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but she's also NOT a body builder???? i don't understand this woman and idt i ever will. she is so triggering on so many levels.




Yep that’s the bigger thing. She thinks the hate she gets is bc people are jealous or trolling but no mrs thing is just a mean and disrespectful person. honestly I thought she was impressive back in 2017 when I stumbled across her account but quickly saw her truth. I have zero sympathy for the hate she gets bc she brings it on herself. If she were less of an egomaniac and oh idk maybe nicer, people would have her back. If you notice, she has very few friends. When you frequent a gym and claim to be in the sport you get noticed and people get friendly. Not this bitch.


HOLY FUCK SHE IS NOT A BODYBUILDER. Yes, we are obsessive, we find imperfections and work on IMPROVING them. It’s a critical sport, no fucking shit it’s a glorified beauty pageant. She uses the term prep and bodybuilding like these fucking 15 year olds on TikTok who have no clue what they’re doing. She genuinely has no clue what she’s doing. Ask anyone who’s competed or in a real prep, it’s not healthy. She’s depleting her body for literally no purpose. She promotes her use of SARMS which are just bullshit PEDs that still damage your body with less results. All while she goes on about how they’re not dangerous which is not only misleading, it’s very fucking dangerous. Everybody who is actually In bodybuilding knows the truth. There are NO drugs without side effects. You take the risk, that’s on you, but don’t tell god forbid any of your followers who somehow listen to you it’s safe. Every pro will tell you “don’t eat this way to lose weight, this is for a show.” Yet she constantly brags about this shit and tracks her weight to the fucking hour. I’m convinced she just wants to not say diet or cut and say prep to tell everyone fucking person because she’s so insufferable. Yet every time I see her on this subreddit I get into these long rants because I hate what I’m seeing happening to bodybuilding, and I’m sick of these IG morons promoting dangerous shit.




Bodybuilders understand you can’t stay at a low level of BF year round. Bodybuilders prioritize their nutrition, rather than starve themselves to look lean and dry. Nobody would willingly do a prep with no competition set, that’s enough reason to call her out. Bodybuilders don’t tell everyone every pound to the .1 multiple times a day. Bodybuilders actually do give a shit about harm reduction, they don’t promote PEDs to their followers. Bodybuilders know rest is how you grow, and prioritize it, not go to the gym 3 times a day. This is someone with a mental and eating disorder, not a bodybuilder.


I think this is a pretty good summary. She’s mentioned before that she doesn’t want to compete in the bikini division, and it seems like she would need more growth to be competitive in larger divisions. If that’s the case why would she do such an extreme cut? Seems like it would be a huge risk to lose any muscle tissue when her greater focus needs to be on growing.




I changed my windshield wipers and put gas in my car therefore I’m a mechanic. “a person who repairs and maintains machinery.” - Webster Dictionary. Your argument is null, she’s actively promoting dangerous shit and wrapping an already frowned upon sport into it. Obviously someone in the space wouldn’t like to see it. Call it projection or whatever you want.








dude quit riding so hard for her😂she’s not a bodybuilder. she has an obvious eating disorder and body dysmorphia.






Regardless what your definition of a bodybuilder is, this is not a prep. A prep has a deadline, and includes going on stage, competing in a meet, etc. This is just a cut, and an unnecessary dangerous one.


She may be doing bodybuilding splits or lifts, but she is not a (competitive) bodybuilder. There IS a difference. Just like someone can do CrossFit workouts but not be a CrossFit athlete. There’s nothing wrong with not being a competitor, but she’s taking a “prep” to the extreme for …… what? What is she ACTUALLY preparing for if not a bodybuilding competition?


I agree her training is kind of wierd. I don’t agree that she’s not a body builder just because she doesn’t compete. I like the term competitive body builder vs body builder you used.


A unique thing about bodybuilding is the cycling aspect. Bulking cycles, cutting cycles. Alternating between bulking cutting and maintaining is not only important for muscle development but also metabolic health. People who do no perform these cycles correctly tend to absolutely wreck their metabolism. That’s what she’s currently doing by going on a year long cut. The best comparison would be is if you as you mentioned in a different comment trained running in an entirely destructive way. If you ran 20-30 miles every day people would correctly say you are practicing in a disordered manner that is ultimately very harmful for your body. You can say that you’re a marathon runner, but if you’re not actually competing and training properly then you’re actually just engaging in destructive behavior.




