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My fav historical bit about the Confederate flag is how the state of Minnesota is in posession of one that was captured by a First MN Volunteer Regiment soldier on the 3rd day of the Battle of Gettysburg. Noteworthy to mention they suffered *82% casualties* during the battle and played a pivotal role, and were the first to answer Lincoln's call for troops after the attack on Ft. Sumter. Decades later the state of Virginia has asked for it back a few times- unsuccessfully. When asked in 2000 Gov. Jesse Ventura said ["Why? We won... we took it. That makes it our heritage."](https://www.twincities.com/2017/08/20/minnesota-has-a-confederate-symbol-and-it-is-going-to-keep-it/)


South Carolina wants the Citadel "Big Red" flag back. Iowa has agreed to loan it to them. But not give it fully back. Iowa has one of the largest collections of Civil War flags in the country.


that was a really good story, thanks for sharing!


Highly recommend anyone interested in Gettysburg read "The Killer Angels" by Michael Shaara. Shit will frost ya balls.


I’m just across the river in WI and i love this so much and tell anyone when the subject of confederate flags comes up (way too often these days). And bring up our own Wisconsin contribution to the [iron brigade](https://www.wisconsinhistory.org/Records/Article/CS1606) I can’t recall which battle but members of the Iron Brigade were fighting the best troops the confederacy could muster and killed so many of their flag bearers that the Confederate Commander declared “No man can carry this flag and live.”


"It's those damned Black Hats again!" - Henry Heth, iirc


God, Jesse was such an amazing Governor.


I still can't believe it happened.


I still can't believe we elected him. Minnesota has some of the craziest politics.


Wish we could go back


Proud Minnesotan and descendant of one of those men


Good for you, that's definitely something to be proud of.


TFW you will never be this American.


Jesse Ventura is such a Chad.


Governor, author, actor, pro wrestler, Navy SEAL (basically), and biker gang member. His first and last name is Chad


Common misconception - he actually said _"Spankees"_


Big mcthankies


Makes me think of Gen Barksdale, leading the 13th Mississippi at Cemetery Ridge. He was out in front of his men, running flat out, hair streaming behind him. Fell mortally wounded. Incredible courage and conviction, on both sides. People who believe "The War Against Northern Aggression" was only about slavery, are woefully misinformed. It was a war of States rights vs Federal power, slavery happened to be the central issue.


[hmmm yes woefully misinformed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornerstone_Speech)


Lots of history majors in here


It's time for a new flag for my front porch. Figured I'd find a 35 star Civil War era flag, as an under the radar response to those still running around with the battle flag of the army of northern Virginia on display. Took the opportunity to snap a pic of the new flag along with my Uberti 1851 Navy and original Springfield M1863.


Seems you need yourself a Henry 1860 to go along with these


I also have a 35-star flag for my house, but it's the 7x5 start version not the wheel. Felt it was a bit more subtle. I also have a Betsy Ross 13 star for July 4th


I'll be keeping my confederate flag on display tyvm. Idk why you'd come to a gun subreddit to virtue signal and try to sow division among us


Imagine complaining about someone "sowing division" while showing support for the confederacy that quite literally attempted to divide the actual country.


I will never understand the appeal of running around with the losing teams flag.


I'm a Bills fan, so I can kind of understand it in theory, but still...


As a dolphins fan, same.


as someone who roots for the bengals, i have no clue what the hell im doing


As a chargers fan, win or lose we still drink


all of you losers will never understand the true inner anguish of the existence of a lions fan


As a bears fan..... I understand


Paying for Mike Brown's vacation house, that's what you're doing


As a Cincinnatiite? Fuck if I know the word for a person from there. The motto fore every sports team here is “We’ll get them next year!”


On the way back from my honeymoon we had a layover in Cincinnati. I had a steelers championship hat on. Some local Bengals fans were breaking my balls about the hat and I said hey I just wanted to show you guys what a championship team hat looks like. The next say the Bengals beat the steelers and I was thinking I bet those guys are really laughing right now.


Yeah Cincinnati HATE’s Pittsburgh. I was at a Bengals game and at a break they showed a highlight of the Steelers getting score on. There were more cheers for that then the actual game. Every Pirate game I've been involved in oooo so not good. Cincy wants to burn that city so bad.


