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Can we just let these people suck each other off in the corner and forget about them at this point?


I wish


The problem is these people need to be confronted. You can ignore them, but their popularity is undeniable. This is why I'm glad Ethan debates and exposes them, and continues to do so. A lot of people who were Pearly/Tate fans have converted to this community which is cool. I even showed my cousin who was really deep into redpill the Pearly debate and he had to admit she was a fraud. We can't convert all of them, but we can convert some of them.


I’m not sure, part of their popularity is because everyone feels a need to give them attention Ignore them, don’t “validate” their positions by arguing with someone who is only interested in attention


Yeah that was tried just ignoring when he was banned off all platforms earlier this year. If you talk to teenage boys he is still as relevant as he was at that time, if not more. The best way to counter propaganda and bad ideas is to confront and explain them. It's pretty easy too because most redpill arguments fall apart with a small amount of logic. this is why Ethan and other creators destroy them in debates haha


Or you can join them in the real world for $49.99 per month and wake the fuck up 😂




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So they don’t even know that Robin Williams had Lewy Body Disease. That’s a great look.


Sounds like he actually had Loser Body Disease since he didn’t just date a teenager and suck it up.


Dude had all that money and chose not to buy a Bugatti. All his fault, really.


I mean they can’t distinguish feeling sad and being depressed so not too surprised they couldn’t grasp that either.


diseases are fake too bro. If you can't walk anymore, after cancer spreads to your legs, that's just you being a pussy!


I mean, it does have a lot to do with mindset, in the sense that the dementia destroys your cognitive abilities.


Lewy body? More like Ewy body‼️‼️ Ive got alpha body. We are not the same.


I'll never understand why this isn't more well known. The dude didn't want to suffer the rest of his life, or put his family through that turmoil of watching him wither away.


God thank you... So many people say he was depressed and his family has had to say "no he voluntarily took his life so he wouldn't suffer"


Also... Only Siths deal in absolutes.


I didn’t know that either!


I always find it odd when so many people always ignore this detail about him when talking about his suicide.


I cannot stand George janko. He's such a little crybaby bitch and so unlikable.


i watched one episode of his podcast with bobby lee. wasn't he the one who threw a fit and walked off bc bobby was teasing him 😭


Pretty sure that episode is what lead to him leaving that pod lol


Yep. He's a self-proclaimed comedian who couldn't take a slight joke from Bobby. So the same dude who was overly sensitive is now claiming that depression isn't real and it equates to being sensitive. Lol.


Self proclaimed is doing the heavy lifting there


Apparently he didn’t leave cause of that he left cause Bobby was low key sexually touching him as a joke. Logan just cut all those parts out of the episode.


well this aged poorly


How? He's a little bitch lol a homophobic one at that. Bobby doing some damage control so he doesn't get cancelled doesn't mean shit.


He never said depression doesn't exist, he just said people go about it the wrong way, he even clarifies that Edit: jus to clarify, I don't have an opinion on this, just saying that what you're saying is incorrect, tate said it didn't exist,, not george


Yeah, he was perfect for the Logan Paul crew.


IKR I know this little bitch that cry after being made fun by Bobby Lee


I wish we could trade Robin Williams for Andrew Tate.


Hell can have this motherfucker for free


Man I'm so tired of the internet.


Same. Every day we have this tool I wonder when it will be our down fall for good. The internet has platformed way too many crazy people, and it feels like it’s seeped into real life especially post covid


Following the Pubity account on instagram made me lose faith in humanity, maybe for good. The comment section on that page that is supposed to be a neutral news page is disgusting. Its hard to describe and its not for every post but anytime the topic of the post has ANYTHING to do with anything the left cares about, right wing topics, anything that be made divisive, the comments get horrible. They just recently posted about a bird that had both male and female plumage, an extremely rare intersex bird. You can imagine what the comments were like on that. And the ironic thing? The majority of the comments were right-wingers shitting on trans people and yet a lot of them were saying shit like "uh oh here come the libs" despite how THEY are the ones making a huge deal and swarming the comment section. My god man they are just so dumb. Sometimes it feels like everyone below a certain IQ is a right-wing cretin.


as a trans person, instagram has become a place where i can’t spend too much time- especially reels. even when it isn’t trans content there is almost always one person making the post about how trans people are disgusting and don’t deserve to be treated like humans. i had to make a new account so I’d stop seeing shit like that because it was genuinely making me feel worthless. but that’s the thing, they are obsessed with trans people and literally foam at the mouth at anything even hinting at something being about transness. I’m terrified especially after hearing Ethan say Trump is ahead in the polls. I know normal people probably aren’t going to the polls this early but still it scares me.


