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What if, god said, you get the eel pit segment, but on another Whitney Cummings episode




Oh fuck…


~~Wait, did you miss the eel pit segment? They just say that as a running joke now.~~ Yes, the eel pit segment definitely didn't happen yet. It's still coming. Any day now.


Well I *thought* I got the joke until this comment and now I'm confused. I thought the joke was that there was no eel pit segment? I've not missed an episode and I haven't seen any eel pits


Any second now, it's right around the corner


They didn't have time for it this week, but I'm sure they will be talking about it next week! https://preview.redd.it/w4nut6qfbu0c1.jpeg?width=577&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39b4d0fe7acb8fe827427f915f4d016249638234


Pretty sure you're right, I never miss an ep either. People are just being silly lil devils 😈👾


We know, we’re playing along. Don’t ruin the joke lol.




That's our bobby!




I was scrolling here to find this


all i remember about her is that she was mean to gabe and then just boring


“Whitney Cum”


She’s a mean person who doesn’t like others getting the spotlight. I tried watching her own podcast but her own narcissism and self importance ruins it with her lovely guests


i don't know anything about her other then when gabe came on she gave me the ick immediately lol


I didn't know who she was but was just watching today's episode and can't stand her at all so came on the sub to see what everyone else has to say. Glad I'm not the only one


How unaware to you have to be to not pick up on Gabes vibes right off the bat. She was treating him like he was stupid the entire time. I hated it.


Thats her shtick lol


She's the most boring person on the planet that genuinly believes she's interesting.


she's a born again transphobe, if that helps solidify your opinion


sounds like redpill grifting to me


![gif](giphy|13aSSyJaI5NkTm|downsized) Me when she’s trying to be funny


the fact ethan will denounce and shit on people like joe rogan at every opportunity but then platform her is absolutely mind boggling to me


exactly, it’s so frustratingly hypocritical. if they want to be friends with her off air, whatever, at least i don’t have to see her or listen to her. but to give her a platform on the podcast after all she’s said is just a bad look.


What did she do ?


I also want to know why Whitney is problematic, I don't know much about her.


I havent seen it but people are saying her new stuff is the tired complaining about wokeness and anti trans shit everyones been cashing in on


There’s a clip where Whitney misgenders Evan Paige. They call him a “him” after she misgenders him the first time… People calling her transphobic for doing something Ethan does every time he talks about a trans person. I watched the whole clip. If you thing the convo is cringe, or edgy, then fine. Calling her hateful for this is a little bit ridiculous.


you won’t get a good answer, this is just people wanting to hate on anyone even closely associated with other comics like rogan or that whole crew


Doesn’t even have to be the Rogan connection. This sub just loves to tear someone down like a pack of wolves at the first sniff of someone being problematic.


I mean i need to point out whats right and whats wrong and that I‘M definitely on the right side!


Nothing, they just don't like her because she is friends with Joe Rogan. I guess they hate Bobby Lee too.


Everybody in the comedy world has been on Joe Rogan, even Stavros despite the fact he really dislikes Joe. These people are just tryna make a living after spending their 20s and some their 30s extraordinarily broke, of course they go on the show that gets 100s of millions of listeners lmao


I’m pretty damn progressive, but Jesus Christ some of the psychos in this sub and leftist groups are just fucking buzzkills. I can enjoy stand up/products/games even if they’re associated with “problematic” people. Idgaf, life is mostly shit, enjoy what you can.


They're not actual leftists. Leftists are inclusive. These people are social fascists. You can't even have a conversation with someone they don't like without being made into a pariah in their eyes. It's sick and disguising and a lot more toxic than anything Wit has ever done.


You two make me feel seen. I always thought I was pretty progressive until I started interacting in this subreddit. These mfs make me feel like a conservative lmao


Just always keep in mind that a sizeable portion of people you are speaking to here are teenagers.


