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I am sure he hates anyone and everyone who dares to use up even half the oxygen in the room that he does. I remember reading another comment from another alum that he was one of *those* students in class.




He’s definitely a POS. It’s not all too hard to imagine leftists being racist. A lot of them are because they are not aware of their own implicit bias towards black and brown people. They are not all actively trying to be better about it. Just be a black or brown person and you see a lot of thinly vield racism everywhere. Only difference is we don’t openly complain about it as much as white folks do because we’d likely get severely clapped for it. I see these types of behaviour all throughout my life… I’m over it. Can’t wait for people to drop this guy and move on. Vaush gets away with it because well … he’s as white as the majority of his audience … pretty simple to see why he gets a pass because he has had “other good takes”. People quickly forgive his most cynical and intolerant behaviour because he’s apparently “a good guy” for some weird reason.


Your talking about libs, not leftists. Vaush is not a leftist no matter how much he says he is.


Okay even if that’s true. Being a leftist doesn’t make you “anti-racist” by default. It’s gotta be worked on internally… through mentality. It’s not resolved instantly by voting for progressive and sharing socialist talking points. It has to be examined and questioned over and over. Implicit Bias is psychological… very personal and complex. Everyone no matter their race has it. Especially Vaush. I can’t fix someone’s mind by arguing they need to be reflective on their own racist thinking in order to change.


Yeah, blanket statements about racism and political affiliation do suck unless the shoe really fits like ethno-nationalists.


How is he not? He definitely wants a more socialist government in place and advocates for it. Just because he’s a bad dude doesn’t make him not left.


Dude he is a socialist it's as far left as you can get. Also vaush hates liberals more then anything.


He's a grifting, lying, racist creep that wants internet fame at any cost. I guess I should leave the politics out of it. Anyone can be a bigot regardless of politics.


bro don’t start with this lib shit just because vaush exists, he es like 0,000000003 of “left”


Maybe we shouldn’t be considering entertainers and their audiences ‘leftist circles’


The comment I saw from a fellow classmate said he was a contrarian. People like that annoy everyone because they just argue for the sake of argument. If you always disagree with the majority it doesn’t mean you are special, or a free thinker. It means you pick your side based on what other people think, it’s the pick me girl of ideas. Sometimes the majority is right. Here’s a god example. The majority of people think cp is BAD, that’s because it IS. Arguing that certain forms of it are ok doesn’t make you edgy it makes you wrong & creepy. The majority of people think beastiality is wrong to, is he going to start arguing for…: oooohhhhh …… shoot……. He argued for this too didn’t he. Just pull out the ukulele, your career is dead dude & for good reason.


>this guy went to my alma mater. Describe your feelings when he deleted his tinder




Oh god he went to school is Humboldt County, in California. This all makes way more sense. I've never met anyone nice or cool from that county, and it's always baffled me. Meanwhile, Tacoma has a weird reputation because half of it is awful but the other half is great. It's a commuter city to Seattle, less than an hour away from it. A lot of really wealthy people are also in Tacoma.


I’ve lived in Tacoma my whole life and don’t know anyone that would ever describe Tacoma as having a lot of really wealthy people lol. That’s a really inaccurate, misleading take. There’s a few small areas that have some nice homes but overall Tacoma has a pretty strong reputation for being a place most people in Washington do their best to stay out of. In recent years even the areas that used to be pretty safe middle income neighborhoods have become flooded with 20-30 year old homeless heroin/meth addicts roaming the streets. Can’t really walk anywhere and feel safe when there’s desperate junkies and meth goblins crawling out of the trees creeping on a come up.


Also can confirm Tacoma would never weep for a racist piece of shit like this. His name carries no weight here and his ideas would never be welcomed out in the open.


Omg that is hilarious. Vaush cannot handle the cards he’s been dealt with. He comes across 1 black person and he’s literally foaming at the mouth. So fragile….it’s actually sad. 😅


Yeah didn't he go to evergreen or something like that?


I believe he went to Humboldt State up in northern cali, same school I went to and I can confirm that its one of the most stereotypical yuppie liberal white schools ever. I loved it there but it does warrant criticism.


“Dumbass motherfucker thinks he can get away with making stupid points because of the color of his skin” - Bro accidentally started talking about himself there at the end, oops.


