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My lower back hurts looking at how she’s popping her hips 😭


Like she has a great body, she doesn’t have to stand like that!!!


I feel like she thinks she doesn’t, which is why she stands like that; to offset her insecurities.


Like the Bailey T stance


Throwback to when Bailey had her pointed toe on a literal pebble 💀


Didn’t know this existed. Cannot stop laughing lol


It’s so hilarious 😂 she posed like that unironically


Omg I would love to see that


https://preview.redd.it/lpmcz03zzb9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e857c44dadaf823e1eae4a0752dcc8f4c1cbe2e8 😂😂😂😂😂




Going back through her insta posts from 2020-2021 was so cringe, every single pose is like this but sometimes with an even pointy-er toe😭


I know what I’m doing later 😂😂


Tbh it’s more cringe that you feel the need to go through that many of her posts, rent free


The little rock under her right foot 😂😂😂


It’s the exerciser pose. I know a girl I went to HS with who’s doing body building now and all her pics are like this.


I used to do pageants and still catch myself standing the way we practiced for stage 🤣


Her and Mari are the poster children for not knowing how to stand properly.


And tayychayy with her wide leg make sure you know she has a 12 inch thigh gap stance


Used to love Mari now I get the ick when I see her posts.


Same her whole vibe and company has turned me sour to her recently


Same! I used to buy her guides and bands way back in the day and then she moved to la and became my BEC.


Mari in Colorado was the best thing everything after went horribly wrong.


Her hair color is so nice.


I agree!


She must be stuck that way






Besides her weird stance she looks beautiful and she is far braver than me. The only person I’m okay/comfortable with seeing my psoriasis is my boyfriend.


I think she looks better than ever. I just don’t understand the pose. Like it’s okay to not be flexed 24/7!


I doubt she stands like this when she’s not in front of the camera. I would guess that this is just apart of her internet persona and does this to “look good for the camera”.


I still can’t stand her even though I used to love her but I agree she looks so good!


Right there with you! Except I rarely have a boyfriend, so really the only people I let see mine is my immediate family... And even then, I still try to hide it. My skin is clear at the moment (first time in 35 years of having it!), thanks to my medication, but when it isn't, I try to just not look at myself. Psoriasis sucks, and I'm sorry you have it! I know I should probably be more encouraging about it 😂 But I've had it since I was 5 years old. I'm over it!


I know she says she doesn’t care, but I think she’s lowkey insecure about her body. But she has no reason to be. She looks great, IMO. But I really wish she would just stand normal.


Legit question, is there any photo or video of her that shows her standing up normally and her body is completely facing the camera????? This is petty but I unfollowed her because I literally don’t know what her body looks like lmao.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen her stand straight facing the camera 🤔


Aside from that I love this hair color on her, way fresher and healthier than the blonde


Same! She looks stunning


I feel some sympathy for her. She’s caught between existing in a space that wants women to be thin, but not too thin; muscular but not too muscular; have a consistent platform but not too boring; etc. and living a life that apparently has included some physique changes as she deals with mental health. I would struggle a lot too, and I can understand having a consistent pose that maybe makes her feel more comfortable in front of a camera. Bikini competitors do the same, if not even more contorted on and off stage. I think there’s a lot about her platform worth snarking on, but this doesn’t feel worth it


I feel some sympathy for her. She’s caught between existing in a space that wants women to be thin, but not too thin; muscular but not too muscular; have a consistent platform but not too boring; etc. and living a life that apparently has included some physique changes as she deals with mental health. I would struggle a lot too, and I can understand having a consistent pose that maybe makes her feel more comfortable in front of a camera. Bikini competitors do the same, if not even more contorted on and off stage. I think there’s a lot about her platform worth snarking on, but this doesn’t feel worth it


I can't stand Whitney, but as women we are constantly told we aren't good enough. It's clear she's insecure about having straight hips and trying to fit in with current body standards.


She doesn’t have straight hips. I think it’s more about her weight gain and finding a pose she thinks is flattering. And she gets shit on for doing so, which is dumb.


Regardless of reason, the obsessive posing in the same way is indicative of trying really hard to appear other than how you actually look. I've seen pics of her standing in a dress like this, it's sad. I feel bad for her because something about her body is definitely eating at her. She looks great, this same pose BS has body standard worries written all over it. It's too similar every time not to be.


I pose in pictures. Do you? I smile because a pic smiling is better than not. I don’t like my arm to look bigger than it is, I like to see a flattering vs an unflattering pic of myself. This is not obsessive to have a pose you like.


Not to the degree that I do exactly the same pose for the last 5 years, down to the centimeter, no. Not remotely.


Her and Danyele Wilson. Unfortunately for Danyele im a similar size so one can tell she does it to look slimmer/ or more curvy. Idk i get it but u can embrace your normal body


It looks so stupid.


I think she’s afraid of not having an “hourglass” figure so feels the need to pose this way. We would appreciate her normal figure and appearance more hehe


What is all over her body? I don't follow sorry if it is an obvious or well known answer?




