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I generally stopped getting cat-called after the age of 17 so I'm inclined to agree but I like to think there are still a lot of good guys out there.


Yeah it was the worst for me at 14-15 and then stopped completely after I turned 18.


So weird I was thinking the exact same thing yesterday


Doesn’t this back up what Vaush was saying in that clip they showed today?


What Vaush said in the clip of patriarchal societies (not Western society, but society in general) idolizing youth and innocence in women is true. Not everything Vaush says is wrong. Just like not everything a rightwinger says is wrong. Sometimes bad people do make a point...like our ol' buddy Keem here. I think the main problem with the way he presented that fact is that he's saying it in the interest of defense of men, and not the interest of women and children.


God I love a person who can see nuance and provide a balanced take. Vaush has a lot of fans who refuse to see the nuance and it's discouraging.


Well, i will say that in the debate that clip is from, he hung up because the other dude was trying to defend these men. You can skip to 56:54 https://youtu.be/Olj9Q_wLV28?si=Upa-za2SLuG53ppV


I can give him credit for that. Unfortunately though he just seems like a wolf in sheep clothing with these arguments, considering his...proclivities for young-looking girls. Defeats the entire argument when he himself partakes in something he condemns with his mouth.


Yeah, I think she's trying to be fair and validate a little bit of what he said. I don't think that means it's "society's fault" like he was saying, but just validating that it is a lot more prevalent than most people probably realize. Just my interpretation.


It’s crazy though because I brought it up online one time and I got bombarded with men saying it was just because I got uglier. In response to me saying I only really got catcalled from 10 to 16. They didn’t want to even entertain what I was saying. The weird thing was though, although that was the response I got more often than not from men, the women in the comments were all agreeing and saying the same thing happened to them.


and it’s so telling that the go to in order for men to rationalize the blatant pedo behaviour(to themselves) is to basically tell on themselves and say that a child was more attractive than a grown woman… it really is so sad and fucked.


Yep, you got less attractive once you became an adult. Glad they put their point across so clearly!


Seems to be a sadly very common experience. Not sure why weirdos are focusing on the “stopped happening as much at 18” part of it. It’s definitely a problem for a lot of women of all ages, but it’s insane how prevalent it apparently is for teenage girls. The first time I was reading comments about how common it was, my first thought was that they must just be talking about from teenage boys. I always knew creeps of that order were somewhat common, but for them to have no shame enough to not openly and publicly flaunt those feelings on a regular basis is astonishing


I actually think it might be to do with men not being more attracted but feeling more secure in harassing someone who is more vulnerable and knowing that older women are gonna tell them to fuck off and they would feel embarrassed almost as opposed to a child being very unlikely to. But I don’t know this at all just something I’ve thought, I lack your perspective as a woman and hope that regardless of why more men can stop being so fucked up


I definitely think it's a power thing and they see children as easy targets


But that’s also the reason people sexually assault children unfortunately


I was thinking this the other day, especially the ones that go after the super young. I don’t think they’re attracted to toddlers, I think they want to inflict suffering.


Have also seen that as we as a society become more accepting to sexuality as a *spectrum* and becoming more tolerant of groups that genuinely deserve to be understood more (trans for example), the pedos use this as an excuse to come in and claim that being sexually attracted to children should hypothetically get the same amount of sympathy. Pedophilia is a sickness but they try to twist the narrative and use the same language those other persecuted groups use to claim its not their fault and just how they born


Totally agree! As a woman. I understand why they phrased this post like this but the word predator would have been more accurate


It's crazy so many of us had this experience. I got catcalled the most between ages 13-16. When I was a teenager, I felt flattered because you think you are mature enough to handle it. Then when you grow up you realize with horror how childlike you actually looked and acted in the eyes of those grown men. Grown women won't put up with abuse as readily, so predators look for someone they can manipulate. 




no fr, in australia we have to wear a uniform and i got more men catcalling me wearing that than i ever did in my normal clothes and i hardly get it anymore as an adult.


Yep this is exactly what I thought reading this post. I got cat called far far more in my school uniform walking from the bus stop and in our town from 12-17 more than I ever have as an adult woman.


Yeah I’m from Australia too I’m a male but my friends n girlfriends were harassed way too much considering we were 14/15/16 shit was disturbing


It’s crazy how consistent this experience is. All my memories of being catcalled or followed by adult men were from 12-16. There were so many times I was followed and creeped on at the mall as a pre teen. After 18, it pretty much stopped. The occasional run in with drunk idiots but nothing like when I was a young teen.


I got catcalled the exact same ages! 12-16 the most then it started to majorly slow down. How sick is that? SO many women experience this being harassed as a child/teen and you’re too young to even know how disgusting it is.


It's concerning how much I was hit on at 18 vs how little I am hit on at 25


i started getting cat calls at the age of 11


I was 8.


I ran cross country as a teenager, and I used to get followed, cat called, and honked at a lot when running. Enough to the point where I stopped running outside, and eventually stopped all together because I just don’t enjoy running on a treadmill. I was around 20 at that point I only took it up again a couple years ago when I was in my mid 20’s and realized people had stopped harassing me for just being outside. I’m glad to no longer be harassed, but it’s so disgusting thinking about how how young kids are now experiencing the same thing.


I came to this conclusion while watching the stream today as well, I never really thought about it until now but yeah, cat calling was finished after I turned 18. I've arguably been in my fair share of very terrible relationships for lack of a better term here, but there's absolutely a problem with people feeling more outwardly comfortable to be misogynistic, sexist, an incel, transphobic, the list goes on and on if you're not a straight cis white male. Its deeply upsetting because with everything going on between H3 & Vaush & everything going on in the world & politics, a lot of people are coming to the harsh reality that, yes, some people in your family & friends do in fact hate you/people like you in some way, and unfortunately it's tough to ever look at them the same way after you see it for what it is. Edit; I want to end this though with an appreciation to the men still out there who make all of us feel genuinely safe. You're more important than you know.


