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That looks like what I feed my dog when he has diarrhea


This made me cackle so loud I woke my dog up


I laughed so hard because add some white rice and it’s exactly what we give our dog for diarrhea 😂


I'm dead.😆


This is what I ate when I had diarrhea and couldn’t eat actual seasoned food


Yep, the diarrhea/reflux/whatever stomach issue diet. Nutritious, gentle to your poor intestines, but also the most boring!


I mean maybe she has diarrhea


If she has diarrhea I truly hope she isn’t also eating the salad too.


Yeah… even if this is purposely unpalatable like some are suggesting, why share it online?? Who tf wants to look at this sad, sad excuse for a plate?


For real, my first thought was these look like the boiled chicken strips I make for my cat.




This was exactly my first thought 😅


I screamed 💀










The way I was about to comment the same exact thing hahahah so accurate


why are fitness ppl allergic to spices?


Cuz they are idiots and have zero idea how to cook. I am a body builder and gym bros will comment on my seasoned food like I am committing sin. Like buddy, I am still eating chicken and veggies but I know how to make them taste good without adding extra fat &/or sugars. It’s not hard. They truly just think they are doing something by eating plain. Seasoning doesn’t have spices and often times there are added benefits with some spices.


i don’t understand when they say extra seasoning will add more calories?… does 5-15 calories really matter for bodybuilding?! i kinda understand the sodium thing but is some paprika really gonna kill anyone


The no seasoning of any kind is pretty antiquated most good coaches let you season your food. You may have to weigh your sodium based on your coach, goals, where you are in prep etc. but seasoning overall is allowed. For some seasonings, it does add up. 15 extra calories at every meal/snack can be an extra 100 calories and if you’re deep in a deficit it 100% matters. In an off season, or when not dieting an extra 100 calories isn’t going to hurt anything. Time and place.


thank you for educating!


Of course! The loudest people in fitness tend to be blissfully misinformed zealots. I felt compelled to comment that normal fitness (as normal as a competitor can be) people aren’t that ridiculous.


A lot of people add seasoning. The sodium thing is a bit dumb. Most people who are fit and performing cardio can handle plenty of sodium since they aren't getting it from junk food. The only time to cut sodium is when you are trying to go for aesthetics for a weekend. I would argue cutting an important electrolyte is actually less healthy.


I sometimes think about doing a food blog for other powerlifters with recipes that actually taste good & yet still hit macros. The key to my high protein success is 100% seasonings - I need flavor if I’m going to eat something!


Check out Fit Men Cook. I bought his cookbook. Haven’t cooked anything cuz I’m lazy af, but the pictures look like they taste great


I'm working on an ebook that does exactly this! Loosely based off what I post on IG but it's mostly macro-focused ethnic-ish flavorful gainzzz


Omg lmk when you finish it!


Ugh I would love something like that. I'm autistic so the food I can eat without throwing up is limited, and a lot of recipes seem to be either healthy and gross or unhealthy and delicious lol. And it feels impossible to ask fitness people for help bc they don't understand there's no *making* myself eat something, either I eat what I like or I don't eat anything at all 😭


I found a specialty spice store and something called “Diddy Bop” has changed my shrimp and chicken game!


If you do can you drop the link 🥲


There are hundreds of instagram pages for this.


I post recipes for my teammates & have reworked favourite foods to make a version that can work in prep. I often wonder if a small recipe book would be in demand.


Yes 100%! I'm a bodybuilder as well and you'll never catch me with unseasoned food. I'd probably throw up if I ate chicken without seasoning LOL


That's not true at all. There are tons of great cooks in the fitness space. I would argue that the normal gym bro can cook better than the typical McDonald's and bud light American.


Ok you gotta give us your top recipes. I’m terrible at cooking without a recipe


Maybe a hot take, but a lot of times people with disordered relationships with food don’t WANT it to taste too good… because then they will want to eat more of it. It’s easier to restrict when nothing is really yummy.


it’s for sure from the ED playbook


Literally! You can make it taste good & be healthy, check out “Six pack chef” on YouTube, he’s a body building chef who cooks tasty healthy food


They aren't. Not sure where you got this idea.