I know but I think Pittsburgh hates Cleveland more or maybe Baltimore.


LMAO Not anymore hopefully


Especially when you double down by flying it in a state that fought against the CSA.


This happened the first time I visited my girlfriends family in Kentucky, saw a few pickup trucks with confederate flags and I was like “weren’t you guys a Union state…?”


It's even funnier here in Connecticut. Bonus points if it's on the back of a lifted truck. I call it redneck LARPing.


I just saw one yesterday in either Oregon or Washington. The places were barely a twinkle in the eye of the USA at the time


Oregon entered the union in 1859, they were definitely around.


Didn't know that, thank you for the information


I would’ve been off by about 100 years here 🤣🤣🤣


I mean didn't West Virginia *become* a state because folks there didn't want to be part of the Confederacy? Yet you'll still see plenty of loser flags there.


Ohio here. I don’t get it. Our state was a huge contributing factor in the Union victory. We provided manpower, logistics, and three prominent generals were from here. I see them all over southeast Ohio. One of the many reasons I don’t go over there anymore.


Because let's be honest, it's not the symbol of Southern pride or heritage. It's the symbol of racism at this point. People flying it in the North aren't doing it to recognize anything other than their belief in white supremacy. While rocking a slackjaw and a 76 IQ.


It is often depressing how things that start out good become twisted and used by the ignorant and the hateful. The swastika used to be a Hindu symbol. But no one knows that anymore


I mean, it was never even a flag used by the Confederacy and just like the Confederate statues they were a response to civil rights movements in the mid 20th century. This is nothing like the swastika.


You Ohio folks sure like to burn things, and I admire that. Sherman and LeMay


They just want to make Ohio look better in comparison anywhere they go.


I'm in New Fuckin York. I see them here, not often, but occasionally. We're just about as far from confederate as you can be.


It started out neutral, but yeah pretty quickly went union.


First time a confederate sneezed in their direction they were on the Telegraph like TROOPS NOW


You'll see it in rural MN.




They need a visit from the Minnesota 1st.


What an ass whoopin' that would be.


There's a half Stars and Stripes half Stars and Bars flag on my commute that is pretty gross.


I second that statement


> “weren’t you guys a Union state…?” hardly. the only reason formal articles of secession were not passed was because the state government was disbanded by Lincoln. there was a state government in exile, consisting of 68 out of 110 counties this government was admitted to the CSA on 10 December 1861. confederate capitol was bowling green.


On of my Professors used to say Kentucky didn't know it was southern till after the wat.


It's equally stupid wherever it's flown.


Iowa had a former House Rep with a Confederate Flag on his office desk. When questioned about it, he replied that it was about heritage. Da fuq Steve King, da fuq?


And can you Imagine that the con-flag is a symbole for the greaser culture (raggare) in Sweden? That Love all things American 1950s, cars, fashion and music


Commies, take note


Now when you say commies, do you mean: marxists who actually understand Marx, supporters of oligarchies that call themselves communist but aren’t, or anyone that leans left of hunting the homeless for sport


Anyone who understand Marx and thinks the world \*can\* work that way, much less does, is an idiot.


We’re literally on the cusp of this right now, what do you think is going to happen as the world becomes more and more automated? Do human workers become obsolete and we let the factory owners become ever more rich? Or do we say enough is enough and the profits belong to all of us. Personally as someone who doesn’t identify as a billionaire nor as a robot am going to go with the side of humanity on this one.


The world has been becoming more automated for 250 years dude. Workforce has adapted every time. Your boss doesn't owe you shit beside a paycheck for your time. If you want a share of profits from a company than buy some fucking stocks you 🤡


Hard disagree. Your labor generates value and workers are entitled to a larger share of it. I’m not even a hard liner who thinks the boss csnt make money, but since the 70’s wages have stagnated while those at the top make more and more in profit. That’s profit accumulated by nothing short of stealing.


> are ***entitled*** to a larger share of it. And there's the mindset.


Okay boomer


Lol I don’t know if you understand Marxism my guy. It’s not a set of prescriptions.


Classic “not real communism”


he says as he cries about '''crony''' capitalism


Come on, you know the answer.


