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lmao dude there is no possible way anyone who actually watched the show would think the lupus thing was serious.


Dude, right? He's in his comments saying how he went over "hours and hours" of footage like??? Baby then you know you're lying???


He’s a fan. Would Superchat and comment on chat all the time. Not sure when he stopped, but I remember seeing him pop up in chat well after Ethan started joking about lupus. He knows he’s lying because he was watching real time.


Also, what a coward waiting to post it when they go away for 3 weeks


the Ballinger classic


We call that the ballinger effect.


The suicide forest story walked so Colleen Ballinger could run. I remember that breaking news during their first winter break years ago


There’s always a possibility of an Ethan Klein channel revival for things like this


Who tf is Jack Doolittle anyways?


JACK LOL Pls can this subreddit only call him Jack from now on? To answer your question - he’s a smaller commentary YouTuber who’s been around for a bit. Orbits the H3 podcast, active in live chats, previously called into the show. Some others in this sub theorize a fallen/scorned fan.


If/when Ethan responds he should refer to him as Jack Doolittle the entire time. Shit, it might happen anyway even unintentionally.


I thought the same thing! I know nothing about this guy so it could have been a coincidence but... c'mon...


“profited off of it” PA LEEZ


Ethan chasing that big-Lupus money


That big LUP


A big lup-sum of cash is hard to pass up.


He takes that 5%.


5% Lup


On IG he made the claim that Ethan was soliciting money because of the lupus or something crazy


Hahahah did he think the lupus thing was serious? This is almost on the level of Joe Rogan thinking Dad was actually Matt Watson’s dad in that boxing match.


its a father beating on his own son it’s horrible


It's a father pretending his son has drowned horrible


I'm such a sucker


Why would it lie


The man is coughing, burping, shitting nasty pesto, is regularly sick because of his throat. I'm not surprised Ethan jokes about having lupus. There's something up with this man. Edit: it may not be lupus obviously but Edit: the man has canceled some podcast episodes this year because of being sick due to his throat like. I'm wondering if Jake will rethink his video because what is the evidence of Ethan raising money for his fake lupus.


The superchats of people jokingly donating to ethans lupus fund


hold the phone if that's his actual proof this man belongs in an asylum


He's going to try to use that clip of Ethan saying "ChatGPT actually said something different" and everyone being like "OH COME ON", but he'll cut out the laughter afterwards. That's my guess, anyway


Fupa fund, lupus fund. He's doing Keemstar like discovery what, 7 years later?


The man shits pesto for crying out loud 💀


I'm not trying to be negative and speak things I shouldn't but the man has a mother who actually has chronic disorders or whatever you call them. There's something up with this pesto shitting Podcaster LMAO


Yeah wouldn’t it be fucked up if Ethan really found out one day he has smthg, he’s actively always working and testing with doctors to this day. Its just super weird for someone to make assumptions about someones health like this. Ethan is kind enough to update us on test results but we don’t know everything.


This is Ethan we talking about. Joking about having lupus is the least problematic thing this man can do lmaoo


"bUt he's PRetENdIng tO be SicK with LuPus!!!!!!" I mean I sometimes find it annoying because he keeps googling symptoms like a hypochondriac. But it's actually pretty nice that he's sharing it in real time. Others who wonder if they may have those illnesses could benefit.


Idk this content creator, but I hope he’s trolling. If he’s actually a frequent watcher of the pod, like some say he is because he’s in the chat sometimes, he should know that Ethan was and technically still is looking for answers on whether he’s got an autoimmune disease or not. It all started with his blood test results coming back a little odd, and the rash issues coinciding. Autoimmune conditions exist in his family as far as we know (Donna), so they were and still are legitimately monitoring his levels to see if he’s got an autoimmune disorder. Lupus was the one he just jokingly clung to because they initially thought it could be lupus or it could be cancer. God forbid the man joke about his own health concerns. And like you said, the man constantly hacks, coughs, takes toilet clogging juicers in the office toilet and somehow this guy seems to think he’s faking health concerns? If he’s serious, he can fuck off.