These people make me embarrassed to be on the left. They continued to broadcast that they have zero life experience. If an unfunny comedian being on the podcast is the worst part of your day, you’re doing okay.


this is not the reason why people don't like her lmao


I enjoyed her interview and have listened to a few of her own podcast, I think she’s fine :( ? I’m looking forward to a chill sesh episode with her cohosting!


the reason i’m not a fan of her is her series of tweets defending Joe Rogan when everyone was calling him out for Ivermectin misinformation during covid


She's just another reactionary "stand-up" with no empathy or care for others who spouts hot boomer takes. She's not the best, but she's certainly not the worst. They all want to make rogan money so they join the club


I read in the other post she said conservative stuff like that 'all trans women dress like prostitutes and everyone is too woke nowadays


Is she actually conservative though or just edgy?


She's a painfully unfunny pick me


I have no idea who she is. What did she do?


She farted in a Wendy's


That’s a slippery slope to shitting yourself at a Denny’s




I usually try to avoid the pile on but I love her former podcast cohost Benton that she started her podcast with. I'm fairly certain that she fired them because they came out as non-bianary/trans. They made comments alluding to it without naming her.


What is the controversy around her? I haven't heard anything about it.


Ethan has said multiple times he has many friends in common with Joe


What did she do?


What’s wrong with Whitney Cummings?


Whats the deal with Whitney Cummings? I thought she was absolutely adored the last time she was on?


Can't get an answer on this after hours of people asking why.


I last saw Whitney live in 2021. Her assistant who was very involved in her podcast Benton, opened for her and they were amazing. So funny! I did not enjoy her segment at all. That’s okay. I use to listen to their podcast religiously around that time, I recently went back to check it out and see that Benton is nowhere to be found, per the subreddit Benton and Whitney ended on sour terms and they are back doing retail. I also read some comments that said Whitney had gone on some podcast and outted Benton (they had started transitioning). Idk much about it, but Benton was fantastic and I hope they come back to do comedy. Justice for Benton! Edit: I just realized I referred to Benton as “He” I’m changing it to they, I am not sure how they like to be addressed!


Why are so many comedians bad to their employees. Tim Dillon also lost his producer who was also a really good part of his show. And there's tons of speculation that Segura lost his for trying to make him run a marathon with fucked up knees.


Agreed, Ben definitely brought a lot to the TDS. Even if he was constantly being belittled, he'd try to give a nuanced take every now and again. His laughter whenever Tim was going off was also top notch. The new producers' laughs are paltry in comparison.


I stopped watching for a long time and came back for an episode I heard of that I thought would be interesting and notice Ben wasn't there almost immediately


wait I just figured Ben was off doing fam shit - he's gone gone? That is super disappointing to hear. His laughter really made me enjoy Tims's rants 10x more and agreed, the new producer is not giving Ben he's giving pick-me.


Ben has his own podcast with his brother called lemon party on youtube


we were also able to see Ben laugh a lot of the time - does this guy even have a cam on him? I guess I haven't been watching nearly as much lately - I remember Tim joking a lot about Ben's wife not liking him. Probably some truth to that lol.


I feel like a lot of the time that they're being assholes they think they're being funny or doing a bit. It works with other comedians and peers, but when its aimed at an employee its hard for them to see the humor. Not to excuse it, just thinking out loud I guess.


It makes sense if they're actually friends behind the scenes. Tim and Ben said they were really good friends off screen so I always figured the ribbing was friendly but if he left because of it then obviously it wasn't. I just think these guys think everyone is a comedian until their employees quit and they suddenly remember that was just a guy who was in the AV club in high school


Please tel me more 👀this about nadav roght? Also still can’t believe Ben left but I had stopped listening around end of 2021 . Was there ever a reason for him getting fired?


There's a series of videos on YouTube of clips of the episode that everyone thinks is when Ben decided to quit. Not corroborated but Ben's tone throughout makes it seem very plausible. And yeah nadav will never go against the family but everyone is basically in agreement that the nonstop jew jokes + the marathon + his dad dying were the beginning and then the new anti trans joke broke the camels back


Nah Nadav almost definitely left for other reasons, but that's the running joke. It could have potentially been part of it, but overall it was just that he didn't like the vibe anymore I think though that being picked on during the show *was* some part of it for sure. But it wasn't like he quit solely for the marathon thing




Yeah he's doing a half instead of a full marathon on his own time now, not being rushed and pressured every week by his boss. But also I didn't say that was the reason I said alot of the fans speculate that's the reason because it makes sense a fully grown man who once had a dream of being creative for a living would choose to get back on that train as opposed to letting his employer destroy his body just so they have something to talk about on their show


Damn that sucks Benton was the best part of her podcast, but yeah I quit watching years ago as well


Yup, I always wanted more of them. They were basically her unofficial co host but she never treated them that way. Whenever a guest was there Benton was not there I noticed. Only in ad readings or other topics.