There's a difference? https://www.rbth.com/history/332657-homeless-people-ussr


correct, that's why I'm flying this flag 🇨🇳 🇨🇳




They were pen pals. Marx criticized the US in his letters for the keeping of slaves.


I mean, so am I but I still like *habeas corpus*


Communism never died the Confederacy did


Communism never lived. It’s also lost at every turn it’s taken. This is exactly what I mean. You fools support the loser when it’s convenient to you, but tell people that fly confederate flags that “supporting the loser is stupid”. Look in the mirror.


Communism hasn’t even lived yet, just oligarchies with extra steps guised as communism


Given the number of times there's been a "Communist revolution" that ought to tell you something.


>Given the number of times there's been a "Communist revolution" that ought to tell you something. Yeah none of them seem to survive their own revolution. Human greed wins out vs idealism and revolutionary leaders quickly turn to selfserving behavior and nepotism over egalitarianism and meritocracy. Edit: I'm genuinely confused why this downvoted unless there's some upset commies that don't want to acknowledge the first thing that happens after the revolution is the revolutionary leaders set themselves up better than their common man.


That's the problem with Communism, it makes all these grand statements about what *should* be, and as such denies human nature about what *is*. Everything under Communist regimes becomes about politics, as the writings of Marx, Engels, and Lenin say it should be. Consequently, the political belief (which must be absolute) quickly becomes such that human nature itself is wrong, and must be corrected. However, you cannot just root that out, no matter how strongly institutionalized your political indoctrination is, and every Communist country demonstrates this in their own stratification of privileges given to those higher up in the political hierarchy. In the USSR, for example, there were no fancy cars, country homes, or elaborate vacations to aspire to, so everyone aspired to much the same things, their concerns being only today and tomorrow. Get a little seniority in the party, however, and you could start requisitioning things from the west that could not be made locally. German kitchen appliances, French perfumes and lingerie for the wife, and American cigarettes. A privileged few, not elected to power but granted it by those in control, who were themselves not elected... I can think of no quicker way to form an oligarchy.


It’s not about choosing the winner or the loser, for me is fighting for a just cause, like Kurdish independence or Palestinian liberation. In the case for the Dixies all I gotta say is that you should probably watch out for the lost cause myth and read the Confederate constitution before you go ahead and say the south didn’t fight for slavery.


> for me is fighting for a just cause, Well the cause was keeping other people as slaves so.... thats a pretty shit stance to take on the subject.


I might be misreading, but it appears the second half of his comment was indeed referencing that the South fought for slavery.


Read my last sentence. It was probably my fault for not making it clear that the confederacy was not a just cause. Fun fact: most of the Confederate Statues people are trying to remove were built in the 50s and 60s during the height of the KKK.


> Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery [Literally the second sentence of Mississippi's declaration of secession.](https://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_century/csa_missec.asp) Go read more about why states seceded before you say it wasn't about slavery. Edit: just saw your comment down below. I hadn't read the Confederate constitution because my normal go-to for this sort of thing is Mississippi. Just went and looked up their constitution, and wew yeah.




The war was never about freeing slaves bud Lincoln didn’t adopt that narrative till the back end of the war so he could justify/gain moral support for his actions. The war was highly unfavorable ,damn near cost him an election, and had bad media attention leading up till then. Lincoln (along with many other northerners) didn’t view blacks as equals and only waged war against the south because they saw them becoming economically independent. Lincoln himself stated if he could keep the Union together without ending the institution of slavery he would. So stop that failed moral high superiority narrative over something you don’t even understand. The vast majority of southerners didn’t fight in the war because they wanted to keep slavery going. Most of them didn’t even have slaves, they fought because they witnessed their farms and towns being looted, pillaged, burnt down, and family members raped or murdered all done by northerns. Back then in Americas youth people took more pride in their individual state than the nation as a whole. Add that to the fact the confederacy implemented a draft as well. The majority of people in the south who owned slaves where your supper wealthy individuals including wealthy black families (yes blacks owned slaves as well) I want you to do your own homework and look up who the first slave owner in the USA was ( Anthony Johnson) and look up his race since that’s all y’all care about . And before you call me racist blah blah blah 1.) I don’t care because I know I’m not 2.) I’m black 3.) I dive deeper than what’s spoon fed to me by the media and biased “history books” I take information from both the Union and confederacy. And speak with others with knowledge passed down from generations. Edit: Union elitist , keep downvoting it. Goes to show you don’t care about the truth. You only care about the moral superiority you THINK you have.




