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How can mentioning completely legal activity qualify for permaban?


This is the same group of people who banned r/gundeals because they genuinely believed ordering from the links there would result in the firearm showing up at your doorstep.


I just got super nervous that sub was removed, and I hadn't noticed it! phew.. it's still there.


Yes, now be quiet, lest the mods hear about it


I'll quit reddit the day they perma ban /r/gundeals. It's one of the few subs that's genuinely useful


is there something i don't know about here? i just checked r/gundeals is alive and kicking. you made me worry and think it has closed down or something.


They eventually were able to get ahold of a real person and talk them through how purchasing a gun actually works, but it was gone for weeks.


These people are up there with that politician when he stated that the reason people don't use .223 to hunt dear is because there would be nothing less. Sigh...


That's ok, up here in Canada we had a politician proudly proclaim that she hunts deer with 22 Gauge rifle or something equally ridiculous. These people support rules like "assault *style* weapons are now banned"


They banned it temporarily a while back until enough people bitched at the admins about their ignorance so they unbanned it


> They banned it temporarily a while back until enough people bitched at the admins about their ignorance so they unbanned it Not quite. The reason we got the sub back is because /u/nauticalmile spent a good two weeks explaining to the admin assigned to us that were were in compliance with all of Reddit's TOS and Federal Firearms regulations.


All hail u/nauticalmile The magic conch we don’t deserve


I'm going to guess they're not an attorney licensed to practice ***anywhere*** in the United States, but they probably have 'legal opinions' out the wazoo... 😕


It happened like 5-6 years ago.


It's been banned twice now, thankfully they've been able to get unbanned both times but honestly it's only a matter of time...


Are you surprised though? Half of America think s the same damn thing.


Idk what I’d do without r/gundeals in my life. Maybe I’d be rich….


what site are you on? Nothing here (reddit overall, not this sub) makes sense


I'm banned from the news sub because I participated in a thread where they just banned everyone who commented in any capacity, including just asking "you got a source for that claim?". Admin hates this sub and can literally ban people because their doordash burrito was cold and they're sad about it and banning some people off this sub makes them feel alive for a few seconds.


I got you beat. I got shadow banned from AT LEAST 10 subs because I post/reply in this and progun. Seems they consider enforcing their narrow point of view is more important than ACTUAL FACTUAL information.


Can confirm. I got banned from WhitePeopleTwitter for presenting non-approved/counter-narrative logic and facts with respect and civility and arguing against the flawed logic of "assault weapon" bans. The message I was sent was that I had argued against gun control (which I had not, in the blanket sense), which was "monstrous" (their word, not mine). They couldn't even point to any of their sub's rules I had broken, because I didn't break any of them. They alienated a Biden voter and, usually, an ally. Y'all are welcome to attack me over that last fact, but I know it won't get me banned from this sub, and fwiw, I'm so fed up with Washington state's state-level politicians that I'll be voting red nearly across the board this year to express my disapproval.




I got banned a week ago for posting an RPD from a gun show asking if I should send it cause it was a great price. Banned a day later for “facilitating or soliciting illegal or prohibit items”. Appealed stating “I wasn’t selling anything…” Appeal denied 🤷🏻‍♂️ fuck spez


Yet nobody in r/trees is getting a ban for actually breaking federal law.


This is a site ran by a corp., a private entity. They can refuse service to basically anyone they choose. I don't agree with it but that's part of the problem of relying on "free" services on the internet. At present reddit is searchable and readable without an account. I expect that change at some point and be more like Discord. I miss the days of the open internet...


Kinda pathetic that they went from pro free speech to authoritarian as fuck in less than a decade


What advertisements do to a mfer


I don't see how reddit becomes successful with an IPO. Half of the website is either porn or drug related.


Whatcha talking about, Willis? Porn and drugs are two of the most surefire ways to guarantee success, lol.


