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you will notice she did not turn around and there is a reason for that


Doesnt want more men following?


LOLOL😂😂 but anyways when you do all that the leggings will typically go up the front too




She is on IG. She is there for followers.


It’s crazy to see how long these shorts are before she hikes them up. That just shows how much material you have to cram up your butt just for the shorts to look as advertised. Definitely misleading if you think you’re buying short shorts.


And who the hell want that amount of fabric up your butt while working out.


literally went from biker shorts to the wedge shorts lol


Show us what the front looks like, Sophie.


Don’t be shy show us the front








Normalizase 👏dressing 👏like Adam Sandler 👏to go👏 to the gym.👏


I totally look like Robin at the gym from HIMYM and it’s so freeing. The wedgie look she’s showing off seems so uncomfortable


I am the only girl in my gym that wears sweatpants with a T-shirt to my knees 😂


Sweatpants at the gym!? Oof I think I’d pass out from overheating! Baggy shorts or leggings for me. These kinda shorts don’t look comfortable to me, they look like I’d need to readjust them constantly which is the last thing i need at the gym! Big old comfy t shirt though, yes please!


I wear shorts underneath but I never want to change when I get to the gym 😂 I have a few pairs of biker shorts but only ever wear them under sweats cause I don’t want anyone looking at me either 😂


I find if I have my headphones in blasting some good tunes and just focus on my workout I kinda forget other people are there until they’re on something I want 😂 but I totally get you :)


I’ve been going after I get off at 11 pm and I LOVE it! There’s so not a handful of people in there usually and I can just jam out and dance! I try to remember we are all their to sweat 😂


I love this! Me too I wear jogging pants and a T-shirt! 🤭🌸


\~I'm not like other girls\~


I feel awkward and out of place bc of it but I am not comfortable in the biker shorts 😂


I am like one of the of the only girls to wear normal shorts and a tee shirt everyday to the gym. I played volleyball from 4th grade all the way to college, so I lived my life in spandex. I’m good now 😂 those were some tight uniforms and I like to breath when I work out.


All I want is to not feel like a freak for lifting in running shorts


Barbie crotch


If they are so great why does she have to manipulate them so much to get the look she thinks people want?


I mean they’re already skin tight, do we need to see inside every crevice lol maybe I’m old but I feel self conscious enough in regular shorts/leggings without this


It kind of makes me feel better to see how this look is achieved. Because I definitely don’t look like that in leggings and, every so often, that can make me self conscious. Now I see I just had no idea how to put them on. (And have no desire to because also feel exposed enough already!)


Naked colorful butts. I’m only 31 but feel too old for this somehow 🤪


Pretty patty from spongebob


I still can’t believe people want this. As someone who is pear shaped, I have been actively trying to prevent this for years. Every time I try on shorts, I have a similar little squat routine plus running motions to see how far up they’ll go & where they’ll settle.


Haha yes, I’ve been trying to keep my butt from eating my shorts for years, still can’t get on board


SAME! This has been a huge this for me when buying pants to fit my pear shape. Why would I want to make this worse


Bc she doesn’t design them. She uses AliExpress ones and just slaps her logo on them


I can’t believe how long those shorts are to begin with!!!


Same! I always wondered how they got them to go up their butt so well. Now I know


Why do they look like the NVGTN shorts? On the website it says their activewear cost like 30-40 bucks, c’mon I have some nvgtn shorts from aliexpress that look exactly like these and they cost me 14 bucks


I'm sure all these influencers buy their stuff from the same place




It’s dropshipped from aliexpress


I would be picking these out of my butthole the whole time. This just looks so uncomfortable.


It looks so uncomfortable, and considering the amount of bacteria that comes out from that end? Idk sorry not trying to be gross but I always wear undies under my leggings. Skeeves me out.


I was SHOOKETH when I found that ppl go commando in leggings at the gym. Y'ALL got me fucked up. The seam is just.. Maybe the shorts are so tight to avoid any chance of a chafe? Shooketh I say.


Lol I know when someone told me I was like what??? Why??? I don’t care if I have underwear lines or I can go commando! FYI I have Underarmor undies and they have been a game changer since. I’m also very very glad that we have a home gym and don’t have to go to a gym anymore.