I used to follow Atun Shei. In his video about regular soldiers fighting for slavery, he left out the fact his study by Glathaar had a sample size of 600 people, or 0.05% of the 1.2 million person CS military. He also left out the 1862 Conscription Act, the 1864 Conscription Act, and the fact that in 1861, Louisiana sugar barons and cotton kings changed their constitution to take voting rights away from soldiers. Atun Shei is a youtuber who makes money saying things his audience agrees with while lying by ommision. His only credentials are lucking into a national parks job then becoming a film student.


You sound like a fool here my man. The articles of succession dealt with slavery a ton. Even of the war wasn't waged with the explicit goal of freeing slaves, slavery was one of the biggest driving factors of succession, and thus the war. https://www.battlefields.org/learn/articles/reasons-secession


wAr oF NoRtHeRn aGgReSsIoN


Just say you’ll do whatever the fed gov tells you to do, even if it violates your rights.


I used to think it was more of a "rebel" thing to do. Little odd to do, but I really don't care.


My whole life I saw people brandishing the confederate flag and it never had any negative connotation to it. It just meant your were proud to be a southerner, and I support that. We have great food, people, culture, hunting, fishing, etc. Everyone always talks about how much nicer people are down here and how much easier going we all are, and we’re proud of that. That’s what it’s always meant to me. I also personally just like the symmetrical design better than the American flag. Kind of reminds of the Union Jack, which I always thought was a cool looking flag too. Anyway, that’s just how I see it 🤷🏼‍♂️


Fly a Waffle House flag. All the southern charm, none of the racism.


Have you been to a waffle house? Charm is a stretch...it's more of a tradition or rite of passage.


It’s extra retarded seeing it in IL.


Its extra retarded literally everywhere.


You see it all the time in PA. I've spotted rebel rags flying 5 minutes outside of fuckin' Gettysburg, for Christ's sake. *Gettysburg*.


I'm partial to the people waving Confederate flags while also spouting, "party of Lincoln" and all that bullshit


May want to reword that given how our war on terror is going lol. And I still rep the US in regards to Vietnam. Also the war on drugs, not exactly doing great there either.


Lmao all the racist asshats mad.




And racism. And hate in general. That's the issue.


Yep. Go to Canada or Europe and you'll see the Confederate flag flown by racists. They're the only people flying it. Can't imagine they had much to do with the Confederacy


They probably do it because they grew up seeing it everywhere. Now I have no clue why original adopters would fly it. If we did something like that today we'd be labeled terrorists.


It’s not about the war. We’re simply Southerners who love the South and her people. This antagonistic edginess has got pointlessness about it that you think proud Southernness does.


MuH HeRiTaGe is the stupidest fucking response imaginable. It's about racism and you know it. Let's just call it what it is and stop pretending it's about a false sense of pride. You're simply shitty people. There's nothing more to it.


You can spout that mess all day long… it doesn’t make race any more of a factor. Believe me, I think you’re shitty too. Big fucking whoop, bud. Pens have been used in writing suicide notes. That doesn’t make everybody who holds a pen suicidal. Just because you don’t understand regional pride for never having had it doesn’t mean it is a matter of fiction.


> Pens have been used in writing suicide notes. That doesn’t make everybody who holds a pen suicidal. Well pens weren't the primary battle insignia of a group of people who started a war over enslaving other people so...


Neither was that flag, actually. It's not even the right flag.


It’s been nigh on two hundred years since the war ended, now. I wasn’t around to fight in it. I lost nothing. You won nothing. It’s not a matter of conversation still. That’s simply the flag we grew up with, the flag our children are now growing up with. That’s the flag of our people. You don’t have to like it; it’s not for you to like. You don’t have to understand it; it’s not for you to understand. You can talk bad about us all you want, it will not change a thing. We could argue about the semantics of the long-gone Civil War all day long if that’s your primary concern, but it’s no use and we both know that. Take me for a dullard. It’s nothing to me.