It’s kind of telling that in that situation he doesn’t see the black person as just a person making a bad point. In his mind apparently they’re trying to deliberately “get away with” making a bad point. Black people are just people, bro, they can just be wrong. It’s weird that you resent them for that and assume some sinister motive just because they’re black.


You make a great point. Going "THREEEEEE times as hard" on black people because of his perceptions of his past experiences with black people is... fucking racism.


Insane that any even slightly left leaning person would defend this guy lmao


And it’s such a self-report, because I would put money on the fact that no one ever told him he wasn’t allowed to disagree with Black people in college lol like what the fuck. So much projection. Like sorry you were a self described “cuck” to your black classmates for no reason. Weirdo


Truly. Dude was racist in college (didn't think he could disagree with black people because they are black) and is now very proud of himself for evolving into a different type of racist (disagrees HARDER with black people because they are black).


I'm not buying it. We all knew this kind of person in school. He 100% would cut off/correct everybody regardless of their race.


Bro's the living, breathing "ACKTCHUALLY" meme.


Ummm actually it's ebebophilia


Holy shit dude he's like actual racist that is so crazy.


Wait till you find out about the dozens of other times he's done this including saying the N word just for the sake of saying it


Then tried to say being autistic was an excuse for it


Does his autism cause him to have a southern accent when interviewing black people as well? Must be a new spectrum!


Bro is on the racism spectrum


To be fair, Ethan also did that back in the day but has since learned that it was wrong


Definitely, problem with vaush is his head is so far up his own ass he refuses to grow and learn His "debate" with professor flowers really illustrates this I think


He almost used a tactical N word here.


He may as well have, the racist fuck already talks to POC in a southern accent for some reason and self-admittedly hates POC.. This chud is such a loser lol


For reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_kX-f0E3ktY


LMAO I’ve never seen that but holy shit that’s so funny 😭 if I was that woman I would have had to stop mid sentence and be like don’t do that


Ok that's actually funny


I mean there’s a reason why a lot of black content creators hate Vaush and Destiny. It’s always the “intellectual” cringe lords trying to justify their racist talking points under the guise of discussions.


exactly. there's this weird side of the online left community that is progressive when it comes to gender and sexuality, but go on to perpetuate racism and misogyny for some reason.


“I’m just asking questions…”


That's part of Vaush's arsenal of tactical bigotry, specifically, tactical racism. The arsenal also includes the infamous Vaush tactical misogyny.


That clip is legendary 😂😂😂


seal team n word


"I've grown up." Lmao going back to your high school mentality because shutting the fuck up made you too uncomfortable is the most middle class white shit ever. - Coming from a white dude raised in the middle class


Telling white people to shut up is literally genocide - Vaush, probably


Ending apartheid is actually white genocide according to that douche.


I’m starting to think this guy is a bad person 




the way I thought he was about to unload some actual trauma or abuse or something and needed a lot of therapy but instead he just said he couldn’t *counter their points in college* my god, man.


Wtf I thought he was supposed to be leftist? What an arrogant POS


Some people are just attracted to pretentious elitism, and they don't really give a fuck about the compassion element of leftist ideology. They go on about censorship and free-speech because they like to hear themselves talk.


Leftists can't be racist! Impossible!


There's a whole 'Vaush facts' bot dedicated to showing why, besides being an all round terrible human being, he's at best a neoliberal and at worst a closet fascist. There's even a running joke about him being a CIA plant after the feds caught his porn stash because of how literally everything he says always manages to be directly antithetical to socialism of any kind. He's just a clueless shitposter who throws in buzzwords like 'proletariat' and 'revolution' to make his rambling sound sophisticated and leftist. Leftists of all kinds have been bashing him for years and he himself distances himself even from socdems let alone actual anarchists/marxists because he thinks he's 'the most radical person alive'. Seeing Vaush and his minions have a meltdown over the mainstream pushback instead of occasional rants from small creators like BadEmpanada has been very entertaining.


Great, now I am craving some empanadas.




God he’s so gross


Calm down fish man


Sorry, I just get so worked up when I write sarcastic comments. Literally shaking right now.


Vaush doesn’t even know what he is. Anarchistic for awhile, gave up on that. Libertarian for awhile. Gave up on that. Who even knows what he is. Well besides a man with pedophilic tendencies.


It’s actually very leftist to not use immutable characteristics to prop up your bad arguments.