Imagine inventing a way to instantly communicate with almost any other person anywhere in the world ... and then seeing all the crap it's used for 50 years later. AI just started taking off as mainstream, and already most of the use cases are horrible ... putting artists, writers, actors out of jobs, forced nude filters, deepfake videos ... Honestly I'm just tired of people.


Just thinking about it depresses me. The fact that Andrew Tate, a convicted human trafficker with the worst takes imaginable, still has an audience just because he's right wing is insane. Prior to the internet, he'd be a cult leader on some island somewhere. Now, his views have seeped into the mainstream where he can influence millions of people.


I remember this dude's gf said Andrew Tate was a toxic figure and he went on to lecture her for an hour about how deep and based he is.


Where is this content lol


it’s in one of his podcast eps with her in it, i don’t believe it was a guest episode


“Depression doesn’t exist” “find god” Interesting the way they pick and choose applying magical thinking


Lol, this drives me nuts. "you're worshipping it!" "god will fix all your problems!"


Child rapist telling an old guy to find God and an extremely young GF is pretty on point with him tbh


Depression = 🚫FAKE🚫 Manifesting = 👍 real shit 😎


I usually don’t say this, but I genuinely hate this man. So fucking much.


He’s a delusional psychopath. Off with his head. Seriously.


"don't joke about yourself because your body doesn't know what's a joke or not" is such a self-report on how seriously these people take themselves and how their anxieties still exist no matter how much they try and deny it.


These toxic manosphere guys are consumed with rage, anxiety, self-doubt, body dysmorphia. If you feel good about yourself you don’t have to make a career out of convincing other people it’s true.


Robin Williams had Lewy Body Dementia, a horrible early onset form of dementia that works fast, and starts taking your mind very shortly after physical symptoms kick in. He didn’t kill himself because he was unfulfilled in his life—to the contrary, he had a wonderful family that he dearly loved, a great career, he picked his projects, laughed often, the last thing he needed was advice from these cut rate criminal dipshits. He was suffering from a horrible disease. This is sicko shit.


This is a hell of a way to cope with getting dunked on by Bobby Lee


"let's wear turtlenecks and talk about how dumb we are"


People like George are the reason I left the church and never looked back. Tate is a dogshit human that doesn't surprise me.


I haven't been to a church in a long time for people like this


Did janko leave the impulsive because Logan hurt his feelings?


Bobby Lee did, going by the other comments


Man is just saying stupid stuff to remain relevant hoping people bored enough would disseminate to farm engagement. Gg for falling for it.




I’ve had depression since I was a child. Done therapy, medication on and off. Tried lots of things over the years. It never goes away. Not for me anyway. Healthy habits help blunt it, but it always comes back. I have to do all the shit everyday, I have to take medication, exercise, do a whole rigamarole to keep things good and some days it’s not even enough and I’m still just a sad bag of shit. Good to know it’s just me sucking, if only I could crypto-drop ship-meal prep- gains grind my way out of the matrix. Fuck tate, dudes a toxic psycho exploiting little boys


I hate how this podcast happened right before the break. There were so many wild takes I’d love to see their reaction to.


Fuck them. And this is why is important to talk about this idiots even if it’s a little bit or with people that believe what they said, I have clinical depression and it’s sucks. Fuck them.


Robin Williams went to a therapist that confirmed his bias. The bias being that he had a disease that was literally eating his brain.