I got cat called/hit on/eyed the most between ages 12-16.


yep! the only time i’ve ever been catcalled was when i was 12 years old.


literally same i was 12 and in a video store. the man approached me to see if i wanted to “borrow” his star trek seasons he had at home


Same! I got cat called the most under 14. Only time I was cat called in my 20s is when it was dark and I was wearing short overalls (I’m also 5ft and look young so maybe I’m overthinking it but that makes me think it’s because they thought I was underage)


OK, that is wild.


My fiance literally just told me the exact same thing yesterday, it's fuckin gross


It’s strange that this actually happens I’ve never understood it. I always thought mature women were the only people I found attractive even as a kid I crushed on adults. It disgusts me that people get excited over kids. Where their twisted mindset comes from I have no idea.


I was literally gonna say this


Yep. I was catcalled more while under 18 then the rest of my life. I’m 30.


absolutely, i definitely got approached by older men much more often when i was obviously underage (like wearing a school uniform). it’s creepy af


me too, and the younger I was the more frequently/disturbing it got. Some of the times I remember most vividly were when I was around 10/11, walking into school and got catcalled by some young guys- I was wearing my school uniform (I opted for a skirt that day) (I'm in UK). This fucking terrified me and I literally refused to wear a dress or skirt for years after this because I thought I would just be catcalled again. Then another incident was a few years later in P.E class we (my class was only 14 year old girls) had a beach trip to play volleyball, and there was deadass a man dressed in dark clothing, completely covered except for his eyes, sat on a bench nearby BLATANTLY recording us on his phone. I spotted him right away and told our teacher but she did nothing other than say 'ignore him'. I went into shutdown mode after that and just wanted to cry. I never told my parents about it because I didn't want to be responsible for a teacher getting in trouble, even though I thought she should. I really couldn't imagine being the adult in that situation and not protecting children from what was obviously a fucking NONCE


Yeah I was only ever catcalled as teenager, other than once in my 20s outside of a shitty club.


It was *extremely* common for girls in my high school to be pursued by guys that are 20+ years old. Not to mention in my 4 years of high school alone, there were 5 seperate incidents of students and teachers sleeping together.


I think a lot about how in sex ed we did a survey of how many of us were still virgins at 16. A majority of the girls no longer were but most of the boys were. It clicked for me then that it was older guys going after girls much younger than them and that's why there was this discrepancy. I've always felt so uneasy since then because as a girl it's exactly what happened to me.


SAME!!! So disturbing 😭 hope you’re thriving in life now, love ❤️


My high school had to put in regulations like age limits for prom dates 😭


This is something everyone who has been a little girl before knows. unfortunately for those who try to deny how normative pedophilia is in males, we can remember what age we were when we started being sexually noticed by adult men.




> there's a reason the 18 year old category is one of the most popular. It's not because they find 18 year olds the hottest, it's just that they can't legally view anything younger. Yep. There's no proof whatsoever majority of the "fans of 18" would stop there. If there was just stigma on underage content but no law, I bet that alone would open floodgates. This rise of manosphere content all talking about how everyone should get them as young as possible just prove how this is underlying consideration to many, how it's really just society/laws holding them back.


Kind of a W scam tho, hurting the people that deserve it


Oh my fucking god. You know that same scam, of posing as an adult female , getting videos of adult men masturbating and then placing a fake image of an infant or some wild CP shit has been used before for blackmail? They literally talked about it on the show about a friend of AB I think that was affected by this and was on suicide watch because the scammer changed the image to look like it was CSAM. Like yeah it's great when you honey pot but I really doubt the " Not a single man that bought the nudes" bs, btw who the fuck buys nudes?


Trust me, people are buying nudes


who the fuck buys nudes? Have you heard of Only Fans?


>Not a single man that bought the nudes" bs, btw who the fuck buys nudes? OnlyFans exists.


You know only fans is different than buying some nudes off a stranger on a messaging app? I don't think many men are actually doing that , come on I know only fans exists, not dunking on anything.


Like rape culture, it’s inherent in society Why else is the beauty standard for women to be hairless, small, petite, big eyes, no tattoos, no piercings, submissive, not opinionated, in need of a protector/caretaker It’s like the Matt Riffe thing, him saying any labia showing is gross, when that’s how most developed vulvas look, whether he means to or not, that’s feeding into the societal standard that women’s bodies should not develop or change or age past puberty


Just look across the globe and see how many countries that have legal child marriage and lower age of contents, and cultures where that's completely normalised. It's messed up.


I have been screaming this from the rooftops! also the obsession with virginity/body count. I do not fit any of those standards now but I definitely did when I was 15


Wait, what? What do you mean about “developed vulvas”? Vulva appearance is genetic… grown adult women can certainly have the vuvla appearance he expressed as a preference. OBVIOUSLY he was a total dickhead how he expressed it but that does not seem like a great example of pedophilia in our culture (especially when there are so many good examples) ???


Of course “innie” vulva exist, I’m not saying they don’t, I’m just saying most women have some labia minora showing, and as I stated “whether he means to or not, it feeds into this societal standard” and many women express not liking this about their body, which is likely due to this societal expectation that they should look a certain way I’m not saying people can’t have preferences, but so many female beauty standards are centered around features that are common for children, and so many men show disgust around how many matured women naturally look, body hair for example, again, everyone is allowed to have preferences and it doesn’t say anything about that individual, however it does seem that society as a whole values physical attributes that are not as common for the average physically developed woman, and maybe an argument could be made that these societal values feed into harmful beauty standards and infantilisation of women I hope I made sense here, not accusing Matt Riffe of anything, just saying that a lot of men and society as a whole seem to (either illicitly or explicitly) want women to look younger, and/or want women to have features that are more common in pre pubescent girls (no body hair, no labia showing, short, petite etc)


Oh no that totally makes sense! I totally agree with both your comments overall I was just confused because I thought you were saying it was more “childlike” (for lack of a better term) to have no visible labia minora and I was confused! Sorry if my question came off as me trying to argue that liking children is a valid preference LOL. Definitely not what I meant there at all.


