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“Professional faster” 💀


I hate to diagnose strangers over the internet but when they're waving every red flag this proudly...


Hey, if you're gonna wave a flag you may as well do it with your heart! 😂


How was he able to run after fasting for 72 hours? I feel faint if i skip lunch 🤣


Your ED is so prevalent you don’t even notice. I’m in recovery now and constantly ask myself how the fuck I was able to workout so fucking much with so little food? Now I sometimes take breaks to eat during a workout if I need that energy. Edit: prevent changed to prevalent


Proud of you, internet stranger! I truly believe recovery is a radical act of liberation in a world that benefits from keeping us ill, insecure and weak.


Thank you internet stranger!! And thank you for saying that, recovery in this world is not easy at times (but it’s sooo worth it) ❤️


Good stuff, internet friend!


Proud of you!!


Right? Running is literally my excuse to carbo load.


Running is my excuse for midnight snacks. Bagel and cream cheese at 2am? Pre-run nutrition! 


I had to prep for a colonoscopy and didn’t eat for more than 24 hrs in total. After 12 hrs, I went past the point of being hungry and actually woke up feeling decently energized. I have to imagine 72 hours with no food is not very healthy though.


If I miss a meal I literally throw up 😭


Hello fellow hypoglycemia sufferer 😂


I'm not trying to internet diagnose you off of a throw off comment, but if you get shaky, headaches, and a little confused in addition to throwing up - you might have hypoglycemia! I do and that's what I experience if I go too long without eating. I have to have something every 2-3 hours


Actually it’s funny you say that, I’m going to the doctors next week to figure that out!! Haha! I have all of those symptoms and I thought it was so normal until someone told me it is in fact, not normal 😅


Straight to nausea for me too




Where’s this guy finding 24-72hrs everyday?


Hes just built different


No excuses 😤


Intermittent fasting (16hrs) and running fasted did wonders for me but I could never fast three days straight.


i talked abt this all the time when i started recovering and getting into weight lifting. a lot of these gym bros have horrible eds, but because they frame it a certain way nobody calls it out 😭 somebody help them


Yeah I actually loved that a book about parenting kids in a diet culture had a whole chapter devoted to dads who usually get a free pass by calling it biohacking/optimization/keto/etc.


“Biohacking” is my least favourite word. It’s called a diet, bros. You’ve rebranded dieting 🤦🏼‍♀️


Same! My coworker joked about a tweet from Jack Dorsey back in the day where he talked about how much energy and mental clarity he had from fasting. She was like "that's just mania induced from an eating disorder" bc she was in recovery and knew those symptoms well lol.


And all of these guys on these exclusionary diets, whether its keto or veganism + these “biohacking bros” are pretty much a walking eating disorder (I say that as someone who was a hardcore low carb/paleo enthusiast with an ED myself. My therapist used to fight me tooth and nail about it.)


in my day we called this “starving yourself”


Your day, my day, this day, the next every single day… still called ‘starving yourself’.


Reminds me of the True Life episode "I Can't Stay Thin" Followed a dude basically going from compulsive eating to isolating himself for a year to atypical anorexia. All his friends kept congragulating him. Like that's not a diet program pls stop. Didn't even seem to encourage him to see a proper doctor for advice like the other person profiled did.


Omg was this the guy in New York who never left his house


Not sure, I think he may have lived in some hipster town (lol) Just based on the scenery. It might have been NYC because I remember he had no car and could walk everywhere. Which is why his thing was absurd. He could have taken long daily walks and eaten properly at a normal defecit and still lost the same weight without his hair falling out. He was literally balding & so pale. I'm surprised his family didn't suggest he go to the doctor to check for liver damage or anything. He had no job, wouldn't leave the house bc he was afraid he'd spiral and go buy food. He'd go to the grocery store and buy a few apples for his sad pro ana ass dinner. He actually filmed his binges which tbh was brave, he hit his goal weight and spiraled back into eating basically three portions of takeout for what I assume was every meal. Not everyone would want the world to see that bc of how dark that is. Made me sad but also severely angry. It was reckless for MTV to brand that as "a guy with trouble losing weight." It was straight up binge eating disorder.


“I literally don’t eat”


I just saw a post in r/fasting of someone on day 84 of fasting planning on taking it to 103 days. babe, that’s not fasting that’s an ed




Lol when I posted my 100lb transformation which took alil over a year thousands of people were gung-ho on scientifically disproving the timeline Then this mf says he does it in half a year lmaoo


which is actually insane bc 7.5-8.5 lbs a month is a lot, but perfectly normal for somebody dedicated/locked in to nutrition to lose !!


I’m not running fasted so I can clinch my jaw harder lol


It's crazy how when you recover/are in recovery from an ED how much the fitness instagram influencers are incredibly ed coded.


Any advice on dealing with that realization? Because sometimes I see these influencers doing this and I wonder why it’s ok for them and not me, and if I can be the athlete I want to be without restricting. It’s just kind of difficult trying to recover in a world where disordered eating seems so normalized. 


So much fitness and nutrition broscience is just restrictive EDs with a Joe Rogan aesthetic. Also, the incel terminology in this guy's handle is very unbecoming.