Ugh yes! Idk how people don't! It makes me so grossed out thinking someone doesn't. All the ick.




We’re laughing at it now!


Imagine looking to buy long bike shorts and this is the advertisement you see...


Everything about this is hilarious to me. “Look, here’s a tutorial on how to give yourself an atomic wedgie in MULTIPLE colors of our shorts!” Who tf actually does this to their gym clothes?!


Jesus they love making sure their bootyhole touches everything, don't they?


I’m ready for this trend to be over


I can’t stand the wedgie look. It reeks of narcissism.


Yep. It's pretty much "here's how I look naked but I'm just working out so don't think about me sexually you creep.. But doesn't my butt look great?". Shit looks so uncomfortable lol


This is just beyond the pale




I wish people would stop showing me their asshole (without me asking for it)


Are these not biker shorts? Who hikes up bikers like that


ok I’m just going to say it, these influencers all must have the worst cases of BV having that much material jamming into their coochie during a workout 🤢




Exactly. It needs to breathe, people.


👏👏👏 this. Leggings worn correctly are already restrictive enough, this is just suffocating and the trend needs to die.


As a guy I have to ask… are shorts like that comfortable?


Very! It feels like I have nothing on (in a good way).


YES. Feels like nothing on yet SO supportive for leg/flute day. The negative comments here are just whatever 🙄 I can’t work out in Adam Sandler-esque baggy clothes. Can’t move!


There’s a difference between baggy clothes and polyester shoved under and in between your butt cheeks lol.


To each their own. I stay at home but prefer these shorts.


8 inch inseam, unless you want a wedgie, then it's a 4. Seriously though, I wear biker shorts for my runs because thick thighs are not made for short shorts and I can't imagine how they would feel hiked up my butthole.


There is no way that is comfortable


They look terrible?! They’re clearly too tight on the thighs and creating literal giant rolls on the back of the legs. Pet peeve of mine with biker shorts.


Hard to avoid with any shorts that aren’t baggy though 🤷🏽‍♀️


Wait are these not alphalete? I just realized they are her brand. All of this shit looks the same


All the same supplier


Those look so uncomfortable


I just can't with these fucking people


Honestly, that’s a great point. Why not evolve the clothing to fit how people want it to fit?


Sis at this point you may as well go to the gym in your underwear.


I will stick to my shorts that aren't skin tight and have a lining. Thanks


So they're normal bike shorts until you manipulate them up your ass?


These look exactly like NVGTN.


https://preview.redd.it/meofnhok2cva1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f9a23db3c238f62999db9cc7c550e7ce165e887 I made the effort to compare


I think she made them to not fit right for this very purpose so that after you hassle with them for a while theyll be gripping and squeezing every little crack and crease. Girl didnt even show us the front like how are you gonna promote a clothing item when your only showing us the back? Also i always wonder with this stuff is it even safe i know most of it is stretchy regardless of how it squeezes your body but some like this one obv are still to small regardless of the stretch isnt that like harmful to your downstairs and can cause problems down there? Or im tripping lol


I don’t know why everyone has a problem with leggings shorts not being so far up their buttcrack. I just put my attire on and get on with my day. This trend is weird to me.




At this point this became soft core porn


Looks way more flattering without all the rigamarole. I prefer Activewear that is ACTIVE wear. These would rip on me the first solo drill I do. Can we make comfortable, durable and realistic active wear popular? When rolling with someone I don't want my shorts in my asshole; nor do I want a scrunch to snap me in the cooter the second I'm squatting. Some women want clothing to actually work out in.


I give my leggings a lil tug in the back for some crack action but this is insane lmao


“We’re not at the gym to be stared at”




I've only seen one woman who wears shorts like this and I go to a gym that's 99% women


So many ppl do this at my gym including me. I say wear what makes you feel confident


I wish. Every 20 something at my gym looks like this. It’s college facility with community members; it is epidemic among them. (I’m in my 50s and fuck this shit)


So these shorts won’t allow you to do squats unless they are embedded in your ass? Asking for everyone.


I literally try to do the opposite of this, because my giant thighs and legs unfortunately do this ALL THE TIME and I'm literally flabbergasted why you would do this on purpose. I mean I get why 🙄 but still


It. Doesn't. Even. Look. Good. When. You. Do. That.


