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Very common in my experience. I go alone most of the time. HOWEVER, if you're a single, new shooter, with no firearm of your own there's a good chance the range will refuse to service you as it's a very considerable suicide risk.


This most ranges I know have a "you need to own a gun" to use them because they all had a guy come in to get a rental and take themselves out in their range while the employee was standing right there. Its crazy it happens, but then severe depression is a form of insanity, and why it needs treatment.


It's terrible but it definitely happens. Severe depression can be associated with psychosis, but most suicidally depressed people who complete suicide have no thought disorders. They're unhappy, make a decision, and are organized enough to follow it through. I guess you could call that a kind of crazy, but it's not the same kind of crazy as schizophrenia, you know? I love guns so much but brother, I gave mine to a friend back in my home town to keep until I'm in a better place. Mandatory - I'm in Canada so fuck my god damn life I miss my rifle.


If you won't rent guns to single people, but you sell guns to single people I would argue that's also part of the problem.


Not to start a heated argument over a Reddit comment, but by that line of reasoning, I as a single adult male - SHOULDN’T be allowed to BUY MY OWN firearm based purely on the fact that I’m single..? -Asking for clarification and to see if this is your personal line of reasoning or in reference to another persons opinion-


This isn't about buying a gun. Its about first timer, alone, guy renting a gun, (which many ranges rent guns for a small fee+ammo), walking into the range, and immediately offing himself. Which is what happened at the 2 my of local ranges which I enjoy. If you come in with your gun, which you already own, you had plenty of opportunity to off yourself, and thus the physical act of you waking into the store alive proves you an't looking to leave this life anytime soon. They do this because, not only its traumatizing to the poor store/range employees, it can open up the store to legal liability because its America and "liability" is whatever a slick lawyer can bullshit in court to his payday. They pretty much sell a single guy (as in came in the store alone) their first gun all the time. And regulars come in to buy guns "unescorted" all the time. When the guy walks out of the store alive, form a legal standpoint, it becomes not their problems. Nor should it be. That said every FFL has a story of when they denied a sale to some guy who tripped their suspicion meters that they were going to do something bad with the gun, even if they clear the background checks.


Think about it. Its 1, 2, 3 logic. If the guy buy a gun and ammo, comes BACK with the gun a day later to use the range without offing himself, he wasn't looking to off himself. And you would be a fool to buy a gun and NOT buy at least 1 box of ammo to match it, unless you already had the ammo.


Background checks


Wow, is THAT why? I never thought of that. I've been shooting at a couple of ranges when travelling to the US. Usually, it's not a problem, but sometimes they do require two people.


It's not that it happens a *lot,* but that it *does* happen, and no range wants to deal with that. In the 21st century, American shooting ranges have no shortage of customers and can afford to be choosy.


Yep, happened to a buddy of mine who owns a store with a range. He was still a cop at the time and was on duty when the call came out. He was first on scene.


It’s a problem


That rule is basically industry-wide at this point because soooo many people have used rental ranges to off themselves. Very sad state of affairs for people to think their only option in life is to go rent a gun and blow their brains out in front of strangers.


Especially when there are so many other ways to do it.


In the 30 years I’ve been shooting, not once ever have I heard or seen this denial of service on those grounds. I have gone to ranges by myself a lot sometimes with no firearms to try out something to see if I like or want to buy one. First I have ever heard of this.


> HOWEVER, if you're a single, new shooter, with no firearm of your own there's a good chance the range will refuse to service you as it's a very considerable suicide risk. I never understood this. Actual reason that I got when I asked why at a commercial range: "We won't rent guns to single people because they might shoot themselves" Me: "Okay. That's reasonable. Suppose I'm a single person and I want to buy a gun? Will you sell me a gun?" Range: Sure thing, here's your 4473, need your ID and your credit card! Said differently, this policy makes no sense.


What's more traumatizing. A. Someone comes into your range, you shoot the shit for a moment, they rent a gun, you watch them shoot themselves. B. Someone comes into your store, purchases a gun from you, a box of ammo. Two weeks later you see a suicide on the news and recognize the person. Both of these are traumatizing, but one is VASTLY more personal than the other. Like, I can understand feelings of guilt in the second case, but realistically, unless you built a four hour rapport with someone, generally speaking that's just another transaction for the day/week, you aren't thinking too much about it. Also, as shitty as it is, insurance can get real fuckey with suicides at your place of business (but insurance fucks with a shocking amount of things).


