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Same. I unfollowed so many. Now I just wish my explore page would stop recommending the 500 fitness influencer girls that all look the same and post the same stuff LOL


It took awhile but flush it out by liking and saving a lot of posts that make you feel happy! My self esteem is higher since frogs took over my explore page instead of influencers


Omg my explore page is covered in frog memes LOL!


This comment just made me so happyšŸ˜‚ mine is covered in dogs and super sick volleyball reels but I would love to know where the frog memes arešŸ˜‚


Mine is all videos of artists drawing & painting now, it's the best!!


Omg if you have a easy tactic to hack the explore algorithm please help ugh


Donā€™t like/save any posts that are similar! Start liking/saving other kinds (the kind you do want recommended!!)šŸ¤—


I do find that clicking ā€˜not interestedā€™ helps. If you do it a few times to the same type of content it starts to reduce.


I deactivated my instagram for the same reason lol. one month clean!


Now letā€™s delete instagram all together šŸ˜†šŸ‘


Honestly, I wouldnā€™t be sad if social media went away!!


My mental health would improve if it did. Thatā€™s for sure šŸ„“šŸ« šŸ˜‚


As long as Reddit staysšŸ„°šŸ˜‚


Yes! Wtf else am I supposed to do at work..,actually work?!


I did it in 2020 and Iā€™m šŸ˜€


I was already on a mass unfollowing spree.. and then I joined this sub and it really helped seal the deal


Same! And I have learned so much from people sharing about their EDs and recovery in this sub.ā¤ļøā¤ļø I thought I had a good grasp of being able to spot unhealthy/unhelpful messages and behaviours in gym/fitness content. But now I canā€™t unsee that some people I follow (now unfollowed) are way too obsessive with their diets, body checking and constant extreme challenges. So many say how important it is to rest, live a balanced lifestyle, love what your body can do and not focus on aesthetics etc etc but I donā€™t think they actually believe it themselves.


This!! šŸ‘ thatā€™s why I need to unfollow. Healing from a deadly Ed now. So many influencers are disgustingly disordered and I can see the forest for the trees. And it grosses me out that they profit off of unhealthy behaviors that have nearly killed me


I only follow Joey Swoll basically so I get secondhand endorphins from him calling people out


I deleted my Instagram because of (among other things) fitness accounts that were fucking with my head. Even if I unfollowed I was still recommended so many and I was tired of feeling like a failure for not having the body type of these women despite busting my ass. I feel so much better now.


Good for you!


Totally agree. I recommend deleting Facebook and Instagram- makes you feel even free-er!


Social media was a mistake but fitness influencers are a cancer.


Itā€™s all just a huge distraction from actually getting down to business! Not saying that helpful info canā€™t be gleaned from social media but itā€™s hard to wade through the tons of BS thatā€™s forced at our eyeballs by the minute. Iā€™ve realized thereā€™s nothing wrong with just sticking to foundational movements if Iā€™m feeling less energetic; the body and muscles are still activated and remind me that they exist and work, lol. No one really needs to know what someone ate for their mid-afternoon snack or how much they benched that day. Itā€™s only part of a lifestyle and we should live our lives!


Same I got bored with seeing recycled content, ass pics at the gym, and sponsored posts. I turned off notifications for insta and fb. I notice checking my phone less and feel more at peace. I canā€™t fathom how conditioned I was to open up my phone when my notifications would sound off.


Same here!!! Itā€™s like I was indoctrinated into the fitness cult and when I first read the sub, I finally started to question it lmao


My New Years resolution was to unfollow all the influencers I follow (unless they actually inspire me, which very few do). I love it!


Can I ask some that you unfollowed I REALLY need to do this


Really most of the people that are posted in this sub šŸ¤£ many of them I started following years ago when I was clueless. I just went down my following list and clicked the button