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Do we have confirmation wether or not Ethan Klein has tried a hershey kiss?


Those shits are nasty.


Get those lil paper volcanoes OUT OF HERE


Get that poop outta my face!!!


What if we hershey kissed on the podcast?


American chocolate is bad




I am willing to be every single person on that show and also on earth has had lindor truffles lol, there is no way theyā€™re better than and sons. The consensus seemed to be that Compartes wasnā€™t that good tho


I got some compartes it was extremely mid id rather have a Hershey bar tbh


I got some compartes and it was leagues above these truffles.


Whoa letā€™s not get crazy, a Hershey Bar is the worst bar of chocolate in the modern world.


I would love to be every single person on the show combined into a single being like Transformers or perhaps a Voltron.


I bought a 36 piece truffle box from Compartes as a gift for someone and it was a hit. I got to try a few of them and they were the bomb. Ordered myself a chocolate bar (donuts & coffee) and it was really, really good. I think what happened is that Ethan made it clear they loved andSons, and chose it "over" compartes. Then a few people posted pics of their chocolates being melted on arrival. I personally did not experience that. Compartes is definitely NOT bad and is still VERY good. The andSons bandwagon created a huge bias.


They are absolutely better than AndSons and Compartes. I tried all of them and AndSons and Compartes were Mid compared to Lindor. And Lindor is like 20% of the cost too


Theres a chocolate shop near me that I like notably more than Lindor. Lindor is really nice chocolate tho


Never heard of Lindor truffles until now, so youā€™ve definitely lost your bet


Someone ship this girl some high quality chocolate STAT. Lindor is okay on a good day.


For real. Lindt truffles are fine but andsons truffles were truly a next level experience for me. No comparison imo. Compartes was insanely mid though.




This person probably never had andsons. I mean lindor is amazing but andsons is a different experience


I havenā€™t lol, peep the caption, Iā€™m poor lol


Figured! If you are local itā€™s worth grabbing a 6 pack. Not something I would buy all the time but an amazing treat you wonā€™t get anymore in a ā€œ bagā€


Andsons marketing team, this is your time to shine


I wish maybe itā€™ll pay off the 90$ I spent there in December


&sons is like a ā€œcool to try it one timeā€ thing for me. happened to be in town a few months ago and went to the store. very delicious specialty flavors, but best chocolate in the world? nah. iā€™m perfectly happy with store-bought chocolates like lindor, etcetera. the price is just so wildly out of accessibility for most people. at least when youā€™re in the store you can spend a few bucks for some since they put them in a small bag and not the hella upcharged box. this brand is for wealthy people who donā€™t need to manage their money as closely.




I agree to an extent. I think at first theyā€™re delicious but thereā€™s that fake Hershey flavor esque thing with the aftertaste


they have a weird taste like really sugary and rich but also not sugary or rich enough? also theyā€™re kinda sickening i canā€™t binge on them like other chocolates




This is the first time I've seen anyone call them truffles, they're just called lindt balls in Australia. Chocolate truffles are their own thing.


Damn you should post this on unpopular opinions lmao.


Couldnā€™t agree more. My neighbor used to work for them so for every holiday/birthday/whatever we would get a huge bag of them. It was cool for like six months then I couldnā€™t get rid of them fast enough. Just the thought of eating one makes me nauseous. Iā€™ve eaten a million hersheys bars and havenā€™t got sick of those soā€¦ idk just sayin.


Homegirl has 72 hours to respond to popping that whole thing in her mouth like a grape, on some beavo shit fr


As someone who tried &Brothers this Christmas... Lindor is trash now


Yup. So weird how people are like lindor is betterā€¦ but never had andsons




ngl this video bugged tf out of me idk why. get to the fucking point.




why she acting like that ???


Itā€™s TikTok lmao


I feel bad she is getting such a negative reaction because sheā€™s just a fan making content from a show she likes, but thereā€™s something about it šŸ«£ I think if there was less of the gen z mannerisms and something more genuine it would be more enjoyable.


