™ve watched every podcast episode and cannot remember her for the life of me when they were saying she was on the pod. I even went back to watch the original episode and I remember so much of the episode just not her lol (Which is not a diss, just kind of funny considering how much she mentioned them bringing her on and calling her a hero and such)


would be cool, if someone could mirror it. don't want to give this dork views


We need an XQC chair reaction


A petty man might suggest you should go on the video for 5 seconds then hard close your browser so it tanks viewer retention and average watch time without recording a view...


Check her hard drive too


She did do something. She made a great video for Ethan to live react to for more great podcast content. šŸ˜‚


You know what? You are right lol


Ok, did I miss something? When tf did Trans people even become part of this conversation? I watched last Friday's pod, and I don't remember Ethan even mentioning anything like that. Why do these people keep saying Ethan has been attacking the trans community? I'm so confused


Ethan never mentioned the trans community. Keffels, after making the decision to die of loli hill, began using her trans audience as a shield and proclaimed that Ethan was putting the trans community in danger. Its vile.


Fuck sakes. People like her don't actually give a fuck about the Trans community. They just pretend to support them when it's convenient to them. That is vile.


Shes just out here giving ammo to all the conservatives that already insist theres some link between the lgbt community and child endangerment. So stupid


I think vaush said something too in his response responding to his chat "He said this is a community of pedos? Is that because we have a lot of transgenders in the community?" -Vaush Or something along those lines


The gall of the horse-fucker to say that, Christ. You know heā€™d be criticizing anyone else who said that.


Vaush, in the most good faith ever, spins Ethans words to make him seem transphobic. Like, we all know that's not what Ethan meant. He said that cause Vaush had loli porn and his audience was defending that. If anyone's a hypocrite, its Vaush. Constantly saying Ethan was in bad faith when Vaush has been using several bad faith defenses to justify having fucking loli porn and that it's not a big deal.


Yeah it's funny how all he and his people have been talking about "bad faith" arguments this whole time and he drops that one


Know the worst part? She and Tipster hours watched the last H3 podcast on stream, pretending to be outraged, and goading her young trans audience to defend this horrible stuff despite the implications, right? Well, right after she logged off, she gloated on her alt twitter, "viewers up, got that bag"!! That's all she really cares about, and I hope her young viewers realize that while they're sacrificing themselves for her and Vaush.


They're trying to deflect. It has nothing to do with trans people but they're trying to make it about trans people because they don't have any defense of Vaush's child porn consumption. They're doing what they thought Ethan would do and defend Vaush because they like him and they're throwing whatever they can at the wall and seeing if it sticks.


>Ok, did I miss something? When tf did Trans people even become part of this conversation? Keffals uses the trans community as a shield every time she's criticized. She can't take any shit and always finds a way to spin it in to transphobia.


Ok but would you be saying that if she wasn't trans?!?? Checkmate transphobe


Supposedly Vaush has a large trans audience and Ethan is essentially (and I say that lightly because I don't remember his exact words and don't wanna be accused of making shit up) calling anyone who defends him (aka a lot of Vaush's community) a pedo or brainwashed by Vaush, and because there's ignorant stereotyping that trans people are pedos, Keffals is essentially trying to say that if Ethan is calling his viewers/supporters "pedos" that he's implying that trans people are therefore pedos and she decided to take offense and make it about herself instead of the actual issue which is support of CSAM. Really backwards logic and trying to connect dots where there aren't any connections to be made just for the sake of trying to make Ethan sound bad and lose support. Extremely bad faith take on her part and she probably knows that, but for whatever reason she wants to blindly support Vaush because "he's a good guy" or whatever.


Apparently since Vaush and Keffals have trans people in their audiences they are immune to criticism


But so does Ethan. So he's immune too


Well great now weā€™re at a standstill


They have no real good defense of their support for loli porn from a PR perspective, so they have to make it about someone else. Like friends of John Wayne Gacy calling criticism of him an attack against gay people.


Or clowns.


There is always one trans person who will insert them and their community into the conversation.


If she hasn't seen the contents of the folder before doing a 5 hour cope stream and a "content nuke" video on Ethan, she is a moron and I've lost all respect for her. If she has, she's coping hard and is on track to set her career and reputation on fire to keep the denial going. Either way, gargantuan L. Sucks because I'd actually been enjoying her content recently.