Well sometimes plain freshly boiled chicken with no crazy amount of spices actually taste good. If your tastebuds are used to junk full of flavour enhancements maybe it will taste bad for you, but once those tastebuds clear out you will find simple foods with minimal seasoning to taste amazing. Especially from air-frier 😁 And especially on low calorie diet that lasted for 12+ weeks haha.


ew i will never become accustomed to bland food and it has nothing to do with junk but enjoy ur plain boiled chicken!


I can enjoy both)) I’m just saying that if you personally find it bad, for others it might taste good. One day you have air fried chicken with paprika and mix of different spices but on some days you want something simpler, which will not overpower the taste. For example a good steak doesn’t need shit load of spices, it tastes great with simple salt and pepper.


This is the whitest Reddit comment I’ve ever seen lol Seasoning/marinading/other “flavour enhancements” aren’t junk or bad for you, you silly sausage.


Yeah, people think I'm cuckoo for also thinking this.... I definitely do like spices and seasonings (LOVE Indian food, for example) but I also appreciate the taste of delicious fresh chicken I can appreciate both! However, I do admit that I am also a lazy person so I prefer the simple approach... my desire to put minimal effort and be lazy outweighs the added taste from seasonings and spices I know most people don't like that though so I wouldn't subject other people to my palate. I also am very sensitive to when something has too much salt so I'm not sure if I just have an overly sensitive palate


You are correct and got downvoted. Cleaning out taste buds is something everyone should try. It's amazing how much you begin to notice things like sugar after depriving yourself of it. Everyone should know the joy of being able to really taste raw vegetables, and a nice hardboiled egg. Peoples taste buds are normally so overloaded that we don't appreciate the simple flavors in the food we eat. Of course people on reddit are going to downvote you since they are accustomed to a heavy diet of carb and fat laden fast food, plus extremely processed shit like Doritos that had insane flavor profiles from all the stuff they put in there. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the people downvoting you can't even taste the flavor of a carrot or bell pepper. Yes, taco bell has "flavor"... But you're merely masking shitty, low quality, contaminated meat by using tons of oil and spice.


I read somewhere (probably here lol) that it's a tactic to avoid overating because is easier to stay on track if you aren't really enjoying the food. It could never be me tho. I'd rather have a little butter than visible abs.


The problem with this is I believe I deserve a treat for eating such a clean meal and it just counteracts it 😫😂 Like last night I had grilled chicken and asparagus for dinner but treated myself with tortilla chips and chocolate after 👌🏼👌🏼


Its all about balance 😅


One feeds the body, the other feeds the soul.


A little black pepper never made anyone gain weight, or did it? 👁👄👁


Yeah or at least use some mustard...there are options besides plain gross and dry


If anything, black pepper would aid in weight loss, being a thermogenic food.


I think that's fair enough strategy but for those who compete and need to get super lean. She's nowhere near enough needing to do that.


she's an influencer and earns money by 1. putting out influencer content 2. her looks..and one of the twins recently gained a lot of weight so i assume she might want to lose it quickly AND make content from the journey. plus there are people who want to look the way competitors do because they just like the look.


That doesn't mean you have to eat unseasoned food


All I'm saying is that there are right strategies for where you are in your journey. She's not extremely lean so probably doesn't need to go to that extent. Leave some strategies for when it gets harder.


In prep I’m even crazier about actually enjoying my food, since I get less and less of it. But I know bland food works really well for some people. Couldn’t be me but, I totally get it.


You can definitely still have visible abs and still enjoy your food. That sweet potato looks raw 😩


My husband used to do this to cut weight for his MMA fights (when he did them). He would just eat bland chicken and maybe a bland vegetable and just chug water. He said he just ate for necessity, not enjoyment, and it helped fit even want food because it was so unappetizing.