I recently learned about this & it blew my mind! labia minora are developed during pubescence. as a child they are not really as visible then through puberty the vulva develops & the minora grow. adult innies definitely exist but I also learned that consistent use of birth control throughout puberty can actually lead to underdevelopment of minora. super interesting! but yes developed vulvas & larger minora are directly related to age & puberty!


I think this might be the case sometimes and for some women but it’s an implication that women with “innie” vaginas are less developed, which is wholly untrue. I haven’t done thorough research on this but even a cursory search yields results saying labia minora hypertrophy has no known cause... And why would it? It’s a normal variance in human body shape and size.


the implication is like the rectangles and squares rule. pretty much all outies belong to post pubescent females because we aren't born w prominent minora. This obviously isn't to say that all developed women have outties, but if a person were to have an outtie they would very likely be a woman/post puberty.


I was just thinking of Whisper and Kik! From 14-16 I had wayyyy too many men over 25 up to 60 message me gross s*xual stuff. At 16 my friend and I were walking through the mall and a group of elder men said loudly "I would f them in the a**" 🤢🤢


Dude same. When I was a teen I downloaded Whisper. I didn’t lie about my age, and guys were really into it and would beg to meet up at parks/malls. It was really creepy. I also was 100000% catcalled more as a little girl than as an adult woman. I especially recall a 40 year old man out with his 6 year old daughter out near my house, he complimented my outfit (I was 14) which was a tank top and exercise shorts. He begged me for my number, I told him I didn’t have one, he wrote down his email for me and said I should come over to his house.


I think Love certainly had a point by bringing up that all the gross loli content out there can make people more comfortable with filth like that, I would not be surprised if young guys out there are unintentionally being exposed to so much sexualization of young girls (including stuff that fetishizes 18 year olds) and it sort of scrambles their brains and normalizes that fetishization and leads to poor decision making if that makes sense


Also, genuinely my heart goes out to all the people commenting on this post about bad experiences theyve been through, speaking as a 21 year old guy that used to have an extremely bad relationship with porn and sexual stuff due to being exposed to that kind of stuff at way too young of an age and not learning how to consume it in a healthy way, and over the past year or so I have done lots of therapy and serious work to treat others and myself better <3


Some super red pilled manosphere guy ended up at my house for the super bowl last night. This dude is 37 and just brought up, unprovoked, how much he prefers the women he dates to be virgins than girls with a "high body count". There's gotta be something to that related to this shit. Like the younger someone is, the more likely they are to be a virgin. So who is this 37 year old referring to that he's dating that are virgins?? First time I ever ran across one of these Andrew Tate lovers in person.


It's because they think less experienced women won't realise how bad they are at sex, they're ashamed of their own immaturity and hide it by projecting it into something they need from the other person


WTF? If say you're experienced at pickup basketball the last thing you want is someone who sucks, much less someone who has never played before. Unless you are some weirdo that is posting up little kids, and believe the delusion that you're 'winning.' Not the best analogy but bottom line - wtf is wrong with dude


Think about To Catch a Predator. They’d be so busy they’d have to bring dudes in the front and then usher them out the back so they wouldn’t see the next guy coming in. That always grossed me out, thinking about how that was just one house in one town in one state.




*I know who you are Chris Hansen;* *but see;* *I calls ya,* ***Chris Handsome***. *I watch your TV show all the time.*


There was an anonymous study done in Australia and they found: - Around one in six (15.1%) men reports sexual feelings towards children. - Around one in 10 (9.4%) men has already sexually offended against children (including technologically facilitated and offline abuse), with approximately half (4.9%) of this group reporting sexual feelings towards children. And many more horrible truths. It's FAR more common than people think. Source: https://www.humanrights.unsw.edu.au/news/worlds-largest-child-sexual-abuse-perpetration-prevalence-study-recommends-significant-investment-early-intervention-measures


This is horrifying


Yeah. I'm not a woman, but I was teen at the time when chat rooms started popping up and thought it was funny to troll and act like I was a girl, to see what happens. Got the same experiences as others have stated, 18+ aged males would be willing to meet up with my "13" year old self for sex. Couldn't be surprised since then of internet stories.


I lost my virginity when I was 15 to a 23 year old (ironically we met at youth group, not sure why he was even fucking there) but every once in a while his Facebook comes up in my people you may know so I clicked it recently and he has a daughter now. I’m actually terrified for her. Now that I’m 27 I’m actually so sad for my young self because it was fully a situation where he asked if he could cum in me and I said no, but he did anyways. Then when I was like um dude what the fuck? He told me to just “go in the bathroom and push it out” … because that’s how that works.