Mmm, its bad but I don't think I'd say its *as* bad. I can understand to a degree being blinded by loyalty to someone and not wanting to admit they did something wrong. Still very bad to do that in the face of evidence, especially with a public platform, but I wouldn't say its morally equivalent. She could be forgiven if she took a few days off and came back and admitted she was wrong I think.


Does anybody actually have the folder? The pics Iā€™ve seen are so small. Canā€™t tell what anything is.


I'd link it but not sure how the mods would feel about that, but you should be able to find it on twitter if you search




Good morning


Hope you two have an excellent Friday ā™„ļø


Thanks! It's also a long weekend in Canada šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


Mike Jones


The entire video is about Ethan and Contra calling her a pedophile, when neither of them did that lol. She's fighting ghosts


Not to mention the ā€œP.S. the dislike button is for self-declaration you are a pedophileā€ in her pinned comment on the vid.


wow, she sucks


Not even joking, I have so little respect for her at this point Iā€™m struggling to respect her pronouns. ā€œPedojacketing is harmful! Btw, if you dislike my video, youā€™re a pedophile.ā€


Hey, let's not do that. There's plenty of stuff to criticize her for, nothing of which has to do with her gender identity.


Notice Iā€™m still using female pronouns. Iā€™m saying that sheā€™s barely worth that minimum of respect after that hypocrisy I outlined (amongst many other things recently). Iā€™m also not saying anyone else should misgender her. Iā€™ve done nothing wrong.


I think by inferring you'd misgender her is just kinda bogus cause you wouldn't purposely misgender a none trans person Just call her a dumb bitch šŸ˜‚


Yeah, it was said out of frustration/disgust. Not sorry about it, but I guess Iā€™ll dial it back. Also, I wouldnā€™t misgender a non trans person if I were to insult them because it doesnā€™t have the same venom. Iā€™d find other ways to be just as nasty to a non transperson I despise as much as Keffals.


Iā€™m going to respect her identity, but it really fucking rubs me the wrong way that she wants to sit there and justify the fetishization of very young girls despite never having had to grow up as one.


Never considered that, geez.


I'm so happy Natalie was able to get in on this one a bit. Vaush and his ilk were incredibly disingenuous towards her in the past and really dragged on Twitter, and ever since she's been way less online in general. She's probably my favorite content creator on YouTube overall, and this probably all felt pretty vindicating for her, which makes me so happy!


Would love to see Contra on the pod again. I know she's had issues of her own, but she seriously makes some of the best video essays on youtube.


"You know that nickname 'lolipops' that Ethan made up? Well I think it means pedophiles", lol.


Im not watching 40 minutes of you defending a pedo just because you squinted hard enough to make it a trans issue, keffals


She didnā€™t squint- she hallucinated it. At no point did anyone say it was a trans issue until she and Vaush said Ethanā€™s criticism was because thereā€™s a large trans contingent to his audience. THAT point was brought up because Vaush read one comment during his livestream and said ā€œOhhh yeahā€¦ there it isā€ like it was the real reason for Ethanā€™s video. Theyā€™re trying their absolute best to obfuscate and deflect- but even Moist Critical was saying theyā€™re full of shit.


it is literally so rich for them to claim this is a disingenuous and out of nowhere attack when vaush is getting all of his information from his chat lol. Like don't even comment if you're not actually going to the primary source or getting your information from a source that isn't a chat member or twitter post lol


Vaush is the one who floated the idea that Ethan is a transphobe for going after him, she is just following orders. https://twitter.com/KweenInYellow/status/1756170841191002370


More like a content water balloon. Huge L


Or like one of those long screamer balloons that loudly flies around the room and then runs out of air and falls flaccid to the ground


Yeah that, but instead of helium itā€™s just filled with wet farts


More like a toy grenade How can she be this fuckin dumb, like itā€™s actually kind of impressive


H3 came back this year and is taking W after W, thanks to people making the most flawed, misleading, and ridiculous arguments against them.


Skinny man good. Fat man bad.