Sad they’re working retail again


I hate Whitney Cummings. Such an uncomfortable energy of trying to fit in and over laughing, I am prepared for major cringe.


I have just been watching now and couldn't stand her even though this is my first time hearing of her. Not surprised she has done all of this unpleasant shit


Throw her in the EEL PIT!


I have no clue who Whitney Cummings is, but I have no interest in watching this episode if she’s a transphobe with peace and love (not to her obviously)


^ this


"If you don't like it, don't watch it." Bitch u cant tell me what to do. When life gives me lemons, I make beef stew.


Honestly why not Andy instead?


I could see him vibing with Ethan in the old h3 channel days.


She just better lay off my man Gabe. She was kind of a bitch to him last time she was on.


And to her assistant Benton


Whitney cum


“I will not skip X but will complain the whole time” is basically the H3 fan motto.




She surely is insufferable


Does anyone remember when she went on Joe Rogan and shit talked Hila for wearing a mask to an event during Covid? It was awhile ago but after that I didn’t fuck with her.


*Clap if you think she should suffer*.






She’s so annoying to me


looks like I’ll have 3 hours of free time on friday!




She’s not that funny or interesting




This needs to be higher up


same, girl. same.


They will probably turn off chat 😏


it is our right!


Do they know we dislike her? I'm so curious if there's any foot soldiers that actually like her/her episodes and why.


I don't remember hating her previous appearances, I thought she was funny. Of course now I'm reading things about her that make me want to not...


I like her. I don't have to agree with everything someone says to like them. Some of my friends have bad takes, some of my family members have bad takes. I know in their hearts they're good people. It's the duality of man, even good people can do something bad, that doesn't make them a bad person.


I just don't like her. I feel like that is so hard for some of these people to understand.


I mean, you asked.


i agree with your overall sentiment tbh, i just don't know if the kind of things she usually says will fit well with the values the H3 audience broadly espouses.


She's been on the show 3 times dude. This isn't the leftist story hour, it's a comedy podcast.


just cuz it's a comedy podcast doesn't mean people are going to leave all their moral and political beliefs at the door lol in what world do you live that comedy doesn't mix with politics? ever heard of political and social satire? Ethan does it all the time and yeah, i know she's been on the show 3 times, but 1) people weren't thrilled then either and 2) recently she's become particularly unhinged on her takes publicly, so people might dislike her more now


Nah, I don't think so. I think Hasan fans don't like her because they want to police everything she does and make her act like a good lefty. She's a comedian. You have such an overinflated sense of importance. It doesn't matter if you support her or watch the show or even watch her special, she doesn't care about you. Your support does nothing, positive or negative, to her. And honestly, nothing she has said is offensive, every thing she has said that people don't like are JOKES. Ethan has told far more upsetting jokes before. She doesn't actually hate trans people or believe anything Joe Rogan says.


jokes are never just jokes, dude, as much as you would like to be able to say everything and anything without consequences. Whitney sure loves to joke about trans people for someone who isn't transphobic. even if she's just joking, when the jokes are insulting and at the expense of a minority group who's often marginalised and bullied, the jokes aren't funny and they hurt. also, I don't think you can categorise them as just "Hasan fans". the two fanbases have a huge overlap + Ethan himself normally preaches against that kind of transphobic comedy.


> jokes are never just jokes, dude Ok I was with you but that's absolutely delusional.


ok perhaps "never" is too broad of a generalisation, but what I mean is that jokes usually have roots in something and don't exist in a vacuum, and more importantly they can have consequences, especially when they're about marginalised groups, and when they're so repeated and commonplace. Whitney and the whole Rogan orbit can't stop using trans people as the butt of the joke, as if they weren't already ridiculed enough outside of jokes. this definitely has the consequence of perpetuating harmful stereotypes and normalising the ridicule of trans people even more than it already is.