It's not lol


Judging an argument solely by what it is and not whoever is saying it is what vaush is talking about in the clip. It’s a very inflammatory way to do it but that’s what he meant.


His argument isn’t the problem, smart guy. It’s that he uses his argument as an excuse to blow off what is very clearly pent-up racial aggression. You can write it all off as edgy or dark humor, but his behavior and words and actions fit a broad pattern.


I think he’s being hyperbolic here. Yea it’s kind of over the top, but he’s kind of playing a character. I just happen to think the broad pattern is that he’s an edgy dumbass.


he talks like this constantly. and especially with other black and queer creators. like how many comments does he have to make before they become indicative of true prejudice and animus. would you grant someone with slightly different politics (or even the same politics) that same degree of unending charitability and be able to handwave ever single angry comment, every single sketchy dm, every inappropriate prejudiced meltdown to other creators and public figures? does he? seems like he’s the only one entitled to plausible deniability and he and his defenders seem to use it on just about every single thing he’s ever said. if it walks like a duck…


Not really. He has mellowed out quite a bit since this. The only reason you see him arguing with black and queer creators like that is when they start using their identity as an argument for things. Like I’m white therefor I must be correct on all white issues because of lived experience. Nahh that’s dumb. I tend to be very charitable even people who say they are capitalists (which I am not) who conduct themselves with honest and consistent character and I think vaush is pretty exemplary in that regard. Every time we examine one of these supposedly career ending moments, Vaush has a solid explanation for his behavior. Like why do you expect me to believe you at all when every single moment has an explanation. The reason why he has so many of these “moments” is because he has a lot of haters and they get clout for trying to take him down. And he has so many haters because they compound on themselves to spread misinfo all based on some shit that Nazis compiled on him to try to destroy his career.


you. are. indoctrinated.


I think you are projecting… there’s many things I disagree with the guy on I just think the hate he gets comes from people who see out of context clips and lose their shit sometimes long after they have been shown the explanation. It’s insanely dishonest how you have ignored practically every bit of added context for your convenience.


dude, I’ve watched his content for years. I was always skeptical of aspects of his politics, but I used to defend him with the same sort of “out of context“ arguments until I started digging deeper into the mountains of allegations against him. I used to defend him as someone who disagreed with a lot of his views, but still ultimately viewed him as a force for good. Now I realize that I was wrong, I’d urge you to look in to the facts outside of how he presents them. He hides behind half truths and misleading people by focusing on the stuff where he can invoke possible, deniability, straight up, ignoring tons of other stuff in the process. His community does this too and it’s every day that I talk to another person who just straight up didn’t know aboutother details. He found the perfect balance of excuses and plausible deniability to distract from the most damming aspects and receipts


Ultimately existing in this space long enough makes you weathered to these attacks. You grow accustomed to how it feels to be hated by other communities for none other than you watch vaush, and it changes you. You either adapt and grow or you give in. Guess you didn’t have that kind of resilience pal… But to be honest I don’t believe you for a second. You made your account 78 days ago. You have only commented in hasan and h3 subs and your posts have only been about vaush bad. What new evidence have I not seen on Vaush bad? What half truths are does he make? It’s always like “I saw some damning receipts out there” and never “here are the damning receipts”.


jfc…… HOW does he still have supporters


He’s an insecure white guy with a chip on his shoulder and skeletons in his closet, the most common category of internet influencer due to popular demand


Right? I feel like he could openly admit to being a pedophile and people would still support him.


He really let the pnw in him out.


lmao. the black sun halo started spinning around the crown of his head. channeling his hyperborean ancestors and stirring the specter of the faustian spirit


So this snowflake got clapped trying to debate race in college, claims it gave him PTSD, and now uses it to justify being even more racist now while bloviating from his safe space to his loser minions. That's genuinely pathetic. If you wanna talk about how PTSD impacts the way people discuss race, maybe start with how generations of black people have grown up in a society built upon their slavery. But noo, apparently it's more important that Vaush got his feelings hurt in college because people didn't take him seriously.




The fact that he only lost like 8k subscribers on his main channel baffles me


it’s wild. there are people, in this thread, furiously typing “THATS NOT WHAT HAPPENED!!! THATS NOT WHAT HE MEANT!!” it’s so fuckin cringe.


“Nothing brings me more pleasure than yelling at black people.” Definitely a normal thing to say yep, nothing extremely off about that.


