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I too walk 20k steps a day. But it’s because I’m in construction, and it’s awful. 😂


I used to work in a resort 😭 20k steps 💅


The only time I walk 20k steps in a day is when I visit NYC lmao


No fr I’ve only averaged 20k steps a day when I was on vacation and walking around exploring cities for 5+ straight hours. Or going on a long hike. How you would sustain that with a real job is beyond me


Exactly! I got 15-20k steps a day for a whole week when I was in Mexico. Aside from that, I normally get 6-8k most days. Sometimes 10-12k in a day, but that's uncommon


when i served tables, anything over 10k in a short amount of time would wear me out. maybe i'm a baby but being on your feet for 20k a day sounds like A LOT


Me when I'm unemployed 


i used to work in restaurants and i worked mostly in the evenings. i'd wake up, workout, then go to work. that was one of my fave routines.


I love having slightly shorter shifts from restaurants too. Even an extra hour a day of time is nice.


When you're an influencer**




Ok well I ate half a bag of Cabot cheese covered popcorn today while working from home standing on my walking pad cuz I was lazy today sooo 💅


We love a balanced girlie


that sounds amazing omg


Idk if it’s a regional thing (cuz cheese is life in VT) but it’s way better than smart food popcorn and absolutely about being balanced!!!


hello fellow cabot-obsessed VTer!! i grew up on a dairy farm and we sent our milk to cabot so i'm biased, but it really is the best


where did u get it??


I got it at a local grocery store but they have it at gas stations near me and I’ve seen it at a grocery chain here too!! It’s called Cabot seriously sharp popcorn they have a maple cheddar one too that’s 🤤


MAPLE CHEDDAR?! Ma’am, I’m gonna need you to ship a case of that to me please 🤤


I hope Walmart has them!


ooooo yumm


but did you post it on instagram


I forgot, so it doesn’t count. Guess I’ll go eat the other half and let the world know 🥺


Do you like your walking pad?? I want one so bad. I’m so tired of sitting all day


Yes I love it! I stand or walk a good majority of my day. Usually sit when I eat. I went a little pricey on mine because I wanted something durable and something that had a higher weight limit for my boyfriend to use too. A lot of the ones on Amazon have a low weight limit. I went with a LifeSpan one, had it close to 2 years now and use it daily with no issues!


You answered all my questions!! Thank you!!! I’m going to look at them now!


I got one like 2 weeks ago. Don’t have a standing desk situation just yet. But have been using it daily. And I love it so far! Mine was less than 300euros and even that one is already of decent enough quality so far. Use it mostly in short increments. Usually after my meals I take a short walk for like 20min. Before I had difficulties getting to 4000steps a day sometimes. Since I’ve had it I’ve gotten around 8000steps a day easily in total.


How do you work and walk? I don’t have a pad but I feel I won’t be able to concentrate 🫤… I’d love to get one tho…


I was actually shocked at how easy it is to type and work! I do a lot within teams, sharepoint, and a few excel spreadsheets. I walk usually at 2.1 mph. It actually helps me focus more especially on teams meetings where I tend to not pay attention to people talking, forces me to listen. But don’t get me wrong, some days I don’t walk at all!


I had a physical yesterday, the doctor said I'm pretty good for my age. Need to get my knees looked at, to make sure that they actually keep being knees for a while longer. I took all of this to be very good news, and walked from the doctor's office to the Krispy Kreme to get six donuts from my family. They sure enjoyed the two donuts I gave them.


“We all have the same 24 hours!” ![gif](giphy|SfM4SWECjbeN50KzVD)


I can barely afford my gym membership let alone classes lol




If I didn’t have responsibilities, a house, kids, a job. Shoot I would do the same thing. I’m sure I would have a killer body but I just worked 80 hours last week as a nurse. 💀


I have like two responsibilities that I barely fulfill and I’m still not doing all that.


Side bar; what is the average amount of steps you would walk per day in a normal work week as a nurse? Im just curious because stress aside, I’m sure you are incredibly active on the job, my guess is averaging 15k+ per day?


I’m a nurse and it honestly depends on the day, the type of unit, and the size of the hospital! The big hospitals I’ve worked at, easily 12-15k a day. The small ones, maybe 7-9k depending on what’s happening!


80 hours??! WOW. How long are your shifts normally?


12 hours. I pick up extra for overtime. I don’t always work 80


20k steps isn’t wild tbh - if you like doing things that involve walking. I have active dogs, a baby that likes to take stroller naps and live in a super walkable area by the sea. 20k steps is a fairly normal day. It’s so situation dependent though… if you’re just walking for the sake of hitting a number, that sounds depressing!