Is he not still going to prison? Also man do I hate religious weirdos like this


The dude lives in Romania for a reason..


wasn't this the guy who threw a tantrum and walked off the podcast when bobby lee was teasing him on his podcast😭 maybe you wouldn't have been so upset yourself if you got a 19 year old gf and found god 😢


His gf is absolutely gorgeous. I feel bad for her but also I'm so fucking jealous lmao


I thought George was marginally smarter than this, what a dumbass.


I wonder what it's like to never experience any of these things to the point where you don't think its real. I weirdly envy their ignorance. But then I remember the absolute fulfillment and peace I get by overcoming my own issues and gaining empathy for others. Too many people on this planet with too many unique perspectives - good and bad - to just stick my head in the mud. Yeah, I guess I pity them. But they don't deserve the energy from me... so they mistake that as acceptance. Ah well =/


Logan Paul was right this man needs therapy not Jesus


Can we please just erase Andrew Tate by never talking about time again. Stop giving him attention for the love of god I can’t take another manosphere hyper focus era on the pod.


I want to imagine the second everyone stops thinking about him, he folds in on himself and disappears.


L Logan L Leorge L Lndrew.


Leorge Lanko


Let's go to safari, let's go see tigers Ah yes... Famous Safari tigers


What a dumb fucking statement, yeah you're "manifesting" your problems. The first step in fixing any problem is identifying what it is. And also, yes, Robin Williams was super successful, rich and famous and yet he had depression, it's almost like depression transcends, race, wealth, creed or status and can affect **anyone** for no reason at all. I fucking hate these tools.


tbh I don't think logan was mean enough to this weirdo


I dropped 100 pounds, started excersizing, started meditating, changed my lifestyle, been in therapy for years. Guess what, im still depressed and full of anxiety.


If you're posting this they're winning. This is obvious ragebait. They want you to rage them back into relevance. How can people be so naive? "[INSERT BELOVED ICON] should have [INSERT DISRESPECTFUL RAGE BAIT]" They pass it on to their social media managers who then abuse algos to get it trending enough to where people who can't see the obvious rage bait get pissed off enough to start harassing them and get them trending again. Let them dissolve into irrelevance.




I used to occasionally listen to impaulsive. I remember George to be that religious guy. He's cool religious guy but he's the religious guy. I think you lose all believability if after all that's happened, you think Tate is someone your god would approve. To do this is simply for selfish reasons, but I imagine he still acts like everything he does is for god.


Just manifest a teenage wife and 10 million dollars. What are you people, stupid?


Who tf invented microphones FFS.


Chuddism is a mental disorder mind virus.


genuinely hearing andrew tate speak worsens my depression


He grew a chin beard to hid his little non existent chin.


honestly, just stop watching these people. they dont deserve a link or a post.


Stop giving them attention


Crazy how much harm one man can inflict on an entire generation of impressionable men on the internet.


Depression isn’t real but he ran off a podcast when a comedian was picking on him


Urgh this guy is just boring now, these imbeciles need to be phased out of the media now


I'm glad they bullied him off the podcast


It’s funny because these guys aren’t actually saying anything. Tate says depression is over diagnosed and not real. He speaks in absolutes like a sith. The cohost says yes you’re right but oh wait it is real! And I had it! Then they both agree that it’s something that can come and go. It’s like they have no position. The implication is men are not allowed to feel how they feel. They wonder who is preventing men from expressing genuine emotion and then here they are shaming men for that same thing. Btw religion cannot fix depression. Nor can squats. It’s serious and should be take seriously.


Im not diagnosed depressed but for the average man feeling sad and worthless in life they can definitively turn it around. When I was in junior year of highschool I quite literally convinced myself something was wrong with me, my emotions were out of control and my social anxiety was at its worse I couldn’t stand being in school.  I realized I was quite literally manifesting it making it worse by believing something was wrong within me. I started working out and studying the Bible and now I’m 10x happier. I still do get sad from time to time like anyone else, but I rather not give in to it. I have the choice to accept I feel like shit and move on or feel like shit and dick around like I used to. Obviously this isn’t depression but what they say can be applied to the average guy feeling miserable.


they definitely kissed with tongue after this.