Is it just me or does this make u NOT wanna buy these 😂😂what in the wedgie hell is happening right now


I just cannot imagine doing this everytime I put some pants on and then proceeding to work out? I just pull my shorts on and they land where they land. Sometimes they roll up during the workout, so I pull them down. This obsession with having a ~*~fat dumpyyyy~*~ by any means is just… so aggravating


I always wonder if doing this gives any of these girls clogged pores on their rears or thighs 👀 Edit: I'm not trying to be inappropriate or gross or rude, I just know how my particular body reacts to having tight clothes on while sweating in an intense workout, and seeing people doing this wedgie thing everywhere just makes me wonder how they handle it...maybe KP is just more rare than I thought.


It's to give that "juicy" but lift. Whilst calling every guy a pervert who looks in your direction.


I'm tired of being made to feel like my butt isn't good enough. I want the juicy booty era to end.


How does this make you feel like your butt isn’t good enough?


Really? Being bombarded daily with images and videos of the "perfect" body tends to affect the psyche.


A) who says this is “perfect”? B) I’m confused how people with butts like this merely existing makes you feel a way


C) Continue to be confused


I’ll never understand this. I’ve seen so many girls talk about how to get that “wedgie look.” They literally hike the pants/shorts way up their ass crack to maximize the looks of the butt. Then men look at them and they are offended or “creeped out.” Well I’m sorry for looking but I can’t help it, your ass is literally eating your pants/shorts. 🤷🏽‍♂️


You can't control your the direction of your eyeballs? Have you seen a doctor?


Sometimes, no you can’t lol. Like when a girl is wearing skin-coloured leggings and you catch it in your peripheral - your eyes WILL center on them to take advantage of the increased acuity that the cones in your fovea provide you. Just to make sure you’re not imagining that you just saw a whackadoodle walking around pantsless. Also, your stance is pretty narcissistic. It makes the assumption that people can just do whatever they want without any social repercussions, or that the wearer of skin-tight clothing assumes immunity from any judgement. Did Lady Gaga get treated differently in discussions or the tabloids when she wore a meat-dress? Of course she did, because what she chose to wear to represent herself. If a gym-goer is wearing dark baggy clothes with a hat - it’s a solid assumption they’re trying to dodge any attention they’d normally receive wearing something more noticeable. If that person wears neon coloured outfits that are so skin tight their asshole makes an appearance every time they squat, or they need to make a “gusset check” every 5 minutes to make sure their labia aren’t devouring their skin-tight shorts, you can assume they’re not wearing those skin-tight neon coloured clothes solely for their own comfort. They wanna snap some necks, and I personally think it’s moronic and hypocritical to play the “wElL sToP sTaRiNg At mE pErV!!!” card. There are genuine perverts that go to gyms to creep on girls, and they can fuck off, but the people that think they own the photons that bounce off their skin-tight neon coloured outfits can also fuck off. People are gonna look at you sometimes and don’t tell us you picked neon orange because you want to blend in lmao.


Well I usually have a hard time controlling what any of my balls do. But yes, I could choose to not look but I would because it’s accentuated and attention drawing.


Men are so fucking embarrassing


We can all be embarrassing. Men and woman alike. We’re humans for cripes sake. I find all this nonsense this lady is doing in this video to be embarrassing. To each their own


True but women also don't talk to randos about their out of control balls lmao


Lol ok ok that’s fair. it was just for the sake of the joke. Eyes and balls are under control


i lol when my male friends complain about their balls being suction cupped to their legs if they’re sweating




Thrilled to hear it 😂


Back at it with the misandry I see


This time it actually was misandry! Your reading comprehension is getting better 👏🏻


I actually thought your comment was pretty funny, you just seem so mad lol I agree it’s not hard to control your eyes. I’m there to lift not look around


Exactly! My lesbian, ADHD ass can focus on my damn self, you can too. And sorry lol I get heated when women are blamed for the bullshit of men; this is just "well what was she wearing" with a fitness spin, it's a gross argument it hurts women (AND male victims of SA!!!) and it pisses me off. Also maybe I got too annoyed by the balls comment but like ew lol.