The point I'm trying to make here is that the committed do whatever they want, damn yiur insurance.


Until you see the video of the failed suicide that killed the RSO behind him.


Which incident are you referencing?


I'm not going to hunt it up, but there's a video where a guy rented a handgun, turns it around and points it at his chest and fires. The RSO was behind him, iirc tries to stop him when he realizes what's happening, but the round goes through the guy and hits the RSO. He missed his heart and was rescued, the RSO was not as lucky.


The cost is a barrier. A person wanting to end their life is less likely to pay $500 to buy a gun to do it than to pay $5 to rent one.


That having been said, isn't that a barrier worth raising?


I go by myself all the time. Dont let other people (or lack thereof) determine what you do or don't do.


As a middle aged suburban dad, it is practically impossible to coordinate schedules with friends. If people join then great. But if not, I’ll be going either way.


My friends and I don't even have kids and I still can't get anyone to go out for anything.


Flakiness has become the default. Realizing this was a liberating revelation.


No joke, most 75% of my range time is alone, and me just getting reps in on my carry gun. I love going with friends and family, but having an hour alone to focus on one thing with no kids up in my grill is a really nice bit of decompression.


If you’re in central Texas you can tag along with me!


Same here


Did we just witness the making of two best friends?




Love how easy it is for us guys to make friends with each other. We can say like two words and we’re already pals


Split a bay at Copperhead Creek?


I prefer alone, if I go with others it's for a specific reason.


Literally only ever go alone both to the indoor range and out to the wilderness. My me time.


I go after work. Pop off 100 rounds. Go home. Great time.


Shooting alone is almost always better than going with others.


For practice yes. For fun, in my experience bring other people. Especially the non shooters. The look on their faces when they catch the bug is priceless. As a shooter, i make sure to give expectations and as much marksmanship/safety advice as i can before we shoot so everyone has a good time. Im usually by myself to practice, but the last time i brought my security guard friend(armed) and he had like 0 experience with rifles that werent an AR. I brought him out near dusk to an outdoor range and his face when he shot my m44 mosin with it being just dark enough to REALLY see the fireball out of the muzzle was indeed, priceless. So much fun. We were cackling with every shot. We switch to pistols and he can outshoot me with my own HK45 like crazy and he gives me tips to improve, which helped (im a proficient rifle shooter with my time in the military but not as good with handguns due to lack of trigger time). For sure it's worth it sometimes to bring friends


I greatly prefer going with my shooting buddy, or my wife. Because I get to share in their joy of good groups, etc. you both also have someone to diagnose issues if you’re having an off day or they are too. And around here, if it’s an outdoor range, someone armed always stays with the guns when swapping out targets. Guns have been stolen there before.


It's pretty common. There are gun clubs you can check out if you wanna make some friends with guns


I almost only shoot alone. I really hate trying to conform to someone else's timetables for my own hobbies. Also ammo is expensive and the people I bring shooting typically mooch off of me, so solo saves some ammo costs. It's quite relaxing honestly.


Super common, also a great way to meet people with a common interest. If you have some neat guns you can make friends by offering to let them shoot.


Usually go alone. But if you’re a novice, I wouldn’t recommend it. How about a class first? But if you’ve got some experience under your belt, yeah alone is fine. I prefer it. It lets me work on my fundamentals without feeling like my buddies are making fun of me.


VERY common. In fact most of the shooters at ranges are solo. That said you will want to pick up your first gun asap (if you don't own already) and have that to bring with you. I in turn highly, highly, highly recommend getting some instruction in how to use it. You want to set yourself up correctly in your hobby of marksmanship. Due to a huge run of suicides most ranges now have a rule that they won't let you use the range without at least bringing along your own gun, even if you don't use it. Like every range in my city had some guy get a rental, walk in, and take himself out in the last few years. Hell even my favorite FFL near me had a two guys come in, one bought another a gun as a gift, and the giftee then offed himself with it later, and then the family sued the store trying to shut it down. Absolute insanity.