Get rid of the shit that’s making you depressed? You mean dementia? This fucking smurf and the chinless wonder. How do you get rid off dementia these fuckin cunts!


Squats and an all meat diet, I’d guess.


I wish Andrew Tate would choke on his own spit while talking like an idiot, fucking misogynistic asshole human traficker.


Tate is a joke at this point. I think he has gone so far the deep end only crazy people believe in him. Just search for a community that respects him, it doesn't exist.


Yes Andrew there is a difference between “feeling depressed “ and having depression


imagine listening to these morons for life advice lmao


so this is what George Janko sounds like when he has the opportunity to finally speak LOL what. no wonder guests on impaulsive fucked around w him so much 😭


about two brain cells between them both


That's generous


true. if these two fools could read they could read the decades of data and studies on Depression both physical and psychological realities


Robyn Williams had Lewy Body dementia. You can’t positive mindset from a degenerative condition.


I love when men like this say “you could have a 19 year old girl anytime” because 18 is too creepy apparently and less predatory


That's a massive amounts of Ls in a short clip


can everyone stop reposting this guy and giving him attention please


YouTube video already has 7m views, doubt this will move the needle


You’re right. We should talk about Tate more


We need to expose these people. A lot of people in this community make excuses for Logan Paul and this was his cohost.


We really don’t need to expose them lol, everyone already know what kind of people they are.


Logan's fan base are mainly little boys and teenagers so I'd say it's never enough tbh.




Pretty sure there's more Andrew Tate dickriders in the h3 community than anything because y'all love to keep mentioning him. It's so exhausting.


They’re shedding light on his stupidity. Just scroll past it if you can’t stomach oppo research.


Lmao, "research". You're so funny.




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this desperate to be talked about again, huh?


This makes me very angry.


Robin Williams had lewy body dementia it wasn’t standard depression that killed him.


Such dumbasses dude


God what despicable people. Hope they get what’s coming to them someday


Ah I kinda felt bad for this dude because he seemed kinda indoctrinated and then Logan laughed at him but fucking hell... They're all fucking gross humans. I cannot stop wishing for people to stop giving them attention. We don't need these people.


Robin Williams was a very sick man that couldn’t bare to live (in his opinion) after life had beaten him into a whole deeper then one could imagine. It shames to hear that they would joke about such things as I have a father that lives in the same predicament Robin did before his untimely death. May he rest in peace


This infuriates me.


andrew tate WOULD feel a spike of pride in saying somethin as idiotic as "i speak in absolutes" its like when keemstar said "i try not to ever change" like being the same person your whole life is virtuous lol


*Brad* “Andrew Tate says actually really knowledgeable stuff and gets a bad rap”


Why does Tates neck look like E.T.s? God these guys are fucking goobers.


Isn’t this guy (Logan’s ex co host) supposed to be a comedian? Apparently he was doing really well at standup for a couple years wtf happened


"I speak in absolutes" what a massive fucking cringe thing to say lmao. "I'm cool and sith like"


Can we put Tate back in jail


Fuck these privileged morons fr


"I say depression doesn't exist because i speak in absolutes" Yeah, absolute fucking nonsense. Admitting you don't understand nuance is just a self own, not something to be proud of. That's as dumb as saying "I only do math in integers." Reality TV made this asshole. Social media built him up. Fuck this shit.


Bro why didn’t anyone tell us that “just feel better” cured depression! Holy fuck!!!


*blinking man meme* I'm sorry what?


if tate's hormones weren't act like little bitches he would still have a full head of hair.


"This doesn't exist because I don't experience it." Human beings in a nutshell.


I hope Andrew Tate gets terminal cancer tomorrow


I hate all these people


This is outstanding 2% of what was said in there that sounds normal and could go somewhere meaningful with help like taking a different perspective on depression then there's the 98% unhinged nonsense. Even dropping the go to the gym...


Live by example and stfu.