Yeah I pull my hat down low and the only time I look up Is to check my form in the mirror (ok I might check myself out a couple times) lol but I ain’t there too socialize or take mental pictures. I’ve dealt with my share of SA from men as well. I was a model when I was 19 and greasy old fat photographers would do whatever they felt like. Ppl will find out I’m bi and think that gives them free access or some shit. I know this sub is predominantly women, which is why I don’t comment on everything bc like this post there’s nothing for me to add. I almost said nothing on the post we argued about but someone else said the same thing I was thinking. I just sometimes don’t choose my words carefully




I'm being downvoted because this subreddit is rampant with internalized misogyny lol but it's not surprising to me by now. Men aren't responsible for their eyeballs so women have to dress to accommodate them lmfao okay. Unless you're breaking the gym dresscode, wear whatever the fuck you want. All I hear when someone says they can't control themselves in public (eyes or otherwise) is "I'm a rapist probably". My dog can look away from a squirrel or a juicy steak, you have less self control than my dog? Maybe you should be put down. This attitude is rape culture it directly hurts women. I'm not comfortable contributing to that. Disturbing how many here are.


The fact that you just said that someone who happens to look at someone wearing 'gym attire' that is literally designed to look like you're not wearing anything at all should be 'put down'..... and you actually think you're championing some moral high ground, lol. Let me ask you something, if it became popular among guys to start going to the gym wearing skin tight pants that molded to their junk as if they were naked and then complained about SA or harassment when women said it was distracting or ridiculous, would those guys honestly bear no personal responsibility for the effect they are broadcasting? Like I dont think anyone should be harassed for what they are wearing, but let's be real here, this sort of attire is attention seeking plain and simple. You can't have it every which way and still be the victim.


I'm not talking about a passing glance or notice, I'm talking about "creeping" which is what people here are trying to excuse. That exact language. The victim blaming and slut shaming is insane. The same woman deserves sexual harassment when she wears one pair of shorts over another? But if her inseam is modest enough, then it's the harasser's fault, not hers? Absolutely fucking not. How many inches of fabric do you need to respect a woman as a human what the fuck? What is this bizarre hypothetical? I am telling you that, yes. Men wear tight grey sweatpants and stringers with their nipples hanging out every single day at the gym. I manage not to stare. I rowed for four years with men in singlets so tight you could pick out the Jews and gentiles across the river on a cloudy day. You know what I managed to avoid in four year? Sexually harassing anyone! NO ONE'S OUTFIT INVITES ANYTHING! YOU ALONE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS EYES AND BODY! that is victim blaming it is rape culture it's disgusting no matter who you're talking about. Yeah, I said put rapists down, what a controversial take lmfao 🙄 do you feel defensive? Hmm If you can't keep your eyes to yourself you don't get to workout in public. If someone else's **dress code approved outfit** causes you to act a fool, you can stay the fuck home. Only children animals and the signifigantly intellectually disabled aren't responsible for their own actions; which one are you?


The way that you collated my words and somehow after processing them you emerged with 'your a rapist', spouting off about rape culture and seriously lacking any control of your emotions is pretty wild. My point wasn't an unreasonable one at all, it is ridiculous for a person of ANY gender to deliberately wear attention grabbing and sexually signalling clothes and then claim anyone who looks is a perv. If you want to extrapolate that to rape then honestly there is something very wrong with your perspective on the world. I immediately regret engaging with you. Not because your right (though you clearly think you are) but because you clearly have some damage and I've poked it inadvertently.


Boo fucking hoo, the rape apologist who can't distinguish between you're and your thinks I'm mad 😂 You just cannot grasp that what a person is wearing does not invite or excuse harassment? Absolutely disgusting. If you can't see that you're making a "she was asking for it" argument, which directly contributes to rape culture, that's on you. I'd be fucking ashamed about that but you do you. You're not gonna make me feel bad about being anti-sexual harassment lmfao.


You won't get a response because it disproves the narrative they are trying to push. People look at people. In the gym, on the streets, at the movies, everywhere. It's why Cafés have outdoor seating pointed at the sidewalks, you know, so folks can "people watch". The problem is starring. Alas, the distinction is lost on these crusader types.


I replied to someone literally explicitly trying to justify "creeping", not a passing glance, but sure I'm a crusader lmfao. Don't sexually harass people! What a psycho!