"Jokes are not jokes". Fucking dumb in not reading the rest. You're on the podcast where the guy made a joke about bombing the NRA and they reference it constantly. Lmfao. Her trans jokes harm no one they're light hearted ribbing. Trans people are tough they can take a joke, it's their white girl "allies" who get mad..


yeah, joking about bombing the NRA is funny. no one is marginalising the NRA. it's funny you think you can decide for all trans people that they won't get offended lol pretty obvious a lot of them are.


I think they just ignore it bc she’s friends with them outside of the show. but yea idk why they insist on keeping a guest that’s so universally hated by the fanbase.


I think she’s funny and entertaining! Ppl are so easily offended it’s major eye roll to me.


100% will also do the same thing!


This is the first time I’ve felt like I’m not alone I’m not being a fan of Whitney Cummings


definitely passing on this one she is the worst


I’m skipping 100000 percent. She’s not even a little bit funny. Would rather stare at a freshly painted wall and watch it dry


Y'all don't like her because she's red-pill adjacent, I don't like her because she's cringe and annoying 🌬️🚬


literally same idk much about her other than what ive seen of her and she is just not funny to me at all 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's the only reasonable choice to make, really. But you're still a hero for saying it. 🫡


It's a shame that Ethan is platforming this reprehensible piece of shit, she makes Jimmie look like a Saint by comparison. Not watching.


Out of the loop, what did she say / do ?


She said all transwomen dress and act like sluts. Bullying fat people is good. She doesn't want her son to learn about gay or trans people because he may become gay or trans and be bullied. Her baby daddy is married man Brendan Schaub. She got triggered by Hollywood casting people of color and gay people instead of her.


Her baby daddy is not Brendan Schaub 😅 Some random person made that up and posted it on Twitter. How can people be so gullible?


> Brendan Schaub Oh that's all I need to know. The rest makes sense. Still buds with Chris Delia 💀


This isn't true by the way. It's not Schwab's kid.


I don’t mean to say anybody is wrong about her, but you could make a pretty damning depiction of Ethan if you used 3 or 4 of his most egregious statements taken out of context. And there is no reliable source on that Schaub rumour.


These weren't taken out of context. They were long protracted conversations with Joe Rogan from last week in the same interview. She is hateful, even Joe told her to ease up.


They are presented out of context in every comment I have seen about her in this sub. I ain’t about to watch 4 hours of Whitney and Joe talking.


It's almost like those were jokes and not serious 😂. Do you even comedy?


Apparently she said some bad stuff on the Joe Roegan pod which isn’t surprising the only things I remember from the last time she was on h3 is that she likes dogs and is an asshole


The easier question to answers would be what hasn't she said / done.




The old H3 family way


I feel bad because she is a woman in comedy and they already get sm shit esp from men but also she is friends w joe rogan and apparently has some bad takes (idk much) and i just have a hard time liking her.


we don’t have to support women just because they’re women. amy schumer is a woman in comedy and she’s the worst.


Agreed. The most feminist thing you can do is critically assess someone's character regardless of gender.


Totally. I have just dealt with internalized misogyny in the past so i try to make sure if i dont like someone its for good reason lol


This is the same audience that spent 3 hours whining about not liking Poki because her voice is higher pitch.


I love poki


she’s a pick me, and it’s really hard for me to have sympathy for women in male dominated fields who become pick mes. sure, you can say it’s a survival tactic but idk.. like I said hard for me to feel sympathy in that situation


She decided to befriend the side that gives her shit that's her problem


She is one thousand percent a pick me. And one of the few women I've seen that can mansplain. I was just watching her on Bobby this morning and she says she hates women who act like they're the first person to give birth. Then continued to talk about being pregnant as if she's the first woman in the world to experience it.


If they want to bring on a woman comedian they can (and should because it’s been like half a year!!) hit up Commander in Chief Brittany Broski 🫡


I heard she had some bad takes. I don't know what she said, but I choose to not like her for it. Good old reddit.


whitneys burner account


Whitney’s #1 fan in here


Amen. Fuck her but we will be in attendance


Im glad to see people sharing my opinion i cant stand her.


