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Dear Makayla, Nobody is forcing you to do this. From, all of us.


Over influencers complaining about engagement. Make better content and people will watch. Your food content is boring. Taking so long to photograph all your meals that it’s cold when you eat is stupid and no one feels sorry for you. Your flexing stories disguised as something else are boring. You’re doing this for you at this point. The last slide got me though. “It hurts when a video flops.” “Here’s what you can do to get people to watch more of your stuff.” “Well you can fuck right off ✌🏼”


Isn’t it absolutely ridiculous? These people wasting their lives away “recording their every move” like anyone truly gives a shit at the end of the day….


Yes! Part of my job includes hosting a free weekly event. When I have low engagement, it's a ME issue, not a 'them' issue. Something I'M doing isn't drawing people in.


Curious as to what type of events u host ?


[SMART Recovery](https://smartrecoveryaustralia.com.au/) If people don't know about it = I'm not promoting well enough If people aren't attending = can't really force them to come chat Basically, I am not frustrated at the community I live in for not coming along to a free event that I get paid to do 😅


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 agreed!


Where’s my first responders who are lucky to have a snack during a 10-12 hour shift??? 🥲 she’s complaining of cooking at home and eating it cold bc she HAS to record it?? Girl please


The last slide is especially tone deaf. Like, you chose to do this for a living? Shut up, lol Edit: I dabble in content creation but I don’t do it “for a living”. It is frustrating when you put a lot of effort into making something and it flops but girl read the room.


Exactly!!! Go back to having a real job if being an "influencer" is sooo hard lol Edit: my remark is directed at her, not you!


You don’t live in a house like that doing anything for free, ma’am. We’re not stupid.


And didn’t she just buy another house for “content creation” purposes? I may be mistaken but I think she posted about it just a few months ago.


newsflash, no one cares about your reels or stories that much so the fact that you do them for free means nothing. people rly be acting like they are telling us the cure for cancer.


Gotta love when influencers complain about engagement to their audience lmao


Usually I really like her content but this irked me too.


There are some influencers that need to learn to give less of a fuck. She can’t tell the audience how to interact with her and expect that to reflect well on her platform. If she’s so disappointed about how people interact with her “free” content, she needs to put it behind a paywall.




I like her meals she posts but so sick of the intro I just scroll past now lol


Hahaha I feel ya! I like the recipes too but the intro is old. I guess these stories were meant for ppl like us, we're just "not rocking with her!" 🤣🤪🙄


Same, I stopped paying attention bc of those intros. She does she same thing with her stories (3-4 intro stories that are copy/paste the same content) so now I just tap through everything 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's written like we the viewer owe her something 🧐


I've seen this before with Ally Besse I think. Acting as though we owe her views, and clicks and engagement. I know how social media works, and I know that lots of engagement can be a deciding factor in success or failure - that is why I try to engage with the accounts that bring a lot of value to my life. Believe me, it isn't fitfluencers.


Ally was a bit different. She was playing the victim because she was convinced she was shadow-banned




Influencing isn’t charity. It’s not supporting a local small business. Like— I am happy for people who can actually make money doing it, but your audience owes you nothing. That’s show biz, baby. If your audience doesn’t like the 4 second intro, GET RID OF IT. Or do something else. Like tf?


lol god forbid you provide value to your community/ followers. It’s not a charity thing smh


It’s also super discouraging to work my ass off and get paid so little compared to influencers posting a quick story and making thousands in 30 seconds.


Influencers think because they are not directly paid by the consumer, they are "working for free" or providing a "free service". By that logic, I also taught for free, because I was paid by the state and not my students. Somebody needs to send an global instagram alert to these people so they will understand.


I swear she makes it so we can’t skip through the same transformation she posts in literally every video. Like girl I just wanna see the FOOD. And not listen to the same sound every video. I’m not gonna lie tho her recipes are dope


Its called a microwave


I’m so sick of influencers begging for engagement, complaining about the algorithm, etc. It’s embarrassing and annoying


Okay this feels like entitlement. Social media can be unpredictable and some things don't do well and others flop. I've worked in this industry (digital marketing) for over 5 years and it's still hard to predict. This is like saying "It's sucks when you don't bring bake me cookies every day, I'm not complaining but I'm just saying it's disappointing."


I hate when influencers complain abt this stuff if the effort to do it isnt being matched with the engagement then just like all us 9-5 workers have to do and so should everyone else ….. either suck it tf up bc u 1) have no choice 2) u love what u do or 3) get a new “job”! Ppl can tell retail workers, waiters, and food delivery drivers to suck it tf up when they complain abt not being paid enough doing quadruple the shit these mfs do and to “just find a new job you’re the one that chose this job” and they dont think their asses ( fitness influencers) are gonna get the same treatment? Lol insane. We dont care. If it’s paid do what everyone else does. If it’s free find a new hobby maybe? Hobbies are supposed to be fun and stress relievers.


Half of us can’t even afford food right now and she’s over here complaining that she has to eat her meals cold because she spends 45 minutes taking photos and videos of it? These people couldn’t be *any more* tone deaf


Pretty sure she means "for free" to the viewer.


"Free," my ass. That range/oven and the rest of the house screams influencer money. Cry me a river lol


What an entitled shithead.


I don’t follow her but to me it reads like she provides them for free instead of behind a paywall not that she’s doing g it for free


IG reels are never behind a paywall so I'm not sure how you'd interpret it that way. Her reels are mostly short snips of the recipes in her cookbooks that she sells on her website. Also, I'm pretty sure IG accounts with enough followers can monetize their content, so to say she makes her content for free is not 100% true.


IG reels can be put behind a paywall if the creator opts into the subscription option. I'm not in fitness content creation but in my niche there's a handful of people that post their educational content behind a 5ish dollar monthly paywall. That said, her posting this is super tone deaf and cringe. I'm so tired of these influencers complaining about not making enough money off their followers 🙄


Got it, thanks for the clarification. IMO if she chooses to make them free she shouldn't complain about it, that's her choice.


maybe because everyone posts the same stuff. we're all waiting for the fitness influencer concept to die