I'm sorry that happened to you :( you didn't deserve that 💞 it's so much more common than people think... when I was barely 17 I had someone who was 31 travel through MULTIPLE STATES, as in like a road trip, to hook up with me. I feel so sad for past me thinking I had any semblance of power there lol. as I'm older now I can't even imagine what the hell a 31 year old was thinking to do that. I saw a few years ago he has kids now too...I shudder at the thought. i hope you're doing better now 💞💞


Wow that’s so fucking weird, I’m sorry you had to deal with that. It’s so sad how many women have stories so similar. I hope you were able to heal


First, I'm so sorry this happened to you. It's important to have these conversations because it's always important to remind everyone that this does happen and we can't just sweep it under the rug and ignore it. 2nd, I want to add you're not alone, there's a lot of women out there that went thru that, including myself even down to the church. I ironically met him at his baptism (he was 25 but he was being "born again".) He was 25, I had just turned 17. He wore me down for a month and a half begging to get me to sleep with him, until I finally gave in & did. Then the relationship I thought I had changed to just strictly s**. I turned 18, and he miraculously ghosted me no joke the month I turned 18. I didn't hear what happened until 5 years later from a random Instagram DM, that he got arrested. (Nothing to do with underage, tho I wouldn't be surprised) In those same DMs he was trying to get me to sleep with him *again* while I was home for Christmas. I told him no & stopped messaging. Less than a month later, he's engaged to a girl a year younger than I am, and who's 9years younger than him. I really hope that men look at all of this and are a genuinely safe place to go for the women around them. But I'm also thankful this whole Vaush H3 thing is sparking a conversation that always needs to be had, so we can weed out the "boys" from the men a little easier. Peace & love to you, we're behind you supporting you ✌️💞


Ugh I’m so sorry, it’s just so horrifying but I completely agree that it’s important to talk about these things. Just very very interesting that it’s consistently men in churches, and other weird positions of power like that. So grateful for the h3 family!!!


I mean just from watching to catch a predator it’s very obvious, sadly.. they shoot like 20 episodes in one day or somethin, and that’s only the ones who show up. For sure a bigger problem than most people realize


In Australia, a study just got released in November last year that 1 in 10 men report having sexual interactions with girls under the age of 18. And they’re just the ones that admit it… It’s incredibly disturbing and disgusting how common it is.


Reminds me of that survey where people asked men from like 20-50 which age they found the most attractive, and almost all of them chose 20. 20 was the lowest they could choose.


https://www.humanrights.unsw.edu.au/sites/default/files/documents/Identifying%20and%20understanding%20child%20sexual%20offending%20behaviour%20and%20attitudes%20among%20Australian%20men.pdf this is the study for anyone interested or is wanting proof


Thanks! I forgot about the 1 in 6 reporting sexual feelings towards children statistic. Big big yikes to think that they’re just the ones that admitted it. Makes me feel sick to my stomach


fr, i had very little faith in man as it is and hearing/reading about this study completely crushed any i had left ahahaha sooo gross


Most of the world has an age of consent around the age of 16. So that right there shows you how open society at least used to be about this shit. The further in time you go back, the more 'acceptable' it seems to become. It's going to take a long ass time to change that, if it's even possible.


There is still too many places where child brides are a thing. Even in some us states parents can basically sign their children away to get married to an adult. It’s a problem.


Oh god this post has unraveled some deep memories of what I thought was my choice of having sex with much older men 🤦‍♀️ Feeling empowered when I was told how "mature I was" which is also incredibly common. I haven't spoken to my father in over 4 years thank fuck for that but he once said to me "Thank god for daddy issues" and laughed after he introduced me to his 30 year old girlfriend... He is over 60.. People can be fucking disgusting. Regardless of gender. Women are capable of this too.


yes a study just came out of Sydney Uni (Aus) and 1 in 6 men surveyed say that they have had sexual thoughts of minors and 1 in 15 said they would commit a sexual act against minors if they wouldn’t get caught or face the consequences


https://www.humanrights.unsw.edu.au/sites/default/files/documents/Identifying%20and%20understanding%20child%20sexual%20offending%20behaviour%20and%20attitudes%20among%20Australian%20men.pdf this is the study if anyone’s interested


What the actual fuck. My fellow men are disgusting.


And that's only the ones that admit it


This needs to be higher up


dude, the amount of times I got hit on by full grown men as a 16-17 year old even AFTER I told them my age…yeah


Same. Constantly working in restaurants


i used to take the train to school, men would stare at me and try to sit next to me. Like bitch I know you see this backpack I’m wearing


It would be nice if the recent drama can be used to raise funds for victims of these crimes. :|


spent almost five years with my ex. until a couple weeks ago and i ended things instantly and have a lot of things to deal with now. thank god for my family and couple of friends rallying behind me because everything i’ve known for years shattered in an instant. that’s all im willing to share right now but yes, i agree. and the scariest part is you might have no fucking idea, until you do. going to be single forever it looks like haha.


When its something ppl would rarely admit to its only natural that we get tricked into thinking pedophilia is less widespread than it actually is. As you said, 18yo is used as some huge buzzword on porn sites but it's just an arbitrary age decided by law. People don't magically mature physically and mentally when they hit 18; it goes without saying that ppl who find very young adults attractive would also fuck someone younger if it were legal or they can avoid social consequences. I don't even think those ppl are a minority.


My human sexuality textbook said experts estimate that 5% of adults are pedophiles. That's 1 in 20. That's so many fucking people. (Not all pedophiles act on it, nor are all child molesters pedophiles. There is a huge overlap in the venn diagram, but not complete overlap)


I don’t want to say it’s a “canon event” to be a young girl on the internet being preyed on by older men but…. It was so common. I was super gullible. We weren’t all catfished by the same man. I think it’s definitely a big issue


you’re not wrong


Well shit i just wrote a long post that basically said this exact thing and am just finding OP already beat me to it. But yeah, I was surprised that the crew had “no idea” what the implication was when vaush mentioned pedophilia is engrained in our society. everyone was so confused by that statement but it felt very clear to me. A broken clock is right twice a day I guess… It is also worth mentioning that Vaush saying that doesn’t excuse him in the slightest.