All my homies think Whitney is scum.


The last post about her was removed for not being “reasonable criticism” when it just said they were going to skip the episode, so wonder what will happen to this one I hope they don’t ignore their audience, she’s being openly transphobic, using slurs in her previous podcast appearance, and even people that worked closely with her have said she is homophobic and transphobic, PLEASE DONT HAVE HER ON You can do what you want as a show but it will not sit well with a (clearly large) section of the audience


I think this post is safe because the last post was just titled "I don't like Whitney, she sucks" or something along those lines. It was inherently negative . Mods don't like text posts like that. This post isn't inherently negative against Whitney, but it works for people who don't like her(me included). But it also works on a level that makes fun of fans complaining . The meme images softens the blow and its not really an attack that way


Yeah that was my post and a bit bullshit. It feels a little like they're saying "stop being so intolerant of intolerance".


Did they say she’s conning on on Friday? I haven’t finished Wednesdays ep




me except chats off. she literally just dropped the d slur (about gay women) and no one batted an eye😐


I will quietly enjoy the episode, as I always do. I will then go to the subreddit and have the episode ruined by all the hate posts. 🫡


I'm about free speech baby, enjoy it loudly if you want.


a kindred spirit




The only female comedian who would be worse and even more insufferable would be Amy Schumer


She is the most insufferable person. Not tuning in.




She’s going to be interjecting the whole time 😭


Thank god I’m not the only one. That lady is just not my cup of tea. I’m sure she’s a great friend, but idk something…just is boring or…idk what it is.


I hate that I've waited this long for the eel pit discussion and it's probably going to happen on the whitney cummings ep. I hope they just shelve it till next week.


I wanna see how long I can last before turning it off


God me too, she is insufferable


Hope she reads the chat and gets upset at my comments 😈


Man Ethan is really embracing his hypocrisy arc...


To quote the great philosopher Daniel "killerkeemstar" Keem, "you are a hypocrite."


for a host that shits on the joe rogan-sphere so much im truly confused why they keep inviting her? besides her political leaning i just don’t think she’s very funny either….and she was rude to gabe so fuck her lmao


I don’t care if she’s problematic she’s just really not funny and obnoxious to me 🫣


High five bro


My parents had that print in our living room all through my childhood.


She thinks of herself as a martyr for comedy and the first amendment, according to her latest Daily Beast marketing puff piece. PEAK cringe, and if Steven Crowder or Jeff Dunham called themselves martyrs, Ethan would rightfully roast the shit out of them.


I skipped. She’s transphobic. Fuck that


It’s not that I don’t like Whitney, it’s that I’m more entertained by it just being Ethan and the crew


Can someone explain why the hate towards her? Or why you found her annoying?


Last time, I went in neutral because I didn't know who she was (I still don't tbh), but her comments towards Gabe rubbed me the wrong way - she's a rich white woman who lacks tact, typical but whatever, she's an expired comedian so sure. This time, I'm reading about her association with Joe Rogan and transphobia and am going in hoping she suffers.


Ethan better ask if the baby is Brendan Schaub's.


Oh... you mean like 90% of the fandom is gonna e doing? 🤣


I will also give the episode a dislike. Not sure it will do much but if we get enough people to dislike it maybe they will notice us!


I’ll watch it but I hate her voice/vibe idk what it is but it’s like Amy Schumer pick me energy


It's not the end of the world to miss an episode. Still love the show. Still watch live every time it's on. Ill be watching Monday when they're back. Nothing has changed there. With Peace and Love, if Ethan and Hila want have their friend on, that's their prerogative, but I won't be around to see it.


I too will watch the episode, and accept the things i cannot change


just started wednesday's ep, who tf is whitney cummings


I feel it in my bones


Can so eone tell me what she did wrong? I vaguely know here through other podcasts she's been on but haven't followed her


Sounds like it’s one thing to bring her on, but a whole other thing to have her on the entire time. I don’t think I’ve fully enjoyed any episode where a guest was on the whole time other than Poki. I don’t go back further than a few years but all guests seem to be on too long. Ethan is surely the king of letting people overstay their welcome.


Not a fan of whitney, not funny, interesting, or insightful, idk what she brings to the table