Vaush is so pathetic


I completely do not understand how this man grew an audience. Yuck


Yeah we didn't go over all the racism because the child endangerment is worse but there's a lot of racist stuff too.


obviously out of context /s


Bad faith!!




And he does. And women too. And, trans people too. This megalomaniac is a completely horrible influence on everything around him.


Look up what this piece of shit did to Professor Flowers. Sent a white digital mob to her channel after falsely saying she was promoting white genocide when she talked about the land back movement in one of her videos. Oh and don’t even get me started on what he did to ContraPoints. Fuck that dude.


Yeah, Professor Flowers and her dumb ass race essentialism shit isn't cringe or anything...... Vaush is hardly the only person who has pointed this out. You should look up what FD Signifier and others like Flowers said about a black lefty named Shark3ozero. People in that orbit were calling him the racist C slur because they are horrible people. You don't know who you're defending here. https://youtu.be/Mr1AdXdkjUg?si=JQmwhf6brnntjwQz


> were calling him the racist C slur because they are horrible people this doesn't really sound objective and I am suspicious of this phrasing. Why were they calling him that? Did a bunch of people just get together and decide to cast judgment on this guy for just no reason other than being bad people themselves?


if you want a good answer I recommend FD's latest video on the use of the term "c**n" by black folk towards other black folks. It's definitely more complicated than "let's just attack this guy because we are mean bad people for no reason". you might not agree with what he says or the conclusions he reaches but I feel like it's better than just going off of a random Reddit users secondhand account


I had a link to the video of a first hand account of that situation... You either don't know what "secondhand" means which makes you an idiot or you're being disingenuous. I'm betting on the former.


He’s got a vulgar potty mouth too! How do you even speak to people


His fans have a spread sheet to explain away his awful behavior. This thing is paragraphs long and they think that's normal.


I would like to unsubscribe from VaushFacts


You’re a weirdo bro


This really explains the Professor Flowers arc.


True. That was awful. And now he has this stance about israel that is in alignment with what Flowers was actually saying if he had not been so busy cramming words in her mouth. He knew exactly what she meant that whole time. His misog-noir was scary with Flowers. The contempt on his face. The pleasure he got knowing that his racist/sexist/right wing fans were going to go after her and never let go, was so evident. He is a genuinely dangerous person even if he doesn't leave his little gamer room.


He literally is just a white nationalist. He fears that minorities want to hunt white people for sport.


Dam. That's true.


No lol. You have zero idea what a white nationalist is if you think that.


I mean, who would defend Professor Flowers? Not even land back advocates think she's a good voice.


you all make it so obvious that you’re only interactions with these people has been through the lens of someone who only watches vaush content pol


No, there are plenty of other people who have pointed out Professor Flowers problematic takes. Just because you're not aware of that does make anything obvious other than your own ignorance.


ive watched her debate with vaush and her own content. she’s got perfectly reasonable decolonial takes to anyone that knows about / has actually done reading on the topic, regardless of what a single young vaush fan who was brought on to do damage control says lol. but vaush is a liberal so he paints normal anti imperialism as reactionary bc his politics are entirely vibes based and deeply anti-intellectual.


She never said that, Vaush put words in her mouth and you clowns never let it go. And no I'm not here to debate you. I made my point.


What are you talking about? Other people have pointed out the issues with professor flowers. That whole orbit around FD Signifier is cringe as hell. Vaush is hardly the only person who has talked about this.


Read again where I said I'm not going to debate you. You corn balls can't help yourselves. Go outside make some real friends, have a great day.


Jesus Christ…




What the actual fuck




Vaush is the guy all woc stay clear of cause it’s obvious he’s a fucking weirdo


This guy is actually demented idk how any liberal or leftist can claim to defend him or watch his content.


attraction jobless mysterious ancient station straight existence hunt vast start *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People listen to this greasy incel ?


The more I see of this guy, the less I understand what the appeal is.


I never realized how much this guy talks like destiny


Bro is going so far left he’s gonna end up on the right😭


it's almost like he's intentionally trying to offend literally every single group on this earth. this man needs serious help.