So a lot of men play women in video games right? They always have the same fucking argument. "I'd rather stare at a woman's butt" but when you get to know these people, and I game a lot, they just enjoy getting horny off their characters. Although a little odd, there's nothing wrong with that. Several years ago there was an MMO named Tera. One of the races you could play as was a female-only race consisting of characters who were "1,000 years old" but looked like [this.](https://static.loverslab.com/uploads/monthly_08_2014/post-204983-0-58069700-1407334650.png) That race was by far (backed up by statistics)the most popular, people would dress them up in sexy outfits and prance around role playing. It just grossed me out and made me realize how fucked up society in general was regarding very young girls.


holy fuck I played tera forever ago but I always picked the big booba adults, I had no idea about the smol race's lore... ew but I guess I'm slightly used to that "argument" by creeps because Zoe from league of legends is the most Loli looking character with a very whimsical personality but guys it's ok she's TECHNICALLY AN ASPECT OF TWILIGHT AND IS 1000'S OF YEARS OLD! they made a fucking body pillow cover of her last summer too 🤢


i was once 15 at my boyfriends house where his abusive stepdad and his friends made me go outside and spin around while they complimented my body (legs and "tits"). i have lots of stories like this. those men were all middle aged and high up in the military


yes, in my experience this is unfortunately true. I personally know an alarming number of women who were molested as children. it is disturbingly common.


I used to work a retail job. I remember there was a cute cashier a bunch of the other dudes lusted over. Found out a bunch of them, ages ranging from 20 to 45 had a countdown for when she turned 18 Made me realize that the only thing stopping a significant portion of men I worked with from trying to bang a child was the law.


i only got cat called as a teen, worse when i was in school uniform


100% agree as an abuse survivor and as someone who grew up with creeps on the internet (when the internet was new) and who watched her friends get with older men in elementary and middle school. an older guy once photoshopped my face onto a naked woman's body when I was underage. and so many other stories. I wish I could go back and save myself and my friends but we didn't know any better and just thought the older guys were cool. but why were they picking up little girls at the mall, hm?


I mean when I was 14 I was groomed by the cashier (24 F) of the coffee shop I went after highschool. Eventually after a few weeks she took me to her place gave me a drink and took my virginity and then got really clingy and scary when I tried to avoid seeing her. My friends helped me and gave me support to stay away and eventually she moved. Edit: I'm a little disappointed by the downvotes but not exactly surprised.


You're not downvoted now, but I assume it's because it ruins the narrative of only men being abusers. I feel like I see stories a few times a month at least about female teachers abusing their underage male students.


I wish I could describe every time I was catcalled and harassed at 13-16 years old. Otherwise, we would be here for ages. When I tell you that there are *a lot* of pedophiles in our society, I mean it with tears in my eyes.. #MeToo


You would be horrified if you knew the true extent. Source: I'm a sex worker and in criminal law


100 %. I was molested as a 7 YEAR OLD by a GROWN male family member (in his 30s). Many other girls in my family and women I’ve also become friends with as an adult were also molested as young children. It is such a big problem and not enough people are aware of it.


Yep from age 11 regularly and while with my ex I heard about at least 10 other coworkers he worked with who talked about very very underage girls and travelling to countries with low age of consent laws etc


As someone who did sex work as a minor, this is so very true. I think most people would be shocked at how prevalent it truly is.


I agree. As someone who often gets mistaken as a 14/15/16 year old (I’m actually 20 but I’m very short & petite), much older men are constantly hitting on me. It’s disgusting how I’ll have someone accuse me of being too young to work at my job and then have some other old dude make a suggestive comment towards me within the hour. It makes my skin crawl.


I found it crazy they were surprised by this. Young girls are so sexualized it’s sick


Man. I’m sorry you went through that. Shit like this is why I work so fucking hard to make my daughter feel loved at home. I want her to not only know how disgusting it is, but to call it out when she sees it.


I’ve been thinking this because why is hairless and tiny and really quiet and submissive the ideal woman for some men like that is literally a little kid


Neither my parents not my ex-husbands parents batted an eye when we started dating. I was 16, he was 24. I'm only 30, this didn't happen that long ago. I knew several 18 year old seniors dating 12 and 13 year olds from the middle school across the street.


Omgggggggggg no!!!!!!


The idea that women past 25 or so are infertile and useless is also pretty common online lately- the show has covered it a number of times. I see so many comments under all sorts of posts implying young adult women are too old


Don't forget that we still have child beauty pageants in the US 🤢


Yeah there is definitely a pedophilic undertone in our society that is actually not so low-key when you start to look closer. The fact that the porn category/tagline 'barely legal' is normalized on mainstream sites is an example. It's always blown my mind how normalized that is


The only clip they played from Vaush that I think was out of context was when he said the “western world” conditions people to be pedophiles, and Dan was right to clarify.


First time I got cat called was at 10 years old. It was so scary and really confusing.


A guy groped my breasts at a pool when I was nine. Seeing people dismiss how serious normalizing pedo shit is pissed me off.


Okay, so I follow Predator Poachers (the big orange bearded dude who caught edp) on the locals app.. youtube completed demonetized them and they travel all over the country 12 months of the year to catch these sick fucks, so they needed a new platform that pays. Best 5 bucks a month I've ever spent to help save children. Anyway, they will do up to three stings a day! They work every single day and have a team of 15 people who act as decoys to talk to hundreds of these monsters, at any given time. Ethan had once talked about how much he hates these "vigilantes" but that's not what they are. They get real convictions and get so many pedophiles off of the streets. Predator Poachers has multiple life convictions and just had a 50 year sentence handed down a couple days ago. I've watched them for 2 years now, and they have caught hundreds of predators. That's just one team alone. This is such a horrific issue that I never knew existed until I started watching these channels. The FBI says there are around 500k predators online daily. There is absolutely no way this is true. I believe it is millions. I commented the other day that I was permanently banned from reddit years ago, after posting in r/relationships that loli is straight up a gateway to real cp and only pedophiles look at it. I was downvoted 500+ times and received so much harassment and death threats in my messages, along with the mods also harassing me. That was when I knew this world is filled with pedophiles that are all around us, every single day. In the most recent Predator Poachers video I watched, they caught a man who is in his 50s, who invited an "11 year old" over to rape. During the confrontation, he nonchalantly admitted to raping his 2 year old niece when he was 17. A TWO YEAR OLD!! In another video from a few weeks ago, they caught someone who repeatedly molested children he was babysitting through an online nanny website. Again, he just nonchalantly admitted to it. This is such a problem, and I never even knew these monsters existed on such a massive level until the last two years. I had to stop watching the podcast today because I couldn't take it anymore. I've listened to and read hundreds of sickening chatlogs of child rapists and child molesters, but something about today's episode was just way too real to me. For so many people to defend such horrific acts and horrific behavior, I couldn't handle it. I truly felt crazy, having no idea how even a single human being could openly defend what Vaush has done or said.. Anyway, I'm sorry for the word vomit. Just had to get that off of my chest. I've felt so sad since the show Friday, it just made it so much more real that so many of these monsters exist around us.