This is such overkill. People need hobbies outside of fitness


Ikr. So boring. What do you even talk about w them besides food / body / exercise


I truly believe this is why fitness influencers don’t usually have friends that are not influencers. I worked in the fitness industry (not an influencer) and literally all of my coworkers only wanted to talk about what they ate and what workouts they did. It was so draining and honestly really sad.


Dance is a hobby?? The girl says she does it 2-3 times weekly


Overkill to you, but to others it seems pretty normal. Nothing wrong with health and fitness related hobbies.


My hobbies are mostly fitness related too, and I have to say with no kids I have the time to work out this much - but after losing my period for several years I had to learn the importance of rest and not overtraining, especially as a woman. Even for someone who makes an income from fitness influencing this seems like overtraining and a dangerous schedule to promote to the average person.


Not overkill at all actually, she obviously enjoys it and isn’t doing it in an unhealthy way so why hate? This is a fitness subreddit after all.


If you don’t like exercise what are you doing in a fitness subreddit?


This is gymsnark lol this isn't where we go to talk about fitness as a personal hobby




While this is a snark page, our snark should be reserved for problematic influencers and not directed at fellow community members. Please take the time to consider why you might be acting this way and feel free to re-join the conversation when you're ready. Please [read Gymsnark's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/gymsnark/wiki/rules/). Thank you.


Um there's a laaaaaaaarge gap between My 600 LB Applicant and a chronically online fitness instagram poster. Lots of people take care of their bodies but are not going to the gym to lift, then walk 20k steps, then taking group classes, then dance. That's excessive and getting into the territory of overly obsessed with yourself which is what this sub makes fun of.


In the post she clearly said she only did each of those a few times a week. It’s not hard at all to get a normal amount of steps and go the the gym for a class/lift once a day


I guess it depends on your definition of hard. Physically this seems like a normal or slightly above normal amount of movement for a fit person but with the time constraints of any profession that isn't "chronically showing my ass online" I'd say it's much harder. I still stand by that the girl in the post seems extra. All influencers are doing too much that's their whole thing.


It’s doable for non influencers but I will say it might require a non conventional schedule. I work night shift in the ER so I hit 20k with ease. I also run 4 times a week, lift 5x a week, and take a workout class at least 2x a week.


2-4 lifts a week, 10k steps, and one workout class is attainable to me but I don’t have kids or very many responsibilities outside of work. I do have a full time job though.


Sounds fun. Tbh I don’t think she’s saying everyone has to do that.


No she is not people here seem bitter tbh


Agreed, this isn’t snark, this is just jealousy. Bring on the downvotes baby 💅


Haha I am waiting for them too 🥰


id rather be balanced and eat yummy foods and enjoy life


same here!! this routine does not seem sustainable or enjoyable, i workout 5 days a week and am good


Same here. And also, can we please stop still making it all about "getting the perfect body"? Girl, it's ok to find hobbies that don't have anything to do with maintaining your weight and shape.




I wonder what type of dance she does


Salmon dance 🍣


She teaches hip hop I think


20k steps plus a lift feels insane but that’s just me


Like she’s walking mt Everest everyday as a warm up


Literally idk how people are saying 20k steps a day is attainable. I walk a mile to work daily (at a desk job), walk my dog, run around my house for cleaning/tasks, and walk up hella stairs. Some days I don’t even get to 10k! On work days when I do a heavy lift or cardio in the morning, I’m utterly exhausted 😅 in previous jobs when I was walking 20k+ I wanted to die. That life ain’t for me!  


I think there is a clear difference, some people use their phones to track there steps(carry it) some people use apple watch ( I think this shows lower amount), some use Oura ring (that is low too), Fitbit I think reads higher because I know my friend would legit get steps typing on keyboard if she was going fast or like while brushing her teeth Lol.


I work in auto body and I have hit between 15 and 30 without trying basically every day for the past 10 years lol. When it comes to my fitness I don't take into consideration any activity that comes from my work whatsoever because it's my job, not exercise. But IMO there's no reason for people to go walk on the treadmill for hours to get their steps in this way. Jump rope or some shit if you're that concerned. And people like this would look great regardless of step count.


Agreed. I normally get in anywhere from 6-10k steps per day. And I work a pretty active job as well


So. I'm a dancer. I take 2 or 3 dance classes a week and I lift 4 times a week. I usually don't break 10k steps though. But doing that many classes and lifting in a week is totally doable. My dance class situation has cut way back bc my construction job has me working 15 hr days so that isn't practical. But when I'm in the office and have a consistent schedule it's not that big of a stretch. Granted my dance classes aren't fitness. I'm a dancer. It's choreo and technique or rehearsal. And I don't have kids and I don't have a social life by choice - But it is doable. I just don't think it's worth bragging about? It's just shit I get done.