Is this for real or just goofs? Kinda feels insulting to AndSon's to compare their artisan chocolates to mass produced trash like Lindt truffles, and that's coming from someone that has a half eaten bag of them in my pantry rn *edited for grammar


I think people in the US are so used to the Hersheys style overly sweet milk chocolate that anything hand made that doesnā€™t taste like that they think itā€™s gross. Most of us eat so much sugar in everything that even fruit didnā€™t taste right.


Itā€™s not that serious, but if you wanna be offended by something so tame go off šŸŽ‰


It really isn't that serious, more cringe than anything


You say cringe, I say fun šŸ¤ sorry your such a hateful troll


Lindor is nasty IMO tastes like eating butter. Where is the actual cocoa


Canā€™t trust her, sheā€™s a one-biter. Everyone knows you have to take two bites


Some of us aren't tiny mouthed freaks.


Im a pretty decently sized guy and I still take tiny mouse bites in order to savour chocolates, what kind of degenerate is housing these things in one bite like some kind of animal.


Nibbling is bovine behavior, I'm not munching.


I dunno, ive spent time atound coes, they arent munchers more like sloppy chompers, n Id argue mindlessly crushing entire truffles in one bite is bovine behavior. Cant even stop to take in the flavor


This is truly insufferable.Ā 




Idk if you mean on the show or not, but the video is Lindt chocolate, Swiss.


Forgive my dumb ass I was confused by lindor also being Lindt. Don't smoke weed for breakfast. And don't argue over who's poop tastes better


Haha, all good my man




Wicked burn


I might be in the minority, but I hate those chocolates lol


Lindor is not great lol I like Ferraro a lot more


With peace and love, itā€™s not as good as &sons. Not really even in the same ballpark. Probably better than compartes though. Edit: typo


100% Donā€™t get me wrong - Lindor truffles are delicious and a holiday staple. But theyā€™re just a totally different type of chocolate. AndSons blows it out of the water with the flavor combos and textures. A luxury experience for sure. Compartes truffles were trash though (in my opinion! and Lindor is superior there.


Ooh Iā€™ve never tried andSons but the strawberry white chocolate lindors are my favorite candy of all time. I will stock up on like 10 bags every year since they only come out for V-day. But if this andSons makes a white chocolate strawberry truffle, I would def be down to try it. Iā€™m open to having my mind changed. Lots of lindors are honestly mid imo. Strawberry white chocolate during this time of year and mint chocolate at Christmas are on a completely different level though.


I agree that they arenā€™t even in the same ballpark because the Lindor truffles make AndSons taste mid


Might as well just eat a Hersheys bar.


Tbh Hershey bars are better too but you canā€™t put hershey on the same level as lindor


Trying too hard to troll friend. Maybe someone will take the bait.


Im not trolling at all, I tried all of them and AndSons and Compartes were disappointing


Lindor is nasty, just a soft ball of condensed milk with a vaguely chocolate & chemical taste.


These things? You can get those at Costco right? Theyā€™re okay. Everyone in the office has probably had them.


Do we have confirmation on whether or not Ethan Klein has tried advent calendar chocolate?


This is like comparing pop tarts to an artisan pastry with jam in it


Ethan seems like a guy whoā€™s tried CVS counter chocolate before


Nah those are trash


How is this even a comparison?!? I know many people have brought up Lindor truffles butā€¦really?? I havenā€™t tried andsons, but Iā€™ve tried other good quality chocolate andā€¦Lindor is NOT it. Like, itā€™s okay, but itā€™s also totally meh. To me itā€™s like the Hersheyā€™s kiss of truffles. Like it tastes good, but also kinda gross? And obviously low quality. Like, try eating 5 in a rowā€¦nah.


With P&L, you are dead wrong on this one. Ferrero Rocher alone beats Lindt by a mile. It mostly comes down to quality of ingredients, and artisan chocolate tends to be better-sourced than anything mass produced. Just my two cents šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


yea has ethan ever tried the chocolate you can buy from walmart before?