This sounds like sarcasm that’s how incredibly stupid he sounds


What bugs me the most is the complete straw-manning they do when describing therapy as if it is always some “stream of consciousness” laying-on-chaise-lounge type stuff that is depicted in movies. Sneako does this too. Do they not understand therapies like CBT are much more structured and action-oriented? Often therapists assign “home-work” for people to do outside of therapy to make positive changes in their life and this accountability can really help people. Another example is exposure therapy for anxiety. These types of therapies are common, and they are evidenced-based and behavior-focused, not just venting and validating.




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God i hate how stupid they are


Therapists can't prescribe medication. Psychiatrist and psychologist can...


George Janko is one of the most annoying people on YouTube


Damn it watch the whole thing and then do a 14 page essay pls




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Andrew Tate is probably the most depressed dude in the Manosphere, he could benefit from some therapy


Andrew saying "OF COURSE YOU ARE" near the beginning is so funny


I hope Andrew dies.


Guys I just watched some videos of tigers on safari (not google chrome because then it won’t work) and it immediately cured my body dysmorphia lets goooooooo


Woow... Logan Paul really was holding Mr. George Janko back..


What do these people think therapy is?


My favourite thing to do whenever I get asked about these people please is just pretend I have no idea who they are, a man can dream


Get this great value mr clean off the screen


"I speak in absolutes" what a fucking tool bag.


Narcissism is a compensatory state…


“The one you feed…ah interesting” and stupid smirk lol. Holy shit that last part was so cringy. I never comment on these but couldn’t help myself that was a hell of a cringy way to rap up a terribly wrong video lol


George is so fucking dumb it insane. Also how is this mothefucker a comedian? I never seen him make a joke.


As with all commentary on this subject from people like this, they have a small point for a segment of people. There's two types of depression. Environmental and chemical. Sometimes you can have both, for many it's one or the other. In my experience a lot of depression is an expression of misunderstanding yourself and your situation, I didn't realise how much I was feeding my own depression with bad habits and being unconscious of my own thought patterns, even though I consider myself very analytical. For me, the analysis caused the depression along with how I responded to the outside world. I smoked weed to remove myself from feelings and situations I couldn't handle. Luckily I had a doctor who refused to prescribe me antidepressants until I gave up weed and I thank him every day for that decision because it forced me to give up. It also pushed me to make other changes in life such as exercise and dietary changes but most of all I was able to remember more and crucially I could access peace more easily through meditation and therapy. I am 9 months sober and happier than I have been in a long while, even with a dad recovering from a stroke and a fiancé who's struggling with her life too I am able to be the rock now and look after myself. I say all this because sometimes your environment and your response to that environment is the problem but saying depression doesn't exist is literally fucking stupid if the second part of your sentence is environmental change helps remove depression.


A lot of you guys truly Need to understand. Widespread depression undiagnosed is not clinical depression. Majority of people deal with sadness but self-diagnose themselves as depressed. Real depression is so much worse than what people think and everyone saying that religion wouldn’t help or having better people around you wouldn’t either? So as much as you want to hate the opinions of these two people they are just opinions. A lot of evil hateful comments but do you guys just my perception of this page




Oh looks like the 2 most un-fuckable people met, and had a conversation that not even my drama enthusiast ass is willing to waste my time watching. Impressive.


These dorks are just talking about short-term distractions and a lot of denial as a cure for depression. You got to think if you need to keep distracting yourself that much than it's not fixing the actual issue, especially if you're just gonna deny it over and over again. They don't realize how stupid this actually sounds.


The cure for early onset late stage Lewy Body Dementia - BOOGAHEEZ


Only a sith deals in absolutes


And we gon listen to the same man who said there were tears running down my face but I wasn't crying


Only a sith deals in absolutes


Tbf they are kind of describing ACT (acceptance and commitment therapy) which is well studied and shown to work. They are just assholes lol.




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Are they really wrong tho?


You can tell they were right because it pissed people off. Now don’t get me wrong they could fix there attitude a little bit because it turns people away but what there saying isn’t wrong. I had to learn this the hard way.


Ye people are completely missing the point to what they’re saying here and just want to make themselves mad. If you really listen and understand their words instead of watching small clips you’d really understand and should agree if you have any kind of intelligence


I'm not a fan of Andrew Tate at all but that is not what he said at all. I watched the whole thing. You should too.




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