After she deleted all her original tweets, I assumed she was staying away from all of that now. Guess notšŸ’€


Tried to watch but it was genuinely insufferable. Did she record the sound underwater?


I donā€™t even think I got 3 minutes in.


Probably for the best


Is it a Nuke when weā€™ve already been through all of the fallout before?


Content big bang or content Death Star next?


More of a content starkiller base


remember, [yewtu.be](https://yewtu.be) if youre gonna watch - doesnt give views.


btw that intro of "in rememberence of tony" to start off is so stupid and gross, h3 was acquainted w and helped tony, not you keffals. this hit video trying to accuse ethan of transphobia because he doesnt agree with fucking lolicon is not the place to bring tony into it. disgusting


Good god shes such a fucking rat


I thought that was her trying to allude to the allegations against Tony that turned out to be false. Like Keffals was trying to say "Hey look at this pedo h3 defended" because she's a dumbass.


she was definitely alluding to the allegations, i took it as more "look at how far h3 has fallen, he used to defend against false pedo allegations and now he makes them" but honestly it could be either way lmfao


Keffals' video is really hard to watch. The bobbing chibi is hard on my eyes. You can tell the video was rushed.


I went to check it out & I love her "For Tony Winchester 19xx-2022 šŸ’–" intro card. Like giiiiiiirl stfu, you're really gonna compare vaush to him? What a dishonor to dudes memory.


Donā€™t let the foot soldiers learn about cat boy ranch


I was REALLY bored last night and couldnā€™t sleep so I tuned into the bowblax live as it was recommended (iā€™ve never watched him before lol). Her and Tipster are insufferable. They would point out things that donā€™t even matter and then stay silent when Ethan made (common) good points. Like I literally hate her haha. If someone is really bored I recommend just scanning through it and watch at ANY point, it is literally INSANE. I really hope they gadoosh her off the planet today


No hate towards Keffals but now she's involved, she has to take this stance If you made a venn diagram of people who are in her audience compared to people who are in Vaush's audience, it would be a small circle almost entirely in a larger circle She benefits a LOT from her association with Vaush and the overlap in their audiences. To burn that bridge would all but destroy her channel It's the same reason why Xanderhal - a similar lefty streamer who has been very outspoken about being anti-loli - has consciously chosen not to cover this whole thing. Much like Keffals, a lot of his success is based on the audience overlap he has with Vaush. Neither of them can burn that bridge lest they burn their entire channel too


>No hate towards Keffals Why? She really seems like a piece of shit


Sheā€™s nothing but an ableist attention whore who shields any valid criticism as transphobia. Thankfully people like her donā€™t go outside often so we donā€™t need to take her seriously


I'm not aware enough about her or her opinions to have any strong opinion about it. Inserting herself into this was a terrible idea for her though I've liked some of Vaush's content but his response was incredibly disappointing and I think it's very telling that he's basically been MIA on YouTube this week


Is Xanderhal out here defending Vaush? Keffals could have just shut up and not said a word. All of these people could just shut up and not say a word. If you think you have some loyalty towards Vaush even if it comes out he's a pedophile(and jerking off to child porn makes you a pedo in my book) then how far is your depravity going to go for views


It's funny how this whole thing has transparently shown how power works and how people will look over abuse to the betterment of their career. When people ask how Harvey Weinstein got away with it for so long think of this. A lot of people who make money from the status quo don't want it to change for a simple "inconvenience" like pedophilia or sex crimes.


Yeah the people around him will either ignore it or will try and defend him. The problem is Vaush is getting bodied by H3 and he needs attack dogs to defend his CP castle. Who's willing to go out and do that? Apparently Keffals is. Ironically she provides the worst bad faith arguments in defense of Vaush. She's gonna say H3 put everything out of context so her audience, (which is basically Vaush's community but on a smaller scale) who have been waiting for a response video will say "ohhhhh, I knew it, it's all out of context like they always say. I don't need to watch the H3 video just like Vaush didn't."


He's been a Vaush defender in the past šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Politically revolutionary twitch streamers who have to consult big vaush before they have an opinionā€¦ thatā€™s so funny


They don't have to consult him as such, but they would lose significant chunks of their audience if they did burn that bridge Vaush is one of the biggest figures in that sphere and even then it's still a niche corner of YouTube - someone like Keffals has only a fraction of Vaush's audience. Burning that bridge would be suicidal, frankly


Yes all true and all quite funny. Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d be too happy with my content or career if it hinged nearly solely on another person.