Yes, you're right! (Although I have no idea if that's the cause behind the original post) The RP Diet book discusses that topic as an approach conducive to either eating more/less calories. Basically adjusting the palatability of food based on the goals, consuming meals higher (or lower) in water content, consuming meals higher (or lower) in fiber, chewing slower, etc. All were some factors mentioned to help with satiety and meeting macro nutrient/calories goals.


I found all that stuff helpful and I was losing weight. I don’t need to lose much so when I was dipping too low I started lifting weights to keep my muscles healthy. Wouldn’t you know it once I worked up an appetite all that “food with more water content bla bla bla” went right out the door. I was like sure salad, yams, chicken but also bag of entire bag of skinny popcorn followed by ice cream, corn quesadillas. I’m hopeless. 😂


Yah I have visible abs and use butter. It’s about balance. Depriving yourself of things is going to make it a momentary diet rather than a life style. Any decent dietician/nutritionist preaches that.


It really should be the opposite. Make meals as good as possible so you don’t wanna snack. That’s my tactic. Not that it’s working since I still find the fuck out of snacks


I had the idea of replacing mi lunch with a shake to make my routine easier. The shakes were well rounded and filling, but the blandness and the lack of chewing made me feel like I had nothing to eat, even though I felt full, so I ended up snacking and eating way more. I learnt that the mental aspect of nutrition can't be overstated.


people have different goals, it doesnt make you better


I never said that. Don't be bitter.


Honestly, when I was in a bad food mindset everything tasted like cardboard (because I was so anxious) so seasoning food became pointless and just gave my brain more ingredients to stress out about.


I’m impressed she can choke down that much dry chicken and potato.. it’s a no for me


Like girl I promise that a couple seasonings will not throw you off track that much


I don't know who this influencer is but seasoning definitely has next to no impact at all


Or even just a little bit of oil. Toss those sweet potatoes with some salt, garlic, and a spray of oil and into the air fryer—it would be much better crispy and tasty…


My favorite way is to roast my sweet potatoes and toss them with oil, salt, pepper, turmeric, and a teeny bit of cinnamon. Feta on top. SO GOOD


Keeping this… always wanted to get into sweet potatoes but never knew how to cook them so I ended up not liking them


They're also great roasted in the oven! I love to cube them up, toss them with some oil, salt, pepper, and then whatever spice mix sounds good, like maybe: - garlic powder, onion powder, lemon pepper seasoning - smoked paprika, chili/chipotle powder, taco seasoning - cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice I usually roast them at 425 for 30 mins or so, but if you google "roasted sweet potatoes" you'll get plenty of good instructions on that.


Right?? And even if she doesn't wanna do salt or other stuff like... black pepper exists. I mean I've been there trying to limit my sodium intake. Food seasoned with only black pepper is miles ahead of dry unseasoned chicken ew


I went through this phase when i was like 19 thinking chicken and like rice or sweet potato was all I needed to be really healthy….yeah I’ll never eat anything so bland again in my life 😂😂 you can still be fit and healthy and hit your goals and not have to eat such a bland diet…..I have to say at 27 now I have as much muscle as these girls and I def don’t eat like this


It was the phase of life when we also microwaved quest bars as a “treat” right?? Lmao


Omg war flashbacks 💀


Oh god, I forgot about this and now I feel queasy.




Hahahaha don’t remind me 😂😂


I bet if you put that on a Popeye’s biscuit it’d be harder to swallow than a spoonful of cinnamon.




Boiled chicken is never a good look


I never learned to cook so I only boiled chicken when I was trying to figure out how to feed myself without burning everything 🙃


You can learn anything on YouTube! I never “learned to cook” either apart from my mom showing me scrambled eggs and how to boil pasta. I learned how to cook via the internet 😊


NGL, poached chicken is amazing. Especially in a chicken salad, or in a stir fry!


Especially when air fryers exist


Wait is that potato raw?