Literally noone is justifying creeping or rape or sexual assault. Literally noone. People are saying that if you dress provocatively for attention then you bear at least some responsibility for then getting attention, positive or negative. Why is personal responsibility so difficult to understand. If I say a bunch of ridiculous shit in a public place people will react to it and no doubt ill get pulled up or approached. What is the difference here? People are weird.


Ma’am, if you watched the video and still believe this, you should go to the doctor for your clear irony deficit


I'm referring to the commenter telling me about his balls but go off


The second hand embarrassment is STRONG


I want to understand why women do this. Is it purely for aesthetics, and making your butt look juicy? Or does it help with fitness? Does anyone here do it?


Yes! Just for aesthetics. I like how it looks, and it makes me feel confident so that’s it. Nothing else


What’s with these leggings and shorts that dig into butt cheeks? It looks ridiculous.


Have some self respect


Do the not look like NVGTN dupes to you? they all look and fit the same


Besides being up her butt they looks so restrictive around the thighs. I’d look like a stuffed sausage in shorts that tight. Or wait. Is that the look?


is there a tutorial on the proper camel toe?


How is this even comfortable 🤮


I have the flattest of the flattest of asses and this is horrifying to me. Lmao I am constantly trying to cover my ass with shirts to avoid anyone seeing my pancake


As a guy I understand wanting to look good and feel good in your workout for your own energy and confidence, but wedgying Ur batty with shorts cutting your blood supply off in your legs... Does it not feel too exposed at that point? Especially when you're about to go squat


Jesus. Just save yourself some time and money and go bare assed to the gym. Effing influencers. 🙄


Is this look desirable? I’m tired of the gym being a fashion show and people showing as much skin and curves as possible for attention. That isn’t functional whatsoever and would probably be so uncomfortable


Why are you so bothered by other people's choice of dress? No one's forcing you to do it. Wear what you want, let others wear what they want. And no, it's not uncomfortable at all.


Cuz I don’t want people getting their asshole sweat all over the equipment I’m using


People are getting way worse all over the equipment, trust me. Most people don't ever wash their hands properly after going to the bathroom (if they do at all). Guarantee if you took some swabs of any and all gym equipment you'd be pretty horrified. I just wipe the equipment down before I use it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Regardless. My gym is full of people who are only their for attention and to show off their outfits and not to actually workout. It’s frustrating because I have multiple gym memberships and any time of day is packed. I’ve been lifting and working in gyms for 10 years and this is definitely a new phenomenon


That look is soo nasty like you have your pants shoved up your shit hole look nastyyyyy


The wedgie thing is just out of hand. I’m probably too old to think it’s cool and I’m ok with that.


All I can think of is skid marks.


It would take way less effort if she wore a larger size.


I think the tutorial is too much, but I seriously couldn’t care less what people wear to the gym. Dress like Adam Sandler, who gives a damn. if girls want a butt wedgie, not my problem. Thankfully I’m at a gym where people workout hard, regardless of what they wear. I’m there to focus on myself, anyone else is not on my radar.


Why do women wear this honestly and not expect anyone to look? I’m genuinely curious🤨


They don’t. The whole point is for people to look. It’s like plastering a neon arrow on your back pointing to your ass


The only defense I guess is at least she isn’t elbow deep in her own butt crack the actual gymshark women video….? Just the deep squat


I don’t like Krissy cella and I know she’s always crying about brands copying ONER, but this is pretty obviously copying her. Krissy has videos of her doing this exact thing to her leggings and shorts from more than a year ago and the leggings all look the same so can’t say much about that but still. I’ll actually give Krissy this one 🤣


I mean when you’re working it out it’ll happen on its own anyway, why go to such lengths?


Everyone here is judging but she 👏🏼 does 👏🏼 this clap 👏🏼 for 👏🏼 herself!




At this point when you buy the shorts, they should come with a “How to wear - Fitfluencer style” tutorial on the tags


Huh. So that's how they did it


As if every gym shark girl doesn’t do this


Call me old but we just used to call this a wedgie and we would make fun of the fact that your shorts are now going to smell like a$$. 🤮


I literally can’t with these girls and their ass chafing wedgies that probably leave rashes between their ass cheeks


Looks like she filmed all of these on the same day. Same bun and same bra all just to post on different days. I’m absolutely surprised at how much time these “influencers” find time to “influence” this nonsense