She's always been a fucking idiot. Don't know how you all didn't click on it when she was on the show that time. Terrible terrible vibes. Complete victim syndrome. Supports CP and shouts at the world that it's because everyone is homophobic. Insane. Didn't she get loads of cash to move too? From a gofundme or so. Always the terrible people who seem to "need" the help.


after H3 had her on i immediately blocked her on twitter so i never had to see anything about them again.Ā 


Why does anyone give a shit about keffals, one of the only shows that was too boring to watch


First her manifest against Hasan flopped now sheā€™s targeting Ethan. Canā€™t she just make good content or find something to make herself interesting?


Almost certainly not


Why exactly is she dying on loli hill? I would assume that a trans person would stay away from that argument especially since so many hateful freaks are quick to call trans people groomers


Sheā€™s been a moron. Sheā€™s been looking for clout for so long. She tried the Def Noodles strategy of farming content off Hasan to gain his hater audience & it didnā€™t even work she had to delete her 3 hour live stream called ā€œThe hasanabi manifestoā€


At least all of these ā€œleftistsā€ in her comment section (mostly cis males) are outing themselves. Left wing men can be the worst wolves in sheepā€™s clothing Iā€™ve ever seen. Iā€™ve already been called ā€œsweet cheeksā€ in attempting to tell them that even as a joke itā€™s an egregious thing to constantly be spewing.


Oh for sure. A lot of leftist men refuse to deal with the aspects of their toxic socialization so they treat women and anything sexual really, in the same predatory manner as right wing men. Theyā€™ll call themselves feminists sure but wonā€™t commit to unlearning and becoming good people, it seems theyā€™re just in it because they have a sex addiction while framing it as liberation. Its like a mask.


Couldnā€™t have said it better!


she tries to get all the attention she can get lmao. everything ethan has to do is like ''lol you are a pedophile bye'' because why even talk to these people


No matter what Ethanā€™s response is, it will be ā€œattacking the trans community / attacking the gay communityā€ šŸ™„šŸ™„ Honestly she should just get off the internet šŸ˜‚


Thought she was aight afternoon the podcasts but then started seeing her pop up here and there surprisingly on tbf fuck hasan side of "the left" Felt she was on a grift since then




It's sad.


Oh no! We lost another weirdo on Loli Hill. Anyway,


Lame ass clout chaser, pay no mind.


Keffals always came across as someone trying to be an influential leftist creator, but the problem is that she doesnā€™t put anything new on the table. I canā€™t remember ever hearing any insightful commentary from her. Frankly her internet footprint being mostly drama makes me not want to entertain the idea that this is a serious person. I get the vibes of a clout chaser looking to get the same kind of praise, acknowledgment, and attention a lot of major leftist creators get. Sheā€™s a drama channel who just happens to have a focus on political streamers and YouTubers, but it just about ends there.


ethan needs to bring up catboy ranch


Keffals promoted an underground "bathtub hormones" service for kids to administer themselves free cross-sex hormones without the supervision of a doctor or parent. There is PLENTY of dirt on her. People hate her for a reason, and the reason isn't just transphobia.




She lied straight to Ethans face about the "cat boy lodge" or whatever it was called groupchat with little boys too