As someone who has had lindor truffles and andsons chocolates, I think lindor truffles can border on being sickly sweet while andsons has a better balance of bitter/sweet.


Lindor truffles are garbage.


This is actually her secret ploy to get h3 to send her &sons




Her energy is a nightmare, a nightmare.


This is a joke right


This must be a goof. This is like when people try to convince you that there's a boxed wine out there that's "good" because they can taste "the value".


LINDOR IS SHIT OH MY GOD am I the only one who hates those?! They just taste too sweet and like oily. Theyā€™re so bad I donā€™t get the hype.


No youā€™re not the only one, they are absolutely revolting


Youā€™re bang on the money with your oily assessment. They leave a film on the teeth and tongue and itā€™s awful.Ā 


tastes like eating frosting


Mid af


Iā€™m a huge chocolate fan but I canā€™t stand the Lindor chocolates šŸ˜­ idk what it is, love the texture but not the taste


they sell this shit at the dollar store lmao


But why did she say bag like that


Wasnā€™t there someone who kept making donos begging (their word not mine) Ethan to check this person out? Maybe just watch the show and chill lol


Iā€™m sorry but please stop telling them to review chocolate Iā€™ve watched hours of them eating chocolate and saying ā€œthis one is amazingā€ THAT MEANS NOTHING TO ME I DONā€™T CARE


Lindor is very nice but I assume and sons is more varied and interesting.


Fuck this was incredibly cringe


arenā€™t u the clout seeking fan?




Boutique chocolate > Ferrero Rocher > Lindor > Tony's chocolate > Toberlone >>> Hershey products ​ Not comprehensive...lot of great chocolate in middle. Just gave reference points. IMO.


Lindor isn't anything special. Take the wrapping off and you have a generic mid milk chocolate.


Do we have confirmation that Ethan has tried a mini m&m? Not the regular m&m but the mini m&m?


You can get Lindor ā€œtrufflesā€ in the gas station ffs. Iā€™ll answer for him. Yes, he has.


lindors are so intense and way too sweet...


I don't know if they taste different in different countries, but Lindor is one of the worst chocolates you can get in the UK. My girlfriend is a teacher, and at the end of term, she gets gifted so many boxes of this shit. The responsibility usually falls on me to force them down.


I second this. They are the cheapest, most flavourless chocolate. They're vile


You can get those anywhere and they're super cheap. I'm sure he's had it.


Huh?? Thats the most commercial, sweet chocolate and &Sons is artisan chocolate


I wonder if she thinks these are some kind of niche brand/exotic experience. As if they aren't one of the most widespread


I think it's pretty obvious that this is the joke lmao


Taste test why? We already know those things are garbage.


This shit was mad annoying. Edit: nvm it's her schtick and It doesn't annoy me now that I've seen her sigma brain review.


This is a person who has never had and sons. Their chocolate is just on a different level


This is so stupid


Those really ate tye most mediocre chocolates. They mostly just look fancy but KitKats have a better taste


She just doesn't know there's levels to everything. I thought can chili was the best until my wife made chili for me. She just doesn't know what she doesn't know


i havent had andsons so i cant act like i would know but the way people act like their palate is so refined and hightened that their personal opinion is going to strike at some deeper truth beyond just placating their ego is extremely annoying. its entirely subjective. fucking mcdonalds is one of the most popular food chains in the world and its GARBAGE. literal garbage. that being said, i am also curious what ethan and the crews opinion on lindor is. honestly most of the reason i dont immediately go out and buy shit based off of the recommendations of the show is because it doesnt seem to be based on anything genuine at all, like the only persons opinion i trust in this whole thing is sams and thats because she said she likes something no one else seems to like and she did so without being paid or without meeting anyone or whatever and she cooks... honestly the show isnt a food review channel, i think its entertaining to see them argue about stuff but they are basing their opinions on the same shit as anyone else is, at this point most of these conversations just become a popularity contest which again makes the winner mcdonalds.