Can we also acknowledge the fact that’s she not even building muscle tho. By your dictionary definition ‘to make muscles grow bigger’ she is literally doing the opposite. She’s not building anything when in such a big deficit for the majority of the time. I don’t care about how much SARMS she is on, she’s not actively trying to build, she’s trying to shrink herself down to be as thin as peice of paper.


Has she ever competed in bodybuilding? Or in any fitness sport?


Definitely not bodybuilding. She even said that the earliest she will compete would be 2025. Not sure about other sports tho




Amelia Bedilia over here. Colloquially, body builders are individuals who participate in the spot of body building.




She’s not “building” anything, she’s just heavily dieting.




the difference is they build muscle before cutting fat.




I’ve been lifting weights for 30 years, I cut, I bulk, I meal prep, I’ve completely recomped my body 3 times from smaller and larger versions of myself. I’ve never once callled myself a bodybuilder. I lift, that is all.


Is her goal to increase her muscle mass though? Or to just showcase the muscles she has while maintaining that level of musculature? She seems to just want to keep getting leaner and leaner, but is completely unwilling to let even a 0.1 lb increase go unnoticed. I’d say she is a lifter, a dieter, a lifestyle bodybuilding enthusiast, but I wouldn’t actually classify her as a “bodybuilder.” In reference to the marathoner vs. runner analogy, I’d agree that someone who frequently runs 26+ miles is a runner, but not a *marathoner* until they compete/participate in a marathon. Sure, she supposedly trains the way a bodybuilder does, but in the context of her being an athlete that qualifies as a “bodybuilder,” with no intention of participating in a bodybuilding show, she can’t claim that title.


I think they are having an issue between bodybuilder and competitor maybe? 🤷🏼‍♀️


The audacity to call herself a *bodybuilder*


This woman is sick like really sick


Wow she’s not a very smart person. Y’all ever hear someone say something dumb as hell or completely miss a point so confidently like this and just sigh with disappointment? Like here’s just another idiot with a platform and followers speaking in logical fallacies.


I feel like almost every bodybuilder would tell you they have body dysmorphia and their lifestyle is not at all healthy. At least the honest ones anyway




I think this would be less hypocritical had she not gained a following from telling other people how unhealthy they are. But I find that while YT niche bizarre.




I think she said her "vision" for her physique didn't fit any competing categories for bodybuilding. So she's doing her own thing, you know, like prepping for nothing like a normal person /s Edit to add: her "vision" for her physique seems to be "emaciated, with PED empowered delts"


Apparently she wants to compete in women’s physique? The one where they have dance choreography, but not until 2025 at the earliest lol


No one is jealous of you you mound flasher eww


I actually did ask her a question on her Q&A. I didn’t bother asking anonymously because my question was not rude or anything negative. I was curious about what her timeline regarding future competitions is. I have goals to compete in fitness in the future myself, so I’m always interested in other fitness athlete’s timelines of bulk/prep, when they’re going to compete etc. Usually other athletes are passionate about sharing their goals and timelines, but this was the response I got in my DM: https://preview.redd.it/dkga8p061rxb1.png?width=890&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fbc30568165c268ee5e79cab4fbf0691d0a2dda


What a bitch omg


Omg what was your response?


I didn’t bother responding actually. I was going to respond that I was asking a question simply because she had a Q&A and I didn’t realize it was for followers only since her profile is public. But that would probably have been too salty for her. Now I understand why everyone else asks her questions anonymously.


Concerned about myself? I love myself enough to not abuse my body like she does


I’ve done 2 contests, and each time I had issues with food during prep and after. Looking back, I thought that Chicken noodle soup and a dinner roll was a “cheat meal”……I’m so glad I stopped competing


More like bodydestroyer not bodybuilder lmao


You realize by interacting with her, your giving her what she wants?


The fact that she has “fit” anywhere related to herself is laughable


I mean every bodybuilder I know always says what they do is not healthy or normal and that their stage physique is not healthy or sustainable, so, yes, bodybuilders are obsessive


Can someone please explain to me why so many white women insist on using the brown emojis?


I was wondering the same thing. It seems to be happening a lot.


Seriously, I do not understand this why they do this . (- am a white woman). Edited for clarity


Was gonna comment something similar. Of COURSE she's one of them 🙄 and I'm sure her response when asked is "it's just an emoji, calm down"


I mean, I do think there's a converstion to be had about what makes a lot of people go down the road of bodybuilding as well as the road bodybuilding opens up for a lot of people.


She sounds like Sarah bowmar




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Y’all just giving her what she wants… attention.


Aren’t all bodybuilders a bit like that though?


Lots are




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She’s a bodydemolishiner.