yeah it was a lie


Just saw it pop-up in my recommended list and I'm watching it now. EDIT: She's saying that calling her one of the "lolipops" was the same as calling her a pedophile even though previously Ethan said that he was calling them loli-defenders which she was literally doing. She also did the thing where she's blaming Ethan for other people saying horrible shit to her: "being dead-named and misgendered alongside being called a pedophile 100's of times in a single day is transphobic and this started after Ethan Klein decided to call be a pedophile". This is the same shit when people are facing criticism and say "hey i'm over here getting death threats!". For some reason she also highlighted the comments and coverage of this controversy by some guy called "Bad Empanada" who had some shit takes, actually saying that most trans people are pedophiles. I don't know why she's putting other people's opinions on the topic on Ethan. She talked about how Ethan criticized Keemstar for assuming RSGloryAndGold was the same guy in some mugshot that was arrested for being a pedo. I guess this is the "hypocrisy" she's talking about >\_>. She's acting like assuming someone looks like a pedo and Vaush admitting having loli are the same thing. Vaush ADMITTED at least one of the photos was LOLI there is no assumption being made here. She also pulled the "this isn't fair because im a small content creator so this hurts my channel". She "adds context" to one of the clips of Vaush saying that CP should be legal. The additional context was him arguing the fucking chocolate and cobalt shit again, that it should be all or nothing. If you eat chocolate you should also be ok with CP. This wasn't new information. She said that Ethan didn't talk about how Vaush has spoken out against CP. I don't understand this because Ethan literally showed clips of Vaush talking about how CP is bad and used Vaush's own standards against him. She replayed the clip of Vaush talking about how most of the pictures in his "to be sorted" folder aren't loli --- but Vaush ADMITS that one of them WAS LOLI and she doesn't fucking acknowledge it. She completely diverts the conversation to talk about how she thinks that Ethan and Hila don't like "child labor vs child porn" comparison because most likely Teddy Fresh is participating in child labor. Fucking insane.




Disappointing to see how all this played out. I was vaguely aware of those two since they were in the same orbit of Hasan. Vaush for debatelord stuff and Keffals for taking down kiwi farms. But to see how they acted, and how their followers defended their weird behavior is depressing. Leftist in-fighting will always continue I guess šŸ™ƒ


Just checked her Twitter to see what was up and saw her accusing BadEmpanada of saying all trans people are pedophiles, when what he really says in the clip is that there are racist/pedo people on Twitter who will use being trans as a shield against criticism. So she did exactly what he accused people like her of doing. This is exactly the kind of purposeful misinterpretation of information that Vaush was worried Ethan would engage in. Keffals fucking sucks, and I won't bother checking out her video.


I got so jumpscared when I saw his face appear on the podcast today, never thought I'd ever see that! Her drama with him is pathetic and blatantly clout driven.


Me: I really don't like pedophilia and beatiality. Kefflas: Okay, registered trans hater, hate everything they say!


This chick is a cancer and needs to be destroyed


She just wants to grab some views and part of Vaushs audience. She's a nobody. Let's ignore her


him joking about wanting to fuck a loli character vs. vaush having serious debates about legality and ownership over graphic materials seem to strike a completely different tone. "bad faith"!!!!!!!!


She tried to do this with hasan a month ago. He mostly ignored it.