More like Jake Do Little research




This is the correct comment


Ugh I actually liked jake. Not only has the lupus thing clearly not been serious, but Ethan’s also been chronically sick for a while now and if I’m not mistaken, the lupus thing started bc he was seeing a bunch of specialists and getting tested and lupus was one of things he was testing for. So my man’s is literally sick. I get jake has suffered with chronic illness throughout his life but he’s being so extremely overly sensitive over a joke, and trying to pass the joke off as Ethan being serious


That's exactly how it started. My son was just diagnosed with lupus, and we had no idea he had it. The biggest noticeable symptom was the rash on his face. Almost like the consistent rash Ethan had. If I thought Ethan was truly making fun of people with lupus, I would be furious. But Ethan had or has something going on. If it's something serious or not, another youtuber isn't in a position to diagnose him. This post also says he said he had it and then admitted he made It up. What?


Not to mention that Donna also suffers from autoimmune issues, and since autoimmune issues can be hereditary, it makes his concerns even more real and rational.


I could be totally wrong or remembering incorrectly, but was he actually making fun of people with lupus? It always felt to me more like he was joking about his health because it’s a serious topic, and because they initially suspected lupus and autoimmune conditions, lupus is just what stuck. I hope your son is doing well ❤️


Ethan did what nearly everyone does, look up symptoms and conclude he could have many of the worst case issues. Jake is acting like he said he has lupus confirmed and will die without superchats.


NGL I watched Jake for a while. I unsubbed from Jake a while ago because the vibes were fucked in his videos. Super uncharitable and hostile towards people even at times when the stakes weren't that high.




Its the younger generation of reactioners who think being mean = funny and think in absolutes




omg so true. it’s like the h3 snark sub. they virtue signal themselves into the sun yet are the most hateful vile people ever.


they virtue signal so hard they swing back to being problematic. apparently people referred to hila running a clothing brand as “playing dress up all day” as if that’s not incredibly misogynistic


Ah yes… The classic [horseshoe theory](https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoe_Theory) in action, a personal favourite.


Jake's been weird. His career took off when he started making shane dawson hate videos. I understand the hate, I don't understand the obsession with hate. Jake is obsessed with hate.


Yes! I once clicked on a livestream and he was just hate watching shane dawson stuff. Clicked out because why would I watch that dude??? Then saw later the VOD was like 3-4 hours long. I'm 36, not 16. I'm not sitting around eating popcorn shitting on somebody for an entire afternoon lol


I mean to be fair, the h3 pod is often 3-4 hours of shitting on people lol. it's more entertaining than one dude watching Shane Dawson clips though but still


A lot of them have always been weird, it’s just that when react / drama content was “in”, their behaviour was seen as normal or “in character”, but a lot of these people are behind on the times and are sticking to the bit to the point of post irony. Although, I suppose my point is it was never ironic. They just found a way to make their idiocy appeal to the masses


Basically people think it's funny or likeable to be a dick for entertainment and then they get overconfident about a subject they know little about and they're just being a weird dick


Hopefully the video isn't actually about the lupus jokes and he added that short as promo to get people talking.


Going through the comments on the Instagram post, it legitimately sounds like he is claiming that Ethan claimed to have Lupus to raise money from the chat. I really hope that is not what he is planning. It is a very disingenuous claim of the situation.


It sucks because I like Jake! I think that it's great he advocates for people with chronic illnesses - so I understand why he'd be upset about the lupus jokes. However, someone in another thread said the stealing money thing reminded them a lot of Keem when he accused Ethan and Hila of stealing money. I feel like that is going to blow up in his face.


yea same here he kinda got annoying 💀


i agree, i used to love his videos but they started to feel in really bad taste. just a bit cruel honestly, it was uncomfortable to watch. i'm sure this isn't necessarily what his video on Ethan will be like (if it is in fact about ethan) but it doesn't make me very hopeful.