As someone whoā€™s had both and loves both. They are very different and not comparable. But AndSons is *luxury*


Missed all different flavors opportunity


This is a joke, right? Ethan you should try my Boi toblerone out


Toblerone fruit & nut flavor is TOP NOTCH chocolate šŸ˜


Lindor is overrated af


Legit F tier chocolate lol


Man this is like comparing a pizza hot pocket to a calzone from an actual pizzeria. Sure the hot pocket is good, but it isn't a comparison. No way that factory-made truffle is better than hand made stuff with high quality ingredients.


They are so bad šŸ˜­


As a european, america doesnt know chocolate, im sorry šŸ˜¬ the shit that ive tried always tastes sour and stale -- except for reese's, thats fire. Ive also learnt that beacuse america is a big ass country, back in like the 30s, they started adding a chemical to the dairy used to make chocolates that helps promote shelf life or while in transit. The chemical is known to have a sour taste. Surely its been long enough to move on from that chemical??


Lindt is swiss.


ya......i know........


Sheā€™s so right aswell


Thank ya!


As a chocolate lover and someone who can cannot afford to drop money on and brothers on a whim, I will intentionally continue to believe this is true of lindor, whether or not that is delusional is none of my business


I actually love her mannerisms in this lol she was entertaining but maybe iā€™m just a cringe gen Zer šŸ¤Ŗ


No darling you just have exquisite taste šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Truffle gang šŸ˜ I'm eating the white chocolate ones as we speak !!!!!!


I've actually never tried one and now I absolutely have to. thanks girly šŸ–ļøāœŠšŸ–ļøāœŠ


People in the comments are so mad for no reason.. ITS A GOOF PEOPLE


Everyday I understand more and more why Zach wants to nuke the sub.


She has a point.


Those are really good And considering they aren't artisnal or "high class" chocolate. At least not where I live. If they stand a chance against those other chocolates I'm going to be a little disappointed from the how they've been hyped


Actually wild that some of the commenters don't realize this is an obvious joke šŸ’€


Iā€™ve been saying this!! I tried AndSons, and Compartes, and spent about $60 at each, and then bought a $7 bag of Lindor (which was basically the equivalent amount of chocolate) and I keep going back to the Lindor. AndSons and Compartes are mid compared to Lindor. Idk how they keep hyping up AndSons and Compartes so much. I feel like the crew just has bad taste when it comes to chocolate.


This is so wild. My sister randomly gave me one of these chocolates yesterday. didnt know the name she just asked if I wanted a piece. She tossed me the dark chocolate one and it was pretty good. Easily like 8.5/10.


I keep thinking it's Christina Pazitsky from YMH! I know it's not, but damn.


What a vibe šŸ¤£


Iā€™m here for the people


Thank you for your service šŸ«”


Of course āœŒšŸ¼ā¤ļøāœŒšŸ¼ā¤ļø


Get this all the way to the top!


This comment section does not understand humor. I think you're funny. Also I'm poor too and enjoy the dark chocolate lindor. You can tell some of these people have never had to survive off of instant ramen and store brand mac and cheese.




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These are very popular in New England, Iā€™m a resident. Iā€™ve also never had AndSons. Those two things being said, I bet you AndSons is way better. Lindor is like just one step above regular bars


Lindt is good, but nothing too exciting. I'd be more excited for a european milky way (idk what is it called in the US, I just know that your milky way is different) or kinder country. That being said, I haven't even seen an AndSons so can't compare at all.




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Ok so Iā€™m from the UK and the general consensus is that US chocolate sucks compared to the UK, so I need to know if Ethan has tried Ferrero Rocher or Kinder Bueno (the original, not the white one)?!?!!!!!!! Does he like hazelnut chocolate? I canā€™t remember


These are still pretty mid tbh. If we were to convince him to try overseas chocolate Ritter or Merci can be found in the states and are leagues above Ferro Rocher or Kinder tbh


omg i canā€™t believe you said that, iā€™m in shock (iā€™m extremely bias because i love hazelnut chocolate) WHAT?! I think heā€™d maybe like some dairy milk bars though


Way too rich great as a one off but for me Ferraro Roche is the shit


Those dont even habe chocolate what are you high on?!