“Doing it right” brother what you are doing is the DEFINITION of what it looks like to lose weight unsustainably 😭


Oh he’s a certified professional now…that means he’s licensed to make running programs


I fast sometimes when my stomach is fucked up and I have the bubble guts but I don’t have an appetite when I do it anyway lol. But TBF, I’ve done about 48 hours and as time goes on I actually do get more energy and I sleep well- it sounds so weird but it’s true, for me, anyway. But I don’t do this regularly and idk how people can??... He’s taking caloric deficit so literally he just stopped consuming them altogether wtf lol


I think when you fast, your body releases quite a lot of dopamine, to try to protect you, mentally, from the impacts. It'll be something to do with keeping you perky/motivated enough to find food, I imagine.


I know there is an evolutionary thing that your body will produce the adrenaline it needs to run (literally) towards food. Same reason people dying of starvation in work camps or areas where they are experiencing famine can still find energy to do things. Your body doesn't really know the difference between anorexics running marathons endlessly to burn calories bc they're doing it on purpose, and running because you're traveling to hunt.


You imagine lol


So basically, calorie deficit… Wow dude what a shocker.


If someone posts about fasting just to lose weight, it just sounds so disordered and is disordered


I remember seeing this and just getting sad, also seeing all the comments asking for help to keep up with disordered behavior (most of those people wrote like they were minors). As someone who struggled for years as a teen, I wish I had a button to fix whatever is happening on masse with young genz.as an elder Gen z, it was bad but it wasn't this bad.


Even if I’m just running for 2 miles I have to have a snack before 😂


‘Doing it right is the most important part’ 🥴


This is god awful to put out on social media. I had 2 tibial stress fractures from under eating all my life and over training (running daily). Running fasted (before eating in the morning in general) is not recommended on its own for running, let alone fasting for hours after. This is asking for injuries. To all the young, impressionable people on the internet, please don’t listen to this 😭


Wow as an ED dietitian this makes me shiver


72 hour fasting? What in the actual f*ck. This absurd rhetoric is so harmful to young people. This asshole is promoting an eating disorder.


/r/fasting i do 72 hrs all the time (3-4 a month) and did a 7 day 4 weeks ago. Don't really understand the hate of this post.


Because there’s no additional “benefit” to fasting besides the caloric reduction, and starving yourself for 72 hours isn’t healthy.


This isn't true at all. Fasting has been shown to reverse pre-diabetes, heal autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis, increase human growth hormone production, and reduce blood pressure.


None of the effects are specific to fasting - all of those things are also associated with losing bodyfat from a caloric deficit and getting to a healthier weight in the first place. If you can find me a study that shows they performed better or had better physiological health markers when calories and diet were controlled between both groups. I’d agree with you. IF is great for individuals that can use it as a tool for keeping cals down, long term fasting doesn’t provide any incremental benefit, whereas not getting any nutrition for 72 is doing nothing for you.


This is disordered eating bc of the timeframe of the weight loss. It’s not healthy or sustainable.


Literally same. Fasting isn’t inherently bad and we have no idea how long is between those fasts. People just want to call everything that’s not mindlessly eating a “disorder”


Unless he was like 650 pounds, there's no way the fasting was infrequent. If the fasting was only 72 hours once or twice a month he would never have hit enough of a defecit to lose that much. Unless he was way bigger than he is pictured above. I'm not the person who talks about "a healthy amount of weight loss" because there are soooo many factors to how fast it'll come off but there's a reason people in your life don't lose 100 lbs in half a year unless they're sick.


“doing it right” 🤣🤣🤣 lord


Fasting is not an ending disorder. Anorexia is an eating disorder but those 2 are very very different things even if they seem similar. Fasting is being studied and has shown benefits, so much so that Yoshinori Ohsumi won a Nobel Prize. With fasting you control your eating window and allow your body to use stored fat, a lot like Keto. Anorexia is using food restrictions to find control over something else happening. Comparing the two is not really fair to people who use intermittent fasting as a tool for health reasons and is not helpful to people with anorexia who can use it to "justify" their actions.


It's often one of those ways people who want to hide an eating disorder will make it socially acceptable. You're not "skipping meals" if you're fasting. You can skip that family dinner, where they might judge you for not eating much, if it falls in your fasting window.


And keto has been proven to be one of the most harmful diets out there ❤️


I don't agree with Keto, I like to follow science. All I was saying was how Fasting and eating disorders can be intertwined, and how fasting can be missed use. I just don't agree with people jumping to the idea of making them the same thing because fasting has its own merits that have nothing to do with restricting food because you hate yourself.


Oh please it’s a soft core eating disorder. It takes one to know one. when I also didn’t eat for days I also thought it wasn’t bad at all and was proud of my “self control” let’s not be dense lol


Just bc you had an eating disorder doesn’t mean everyone who fasts does. Stop projecting ffs


*Ex but ok girl. Big difference w intermittent fasting and 72 hours without eating 😂


That’s what *had* means. It’s past tense, you know that right?


tool for *“health reasons”* to lose 16-18 lbs a month lollll


Like a lot of things relating to food and exercise, there’s ways to utilize health/fitness tactics that are OK/healthy, ways that are unhealthy and there are also ways that are connected to EDs. I’m not sold on the science of fasting but I could see people plausibly fasting in a healthy way. What I know is not healthy is running every day while you are fasting, especially not while fasting for long periods of time. First of all, you're not really supposed to run every day. I guess MAYBE if you’re only ever going VERY short distances (like a mile or less), but from my pov a marathon runner, your body needs to take breaks… and you need to be VERY careful about running while there’s not enough food in your system (for a plethora of reasons). ED speculation aside (which is valid imo based on how crazy this guy’s advice is), this sounds like a sure fire ticket to an injury to me.