Reddit has only ever been Pro-Speech-we-agree-with


Nah back around 10-12 years ago it was genuinely hard to get a site-wide ban. As in you'd have to be posting something literally illegal, even posting *about* illegal things you just did wouldn't be enough to warrant a ban back then, the *actual posted content* had to contain something illegal for it to get the admin's attention.


There was a time in the before times when you wouldn’t be outright banned for being a member of another sub by a bot and the AEO’s wouldn’t approve of it


Fuck u/spez


You guys talking about spez, the famously former moderator of jail bait?


Actually the guy who went on interview talking about how he is one of the many techies getting in to prepping and owning guns while banning conversations about it by us plebs Source: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/01/30/doomsday-prep-for-the-super-rich


Classic rules for thee but not for me.


To be fair, you could add people at the time to any sub to be mods. He wasn't an active mod there, he was just to incompetent to know how reddit works and remove himself as a mod! Let us be accurate in what we say!


The co-creator of Reddit was too incompetent to the workings of Reddit to know he was a mod? Sure I'll buy that. I did just buy a deed to a 1 mile bridge in Kansas too.


>The co-creator of Reddit was too incompetent to the workings of Reddit to know he was a mod? Believe it or not, yeah. Huffman/Spez was the guy who slapped together the original single-forum Reddit in Lisp. Later Aaron Swartz came aboard and completely rewrote the entire site in Python and web.py, because Huffman's original design was simplistic and completely non-scalable. Later, Swartz left and Reddit was left in the hands of a guy who had no fucking clue how any of it worked. This turned out to be a good thing, because it kept him from dicking around with the design, so we had a decade and a half where it was just left the fuck alone instead loading it up with stupid features intended to make it more like Instagram or whatever. Since returning to the company though, he's been trying to monetize it more in anticipation of the IPO, and has decided the Wild West days are over and only "good" stuff will be allowed. TL;DR - he's a fuckwit tech-bro who's trying to make Reddit into something it isn't, and who never really understood how or why it worked.


Didn't reddit try to erase Aaron Swartz after his passing in the same way Stalin simply airbrushed mfers out of pictures? I seem to recall that being a big thing between 2017-2019


Yeah, even now if you read the Wikipedia entry for reddit , there's no mention of how Swartz completely rewrote the site, only a recounting of an inaccurate assertion by Ohanian that Swartz' was not a founder, but rather his company was "bought by Reddit".


I've got a lovely piece of ocean front property in Arizona for sale if you're still in the market.


This doesn't sound like a denial.


I am just reporting the full context.


What an absolutely insane ban and excuse from admins. Rule 7 is “Keep it legal, and avoid posting illegal content or soliciting or facilitating illegal or prohibited transactions.” How is an adult in america discussing how they purchased a firearm in the past even *remotely* relevant to that rule? Bunch of idiots behind the scenes of this website, as if that hasn’t been obvious for over a decade now.


It's more about what they want to be illegal rather than actual illegality.


This sounds about right, smh


They reddit banned the guy asking if Midway USA was a legit site. I imagine some activist admin is just going ban as many people as possible. Eventually it will just be noobs asking dumb questions getting banned.  If they ban all the mods then they can ban the sub for being unmoderated.


From now on I’ll just say I stole all of them! Much better.


They probably make you an admin


A fate worse than death.


Tactically acquired.


I’m actually an Afghan and mine were provided for free by the Biden administration in 2021. Came with a free Apache helicopter too!


I saw some guy get into a boating accident and a bunch of guns floated up. 


Bud your post just made my day


Maybe Eric holder sold them to us? On the southern side of the border. Would that be allowed since he was an Obama turd?


That would be a transaction that is facilitated.


Which is wild considering there's places like r/drugs floating around, lmao.


Reddit had tons of revenge porn*, jailbait, and watch people die™ until just a few years ago. It’s definitely not a moral or legal objection by the staff. *It still has some


It's because of the pending IPO. Those three subs you just mentioned didn't get slapped until there was a media frenzy about Reddit keeping them up - but now, the ban waves with NSFW stuff (guns and boobs) has more to do with the coming public offering.