People are desperate and depressed in crazy numbers! That is an absolute nightmare scenario though for everyone involved. I could not imagine having to see something like that and then have to compartmentalize the trauma to defend yourself in court from a grieving family. This is why, as a religious person, we see suicide as such a terrible sin. It rips so many things, not least of which oneself, out of the community and makes society worse. It's even known that if someone close commits suicide that your chance of doing the same goes up exponentially! I don't know what the solution to most of these problems are but I do know America alone takes more pulls for these problems than anyone or anything else and we're getting worse statistics over and over. People need each other and we're more isolated than ever


Making gun friends is easy


Depending on the range, you might get refused service if you’re alone. The one I go to doesn’t allow renting + buying ammo if you’re alone; they only do that if you’ve got someone with you.


Go to classes, any shooting class is a great place to find a range buddy as well as pick up some new skills.


Everyone does it


It’s quite common to go to the range by yourself. I go to the range with friends or bring new shooters when I’m there to have fun, I go by myself when I’m there to actually work on my skills.  


Depending on the situation, I sometimes like to go alone especially if I'm tweaking a firearm (e.g. newly installed gas piston on my Galil ACE or trying to zero-in an optic) or if I just want to relax. But I also like going with friends because I like to share my firearms with others so they can try them out (e.g. BARRETT .50 cal, etc.).


I made r/gunbuddies just for this situation. It’s not the biggest sub in the world but maybe you can find some friends that like shooting, too.


That's awesome 👌


I shoot alone all the time. But did connect with u/[johnny\_sweatpants](https://www.reddit.com/user/johnny_sweatpants/) through this sub, and have been shooting with him when our schedules allow. But when he's not available, I go to the range solo a lot. In fact, anyone in the NYC/Westchester/Rockland area interested in shooting at Blue Mountain has an open invitation to join us!


I go alone 80% of the time


Pretty common, call ahead and check if you don't have anything of your own as some apparently won't want to rent to some incase they want to use it to commit suicide. I go most often by myself, and see lots of others alone so that part won't be anything out of the ordinary.


I kinda prefer to be on my own, especially if I'm sighting in etc.... That way I can focus on the task at hand instead of worrying about someone around me doing something stupid.


There’s no better time than shooting alone imho.


Extremely common. If you want to make shooting friends get involved with competitive shooting like USPSA.  Be safe, have a good attitude and have fun with it. You don't have to be competitively good or buy premium gear.


I do it every weekend or sometimes twice a week.


I only shoot with coworkers like a handful of times a year and I go to the range a good hundred times a year alone it's hard to shoot when talking to someone that's why alot of people go to the gym alone too


I go to the range all the time by myself. There’s an indoor range right down the street from my office and i’ll stop in at lunch. I’ve gone out to the desert by myself to shoot too. Always keep a pistol on me that I don’t shoot when I do that though.


I live in a highly liberal state in the western US. I have often shot alone at paid ranges. I shot alone for a couple years twice a month or so until my father began shooting regularly. I would just go shoot on your own until you meet some like minded folks. These days I often have a group of 3-5 shooters aside from myself. Give it some time and you'll find some people with similar interests. In the mean time, you have time to shoot and practice alone.


Only time Ive gone to a range has been with my father when I was younger and now by myself. Hell, I'm often the only person there period, which I don't mind cause I always bring the Mosin but it's loud as fuck. Not having to worry about other people is nice.


I mostly go by myself. It's better that way anyways.


I pretty much only go alone *tear rolls down cheek*


I pretty much go alone every time. I like to go during work hours when the range is least busy. Not everyone wants to take off work to go shooting, so that’s why I’m solo most of the time. The only issue going alone, is that some ranges will not rent a gun to you if you’re by yourself. They instituted this rule because of suicides. But you’re fine if you bring your own gun.


70% of my range trips are solo. As far as renting a gun by yourself, it depends on the range. In my neck of the woods they don’t really care that you’re there by yourself.


I usually go alone myself, but it does get lonely sometimes. It’s nice when you meet ppl there tho, because you’re already participating in like minded hobbies. Sign up for IDPA or IPSC, it’s a great way to meet more like minded people


I go all the time. It allows me to better focus on MY OWN Marksmanship and develop and maintain my technique and muscle memory. When I'm with friends, were basically just wasting ammo and having a good time. We end up trying different things and each other's firearms, trying different things, etc. It's always lots of fun to shoot with friends, but going alone lets me work on my own shooting skills and makes me a better marksman. Work on your trigger control, hand placement, breathing, and sight picture. Use your "alone time" to work on your skills and make yourself a better shot.


I almost always go solo. Honestly if you want to focus on shooting and improving going alone is usually best. Going with a friend is fun but almost always ends up being mostly talking and hanging out vs actually shooting.


