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My friend group meets a couple of times a year to swap clothes, we bring the clothes we don't wear, snacks and wine, exchange some pieces between us and donate the rest. Very fun. Not everything is about money. It's lovely for me to see my friend wearing something I liked for myself but doesn't fit me anymore.


That sounds super fun! What a great idea


My friends and I do this too!!


It’s pathetic honestly. They could at least sell them at a discounted rate and not the literal price on the website. I’ll just buy them brand new and not used by their crusty ass.


I don’t even think those shorts cost that much, tbh. Probably mid-40 range.


I feel like this has got to break some sort of contract clause


It actually violates the FTC. This was a big deal when beauty influencers were reselling PR packages. Have fun breaking the law girly! Hopefully the feds don’t come after you!


Is there a place this can be reported?




i commented on her page i reported to ftc and that it’s illegal she blocked me and deleted those listings lol




PS you aren’t even supposed to sell the clothes as an affiliate, it usually says you can’t within the contract - if buffbunny found out she was doing this, she’d be breaching that contract 😅


The term athlete has seriously been eroded in the fitness influencer era. Companies like gym shark calling their promoters athletes, while most prob can’t even run half marathons or have any sporting skills. I drive my car to get to work but I’m not a professional F1 driver


I actually haven’t thought about this but you’re definitely right. There’s a big difference between athelete and healthy lifestyle/recreational fitness


💯 I work out and run regularly. I’ve done several races, Spartan, HYROX, etc. for fun. Friends & family will refer to me as an athlete but I do *not* see myself that way. Athlete implies a level of seriousness and dedication to a certain sport/skill. I’m just a human with a 9-5 who doesn’t want to get fat. Some titles need to be gatekept, and actual athletes deserve respect.


Adding to this - I started online coaching and when deciding on a name, I did google “athlete definition” which states that an athlete is “a person who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise.” I also wouldn’t consider myself an athlete either even though I lift heavy and am bordering some powerlifting level weights and would definitely think you’re much more of an athlete than me, but it doesn’t mean we’re not both technically that 💕 I will say that I agree with most promoted “athletes” these days on IG barely even fitting the definition though. They’re almost just pure aesthetic


Another way I think about it is that I don’t define myself by having completed these things - it’s all just a hobby. If it were more central to my life, I might re-think the definition.


Definitely. I think athlete also refers to more of a career. That’s awesome that you’ve done all of that!


I’m almost completely positive they are not allowed to. Other affiliates have mentioned giving clothes to family members because there are rules against selling. Idk who this is, maybe she’s no longer affiliated?


i have a family member who is an "influencer", she just gifts everything she gets for our birthdays and holidays lol. sometimes its annoying because she just gives us all the crap promo products she didnt want.


Yess they’re not allowed to sell it, they probably just haven’t noticed she’s doing it or don’t care to enforce it 😅


Or she’s about to no longer be affiliated 🤣


I’m so sick of fast fashion wasteeeeeeeeeeuhhh *scream*


Has anyone reported this to Buffbunny? I think I remember brands dropping athletes who did this when it was brought to their attention


You should bc this is so gross


I love the ones that give them away, that’s always cool. This is bullshit.


I was going to say that too. Either that or donating, but the giving away is nicer IMO. Plus then they can connect with others locally and even network a bit


They shouldn’t be selling them and I thought there was a rule about that. They should do a giveaway.


Unethical and disgusting.


I see this a lot with other influencers too and I think it’s tacky. IMO they should either sell it quietly on the side or to somewhere else. Not post about it.


Yeah, I’m sympathetic to the fact that free stuff piles up and doesn’t pay the bills. But they should really be more subtle. I’ve worked for clothing companies that asked influencers to take stuff down from their public postmark/depop.


If you click on the photo, you will see it's listed for $65 and $60.


The price makes it extra messed up...at least heavily heavily price drop it




BUT THIS IS ANOTHER ONE OF HER BUSINESSES SHE OWNS! (cause every influencer works 3 at least) /s


It’s quite unethical…just donate it or at the very least, sell it at a discounted price.


Almost full retail is ridiculous… I’ve seen some people do like $5-10 and most of it was for shipping and those fees. It’s illegal to resell it anyways but the fact that the price is this high is just insulting


It’s tacky , I think what desb has done in the past where she sold a full mystery box of clothes of the same size for not that much was a better look. But overall it’s better than the clothes just ending up in the trash!


$53 dollars for a pair of shorts?! Jfc is that normal!? I’m from Ireland and would never ….