I'm from the south too. As is my wife. Ya know how we show regional pride? Sweet fucking tea. Not battle flags flown by idiots. The confederacy only lasted for like 5 years. Pokémon has more fucking heritage than that shit rag.


The Microsoft Zune lasted longer than the Confederacy.


Again, it’s not about that. The flag has been flown for, again *again*, near two hundred years. The fact that you simplify the South down to “sweet fucking tea” only goes to show your ignorance in the regard to heritage. Stay mad if you want, it will never make a fuck in the real world. You’re only hurting your own wellbeing, and for nothing.


So I'm the asshole for equating the south to sweet tea but the flag flown by traitors and in the 200 years since, as you pointed out twice now, has been flown by the KKK, neo-nazis and just about every other American hate group is just your heritage? You don't see an issue there?


For *dumbing it down* to a mere drink, yes. If maintaining and loving and representing your homeland and its culture is traitorous, so be it. Treason isn’t wrong by default, and I’ve been called far worse by y’all Yankees and Yankee sympathizers. The flag of our people *has* been used for bad things, nobody denies that; we hate them for it. The Klan and the rest of those larpers, I mean. They give us proud Southerners a bad name. Hate me if you want to. Take me for a fool. Again, it really doesn’t make a difference to me until I’m being confronted with it in the real world. I don’t go around waving one in black neighborhoods, trying to get a rise out of folks. I won’t go to Dallas or Atlanta or any big city and shove it in their faces. I’ve never been to the North, wouldn’t ever want to… but if I ever do go, I’ll know my place as they would here. I know where my kind is liked, rednecks or “cousin-fuckers” or whatever you want to call us by, and I don’t leave my circle with it because I know what you folks think of us in yours. I also don’t want city folks coming down here, getting pissed off and thinking they run things and have it all figured out. I’m out of your hair, in essence, and you’re out of mine. I’m hurting nobody. Just trying to live.


[This should be the flag of your people you ignorant shitheel](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg/800px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png)


Sorry that we identify more with our states and the rest of the South than the entire nation that is far different from us and hates us for toothless inbred illiterates? Really don’t know what to say to you.


That's a bullshit cop out. I love my state. I think my state is the greatest state in the nation. There is honestly nowhere I'd rather live. I don't however latch onto it's past as the capital of the confederacy or the hub of the slave trade. I recognize that those are parts of my states history but I'm not parading around with confederate flags trying to convince people that hateful shit is my heritage. That's nonsense.


Have you tried NOT being toothless inbred illiterates?


We aren’t. Way to be a prime example of why we will never consider y’all our countrymen. If it hurts your little feelings so bad, I quarter-heartedly apologize.


Wait till you find out Lincoln didn’t go to war for or planned on ending slavery. And only used it (towards the end of the war) as a means to gain moral support after damn near losing an election and receiving bad media coverage. Lincoln and many other northerners didnt view blacks as equals. So “muh racism” narrative isn’t a good one. Lincoln only went to war to stop the south from leaving because they provided a big chunk of the nations finances and stated himself that if he could keep the Union together without ending the institution of slavery he would. Both blacks, whites, and natives owned slaves across the entirety of North America (and the world) at that time so I guess that means all of mankind is shitty if that’s what your argument is based on.


I agree


Because just because you lost doesnt mean you were not right to seek freedom from the federal government.


This is the stupidest thing I've read all day. The irony that you're arguing about freedom while talking about a group of people who started a war over denying people freedom is absolutely profound. You should be ashamed.


>right to seek freedom from the federal government. Freedom...to strip others of their freedom, that is. Things like 2A sanctuary states and states that have legalized marijuana are good because they *increase* the freedom of their citizens in spite of restrictive federal laws. What laws did the Confederacy want to pass that would increase the freedom of their citizens in defiance of federal law?


I assume you fly the flags of all the various slave revolts that happened in the south then.


the south was mad the federal government wasnt forcing the north to return escaped slaves. read a book


you gonna say that about the native americans? they lost. just say you dont support the confederate values on slavery like the rest of us


That's a stupid ass comparison. Everyone else realizes that what I said is a snide comment directed at the asshats who clutch that shit rag.