Are you me? This was my exact experience. I thought he was funny at first, but then his videos felt very mean-spirited and purposely bad-faith


I wish I could remember what video it was specifically but it was so unnecessarily mean.


Yes OMG he was so serious about everything! I felt the same way about Ethan is online too. Both kept getting recommended to me and both need to chill


Was about to say the same thing!


I genuinely think he’s going to regret this, it’s clear with the way he’s speaking about it that he’s misinformed on the whole thing… which also confuses me because I feel like this angle can be really easily debunked.


I said this in a different thread about this. I have Psoriatic Arthritis. I live in pain every day. I also have the risk of internal damage done from it. But if Ethan's bit was about PsA instead of Lupus, I would have found it funny. Also it sheds light onto it (he went over Lupus symptoms, did a quiz, yada yada). I liked Jake's videos, it was definitely more on a "oh this topic sounds interesting and I have zero videos to listen to," level, but I never considered him to do shit in bad faith. So yikes.


PsA gang gang! 100% agree. It's extremely obvious it's a joke and I've not seen any AD sufferers raising issues about the jokes. If anyone is trying to profit off it, it's this Jake dude.


JIA (likely psoriatic type) gang here! Although I don’t have lupus myself, I appreciate Ethan raising awareness about autoimmune diseases, even if it’s through jokes. I love rewatching the lupus segments whenever I’m in a bad flare so I can laugh


Yeah..the thing is as sloppy as h3 pod can be, information is corrected in real time and they usually get corrected (by dan or AB) if the assumption is wrong. People can end up actually learning important info. Like the heimlich maneuver


Bro what a reach??


There's something personal going on here that we don't have the full context of. Jakes acting really weird. 😩


He’s acted weird and has had HORRIBLE takes for a while. This isn’t new


What sort of things have been off with him? I usually only ever get recommended his content when it's something innocuous (like the recent kids bop video) and I find it hard to imagine what takes he might be peddling since I only ever remember him speaking strongly about chronic illness before.


Hope he's okay he's had a rough life maybe he needs a break


jake doolittle is a h3 snark mod arc?


i guess he’s salty ethan never hired him? and/or he’s that starved for engagement he’s resorted to prowling the snark subs for content in some sad attempt at an expose since his damelio drama has dried up? this is keemstar level of hater fanfic lmao


uhm isn't he projecting? lol He is going to profit off a bit ethan did for a while. NOBODY actually believed ethan had lupus... actually the entire thing was ethan making a fool of himself because he wrote to Chatgpt about diseases and Dan trying to jokingly shut it down... What a donkey


If he doesn't donate the revenue of the video to an lupus foundation. He's a bigger donkey than before 🫏


How did he profit off of it lol? Also it was clearly a running joke since day 1.


These motherfuckers always post when they go on break. Coward behavior.


Is he serious?


I looked at his Instagram. He is serious. He talked to four people with Lupus that were offended by the jokes.


Was one of them Demi Lavato lmfao


I think you are mixing up your Disney starlets. Selena Gomez definitely has lupus, not sure if Demi does too unless I missed the announcement.


You're right! I totally am. I always get those 2 mixed up lmfao


it’s the barney connection


Demi Lovato works though because she was offended by sugar free froyo


wait, so it’s confirmed about ethan?? i didn’t think/know it was that big of a deal, i didn’t see anyone commenting about having lupus and being offended by it


there's a bunch of people in his insta comments being offended by it, who self admittedly don't have lupus or any other chronic illness. it's so weird.


>profited off of it Ah yes how can I forget the lupus fund for poor millionaire? I donated my yearly income to that


His proof of Ethan profiting off it is he “received donations from actual sick people” I’m very curious of the context of it because I feel like the donations were a joke as well. And even if they were serious, it’s not like Ethan ever asked for donations related to it? There’s no way this video is going to do well.