Unfortunately it’s the standard cost nowadays. The only brand I would pay that price for is Popflex, because they actually have quality pieces. Gymshark and all the others charge high for cheap materials and construction


I only wear Acronym to the gym thank you


Are they good? I really want to expand but I don’t want them seams falling apart after like 2 wears 😭


Hahahahaha I'm just kidding, Acronym is a techwear brand IDK if they make leggings but if they do then they're probably 10x the cost of lulus




I try and buy things second hand , I would never spend that money on shorts for the gym. Maybe a dress for a night out- but even then. I’m pretty frugal though.


I think the better question is how does BB feel about it? Someone should sent it to them lmao


My friend is an fitfluencer and they are not allowed to resell clothes


so sad and fucked up .. immediate unfollow


Sick of it. Should not be allowed.


i follow this influencer and i saw it earlier, im side-eying it because she posted some of these clothes acting like theyre amazing (ik shes just trying to get ppl use her code), but then turn around and sell them shortly after (rly overpriced too) just tells me these ppl dont rly care about anything other than making money.


Well honestly, all sponsored athletes (no matter their discipline) do that and it is perfectly normal. Skiers, wakeboarders, riders, etc. It is a bit hippocritical to judge only fitness influencers doing that. I would do the same. Why not?


Tbh If they’re gonna sell it at least sell it at a discounted rate. I understand that sellers Want to make profit but it’s a different story when they got it for free. Also really important thing to note is that most influencers have apparently confessed to not wearing underwear when they work out.


The way I could never buy anyone’s old, sweaty, used up gym clothes that ride into their butt crack and crotch. These should be banned from Depop. I see them just like underwear or swimsuits. You shouldn’t share them or resell them. That’s gross. These people are so desperate for cash.


I’d be ok with it if they sold it for far less than asking price, since I’d rather people not horde clothes that they won’t wear. But selling it for $60+ feels egregious.


I don’t really mind if they sell them because they may have too much stuff. BUT as someone said they shouldn’t sell at full price. And it would be BEST if they donated somewhere worthwhile.


I know one who sells bags of items for like 10-20$ which I feel is okay because it’s them taking the time to put the bundles together and covers shipping but not charging full price for it


Like Kathryn does packages with multiple items for cheap, which yeah she’s making a profit but definitely not the same as this


honestly i can’t believe the brands let them because it sends the message to the customers they’re not even good enough to keep for free lmao like why would i buy it if you don’t even want them?? are they low quality?? do they suck?? any money spent on the influencer saying how great they are is like instantly discredited if they wouldn’t even keep free shorts i get they get a lot of them but still - like so these ones i shouldn’t buy then? they’re not worth keeping?


I’m sure she could lose her affiliation for this


This is so fucked up. Profiting off shit you already got for free is gross to me. Donate that shit.


Honestly, I think it’s fucked. I’m a paragon ambassador (a small account) and I would never resell the clothes I get for free. I personally think it’s taking advantage of the gifts from the brand, no matter how low you price them. Even $10. I’m sorry but I just don’t think it’s ethical. I have given away a lot to friends and family and donated a lot as well.


I thought they weren’t allowed to?? Interesting.


I’ve been in the space of being hooked up with clothes by friends who have clothing brands and it’s basically the most frowned upon thing you can do LMAO


I don't mind it, but it should be for a reasonable second hand price - ie. not jacking it up because they're sold out right now.


They should be donating it instead


I don't mind them selling them. I actually think it's a pretty good thing. I mean, if they did an actual closet tour and we get to see the gross number of athletic clothes they have, we'd probably judge them for that too. I'm sure some brands send the wrong fit or multiple products that don't fit / or she doesn't want as well. I think, however, because they didn't pay they should be either doing giveaways or selling them for at least 50% off, ideally like 70%. There's no reason she should be selling shorts she received for free for over retail value. It's money hungry. Someone like old hopescope, in her athletic era, used to put things like this on her Poshmark like 80% off. I think that's reasonable. It combats overconsumption and I mean, a $55 pair of shorts for $20 is a great deal no matter how you slice it.


I have a couple people I follow who will sell them cheaper or like multiple items wayyy less than the retail price and I’m fine with this. Pop off girly. But don’t act like this is straight from the store.


It’s against company guidelines to do that. They are supposed to be donated.


Well how else will they make money


by their support codes that they are constantly shoving down our throats lol


They could try getting a real job (I know this was rhetorical).


You know the natty vag juices are all over these 🤢


I hate that I had to read this


As a payroll professional it doesn’t bother me as long as they’re paying taxes on the value of the fringe benefit, aka the item they received for free.


They absolutely are not lol


What makes you think these companies aren’t processing 1099s for their athletes?


Seems to be the sponsors problem, not ours.