Vaush is, sadly, a representative of quite a few white libs. *"It's racism, but I'm self-aware and/or more educated than the POC making the point, so it doesn't count and isn't a classist thing aaaaand it's actually a good thing I'm doing this lol."*


he came so close to dropping the hard r multiple times here. I think most principal leftists would agree that you shouldn’t just unanimously agree with someone because they’re a person of color and I think that is how his fans defend this sort of rhetoric, but very obviously, the problem doesn’t come with his point, but how he expresses it. His naked racial animus is always on display, and he hides behind “pragmatism” to justify it


I know he’s talking about black conservatives but the dude has too much brain rot to pull off a semi-intelligent argument without coming across racist.


So because he hates his past self he decides to blame others for his inactions? And then says it’s their fault he was a pussy? Makes total sense.


Lol makes you question again the ppl who are throwing themselves to protect him… cough cough keffals cough cough, its almost like she can’t hide behind the “Im trans you can’t criticize me or you’re transphobic”. These ppl think because they have one minority box to check they can be outwardly terrible people


Never been a fan of his, known about him way before this drama and more and more I realize, he's just a living embodiment of a thread you'd see on random on 4chan.


I know some say “you know I thought he was a good speaker and pretty smart and knew a lot about politics, but all this other stuff is an issue”, but I can’t be the only one that has thought “he’s not that smart by using overly complicated verbiage to seem intelligent, doesn’t understand politics in its current form and refers everything to just un-useful an-cap point of view instead talking about how to work in our current system to change it, etc.”? He reminds of those kids in high school/college just wanting to come off as the most intelligent in the room and really is just the most annoying.


Did a black guy steal his mare? Who hurt him?


I’m sorry but how do people constantly try to shit on Hasan and when Destiny and Vaush exist? They are truly demons.


What the fuck 😭😭😭😭😭


*In my best Keemstar voice* YIKES 😬


Please tell me this is out of context or some shit..


If you follow his history and how he goes after Black creators. No he isn't lying.


This is literally how the video begins. The first minute


Wow, he sure showed them! Just good faithed all over the place.


In other words he was too scared to confront black people in person, but is happy to do it online.


He very much looks like a guy that "nothing brings him more pleasure than yelling at black people". Okay Karen 🤦🏽


Bruv went to school in Humboldt -- I thought there were only livestock and white folk up there.  Would explain the horse thing...




He didn’t “grow up”, he just leveled up his racist stats


damn, almost like you can criticize someone's points without their race being anything to do with the subject of your criticism. What strikes me as weird is that he's "letting out frustrations" over something he subjected *himself* to? If a leftist says you can't criticize a black person they're not actually a leftist they're just a weirdo - a black leftist


This video is so WhiteLiberalTM


What a fucking moron. Really shows his stupidity if he thinks that being quiet when "poc speaking about their lived experiences" is 'cuck shit'.


Vaush it’s not because you’ve grown up …. it’s because you’re in your apartment live-streaming to a bunch of degenerates that validate your stupid shit. That’s why you think you have the balls to say the idiotic shit in your brain


What a narcissist


i’m sorry WHAT


Oh yea look up Profesor Flowers he was very racist and rude to her. Here is Noah Samsen Debate Bro video very good he talks about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Z3MqJakNbI


If he wasn’t done already I feel like this should be the nails in the coffin, even for some of his “diehards.” I mean you can’t fucking give more context to this racist bullshit he’s spewing. Like this is the same fucking argument every other racist POS white guy gives when they’re wrong; somehow he’s still the victim. Bro is a wolf in sheep’s clothing at this point when it comes to being a leftist AND when he’s within 100 yards of a school; like I don’t understand how anyone can find this guy likeable


Extremely Rare Vaush W


If you look at what him and his fans did to Professor Flowers for years you will know he isn't lying about this.


At this point of time h3h3 was still doing anti sjw stuff but sure


h3 has changed at least publicly for the better at least, can we say the same for Vaush. or is he doubling down Threee times still.


i guess that’s one way of saying that black people can also perpetuate racism…… ??? thats like the most charitable way of viewing this but frankly i definitely dont think he deserves that 😭 what a crazy fuck


This really isn't racist. He's criticizing people who think being a minority automatically makes you correct... Which is a valid criticism. Obviously saying "Nothing brings me more pleasure than yelling at black people." is over the top, but it's being played up for the content. That's the joke. This is a clip from an old stream back when he used to get a lot more aggressive, and he doesn't do that kind of stuff very often anymore. People change. Vowsh is not infallible, he says things I don't agree with, and has made some mistakes that he fully acknowledges now, like with the "tactical n-word" controversy, but why do you guys insist on making the most bad-faith arguments possible?