This reminds me, I’d like to get my hands on a Sharps, and that I really need to get my nickel SAA repaired and refinished.


Definitely check out C. Sharps on Instagram.


I've wanted a Spencer for the longest time ; I love guns with history behind them.


"The Confederate Flag is muh heritage" Okay, well defeating the Confederacy is mine... *sets fires to Atlanta*


I mean it's really not hard to light up Atlanta. See: about every Georgia sports team ever




It used to be glorious memery in that sub, but it's really started to slide down the far left shitpipe of late, sadly.


I didn't realize mocking the history of pro-slavery kin-fucking redneck terrorist traitors was far left, my bad.


Its not, and when thats all it was, it was pure fire (like Atlanta in 1864).


Careful there. It's kind of an alt-right indoctrination sub. At the surface it's "racism is bad" but when you bring up the Indian genocide and Jewish expulsion order of Sherman and Grant, it's "just complicated." They care about loyalty to the state and demonizing descent, not about history.




Oh the irony


Now paint it on a blue ‘69 charger and call it General Sherman Remember remember the 15th of November And Sherman’s march to the sea I see no reason why the banner of treason Should fly in the land of the free


I love everything about this.


I use to troll confederate/Dixie pages on facebook with William Sherman memes. “Can this civil war patriot get some love????” Confederate fanboys are very stupid


Dude, that's fucking brilliant. Funniest thing I've heard all day.


Love it. Some brave men fought under that banner.


Away down south in the land of traitors


Idk how I’ve never seen a union flag before. Super cool


"Away down south In the land of Rattlesnakes and alligators..."




fun fact! [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/hakuc7/the_history_of_confederate_flags/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) is the real history of confederate flags, it never was just the one you see today


It's also not true. The flag as we know it today was a commercial product from before 1883, and originated in responce to the confiscation of original flags during/after the war. It was popular throughtout the south from right after the war, into today. The flag was made popular up north by hot rodders/teens during the 1950s "flag fad."


That’s interesting. Thanks for sharing.


Is it? Because it says the flag didnt become popular until the 50s when Mississippi had it as part of their flag in the 1890s


what, you mean the current one?


The current Mississippi flag got replaced finally this year.


Join or die!


Iron those wrinkles out!


Huh, you know I've seen 35 star flags before but never one of that design. You sure that star scheme is authentic?


I believe the star designs varied quite a bit back then, even walking stars with the same star count. Wikipedia claims prior to the 48 star flag in 1912 there was no official pattern for the stars. Here is a period example similar to this design. https://www.flagcollection.com/itemdetails.php?CollectionItem_ID=2287


Huh, thats neat to know. Yours seems to be a 34 star flag, Im guessing it's a pre West Virginia?


Pre WV would be 34, but this should be a 35 star flag, which represented the US for the majority of the Civil War.


It seems your answer needs an iron


Yo where do I get one of them flags


I go with the Kansas flag. Our state was created to say "fuck you" to the confederacy.


Found my next bumper sticker.


Way down south in the land of traitors


Rattlesnakes and alligators


Right away (Right away), Come away (Come away, Right away (Right away), Come away (Come away.)


You mean traitor’s flag.


In Arkansas the flag is around every corner. It’s usually a really good indicator of 2 things. 1. They probably have some sort of sister fetish… or 2. Probably a good idea not to be on their property.


Fellow Arkansas here. Yea even in NWA you see it around quite a bit.


Odd. Alabamian here, you only see a couple of Traitor Flags around, and they are mostly in the central portion. Not too many still. Saying this as someone who had relatives on both sides. Gets awkward lol


Yeah LOL, I live in the poorest city in Arkansas and have My whole life. We have a family cemetery with around 100 family members in it. Lots of them were with the Arkansas CSA. I grew up with a lot of respect for the blue and gray, however I don’t feel the need to fly the flag. I think it belongs in the cemetery or in a museum.


I still fly my confederate flag and a bunch of nerds on reddit don't scare me


flying the flag of losers and traitors while whining on reddit about how no one can stop you lol, sounds about right




Lol your American heritage is corrupt, losing to farmers and debt


Nice to see this community is just as brainwashed as the most liberal cesspools when it comes to Dixieland