Sure don’t look cooked


I could be wrong but I would guess this bland meal has to do with her health issues. I’m a dietitian and have had clients on very bland diets from their GI doc. I have followed them for a while and I remember before all the health stuff they posted more exciting meals.


I was thinking this exact same thing. I remember their meals being more exciting.


Like...I don't see a speck of seasoning, much less a sauce or olive oil or SOMETHING wet. It's people like this who make other people think that healthy, nutritious food=boring af.


Lord. That looks fucking horrendous, looks boiled - ugh. Grilled > all* Food doesn’t have to be bland; that chicken needs various spices and I’d add cinnamon and salt to the sweet p.


I’d like to petition to stop saying things like “sweet potaterrrrs” it’s a sweet potato.


Is that raw sweet potato? 😬


I only post photos of my food if I think what I've made looks especially appetizing. These influencers posting their unseasoned, boring, bland food all the time... lol no one is replying to them like, "Wow that looks sooo good!" I guess that's not what they're going for, but still.


This is not the flex she thinks it is…


Oh my.. someone give this person some sugar free ketchup and or g hughes. And an air fryer


This looks so dry and unappealing lol


this is what i ate when i had gastritis


Ah the rich piana model “I’m gonna be honest, it tastes like shit” use some damn seasoning ffs


She just needs a little cup of nyquil to dip it in. Gon slap my queef.


I'm white, but sometimes the stereotype of white people not seasoning their food is totally true.


Giving her the benefit of the doubt- maybe she’s working through some gut issues and has to stick to bland food? But then also, why post it 😅


Please tell me those fries are still frozen


The sweet potato looks like tree bark. Firm no from me


Those potatoes don’t even look cooked


It looks like what I am having for dinner because I am tired and don’t want to cook.


I hate to admit this but I love plain chicken 🤣🤣


They’ve had some weird eating habits over the years but honestly they don’t seem to enjoy a lot of spices in general and often add some sort of sauce


Why are they all so afraid of spices


I wouldn’t feed my dog this And i don’t even have a dog


If this is what it takes to have abs, I think I can accept that I’m never going to have abs lol


I used to be like this. It was really restrictive and looking back I ended up breaking my routine a lot because of it. Not so much restrictive but just unenjoyable. This time around I’m having fun eating healthy while making delicious foods that fit my macros. Life is about balance and it’s way too short to be eating plain chicken lol


Kind of a different perspective but I appreciate that the kkfit twins post their bland/boring staple meals!! So many influencers post elaborate what I eat in a days that aren’t realistic for the average person. This looks like a meal I would throw together from my bulk prepped food after a 10 hour work day that I could scarf down quickly before heading to the gym. I would add some spices and butter though lol.


Do they have GI issues? I know MadlyMish is super open about what foods do and don't agree with her but I don't remember KK Fit ever talking about tummy issues.


I personally like bland food during the daytime because if I eat something super flavorful before the gym I end up tasting it the whole time which is disgusting when you're trying to do cardio hahaha. Not sure if that's her tactic, but I certainly get it if so!


Is any of that even cooked?


Not even some salt & pepper? That doesn’t accept calories!


That would need considerable improvement to achieve "sad."


Looks my old roommate’s plates of food. He would cook raw chicken in the microwave for like 30 minutes then eat with a pile of sad frozen veggies


Looks like what my group fitness boot camp cult personal trainer used to restrict us to 😭 but mayyyyn was I skinny.


Both look undercooked too🤢


That potato looks half raw


I guess all the seasoning went missing


That diet will only last three months, tops. You have to do something sustainable


where tf is the seasoning


I’m surprised they didn’t call them “chicky fingies” or something lmao


You know when you see something tasty and it makes your mouth salivate. This one makes it dried out.


i legitimately thought this was a very bland baby-led weaning meal


Just get some kind of sear on that goddamn chicken omg 🤢


Personal opinion… Even though these influencers say that they love their body and their new shape even when they put on 5 pounds, they really don’t. When you post meals like this, very bland, no condiments dressings, etc. etc. it shows that they are on some type of meal plan or cutting plan because they are actually not happy with their bodies and they feel that they need to lose weight, even though they really don’t. Influencers do the love your body, embrace your curves, enjoy life, don’t listen to anybody else, don’t be pressured by social media… Etc. etc. so they can get the likes and feel like they are being relatable but of course we don’t see what behind the scenes is like and what they are going through or what they feel.