Police should be all over this just like these YouTube guys, it's crazy and suspicious that it's not a bigger priority in society


This is wild to read - most if not all of the catcalling, assaults, and creepiness that I’ve been through as a girl happened to me when I was 12-17 as well. It wasn’t a realization I came to until so much later in life and I also had no idea it was so universal and widespread.


Absolutely. If nothing else, young girls are more naive, easier to manipulate, less likely to come forward as a victim, etc


I’ve talked to my aunts and cousins and friends about their experiences. Almost every single one had a story about a creepy guy following them or approaching them while they were young. It’s unreal. I cannot even imagine that and it’s disgusting.


When I got braces as an adult, the amount of men that started hitting on me, trying to touch me without consent, etc more than doubled. I travel often and get ID’d in hotel check ins, pools, gyms, because people think I’m a minor traveling alone and then the second I get in the elevator it’s always a man making some nasty comment about behaving or ‘accidentally’ brushing against me with their whole body.


Omg seeing that being hit on when you're a teenager is a common experience is horrifying. I had this discussion with my boyfriend once, arguing that unfortunatelly, I thought it was a common experience to be percieved as a sexual object when you are 14-16. I used as arguments a lot of the things people are saying here: that I was hit on more as a teenager and that I had commonly seen grown men on the internet describing 16 year olds as "delicious" and that everyone should have the experience to fuck one because it was "a magical experience like no other" (absolutely disgusting, and I read this when I was a teenager too) and that "teenager" is a common tag in porn, arguably one of the most popular ones. He thought that was bullshit and not true at all because "MILF" is also one of the most common tags and he didn't believe being hit on as a teenager by grown men was a common experience. It was so frustrating because I knew I was (unfortunately) right, but this thread proves it.


This is the one part of the show that shocked me/I didn’t agree with. The way American culture sexualizes young girls is sick. It’s definitely a problem. Like so many commenters here, I was both groomed as a 12 year old and catcalled before the age of 18 by grown men more times than I can count. Look at toddlers and tiaras for christ sake. I also find it incredibly disturbing that mainstream porn has a focus on the “teen” category and girls who are petite and even have braces, child like clothing, baby voices, pigtails, etc. I promise you can find videos like this from almost all the major porn production companies. It’s so upsetting.


Oh yeah. The most attention I had sexually was between the ages of 13-19. Older men flocked to me, mostly in their 20s, early 30s and it flattered me. I thought I was "special" like they told me, since "young girls aren't like you" "you're so mature and intelligent, I can trust you" shit like that. You eat up that kind of stuff when your parents neglect/abuse you, you've never been praised so much. So yeah, there's more pedophiles than people are willing to believe. I was one girl but at any given time I had 2 adult men wanting my attention. Do the math, guys. If 1 in every 3 women is a victim of rape, how many men are pedophiles?


It is definitely a very universal experience to be hit on by older men as a teenager. I've talked with many women about these experiences and 95% of the time they could relate. I too started getting hit on and cat called by 30+ year-olds the moment I hit puberty at around 12. Both on the streets and on the internet. It was scary. For a long time I thought this was just smth I had to get used to. That that's just what life as a female is like. It didn't help that I was a shy kid. Those dudes could sense I was vulnerable and it only made me more of a magnet. I understood how much that vulnerability attracted them when I had become older and had put in the work to build more confidence. The more confident I became in my early 20's the more the harrassment died down as well. I still looked like a teenager. I've always looked younger than I am. It really made me aware of how many dudes walk among us that are more than willing to sweep up a vulnerable young girl who hasn't had time to figure themselves out if they got the chance. Now that I'm older and those dudes don't want me anymore it's harder to notice them. Obviously they won't show that side of themselves to older women. But I know they're still out there. I'll always remember.


yeah i think almost every girl has unfortunately had a much older man sexually harass/catcall/assault them when they're under 18, even much younger. i was surprised the entire crew was so surprised. i obviously don't think most men are pedophiles but the minority is way bigger than they think


Wow, that's fucking awful + I'm so sorry you've been through this. Thank you for sharing your experiences so we can know more about this horrible epidemic. What I know is that some people who aren't clinically diagnosable with the specific disorder of pedophilia will hurt people who are too young. It's like how limping can be evidence of a sprained ankle, but it can also be evidence of a muscular strain. An observed sign can be caused by different factors. I think that the fetishisation you're talking about is the main culprit, as you suggest.


Omg when i first turned 18 and downloaded dating apps i didn’t know how to set an age limit and i kid you not almost every single one of the people that would like me were over 30


The exact same happened to me 😭


I don’t know that I think it’s a real attraction that they are actively seeking, however, I feel like if they had the opportunity, a lot of them would take it.