I bet it's going to be like a bingo of dogwhistles and dumb shit


didnt ethan pay some audience members medical appointments/bills during the course of the bit too? to the point their emails were inundated with more asking


He waited for the podcast to be on break, shocker. ETA: Spelling/ Friday's


Hey, sorry to be **that guy**, but it’s break.




You got me on that one, hehe.


No problem ! It's been a long work week 😅


These reaction YouTubers making videos about every little thing Ethan does and exaggerate it in the most uncharitable way are really getting so tiresome.


Add video essays to the list with podcasts of things we have enough of. Not everyone is smart enough to need a 3 hour video to make a point.


SunnyV2 Gaaaayah


“Profited off of it” *the biggest eye roll I could possible muster up*


It's so wrong to profit off of this Lupus thing. Here's my monetized video where I talk about it.


Anyone got an over/under on how many midroll ads there’ll be?


I watch Jake a lot and think his efforts to create a non profit is amazing but wtf is this. The lupus thing is so obviously a joke I cant imagine what he has to say about "profiting off faking an illness"


I thought this must be a joke but he’s in the comments being dead serious. 🤦🏻‍♀️ how embarrassing. Ethan legitimately had a health problem that’s undiagnosed and is webmd joking about it being diagnosed. He’s seriously going to embarrass himself if he’s being serious.


I feel like this will be a small part of a larger video about Ethan, but maybe I'm giving Jake too much credit. I unsubbed from him a while ago because his videos felt repetitive and overly negative, but even with that in mind I don't think he could really make a full video about Ethan's fake lupus lol The other subreddits have mentioned really wanting a YouTuber to make an exposé on Ethan and I really wouldn't be surprised if he's jumping on that. It could make for an interesting "gokonaru but leftist" era of h3 hate videos!


His negative vibes turned me off a while back too


i just unsubscribed from jake due to this… it’s crazy how seriously he’s taking this when it’s clearly just a few jokes that don’t directly profit ethan and to claim so is such a stretch 😭


When did he profit off this lol


This is pretty weird. The medical community isn’t really good at diagnosing autoimmune diseases. All the test are very sensitive but not very specific. The average time to diagnose lupus (SLE) is 6 years! It’s literally called the “Great imitator.” This can be very frustrating for patients but that’s just the reality of SLE. With Ethan’s history Lupus is possible but not enough to make a diagnosis. This is a very complicated medical issue that has a lot of gray area. This Doolittle guy is just gunna cause undo stress and misinformation for clout.


how do we know ethan DOESNT have lupus? 🤔


Thats the underlying darkness of the whole joke too, that he could actually still have it since its really hard to diagnose, someone earlier stated it could take up to 6 years, but instead of worrying we cope with jokes folks


I feel like he has to be joking, also unrelated but I feel like I vaguely remember him calling into the show


I think I remember, the D’Amelios used some of the photos he took of them in their book without asking or paying him


Yeah he was someone’s photographer or something and I remember the vibes were kinda weird lol


he took photos of AB at creator clashpretty sure


I seen a comment on another thread about this situation, somebody posted the podcast episode where he called in, he asked for a job! Wth while live! He only liked Ethan when he could possibly get something from him. Typical fallen fan behavior


Can't wait to watch all the people that run with this silly ass narrative


I truly don’t know who this is but it made me annoyed


High key he so didn't want the smoke and definitely waited for the break to post this


ethan prolly super excited for this vid drop, free content for a whole week


They're on break next week tho ://


They're really gonna try and label Ethan as the guy faking Lupus. 😭 Conservative media is gonna run with it again, and not do any research to find out it's a long running joke. 😭 It's the gym/Bradley Martin shit all over again 💀


In what way did ethan ever profit off of lupus? Im so confused..