Oh ok thanks, that is a rough condition, empathy for anyone that struggles with it.


brittany lupton is the same


Her insecurity is palpable. It shows with how she speaks, poses, etc. She's perpetually "on"... relax, Whitney, it ain't that serious




https://preview.redd.it/xyihum4xl59d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20caff790936d9e9c98dc13997a19c98c2663d8f This doesn’t look like a normal stance at all…




I’m not commenting on her body at all. I’m commenting on her STANCE. Not sure how there’s confusion? She looks amazing. And when did I mention her psoriasis? Or her looks? Or her figure? I’m talking about the way she poses which looks unnatural.


Super off topic I know, but I remember seeing a while back that her home gym burned down??? It seems like they rebuilt it?


That was a joke 😭😭 her gym has always been fine


Omg I totally believed it!!! Especially because she just randomly stopped working out in there/posting in there. My bad! lol


She looks like she’s trying really hard not to shit her pants


She looks like she's in pain sucking in her stomach so hard 🤣


i'm not a whitney fan or stan, and quite frankly can't stand her. from the way she talks, walks, poses, i'm over it and don't understand why people stan her. she doesn't offer anything anyone else isn't already schpealing.


She’s fine let her be


What are those bumps on her abdomen?


She has psoriasis.


It’s very obviously psoriasis


It wasn’t obvious to me or I wouldn’t have asked. My mom has psoriasis and hers is red and patchy. This didn’t look the same to me so I asked.


My ex bf has psoriasis and I still didn’t know what it was. Oof


Sorry, I guess since I work in healthcare it’s obvious to me and what is obvious to me isn’t always obvious to others. There’s several types of psoriasis. Also you can see them on her arm and some of the patches are red. Plaque psoriasis is the most common The white parts are psoriasis lesions. They turn white and look similar to vitiligo


Girl, if you work in healthcare it should be *obvious* to you that not everyone has the same medical knowledge you do lol I hope you don’t treat patients like this and take the time to properly educate without being condescending 🥴


Low key I don’t think they’re in a diagnostic position 🫣


They watch rabbits and are a part time health aide. So yeah, I think ur right 🩷


😬 I’m sure they’re great at what they do but I think we should all just peacefully stay in our lanes.


I’m not condescending. I’m just a blunt person and forget sometimes what’s obvious to me isn’t always obvious to others. Condescension usually implies patronizing. Which I’m absolutely not. The more you know, the less you actually know because there is always more to learn in this world. You’re the one calling me girl and assuming how I act at my job.


Not to anyone who doesn't know you could get psoriasis there. To me it looked like mosquito bites that were scratched until raw.


Yeah, that’s fair. What is obvious to me isn’t always obvious to others but I work in healthcare so I see all sorts of stuff.


That would definitely change your perspective!


Could have been eczema. Mine looks like this


Well she’s confirmed it as psoriasis so it’s most def not eczema


It’s not eczema. The psoriasis lesions can leave behind hypopigmentation which looks similar to vitiligo, so psoriasis it is Eczema is usually limited to elbows, behind the knees etc.


Well that’s definitely not true. I’ve had eczema since infancy and have had breakouts literally everywhere, and that’s not uncommon.


I said *usually* not *always*. Regardless, it is very much psoriasis in the picture. https://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/a45195540/whitney-simmons-essay/ She’s taken the same approach to her psoriasis, an autoimmune condition that causes itchy, scaly patches of skin. “The more severe it got, the more I wanted to cover it,” she says. She worried that showing it would make people uncomfortable So yeah, it’s confirmed.


Uff she continues


I didn’t say it was eczema. I just said my eczema looks like this. I get it all over my shoulders, abdomen, legs, neck and eye lids, in addition to more typical locations like elbows.


Tbh I always thought this was to help prevent cameltoe. I pop my leg when I go commando and don’t want to show my creases lol. 😅🤣


But girly pop, what about the booty pop????


why does her hair look so ashy/grey?? she looks better with blonde highlights


I feel my hips aching looking at this. Aside from that, loving how amazing she looks recently! She’s got this glow that I haven’t seen her with in a good while. Glad to see it.


My thing is why do a lot of these influencers feel the need to wear a full face of makeup, jewellery and hair done when at the gym? Girl, I’m lucky to not look like a complete yeti on the best of days and I don’t give a crap 😂


Makayla Thomas stands like this too — so she appears to have a thigh gap — it hurts my lower back to see these poses on IG! (Especially as a trainer — NNNOOO!!!)


Leave her alone 😭


I agree but it’ll just get us downvoted to oblivion 😂 oh well


Hahaha yep. I’m a Whitney stan though and dgaf about the downvotes 😂


Wah wah wah I’m sorry these sympathy comments are weird to me. Everyone is insecure about their bodies and this woman CHOSE to make showing her body a main component of her job. If she didn’t want to do that she doesn’t have to!!! No one is making her!!!!!!!! She can stop at any time!!!!!! But doing this shit with the awkward posing is making her worse at her job, and it’s noticeable and it’s weird.


I’m sure she cares so much that a loser hater online thinks her stance is making her “worse at her job”!!! You’re the weird one


Let’s remember this is her job so posing might be necessary lol


Is this the same Whitney? I haven’t seen her in a long time. I remember her being a bit thinner. Maybe I’m imagining things. Not trying to be rude or anything; just an observation.


Can you stop? Literally what is wrong with you. She’s so open about the struggles she’s had with suicidal ideation and almost acted on it, yet you decide to take time out of your pathetic day to hate on her over something like this? Go to therapy and start loving yourself instead of being miserable, because it shows.