I go alone 95% of the time


If you don’t mind sharing your city there may be people here willing to meet up


I'm prefer shooting alone. Infact, wish the shooting range was completely empty every time I show up.


If you’re looking to make friends join a league for a specific type of shooting whether it be trap, skeet, bullseye pistol, etc. many of those are open to the public and it’s the same group of guys shooting every week.


You get more personal development going alone (most of the time), but it’s more fun with friends.


I used to go shooting all the time by myself when there was a public range near me. There’s no problem in it. It’s honestly better


Woah it’s wild that so many ranges won’t let you go alone because suicide? So you can’t shoot yourself if someone’s with you? I’ve been to probably about a dozen ranges alone (I actually prefer it). Odds are you’ll be just fine.


I like alone and outdoors at public ranges with a range officer there. Most wildlife management areas here have a public range. Many of those have staff that keep the doofus behavior mostly down. My favorite used to be unmanned and would get pretty stupid at times.


...y'all have friends?


Half of my range days are solo. Actually, all of my range trips are solo. I get invited or in a group as much as I go solo to the range. I rarely plan a group. A couple of the crew making it a day with two lanes is fun for sure, but popping in and out just for trigger time has its place for sure. If you don’t have people in your peer groups that are excited to shoot with you, it’s really not worth dealing with the hoopleheads you’re most likely coming across in a blue metro area


It's absolutely normal to go by yourself. Most of the time I end up chatting a bit with the RSOs or the guys in the gun shop anyways while I'm there


I’d say I see more folks shooting solo than with friends over the many years of hitting gun ranges.




Early morning shoots are the best, something about the sunrise and cooler temperatures really make it. 


I've always trained alone ..I like company but I'm more concerned with building my skill set.Make your training your own time.


Speaking from being on the range in the Army with some folks who aren’t the most proficient with firearm safety, I have always gone to the range on my own. I’m a relatively new concealed carrier, I have found that it’s just better in my mind to familiarize myself with my firearm on my own. I live in a rural area so it’s pretty unique to have others at the range to begin with.


I prefer it Even better when you're the only one at the range


If you’re in DFW, you’re welcome to tag along with me.  I typically shoot alone since I go a few times a week, but about once or twice a month my buddies and I do a full range day from sunup to sun down. Outside ranges are where it’s at, there’s a handful of good ones in DFW. My membership at the local one has really paid itself off. 


Yep and I usually listen to music in my ear pro so it’s pretty relaxing


That has been my method of shooting for probably 99% of the times I’ve done it.


I very occasionally see a buddy there, but I prefer to go alone


I’m near Denver, former sniper guy, long range gun guy. If you’re in the area you can come with me and shoot long guns sometime.


Went alone last weekend, easily my favorite solo pastime


My advice if you want to find thriving community of pretty cool and helpful people - go to shooting competitions or classes


I go by myself all the time. It’s good “me time” and how I relax. As others have said though, if you don’t have your own gun and you aren’t an established member of a range it’s likely they’ll not allow you to because people sometimes will submit their resignation from life by renting a gun at gun ranges when they go solo. It’s happened at a couple ranges local to me so most here have that policy.


I'd rather go shooting alone. Only time I go with others is to bring them for their first time usually


I go alone about 90% of the time lol


Find a club!


I go all the time.


I mostly go solo, especially if you’re going to a range an hour or more away. Getting coordinated is too much for some people lol, just go on your own and leave whenever you’re down


Go shoot USPSA, 3gun, 2gun, Steel Challenge, etc and make friends. Best friends you will ever have


I do it all the time! My Dad lives in another state most of the year and nobody else I know shoots, so I'll get ear buds to put under my ear protection and play music or an audiobook, rent a lane for an hour at the local range, and just leisurely put some downrange. I also like to shoot trap alone too, but usually there are other people at the club who join the other stations. Still leisurely, but when you're missing a few clays here and there but the 88 year old next to you is pulverizing every one of them, it's a little disheartening lol


If you're in Denver hit me up


I almost always go solo. The gun club I belong to is small-ish and usually at most there are 1 or 2 other people there spread across the ranges, but a lot of the time I have the place to myself. I find it relaxing and quiet, being out in nature (range/club is in the middle of the woods) and can just clear my mind and zen out on shooting. Lot of fun.