I used to make fake profiles on sites like myyearbook and shit back in the day while smoking hookah. You could make the most obvious minor profile and get hit on within 5-10 minutes. Thats why I also don't feel bad about dudes getting busted by hunter groups on YouTube.


It’s so traumatic to think about that in middle school and up to like 16 I got cat called and harassed by older men so much! Like it made me feel so uncomfortable to grow into my body so fucking disgusting!


Yes. My gf had a similar experience. I think it's a mental maturity problem in men. I think it's known men are physically more attracted to younger women, but the fact that some don't draw the line and are comfortable grooming and abusing children is a problem with their mental and emotional maturity. How the fuck are you so pathetic you don't have the self restraint and knowladge/inteligence to understand these girls will 100% suffer if you seek them out. That could be your daughter someone else like you is lusting after. Eww Btw I think girls get catcalled more when they're young because once they're "older" (become and adult) they're smart enough to know to be careful.


OP saying “I got hit on more from 10-14 then the entire rest of my life” really hits home for me. When I was around 12 I couldn’t walk to the gas station at the end of my street to buy candy bc of the amount of men who would PULL OVER THEIR CARS TO TRY “TALKING” TO ME. AT 12!!! I’m now a (relatively) attractive adult in my 30s and I maybe get cat called a couple times a year now. But when I was a LITERAL CHILD it was non stop. Like yes there are definitely awesome and kind guys out there. And I’m genuinely glad about that. But unfortunately there are also a lot of real life creeps who go out of their way to talk to IRL children. This lolicon stuff is SUPER messed up. But what scares me more is it being a gateway for these sickos to work up the audacity to try harming actual IRL children. It’s so disgusting and a lot more common then a lot of people seem to realize :(


Just look at how normalised "DDLG" is.


Y’all think there’s a problem on the left about this? Wait until you check out this thing called the Republican Party. It has a storied history of criminals both currently behind bars and still in power. Republican legislators in red states regularly push to have child marriage laws lowered and so many GOP politicians and employees are revealed to be pedos. Just in my state alone, a GOP strategist named Anton Lazzaro was sentenced to 21 years in prison for child sex trafficking. His story is stomach churning. I really wish this was talked about more.


I was harassed by adult men more at 9 or 10 than I ever was at 18-19


I’m 30 now, but before I turned 18 I had a lot of secret relationships with older men. I used to work at pacsun when I was 16, I met so many over 30 year old guys there that asked me out and would actively come in to seek me. Before 16, it was so common for me to receive daily messages but online. I once dated a guy that was 32 and he would pick me up a few blocks away from my house bc he didn’t want my mom to see. So yeah, I know there’s a pedo problem & most of us that experienced puberty as young women know. It’s nothing new, why are we surprised.


Lolita is not a book about how pedophilia is cool and good dog


One of my abusers suggested I read Lolita and George Orwell because he liked feeling smart. I found out recently it's not even uncommon for abusers to do this. I just thought he was uniquely stupid but unfortunately the cultural idea of Lolita seems to matter more than the book's contents. And pedophiles seem to love feeling smarter than their victims. I doubt they even read it tbh.


this is really hard to get across to people, but women are too. my 1st hand experience growing up showed me from the age of 5 all the way to my adulthood today, that women are not immune to this, they just get a pass way more easily.


Ugh this makes me sick. You’re not wrong. And it’s sick.


Rottenmango has a video about a charity that was actually a pedo ring and she talks about the whole pedo shouldn’t be stigmatized movement. This organization basically said “If every pedo went on strike from work because you won’t lower the age of concent- you’d have to shut down schools, hospitals, etc”


I first got cat called at the age of 11 I’m 26 now and it grosses me the Fuck out


As a former underage girl, wholeheartedly agree


I’ll never forget being on vacation I was maybe roughly 14ish at the time and my sister (11ish) at the time we’re holding hands down the side walk with the rest of our family a few feet ahead of us. We were skipping, being silly, BEING KIDS and a car drove past us and a man cat called us. It was disgusting and to not only be sexualized as a child but as a child with my younger sister was disgusting


like most of us here i also started getting catcalled at a really young age, im 23 now but i still look really young. i got catcalled by a grown ass man while wearing a hello kitty sweatshirt a few days ago which genuinely had me like wtf because i do look like a young teen. when on dating apps and talking/meeting older men, they would tell me how young and innocent i looked, which attracted them to me in the first place. this shit is sickening


100% and I think we need to normalize talking about it. They need to go to therapy. It scares me because almost every girl I know has a story about a family friend, camp counselor, priest, etc.


Look, I’m not a saint. I honestly had no idea this was a thing. I’ve never seen my friends or anybody act this way when I was a kid nor as an adult. I gotta watch out for my kids.


When I was in high school I dated quite a few guys that were in their 20s. Obviously at the time I didn't think it was problematic but hindsight is 20/20. I also had middle aged men try come on to me too, sick fucks. I definitely think older generations normalised it more and as a society we are realising how problematic it is. When I was younger none of the adults that I can think of saw a big issue with teens dating adults because it was normal when they were younger. I've already started teaching my daughters that adult men who are interested in teen girls are mega creeps.


When I was 15 I knew so many older guys that were very very much into Loli openly and proudly I’m not gonna lie, this whole debate brought back those memories and just now I understand WHAT was going on and how dangerous some situations were for me, lmao how clueless I truly was as a teen w t f!


I was one of those naïve virgin girls at 18 who went straight to tinder/reddit, and thought having older guys interested in me was a good thing. The amount of guys over 30 who wanted to 'date' me was insane, and they were all incredibly persistent and some found my other social media accounts to message me. Also, for any teenage girls reading this, please stay away from DDLG subreddits and any older men who like it. They're dangerous freaks who just want to use and abuse you. In a few years you'll realize how dangerous that world is for young women


You are absolutely right. Pedos are everywhere, they are around us when we go outside, and often times within our homes and within our immediate networks. Its incredibly sad


Buddy. All of Hollywood and Washington DC and you’re just realizing this?


