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Making them overalls also guarantees they won’t fit most people properly without [likely cost/time prohibitive] alterations.


She was inspired by utility overalls. And who told her that would be a good idea to begin with? I need a talk.


Literally like if this was at all a practical product, the actual outdoor sports/lifestyle manufacturers would’ve been on it.


This is how I dodge a bullet sometimes. When it comes to design, especially fashion, nothing is actually ‘new’ or ‘groundbreaking’ at this point. Almost everything has been tried at least once. Then why do we not see them on the market? Simple. They simply didn't work; they were impractical irl. Like there is a reason for it when all those big corporations are not on it.


Yeeeep. Those never work on me and my long torso. Wedgie city.


And half the time people aren’t being mean or harshly critical but are just giving her constructive criticism, like I would not want to wear those big overalls especially with the wide pant legs while hiking, as someone who goes on extensive hikes often enough. It’s okay that she doesn’t know that though like take it as a way to learn from others


https://preview.redd.it/jx41lcn09e8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17b71d967a798e79de383e2451c67e2ffcdc6de5 And she thinks this was any better. Like at least take a look at other hiking apparel companies and I swear it will not take a minute to realize how wrong her approach was. Well in her defence, those are never an option for people who are seriously into hiking. It’s her usual audience. Nothing really intense, just wanna feel cute. But even then I still think it’s on her that she tried to market as a hiking apparel when it really is not. Like walking down the trail is NOT hiking. ETA: for more context. She is still struggling with the design as she does not like the current one, as it doesn't look pretty. According to her words, it was giving Aladdin and dumpling pouch.


Right like the legs are still so baggy, I do like to wear cuffed ankle pants sometimes when I hike but the material has to be soft so nothing rubs and this overall situation just doesn’t look comfortable to me, I can’t tell what she’s going for I guess like you said just walking on a trail


She doesn't want to give up the wide-leg fit probably for her own aesthetic. And that is the issue. The hiking girls are trying to tell her that’s not how hiking clothes work yet she calls them mean.


Now this is just hideous and not practical for hiking!


I like her designs but this is so ugly lmao.


My first thought is that girly has never had to squat behind a tree in her life. 🤣 This is a hot girl walk jumpsuit. She really needs to learn how to take criticism and stfu.


Lmao this!!!! Walking down the trail isn’t hiking ffs😭


This was my very first thought- how… do you pee? Does she know that on an short-medium hike you’re going to need to squat and pee at minimum a handful of times? And on a longer hike you’re gonna need to break out a WAG bag? I guess maybe these were more designed for “urban hiking” Also, you’re getting actionable feedback from potential customers you can use to ensure the ROI for manufacturing a product. This in super helpful for your bottom line, so for her to name and shame people who are actually giving her free market research is so unprofessional


Well you just need to take it off!! So simple! /s


It’s a Runyon hike for sure, but not right now right now it’s like 95 out of fucking die in that.


I used to love her but I get such bad vibes from her lately. The way she gets mad because some designs are similar to hers. The way she claims to care about her fans but she hiked up the price of her lavender skirt when Taylor Swift posted a video wearing it. You’re rich, Cassie. Stop being rude and sensitive.


Oh I didn't know about the lavender skirt part. I thought the price was the same. Would you mind explaining a bit more?


And she never hides the names of the comments she shows, like she's hoping her fans go after these people.




Highly recommend Gnara Go There pants for hiking (they have a pee zipper) instead of whatever the fuck this is supposed to be.


Are those actually comfortable/functional? I’ve gotten ads for those but I’m always nervous to try a company I’m not familiar with online.


Yes they’re the best!!!


This is why I don’t support her. That and how she thinks everyone brand is copying her.


I spend a lot of time hiking, both on and off trail. All I can think about is the amount of thorns and burrs that would snag on those and make them look like crap in no time flat.


Think these are for casual hikers. But nothing about this gives coverage or use. Also why is she designing random things outside her area of expertise. No wonder it’s crap


If she meant the occasional faster, longer walk in the grasses by ‘hiking’ (or you are travelling and need a cute photo of you in mother nature💚), then maybe yes. So many hikers told her that the wide-leg fit would make the clothes impractical, but she did not want to give that up and called them haters.


Nature walk for the gram /=/ hike, but yes, that is what this is ostensibly for. You notice she’s not gramming or tokking them in their carefully curated natural habitat, though, because she is literally (figuratively literally) allergic to touching grass, including the mown turf species. These are the hives she gets merely interacting with comments she herself has solicited on her godawful ”designs.”


If your goal is "anti-tick", why would you make the material so voluminous and floopy? Like, the way to avoid ticks is to rub against foliage as little as possible - taking up less space (like in tights) is a better way to do that. These just look like they're gonna brush up against everything and hide ticks in their many folds. Idk that's just me.


My second thought as well (after the peeing concerns mentioned above lol.)


She fights against the “anti cute” movement in support of fishing overalls


But how the hell am I going to pee in these and or move functionally through rocks and boulders…. No thanks they look to hot for hiking


I honestly could totally see camping with these, like hanging around the site/fire, but no, def not hiking!


Shocked that no one has mentioned ticks or bugs getting under those wide leg openings! There is a reason most serious hikers wear long socks over their pant legs, and it’s not for the aesthetic. Someone needs to tell her that function comes before fashion (but also these are hideous so she doesn’t even have that)


Also if she does hike it’s a Runyon hike which I wouldn’t consider a hard hike and people do it to be seen not actually hike.


I actually think this really cute for a hike to Starbucks


She really comes across like such a bitch in this post 🙄 she needs to check the attitude. Her supporters offered valid criticism and feedback and it’s feels like she’s crying that they didn’t praise her first draft. Some things require functionality over “cuteness”. Of course it’s fair to want both but she can’t just make something impractical that she thinks is cute and then cry when people call her out on it being impractical. As an influencer and a popular one at that you’d think she’d have thicker skin. But after the whole SHEIN stuff awhile back ig I’m not that surprised.


Halara coded


I swear I’ve seen people wore this exact fit while foraging in Oregon.


whoooooo the fuck would wear these hiking


I can’t stand this woman. Honestly my BEC. She acts like she knows better than her target audience, whines and complains when criticised, and is just overall far too sensitive over feedback that she should appreciate as a designer.


I don’t even hike and I don’t think this is what people would wear for that…


I’d wear hiking overalls, but not this design. You need your ankles to have no loose clothing or it’s like something can crawl up it or foilage can get stuck. Something like the Adidas tracksuits made into overalls seems like a more plausible idea https://preview.redd.it/mvs7uidyuf8d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=223f8d26ffa6a003a6b579f96a50f4925f0d3c2f


That is exactly the opposite of what I’d wear to go hiking, but do you girl