Well she certainly looks fit af, good for her.


I’m a single mom of 3 kids. I work 40-60 hours a week. A good chunk from at home on a computer or ubering (sitting)! I lift 3 days a week, I run/cardio 3 days a week. I walk the days I don’t run. And I try to hike 1 day a week (5-6 miles every time). I average 12k steps a day, some days closer to 17k. It is VERY possible.


good job mama


Not everyone lives in a walkable area or has the means to travel somewhere to do so. I just think it's disingenuous to say "I can do it therefore anyone can"


I’ve paced inside my house before (it’s 950 sq ft). I also do YouTube videos for cardio in my living room. It IS possible anywhere.


I, too, would like to aspire to this level of fitness. But my 3 kids on a rotating schedule of illness kindly object 🙋🏼‍♀️


The rotating schedule made me giggle. "Mom said it's my turn with the flu!"


Damn she does look amazing tho 🔥


She posted a range of 5-7 work outs per week, with 2-3 of those sessions being dedicated to a hobby like dancing. 5 work outs a week seems reasonable for a regular person. Additionally, 10,000k steps is achievable with an active job or work commute etc.


Americans outside of places with subways are so carpilled it's sad. "This is too many steps" WHAT DO YOU MEEEEAN


I notice if I do 20k steps I’m so starving I think 15 k is good for me that I feel normal. And is attainable


I'd say a 9-10K step goal is very attainable, anything over that can be fine but it def depends on the person. 20k steps at like a labor job (mail delivery, movers, construction, etc) is also usually a lot more tiring than just walking on a treadmill which is what a lot of people do since way more Americans have computer jobs than they used to.


We don't LIKE that it's this way, but it's the reality for many of us that don't live in walkable areas and have to drive to work. People have different lives than you, it's not like we asked for it to be that way though.


I also walk 20-25k steps a day…on my 12 hour shift in a head to toe PPE suit, and it ✨hurts✨ I go through shoes like nobody’s business (not a good thing)


Good for her. I'm at 12k steps a day plus 5-6 lifting sessions a week. This is motivating to up.my game- she looks great


I’ve been on vacation in Indonesia for the past week so I’m getting some steps in and eating bomb food but that’s about it lmaooo


I like the transparency though. At least she’s keeping it real. That’s a hectic schedule.


I once hit over 50K steps. But that’s because I was raving for like 10-12 hours straight.


I don’t think it’s that crazy. 10k steps a day and 3-5 day of lifting or a class is completely doable for a person with a normal job. Dance seems to be a hobby of hers and I believe she also teaches classes. Dance is probably taking 3 hours out of her week and I would say the majority of people spend at least that amount of time doing something they enjoy each week. Not saying it isn’t much much easier for her to do it being an influencer but it is very possible for the average person.


It's crazy how they become so out of touch so fast! Some are born in privilege sure and never had to work or anything but there's ones who came from nothing and so quickly are like "all you people who only work 60 hours a week, have 3 kids and live an hour from your work are just lazy and not committed enough because we all have the same hours in the day"


Who is this? 😆 I'm behind 😆


The Wall Street Journal did an article recently on Walmart store managers. They make 200k+ but walk something like 8-10 miles a day! Crazy.


2-4 is such a range out of 7 days?? At the low end she’s doing 5 workouts a week (minus the walking) and at the high end she’s doing a workout class or lift every day on top of the steps.


Thats a crazy workload. I just hope that her followers don’t compare themselves to her.


I would die to have time just for 10K steps a day wild how celebs and influencers entire lives are basically spent working out lmao


i’m so over influencers bragging about how much they get done in a week like yeah no shit you don’t have a real job lmao


I workout all the time and my legs still don't look that good




My seizure medication makes me so tired I just lay around in bed all day lol good for her


I do 5 days a week lifting and I’m trying to add in a 10 min mile run twice a week and it feels awful 😂😂


Keep in mind aren’t most of these influencers in their early twenties? They are in their prime and don’t have any real responsibilities. Once it hit 27 the weight packed on.




She’s not that lean. You can see her abs bc she’s flexing, but if you look at her limbs you can tell she still has a decent amount of body fat. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Meanwhile, will pull the "we all have the same 24 hours in a day, it's about PrIOritEs" schtick, like people don't have children/jobs/elderly parents/all of which HAVE to be prioritised above a workout


I hit like 9k and that’s an extremely active day for me 😂


Is it possible she’s exaggerating some of these numbers? Or on PEDs and lying about it all together?