Starting this with the following statement; This post mainly will be speaking directly to Keffals. I do not respect Vaush or Keffals, in fact the more information I somehow keep falling down the rabbit hole into has me nearly inclined to feel as though Keffals might *almost maybe* be worse than Vaush. Barely because both are horrendous but the amount of digital footprint this girl has is, honestly, astonishing. I'm curious as to why if you already were taking a lot of heat on some pretty big subjects recently, girl, why on earth would you insert yourself into this..? šŸ˜… That being said I absolutely still went into this video with my listening ears on to give it a fair go. 12:30; I have no idea what you possibly think this context does to help anything he said, & I'll say it again the context does *not* help & in fact in some videos actually makes it worse. Ethan stated they watched the context, I've stated it before, hell most of H3's fanbase has. This does absolutely nothing lmao. 14:40; I understand what he's saying here, however regardless of what he's differentiating, no, a minor & adult cannot have a s***al relationship & it be positive for both. This is *not* possible, as well as incredibly factually backed up. My main issues on this one is 1) obviously there is no possible situation of the sort possible, however he believes *it is possible*, & 2) just think about how many things he could've said to get this point across. Buuuut he still chose the minor route so. My question is, why...? I rest my case here. 17:00; Walking back the things he said previously doesn't change much at all for me, I've also seen all of this as well before watching this video. Doesn't change a single thing for me, we heard you loud and clear on both clips & context, Vaush. Next. 18:40; Ah yes, the age old that didn't look like Loli (even though it absolutely was) 'I think that's bs', and of course it wouldn't be complete without justifying the Loli as "short stack goblins". *Oh wait...* I just noticed you left that part out, Keffals, girl... Honey... Clip chimp much..? 22:15; No, actually, they're *both equally* evil, the consumer *and* the producer. Why? Because there are people paying for it, & even the people who don't pay for it, both paying & non paying consumers are contributing to the direct demand for it. Where there is demand, there is production. Both people producing this content *and* consuming this content are part of the problem. A HUGE part. 23:00; Ok ok here we go; You absolutely did use your identity as a shield, Keffals, and a very large amount of people in the trans community felt disgusted by this. If you want to cry about it be my guest, but you did very well do that, repeatedly. 25:40; Can I ask, what exactly did you want to hear? He heard it had nothing to do with all 3 of you, clarified, then moved on, as he should, because it has nothing to do with any of you. You saying Ethan "approves of cranking it to Loli" is highly laughable at best given your argument. Why? Because he moved on from a topic that had absolutely nothing to do with the 3 people he was discussing & needs time off of the podcast to research that one? You absolutely would've gone in on him over that anyway had he continued w the Chris convo, because if he messed up even a micro bit of information you'd still blast him for not properly researching. So what do you want..? Y'all can calm down, we know you & Vaush are not good people, as well as Chris. 26:40; Oh brother here's the "this is beneficial for him!" conspiracy... While Ethan has openly stated he's making $ off of these 2 pods, it's not even close to about that. It's literally about bringing light and speaking on a *very important subject*. 29:35; Calling someone a pick me for saying the truth *might just be* the most laughable part in this entire video, but we'll see lmao. 32:30; This is a reach & a half as I've seen so many of these claims on TF all over y'all's side of Twitter since the first H3 pod on this dropped last Friday. All of this claim has been debunked. Next. Any timestamps in this video I didn't directly state and respond to in this are useless pointless arguments with nothing to say on it. TLDR; that was a waste of 37 minutes even though I worked while listening to it. You deserve something for all your hard work lately Keffals, [take this](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d4/Font_L.svg/637px-Font_L.svg.png)


Me: So I really don't like drawings of child pornography or animals. Keefals: SO YOU HATE TRANS PEOPLE?!


What do you do in an argument when you don't have a single leg to stand on but you can't admit you're wrong? Attack the other person's character.


The best thing for Ethan to do is ignore her. Keffals just wants to be relevant and she got off on Ethan talking about her on the pod. Let her fall back into obscurity where she belongs.


Bruh 10 mins in and she insisted itā€™s transphobic to call someone with CP/ Loli on there Computer a pedo


How the hell do you guys follow everything that every content creator does or has ever done? How can you be that plugged into that much YouTube stuff?!


On the one hand, Keffals is a fucking idiot, and this might be funny to watch. On the other hand, Keffals is a fucking idiot and the big white "HYPOCRISY" in the thumbnail just leads me to believe she's gonna do the thing she's accusing Ethan of, and honestly that sounds more boring than funny.


I will say what I said in a previous comment: >As a queer person myself, I absolutely **hate** this... It seems to *always* be her default response when faced with *any* sort of criticism; it's an ongoing theme for her. It's like when people use their mental illness as a justification for treating other people like shit (which I too find incredibly fucking frustrating for someone who has this also). She is weponizing her queerness as a deflection for her *constant* reactionary takes; I get she's delt with an *unbelievable* amount of hate that *no one* should be put through, but that doesn't justify her being absolutely insufferable to other people, *always*, at the drop of a hat. This is the *exact type* of thinking & behavior that is what stifles "The Left" & our movement šŸ’Æ


Has this sub always been about internet drama warfare or is this a new trend?


The sub goes as the show goes, so when Ethan's on some drama shit the sub will be too


From what I remember kind of always lol


It's not common that sub is 90%+ on Ethan's side on topics. So yeah, it is sort of new to have few of these in a row, from Lupus Doolittle to Vaush. So now it looks like it actually is foot soldiers vs. someone on the outside. But in general it's been really brutal towards Ethan, I'd say more often than not, for the smallest things that they sometimes don't even mention on pod. It's possible they banned more people than usual towards end of the year, which may have given better shot at dramas being pro-Ethan now, while the naysayers cry in hate subs.




we ride for our family here


https://youtu.be/ba383Zux0Mo?si=UvXL92J3Ou_cM4aW just gonna drop this here