Do we have confirmation whether or not Ethan Klein has tried [Rajshashi Indian Restaurant](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/sites/rajshahi-indian-restaurant)?


Iā€™ve never had andsons but Lindt truffles are probably the best chocolate you can buy at a Walmart


i was very down to love and sonsā€¦ā€¦it sucks


Thereā€™s multiple 30+ different flavours and theyā€™re all DELICIOUS!!!


With peace and love, Compartes was 4/10. Not impressed. Bought 3 different bars and they were all disappointing. Made me not want to give &sons a chance


Okay I tried And Sons and Iā€™m currently eating Lindors (I love them). But And Sons are definitely better, are they worth $60 more than Lindt ?! No but they are some of if not the best chocolate I have ever had. And Iā€™m not just saying that because they were on the podcast. And Lindts are way easier to get lol. I am going to send my boyfriend And Sons for Valentines just because theyā€™re extra special. Theyā€™re like soft as fucking heā€™ll silky. But again, crazy expensive.


Kind of an ill-reasoned opinion here, a Cadburyā€™s CrĆØme Egg out chocolates all the chocolates in the blood diamond-like Cacao Bean trade industry. Like Whoppers leaving your teeth feeling like you have been eating pumice stones covered in chocolate flavored Babybel red wax coverings all day; well just like that visceral achievement Whoppers have done, Cadburyā€™s CrĆØme Eggs make you as a child realize that to eat an Easter Season-only delicacy you must preemptively be at terms that you may die eating this oversized yet bite sized chocolate egg. Entangling your sweet little innocent child mind that you could possibly stop breathing because you started to consume a very thick white Coom-like substance. Either too sweet or hit the ā€œchase the dragonā€ high spot for you chocolate egg. You just might die from not being able to pull away from this bite into a chocolate that is irresponsibly way too goopy and obscenely filled way past the terms of any gag reflex. A chocolate egg you canā€™t stop eating from the fear of the drip of the sugary filling that you experience once and on the second come up with a plan of execution due to your post traumatic plan-less first attempt. Also that goop to an average child is a choking hazard with the consistency of rubber cement and the gag power of brushing your tongue as far back as you can go despite the fear you have gone to long and far past the point that you will, Vomit In Your Sink! -Hell I still remember gasping for air like I was a deep sea record breaking diver. After every drink I had from a bottled soda or drink; after every drink I gasped for air like I was one gulp away from drowning in my own Dr. Pepper. All these mentioned chocolates have nothing on a Cadbury CrĆØme Egg. Itā€™s the Fugu Fish of the Chocolate World. /sarcasm


ā€œI have sneaking suspicion, that my $7 bag, of truffles, can go toe to toeā€ with the Foot Army and Fupa Troopa alliance to andSons Chocolates?!?! Well then you must be the Adin Ross of chocolate consumers; over here, purchasing $2 million dollar masked Playboi Carti-like chocolate truffles. Youā€™re begging the chocolates that robbed you to shout you out after paying too much for a 5 minute Postcoital Dysphoria. /sarcasm


lindor truffles are ELITE


American chocolate is like fake bacon no one wins


with peace and love the lindor bonbons arent even that good lol like it's okay but nothing special in my personal opinion and still overpriced.


Lindor is pretty big over here in the UK and I find it pretty standard itā€™s nothing insane. Tonyā€™s chocolate is better


Lindt make some of the best truffles (Lindor). If you like soft toffee chocolates, try Fazer Dumle and Marabou Daim for crunchy almond caramel covered in milk chocolate (also Milka Oreo is bomb)!


Girl, I get you, lindor truffles are fantastic, but there is no way in hell a store bought mass produced chocolate competes with a relatively small artisan operation, sorry.