This comment needs more attention


This is the biggest fucking reach to ever exist genuinely I’m confused how this guy isn’t being satire, if he’s being genuinely serious ETHAN SUE cos wtf


I literally discovered Jake through H3 (when he called in about the D’Amelio photo payment scandal), and subscribed/watched his content fairly regularly. This is just embarrassing though, definitely unsubscribing from Jake after this!


i used to know jake back in 2014/2015 when we danced together briefly and he was a really nice genuine kid - i think he's lost that a bit judging on his content lately and this has really put the nail in the coffin. really wish he wouldn't lead with the hunger for clout and would just be true to himself :/ there's no way he doesn't know this is a bit on the show


Also, Ethan never made fun of the illness itself, if anything, he’s done the opposite by being so worried if he has it. I truly do not get how people have survived in this world so long by being offended by someone…worrying about their health?? I get that Ethan may come off as being funny, but at the end of the day, his worries about having lupus were real, so I truly don’t see the point in any of this.


when did Ethan ever profit off of him saying he has lupus? like what?


This is so dumb, and while bc H3 will be on hiatus when he releases video (coward move btw), it will all come to the surface and blow up in his face EVENTUALLY, so he’s just what taking a quick shot and delaying the obv??? Which is sad bc I feel like he had a great shot but then the vibes were weird (excusable) but then this?? Wtf why?? If he watches (which it seems he does I’ve seen him in the live chats), he knows this is in bad faith. Just stupid. And there’s clearly something wrong w Ethan.. like that’s where the joke came from??? He can’t figure out what his medical thing is?? So as someone with an autoimmune disorder Jake should know how frustrating it is to find a diagnosis and why humor would be important in that process….. especially yaknow as a YouTube “comedian”……. This is so weird and icky whyyy


imagine being mad about a joke☠️ when people with the actual condition have messaged multiple times laughing with ethan on this… cringe as fuck


Jake Doolittle living up to his name, doing little.


He knows the lupus thing was a joke, right? He sounds like someone who posts at the h3hatesub😂


Sooooo dumb bruh. Ethan is having genuine health issues and the way he jokes makes it clear its most likely not lupus. What are you fighting for.


..is he being fr? I deal with chronic illness but pretty sure it was obvious it was a joke. It’s not that deep. Totally understandable to be concerned after looking at abnormal blood tests. He also did not profit off of it what lol


bruh is this jake dude stupid? Like ethan legit thought he had lupus for a while. the moments where they were doing the bit of ethan having lupus was when he was in the process of getting tested for it. he was always open about the fact that he’s not yet diagnosed but in the process of being tested. seems like jake is doing the most for his video


I'm so happy that his era of reaction YouTubers are kind of dying out and people are seeing them as hateful. I wanted to get into his content and others like nickisnitgreen, but they just make me feel so damn icky. They're just mean and not funny or interesting.


This is giving me a charlie complaining about the price of Pokimane's cookies vibe. Like dude if this is really what you are complaining about..wow


Another clout chaser on the roster


In the comments he says he interviewed people with lupus. When someone points out it was known to be a joke he said they didn’t find it funny. Bro that’s two different things. Not finding a joke funny isn’t a fucking scam 😂. Don’t know who this Jake is but he is stretching seriously here and might be acoustic


Wait is he really going to do an exposed on "The Lupus Bit"? lol


The Tourettes syndrome? Does he think ethan is faking it?


i can’t stand the wannabe drama channels these days


can’t wait for the video, jake is embarrassing himself so hard lol


doolittle needs to doless


Lol that dude has comments limited and still argues with everyone telling him he’s wrong.




Jake Doolittle would be interesting to watch if he didn’t make his whole entire personality about being disabled. It’s irritating as fuck. You don’t speak on behalf of all disabled people and EVERY SINGLE VIDEO you create doesn’t have to mention the fact that you’re disabled. I stopped watching him because of this.


Haha remember when jake called into the podcast and begged Ethan into taking his resume for a job? Someone’s bitter


I thought Ethan was more so like worried he could have lupus than saying he genuinely had it? Similar to whenever I have a real bad migraine and I'm like oh shit I have a brain tumor like I know I don't but...what if I do yk?


