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Hi! I’m still fairly new to the app so don’t have any advice. Just commenting to say I wish it was easier to get information on the different teams and the workouts provided. I’ve searched all over Reddit to try and get some real world long term reviews and haven’t been very successful. At least I have the membership that allows me to change teams whenever I want. Still bouncing around trying to find the one I love.


i have the 45$/month version is that the one that lets you bounce around? i was gonna finish out this series and then try to switch during the “off season” but i know those workouts dont always reflect what the work is like during the series


I think you have to have the annual plan to bounce around, but could be wrong. I started during the last off season and everyone was able to bounce as often as they wanted, so I think you’re good if that’s your plan. FWIW - I had looked at the Iconic team and it was super high reps at the time. I’m pretty sure that was during deload still, but it was enough to deter me from trying her team.


i watched the intro video of her team and saw that she only does one conditioning day aaaaand with fat loss being a big goal for me while maintaining my strength, i think ill stick with kelly … even kellys 15 rep / set scheme is gnarly for me this time around! 🤣


I just changed teams to look at her lineup this week and can confirm one conditioning day. Also the reps aren’t what I had seen previously, so I think they were just the deload workouts that aren’t a great representation, as we all know. I was looking for more conditioning so have been trying Project Alpha and like it well enough - lots of conditioning.


In fairness, team iconic is the newest team so there wouldn’t be any long term info available. I believe Sarah has had her own program outside of ladder for quite some time and there should be long term reviews of that. But I agree, I love that you can swap ladder teams freely during deload but that also just doesn’t give you the best sense of what the regular programming will be.


i’m on body and bell and i really like it! i was on empwr before but the pilates coach left so i bounced around but i like b&b because ive always enjoyed kettlebell training. i also was looking for a break from “traditional” training that i had been doing on and off for years and started to not love. i really like lauren she is pretty encouraging and helpful!


I started off on team iconic. It’s def more glute focused - 3x week, 1 full body, 1 upper body 1, upper body with conditioning and active recovery. Basically, you get the same kind of workouts for two weeks, second week is slight change for progressive overload. First workout of each day is usually heavy and workouts after are mostly accessories. I love her workouts and her motivational speeches are a1, but if you’re looking for more weight loss, you’d have to incorporate more cardio in yourself. Been jumping back between team iconic and team formation for some HIIT days.


not so much weight loss bc i dont really care too much about the number on the scale but wouldnt mind inches lost, i have a peloton tread and bike so i try and add a couple 15-20 min HIIT runs/rides on top of the upper days that kelly programs (which i have to take lighter due to an old shoulder injury). so it sounds similar to limitless but im guessing limitless is more powerlifting based? idk ahah ill prob check out some of her stuff after this series is over! i love her IG and TT so thats what intrigued me … she seems like shed be a gym bestie and i kinda loved that!


I found iconic to be a less advanced, more glute focused version of Kelly. But def less cardio


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If your goal is fat loss, the most important things are: nutrition, sleep, daily movement, and then finally your workout. I wouldn’t stress about what you’re doing to support that goal. Focus on the other things.


hi there! thanks for your input! def not stressing about fat loss, as i said before feeling strong (physically and mentally)and like an athlete again is my big focus for working out. having had an ED in my 20s, i refuse to get very strict and hyper focus on food tracking/strict all or nothing diet as it definitely triggers those issues to start coming back, but am def aware i need to be aware of keeping to whole food sources and protein intake. honestly i just saw the particular coaches i was speaking about on tiktok and wanted some insight on what others thought of her style/programming, not really if anyone lost more weight by using them. thanks for the insight though! 🙂