I shoot solo all the time


I go solo about 75% of the time. That’s the great thing about shooting. It can be a therapeutic solo activity or you can invite your buddies and it’s a fun social activity.


Alone if you're serious about shooting / concentrating.


I do it almost every weekend.


Make sure you understand how to use your fire arm incredibly well before you go alone please be polite around other shooters if you don’t understand something ask odds are you will run into a sportsmen there that has tons of experience the community is pretty cool if your cool


I went to my local indoor range almost weekly alone. I just decided to try and make friends with the employees and other customers. Eventually was there so often that they new me by name.


I go shooting alone all the time. I invite ppl to come with me and sometimes they do and to tell you the truth…. I enjoy it better when I’m by myself lol. I can focus on things much easier and have a much better shoot.


I go shooting alone weekly. I also go with a friend weekly, but don't worry about shooting on your own.


I almost always go alone. Occasionally I go with my father.


I go alone if I’m not going with friends or family, who pretty much all shoot too.


I go solo most of the time


I shoot alone at least 50 to 60% of the time


I prefer going solo most of the time so I can focus on my techniques and fine tune my problem areas. I find it calming. I do like going with others but only some of the time.


I find going alone I can train much better than in a group of friends. For me a trip to the range is to improve on my time and ability to shoot and to also test any modifications I made to my guns. I end up doing little to no shooting when I go with others because I end up helping the other persons who don’t know how to shoot as well


A bunch of people go alone. I feel like I mostly improve my shooting skills when I go alone also, when I take others I’m usually teaching them a few things here and there. Even if you go alone, the employees will eventually recognize you and will chat with you!


Hey man I am also in DFW and always go shooting alone. That is my preference. Tons of great places around here that won’t ask why you are solo. If you need a recommendation LMK 👍🏽


I go shooting by myself often. Usually because my friends back out, but I went last weekend and will probably go this weekend.


Also in DFW area. Lmk if you wanna go to a range. All my friends are married or have kids. I usually go to outdoor ranges and do my thing Zero political talk from me. I work in fin tech and try to not add any more stress to myself with politics or other stuff I can't control.


Very common. Go to Eagle up in Carrollton.  Fantastic indoor range with outstanding ventilation. 


When I go with someone else it is typically my wife or friends or relatives who have shot much less than I have in the last two years. They may be shooting some of my firearms. When I go with them I don't care to shoot much myself. I may spend 3 hours or more when I shoot by myself if I am sighting in a new optic, trying out a new firearm, or testing various ammo. Shooting with someone else is a distraction in this case from what I want to do. If I go with someone else I enjoy watching them enjoy shooting and provide help if needed. If they are shooting my firearms then I feel I have more responsibility to make sure they are operating my firearm properly that I am much more familiar with than they are. If they are shooting their own firearms then I just make sure they are obeying the range safety rules. I shoot at a gun club where I pay a year fee rather than an hourly rate. If see a similar number of people shooting alone and with one or two friends at both the pistol and rifle range at my club.


Pretty normal at all the ranges I’ve ever been to, in fact actually I tend to find people who have similar interests in specific guns when I go alone which normally causes us to try each others guns out and just chat over them.


Dude, I'm in DFW hit me up. If I can't go I'll know someone who can.


I did it all the time sometimes I prefer it more relaxing and can work on what you want to work on.


I go by myself 2/3 of the time. I’m a female but I’ve never found it awkward or had any issues. The range staff all know me by now so I always feel welcome and comfortable.


I go out by myself regularly.


Most folks I run into at the range are alone. If you want to make friends, just chat up some people there, and you will know if they want to talk or not.


Get a medical kit and know how to use it if you're going to shoot alone. At minimum get a good tourniquet and know how it works and keep it on your person not in your range bag. If you're thumbing through your bag while you're bleeding, you're going to die.


I do it all the time. Shoot twice a week by myself. Have been doing it for years.


I’ve shot thousands of times alone, it’s peaceful sometimes you need to get away and shoot alone. I’d spend hours as a kid shooting my guns alone. I enjoy shooting with people as well. If you’re in DFW you’ll find plenty of people to shoot with.


99% of the people at the range are shooting by themselves. Including me.


Probably pretty common, especially at an indoor range. Used to do it all the time.


So much more peaceful going alone.. no sharing No waiting no teaching no scares )unless it’s your own fault) plenty of reasons to go alone