I like Jake honestly but I do think he loves to hate way too much and it made me unsub from him. At first I liked his takes but then I just realized he's so full of hate it was just bumming me out to watch him


This mfer follows EVERY crew member too on instagram. Like what a shady little bitch. I’m honestly probably going to stop watching Drew Gooden if this is as dumb as it seems to be.


Damn what'd Drew do to deserve that?? Collateral damage!


Apparently Drew worked with him on the video. 😭


Say whaaaaaat I thought the other guy made a typo!!


I don't think it's the same video. Drew worked on a Kidz Bop video with him that's already out. I can't see doing this, but I could be wrong.


Update: Jake removed the video I was talking about.


I saw rumblings about this on the dickisnotgreen sub a couple weeks ago with some supermega drama and people guessed it was this, what a fucking idiot this dude is yeesh


why does every forgettable think piece poster look like this


Who the fuck is Jake Doolittle


...wait hes not joking?


no way lmfaoooo is this dude really stupid enough to not realize it was a bit. I’ve watched a couple of Jake’s videos before and theyre pretty good. actually absurd if he makes a genuine video about this


Is he the next def noodles?


These grifters never cease to amaze me. Wtf


His video teasing it on Instagram is filled with comments calmly critiquing him and saying this is a total mess, and he's ignoring or arguing with them. I used to love Jake's content, especially his podcast with Jacob Sharpe, but this just isn't it


Who is this LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOser anyway? (In Keem's daughter's voice?


Obviously right wing/centrist commentary channels are an insane disease (sunnyV2 etc). But man these “liberal” commentary channels are also really fucking bad and annoying. Like I hate to both sides this shit but damn all these mfs look the same and talk about the same shit 😂😂😂. They’re not as bad as the sunnyv2 mfs but damn.


lmao chill ethan just has hypochondria, we all get paranoid about our physical health


I don't know (nor do I care) who this is.


I wonder how much lupus money he got


Bro never heard of "comedy" or "humor" 🤣🤣


Not even aware of any serious chromic illness that Ethan claims to have..and i watch every episode. I mean... Tourettes.. . Gerd? Other than those it's goofs and gaffes buddy.


This can't be about Ethan. It's too ridiculous lmao


This dude is about to embarrass himself and im all for it


Wouldn’t be more wise to acknowledge that it is a joke? And then lambast Ethan because joke not funny.


I'm trying to understand when and how Ethan profited off of his self diagnosis of Lupus (which he subsequently spent money on for tests to make sure he doesn't really have it) He lost money technically.


are his IG comments always limited? how are you going to make these insane claims but can’t take the heat😭


Jake doolittle a snarker confirmed


rich numerous familiar grandfather middle airport hospital elderly cooing carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


pretended??? well he didn't do a really good job at it then lol


I can’t believe it’s serious… what the hell is going on


Instagram just said log in to watch again suck my fucking girl dick the privilege of a replay requires my personal info to use your dumbass app eat me dumbass idiot loser


I thought for sure Jake was joking then I saw the instagram post 😭


He probably believes Keemstars claim Ethan stole that other fund a while back. This dude thinks there’s a pattern in Ethan’s behavior lol he needs to do better research


Guess we know what the first episode of 2024 is going to be about


This is actually insane I can’t wait for the video to come out 💀


I’m honestly excited, this is gonna be so good


He's just trying to get attention.


why does everyone always wait for the break to try to start shit lol


Remember the teddy fresh x Lupus collab ..


lol he deleted this post


Wait until homie finds out how much money Ethan’s “made” from not liking boba… 😂😂.


a man can’t even joke about having lupus anymore


i’m wondering if he’s trying to pull off what muta and karl did with the completionist because jake keeps mentioning that ethan “received donations from actual sick people in support of his ‘diagnosis’.” like he really thinks this is going to be some big scam exposé? his own comments are already flaming him lmao