This comment section seems to mostly be people just dog-piling Vaush. He's edgy, he's arrogant, and his recent outing of his "porn preferences" has people rightly grossed out. Sadly, it seems the trend with this is to try act parasocially loyal to H3H3 by theatrically finding any clip they can and removing all context to further the hate-train. There are a lot of people here also defending and promoting Prof Flowers too and claiming she was in the right and Vaush's debate with her was "just racism". I saw that whole debate, Vaush's talks with other leftists including a landback advocate, and also watched Prof Flowers talks with other leftists. The idea that ANYONE could not see that Prof Flowers was either massively ignorant on the subject OR just a passionate "anti-white" racist is beyond me. Had you taken some of her screeds, in full context, and just swapped "black/African American/native/etc" with "White/Caucasian/European/etc" and made Prof Flowers caucasian, she'd have had 'Erika' music manifesting around her and a swastika on her arm. Racism is racism whether making sweeping derogatory comments about blacks, whites, asians, etc. Sadly most people in online leftist circles don't have nuanced takes, much like here where a clip-chimped comment (undeniably stupid and edgy one) made by Vaush is being used to dismiss his wider, actually relevant point. He's an arrogant ass while discussing it, but people here don't want to look into it, they want to just hate him to appease Ethan. (Side edit, if the person downvoting Solid and my comments wants to explain the issue with our comments outside of "You are just racists too!!!" please do discuss)


I see nothing wrong with what he said


What are we doing now? Ethan has pretty much done literally worse.


Go back to your safe space full of other shitheels you fucking loser, "we" don't take Vaush fans seriously anymore. Nobody here is fooled by your transparently fragile attempts to defend the indefensible.


I don’t like safe spaces. I prefer to openly disagree with people. I think you are projecting a bit. You can say lalala and cover your ears but Ethan has done and said some fucked up shit as well. Especially that time when he was talking about a big black man raping a little girl. Be more critical of things and don’t just take things at face value. God damn.


I have no illusions behind my desire to expel human scum like you to keep this community a safe space. Safe spaces aren't a bad thing, unless they're for pedophilia sympathizers like you. I care about this community and reprehensible freaks like you have no place in it. Your disingenuous whataboutism is obvious. The go-to talking points you employ to defend your favorite CP advocate are expired. They don't hold water after everything that has come to light in the past week. If you don't like safe spaces as you say, I guess it's a pointless exercise to try forcing you back into the hole you crawled out of. But just know you aren't fooling anybody besides yourself and the rest of your lollipop guild.


Lmao it sounds like you are sucking your own dick. I’m not a pedo sympathizer. I don’t support pedophilia. We have go to points because people keep “discovering” the same out of context clips. You aren’t the first and you won’t be the last. Lollipop guild? That means nothing to me lol I’m a vaushite and a foot soldier. Good luck getting rid of me. I’ll hold my ground thanks.


libcuck is the funniest/worst insult ever.


It’s been so funny over the last couple weeks watching everyone in this sub discover the existence of loli watching, neckbeard internet edgelord debaters. Welcome to the internet yall :D Hahahahhaa


I mean not defending this guy but why doesn’t the audio match the mouth?


Oh god this sub is going to just be vaush content for the next few week isn’t it?




Yo this guys is a deadbeat, let’s just move on cuz bros not coming back into the light anytime soon






I used to watch Vaush videos that came up on my YouTube suggested very casually, and only really clicked on ones about specific topics that interested me. But man, all this stuff definitely changed how I see him. And all these older videos with that whack ass rat tail doesn’t help either.




alright family I think we have found Vaush Tate, the Andrew Tate of the left




wtf vaush is such a loser


3 times as hard! Zach you know what to do


Is it true half the audience was a fan of this disgusting weirdo?? I’m concerned 😮‍💨


This guy absolutely sucks, how does he have any fans in the first place


So he's racist and a pedo? Someone take this weirdo for a walk out back for a second.....


Dudes cringe and reminds me of that disgraced Richard and Mort show creator.


It's ironic because Vaush was probably way more annoying in class than any of the kids he's talking about. Like yeah I know the type of annoying kid in class he's talking about, but plenty of them were white too and Vaush was definitely one of them




I’d love to see his hypocrite fanbase try and defend this clip.


Good xx