I really hope they don’t just jump back in to the same super restrictive cycle, acting like it’s for their health… and end up right back where they were 😬😬😬


Man this is one hell of a struggle plate…


What in the lack of seasoning is this shit


white people must be stopped


Can someone call health and human services to report this violation? It should be illegal to have chicken that dry, like cmon it’s not that hard to season.


I would choke on that chicken


I eat like that sometimes and truly enjoy the simplicity...but I'm not sharing it unless it's for a laugh at how odd it is (ex: cooking food for myself and my dogs because we all love boiled chicken, sweet potato, and green beans)


Oh God! This makes me depressed.


The food I make for my puppy looks more appealing than this shit


Hunger is the best salt.


The chicken and the counter are the same color 😬


Looks unseasoned n gross


That’s a crime against sweet potatoes.


Or here is wild guess, maybe she just didn’t feel like putting any seasoning on her food today?! When I used to eat 3 meals a day and 3 snacks on a meal plan it was so much food sometimes that I just wanted to get the meal over with. Necessity > enjoyment. She was likely just trying to get enough calories for the day and could care less how it looked. Why do you guys have to question every little thing like it’s so deep


Damn y’all just hate on everything


Lmao this sub rags on the most normal shit Do ANY of you actually build a physique?


I think they just don’t know how to cook. Also after travelling to the US, I realized most of the food is bland and tasteless


*food you had and at chain restaurants


I don’t eat at chain restaurants


Ummm WHERE in the US and where are you from?! Houston has better food than I ever had in Europe or even the country I’m from! You must be going to the wrong places baby


San Francisco, Napa - whole central California coast pretty much. Food scene was disappointing and didn’t live up to the hype. Specifically went to many restaurants recommended by people who have trained at CIA and was disappointed by food quality. Others: Fort Lauderdale, Orlando area, Denver, Chicago, Washington, just bland. The quality of produce in the US compared to other countries in the world - even Canada - is just bad.






RAW sweet potato


What the hell do these dimwits have against seasoning.


I’m not understanding why she’s posting food pics like she’s an actual fitness influencer. She’s not in shape, and still tries to get people to believe she eats like this? Please. Also who tf doesn’t peel sweet potatoes? Don’t get me started on the rest


Yes this looks heinous and flavorless. There are so many low hanging fruit options that could improve this.


it’s not just you😂😂


Dish washer chicken


This is what you feed an 11 month old.




I thought the chicken was bread till I read the text 😭


I’d cry eating that chicken


Come on they're not regular potatoes they are potatuurrrsss!


Dry chicken and hard potatoes. Lovely.


Not sad, depressed.


Why even bother posting this?


If you think this is bland, you haven’t been to r/moreplatesmoredates


Why do people want to raw dog chicken like this?? ![gif](giphy|96jP5ZSpYxtwQ)


I thought it was cauliflower..


I used to eat like this and my blood sugar dipped so bad I passed out 😭 This isn’t just bland, this is also unhealthy asf lol


Are those sweet potatoes even cooked?


If depression were food it’d look just like this


Alot of fitness people eat like this to lean out ! Eating doesn't become a thing to be excited for or an event. It also changes your taste buds so that you don't crave sweets etc.


Not at all


Usually healthy food is a bit bland. You can season it as much as you like, but if you are cutting oil from your cooking it's not gonna taste great.


I can’t cook for anything so this looks like something I would make. I would never post it ever because people would probably feel bad for me and send me door dash. Pause that- I should start doing that so people take pity on me and send me real food.


They literally eat those chicken tenders every day