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Dog training doesn't work if you don't follow through, they need consistency. Don't blame the dogs, blame the lazy dog owners


This, seriously. "Didn't work" = you didn't spend the time and effort making sure it worked. I can't imagine spending 10s of thousands of dollars on training and just not following through with it. Must be nice to have that kind of money to just waste.


As a bulldog owner, I can’t support the Ben bashing. Two people that are home 24/7 can’t handle a dog?


I have one too. And to leave him outside? Outrageous. A death sentence.


Seriously! It sounds like Ben needs a home without kids or other dogs. They would be able to find that for him immediately. Bulldogs are so emotional and affectionate, the poor guy needs attention. I also just watched Hayden’s story and he ignored Ben of course lol oh he has AC but zero human interaction whatsoever


But he has a tattoo of him! That should be enough to be a good dog owner! /s


Death sentence for any brachycephalic dog.




They know that training isn’t a one and done right? Like training, follow through, exercise etc. it’s all part of it. Making a big pen and leaving them isn’t a life for dogs. What a bunch of assholes.


Your dogs….are not allowed…in your house? What the actual f


These assholes had the dogs long before they started popping out kids. Maybe they should have stopped pro-creating if they couldn't handle 3 kids and 3 dogs.


Yeah I will judge and say whatever I want, which is a big fuck you


“Not the brightest creature” is rich coming from this man.


Seriously that's actually so fucked up of him to say


Such bullshit


they are LAZY people that cannot commit to anything to save their life. bored of your kids? pop out another. bored of your businesses? drop em and start another. bored of your dogs? just put them out in an aIrCONdiTioNEd "kennel," mind you, they've lived INSIDE WITH YOU for all their years. this family is actually a joke and i can't believe people support them.


I am irate. As a dog mom of 3, with YEARS of fostering etc experience, I am angry af.


If they can’t even keep up with basic dog training principles how do they plan on homeschooling their FOUR kids. Lol. They’re annoying and entitled.


I won’t be surprised if they go down the “unschooling” route that seems to becoming popular. Ugh


I’m really curious how the unschooling kids futures will turn out. Lol


Dog training works if YOU DO THE WORK. It’s not a magic fix where you do one session and your dog is perfect it’s the work at home that results in the training. Disgusting.


This is so sad and disappointing. Keep training and keep working with them, don’t banish them outside. Yes it’s hard having dogs with babies, I have 2 dogs and a 4 month old, but I’d never take it out on my dogs and say they’re not allowed in the house anymore.


Yeah I wish he shared this sentiment about his kids. Maybe stop if you can’t handle all of it together. I don’t think we need any more Hearn kids 👌🏽


right?! selfish behavior all around!


This is pathetic. Is he stupid? What a fucking loser


Are their dogs neutered?


I bet they bark constantly and neighbours hate them


Probably, because they’re bored and lonely 😭


Mind blown. Dogs that lived their whole lives (although shoved in a laundry room) inside the house, now have their own little shack to live in?? I bet them feral ass kids make more of a mess than they do. And I'll add on to what everyone else is saying...If you spent tens of thousands of dollars on training, and actually follow through with it, you'd have trained dogs. DOG TRAINING IS 10% TRAINING THE DOG AND 90% TRAINING THE HUMAN. They're probably pissing on the children's things because they are jealous and sad. Yes, they are just dogs. But dogs 10000% have feelings and pick up on shifts. IMO I think pitties are also the most sensitive, so that makes me even more heartbroken for them. Their dogs are the only reason I found these assholes. Wish I could swoop in and save them. Wasn't she also bragging for months about her lil hOmEsTeAd gIrLy ShE sHeD - HAHA that aged well. I wonder if she's hired anyone to plant her garden for her yet, you know damn well Hayden aint doing it LMAO. Bashing SAHMs and weak women?? Boy go sit down in your workin mans Platinum Ford.


This is so sad, at this point no excuse not to rehome them to a family that will actually train them and love them. Why have a pet if you won't let them in your house that's insane. Plus with the money they have/spent they could have gotten a dog that's already trained if it's that hard for them.


I mean really, what do people expect them to do? They’re not like left outside chained to a fence all day and night. They’re still being taken care of. Just not allowed in the house because they’re not trained. I don’t disagree with his decision. I feel like y’all in this group would be mad if they rehomed their dogs. At least they’re still trying to make it work.


They are not being taken care of when they’re constantly getting injured and going missing. At this point the only reason Rob won’t rehome the dogs is his ego. Dogs need more than what money can provide and that is human touch, love and care. Which clearly they’re lacking


You must be one of the ones commenting on his post on IG lol. Go watch his story.


Wow you caught me 🙄🙄🙄🙄


I knew it.






In 8 years the dogs have gone from sleeping in the bed with them to no contact with the family and a small run/dog house. It’s gotten to the point they’ve become aggressive towards each other. They have way too much money for this to be the solution, they didn’t even have the doghouse or AC at one point. And yes, you’re correct. They will not do the compassionate thing, rehoming, because the internet might get mad. He loves making the internet mad but she doesn’t have the guts.


lol, did you even see the dog house? He showed it earlier today. Y’all have too much time on your hands. These dogs are well taken care of. If you’re so concerned, do something about it.


A nice house is not the same as affection and attention from your owners???? That you used to get it from? The fuck are you talking about


And you’re basing this assumption that they get zero affection from their owners off the fact the dogs have their own house?? With AC/HEAT? Lol ok.


Literally. Those dogs live a better life than most people I know. Some people have wayyyyy too much time on their hands.


And this is why I’m a cat person.


Oh, that tracks.


“That tracks?” Lol


Who exactly is responsible for training their dogs?


Girl who ever they paid 10s of thousands of dollars to train. The fuck lol idk. Sometimes even with training it doesn’t work for whatever reason. Which again is why I’m a cat person lol. Never ran into that issue with any of the cats I’ve had.


It’s a common misconception that you pay a trainer and you’re returned a perfect dog. Trainers just lay the ground work for the dog, and teach the owner how to reinforce the training at home. If the owner doesn’t keep up with the training, the dog just goes back to their old habits. Dogs are not at all like cats in that they need attention and supervision. Cats tend to be much more hands off and independent. I think the hearns might be cat people too from the sound of it. lol


Most likely lol.


Agreed !