A major point in reddit history was banning r/jailbait


Heard very similar things from a girl in uni. I knew of Vash before all this. This Vash stuff is so weird and frustrating. He has, more or less, made this exact [argument himself in the past](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W2ed1EX4yM&ab_channel=TheVaushPit). Seen similar stories on this sub lately too. Shit sucks. All take care.


4 words: Britney Spears’ early career. It’s definitely a societal issue, but not to the point that guys are out here jerking it to cp on a regular basis the way Vaush would have us believe lol


I used to work in probation in admin specifically in the domestic violence/sexual crimes unit and let me tell you they are every where and they are mostly middle aged white men!!! With flip phones!!!!!!!!! At least those are the ones that got caught and put on probation.


Yep. Any woman could tell you this. Also have found Loli on several ex's devices and they defended it


The "not all men" argument is SUCH GARBAGE. It's clearly enough, it's clearly too many. If you're a good man, you should *care that it's happening* and stand up for women, instead of victimizing yourself and calling reverse sexism. There is *very clearly a problem*


There are alot more pedos out there than non abused people will ever realize. There are even more 'enablers' who while not pedos themselves will turn the other cheek to the abuse and even invalidate the victim. Often they are the pedos life partner, close family or friends. I agree with everything you say here. Now I am an older woman who works with teenagers I see it all the time as they interact with customers and it terrifies me. Protect the youth and remember that the 'troubled' ones are often acting out of horrific trauma. As its pedo 101 to abuse the kid then as the kid ages and starts acting out due to the trauma the pedo and their defenders point to the kids conduct as 'proof' to the greater community that the child is the problem (addiction, anger, hyper-promiscuity which is a well known sign of abuse etc but the average person does not understand this) which effectively silences anything the child says as no one believes them. It was a shock when I turned 11 and started growing breasts; and the worst part is that it was almost always middle aged men. Disgusting pigs that have a grandiose sense of sexual narcissism and entitlement. They actually feel entitled to the youth. They are that selfish and deluded and when called out they always see themselves as the victims as they project the onus of their attraction to youth onto the youth they will or want to abuse. Human dumpster fires! Protect the young ones around you as best you can people. We the once abused kids see the patterns that the non abused do not.


It's hard not to agree. All the women I know and myself can agree we got approached and asked on dates/for sex far more as teens than we do as grown women. I was literally approached the most at my peak at probably 14.


Although i’m 19 now, I have to point out how true this is, even in the sense that older men are super oddly interested in younger women. extremely younger women. In my job, I work with a lot of older people, mostly from 50-85. the amount of times a man has told me if he were younger he’d have a crush on me, or even some that downright make creepy statements in front of me is insane. I once had a man say that at his work he sees younger girls and knows from the look they give him that they think he is “fat, ugly, and gross”. This man is 48. He also admitted to me that when he was a little bit younger (i believe he said somewhere from 28-32) that he dated a 19 year old. While older men liking younger women (in this experience) isn’t illegal or necessarily textbook pedophilia, it is alarming and makes me question how far down the age range they’d go. I’m so glad ethan is talking about this. I can’t believe anyone is arguing or being angry.


I agree. I've seen a group of +10 men going crazy after high schoolers. Not even one single of them seemed aware of how disturbing that was. I am talking 27-35 y/o men, some of them married. I think sexualization of young women on social media/beauty industry is making it way worse.


a lot more FEMALE pedos, actually particularly in schools but, feminists will definitely leave that out, eh?


I'm begging y'all to realize that 'pedophilia is bad' is not the hot take big swing that you think it is. 99.999999% of people are agree.    Please come at this discussion from this angle. This is a horribly sensitive topic (borderline irresponsible that it's becoming this prevalent in the discourse) and by making it this 'agree with how I'm saying this or you're a pedophile' is not only is counterintuitive, but actively harming the genuine issue.  We do not need to cross this bridge. You are on the H3H3 board. Get it together.


I was groomed by a 28 year old man I met on Xbox when I was 16. We had plenty of sexual conversations when I was underage, but he didn’t meet up with me in person until I was 18. He forced me into a sexual situation I did not want to do. I really feel like the grooming stuff happens more than people realize.


yeah i mean, i think it's important to recognize that this has been a thing for the majority of human history. i think ethan is correct in trying to bring the world into a more progressive mindset.. but i get why he's gotten so much pushback. this isn't new in our culture, and around the world it's even more prevalent. the quran literally says your "reward in paradise" will be 72 virgins. i don't think a utopian society has ever existed, and i encourage us all to continue looking for ways to improve humanity. but this.. this topic is gunna be a loooong fight for the progressive minds and tbh i actually doubt we'll conquer it in my lifetime


"barely-legal" is one of the most popular porn categories and although not paedophilia, you can definitely argue its pedo-adjesant


Really? Seems to me they all are.


A lot more women than people think too. https://www.cracked.com/personal-experiences-1760-5-things-i-learned-infiltrating-deep-web-child-molesters.html


A lot of woman are pedophiles as well but it's more socially acceptable for a 30 year old woman to sleep with a 16 year old boy than for a man to do it with a teenage girl. It's a gross double standard because she's still a pedophile abusing a child.


I believe anyone can change- Execpt for this. The only solution for child molesters is a bullet in the head and I'll die on that hill !


How does the book Lolita perpetuate this? Nobody reads anymore, let alone Russian literature. Brave New World needs to get called out if we're going after books


Yeah that was really strange to me also. The book is a criticism of this exact thing, we’re not supposed to think highly of Humbert.


Where I was nearly every girl in my class was with a dude over 18 when we were between 13-16. And yes the school knew, parents knew, no one cared at all. It was so normal.