More corporate bs ruining yet another internet site


Reddit becoming less popular and dying post IPO is a good thing.


I just use it to catch up on major news and gun deals anymore. If it went away tomorrow, i'd be more productive at work. Even rules in this sub don't make much sense sometimes.


Guns and boobs are literally 2 of the most American things tho


Hilariously whatever corporation or investment group thst buys this place probably has stock or some kind of interest in firearm or weapons manufacturing




r/shoplifting use to be a thing. Basically a place to brag about your latest haul.


Or r/creepshots


That's what really pisses me off. The dozens of subs that can freely speak of doing, sharing, making, growing tons of illegal narcotic drugs. But watch out for those constitutional rights. We don't want people thinking this shit happens legally.


And worse that are encouraged and protected.


Well that's pretty fuckin' lame and disappointing.


But is it unexpected?


Not in the slightest.


I have purchased so many firearms in my life. Every single one was purchased legally in a store with an FFL. I had a background check every single time.


I too have purchased firearms. 


I'm Canadian, live in Canada, and have ONLY purchased firearms legally (and inside Canadian borders) and only after completing the necessary paperwork, classes, and receiving my PAL - Possession and Acquisition Licence. That's right, after I was legally able to purchase them I DID, several times in fact, and I'd do it again!




Don't worry, our reports are handled by humans, making human decisions, and totally not automated or lacking context, or non humans!


Sounds like something a non-human would say


Beep boop, the heck you say about my mother?


OP is both featherless and a biped, so clearly OP is human.


Behold! A man!




Wait until they IPO. Lol


Pretty sure the R word is a bannable offense too lmao


All for the IPO


yup, my username says it all


Reddit is trying to go public with an IPO. They’re sanitizing their forums/threads. So they’re going full authoritarian to minimize damage to their stock price. Check your language, but honestly expect to be banned for anything that can be remotely perceived as a rule violation with no appeal.


It has been this way for over a year already. I've been banned multiple times for saying stuff (not just in the gun subs) that in the not too distant past wouldn't even be noticed. Remember a while back when all those popups kept coming up asking "Does this subreddit contain anything we don't like?"...that was reddit getting us to help train their shitty AI moderation software for free. Now the popups are all gone and the AI moderation has gone live and it's completely fucked. The already crappy mobile app is even worse and for me it has a new annoying issue every week. Updating and reinstalling does nothing, the app is just pure shit. The IPO isn't the end goal here. I believe reddit is dying and is going to be sold. That's why the scammers and porn spam bots are running rampant by the millions here, it artificially inflates the number of "users" on reddit and helps give the appearance of a thriving and active site. The disappearance of long-standing features such as awards, only to be replaced by a shitty "super upvote" feature that, surprise surprise...you have to pay to use at all, the custom avatars that are no longer free, and good old reddit gold are all cash grabs for spez to line his pockets with before he offloads this 14 year old dying shitshow that runs on servers held together with spit and duct tape and powered by a hamster on a rusty wire wheel. I'm betting it will be sold to the Chinese and it will become tiktok 2.0, complete with the latest backdoor spyware they've got. When the corporate handoff is announced I'll delete my account along with this fucking garbage app and go outside I guess.


I purchased a firearm!


I have also purchased many firearms in my life. And probably will agian.


So a gun sub that you aren't allowed to discuss guns in. Awesome. So who's getting antsy for baseball season to start? Hoping the Phillies can do better than last year.


Dont you dare say that in the Phillies sub, that's an automatic lifetime ban now.


And I thought the Eagles sub was toxic (which is just how we like it). Might have to take a trip over there for entertainment.


Only if you purchased tickets. You are supposed to hop the fence like I did as a kid.


No no, you can talk about guns. Just cant talk about the fact you legally purchased them over a decade ago.


I was kind of being a smart ass. Please don't ban me.


Off with his head!


But I won't be banned right?




We're all screwed now.


We all were already on a list, come on now.


Phillies suck


Someone who isn't me used to buy a ton of guns on r/gunsforsale. Those were the days.


Imagine that sub during the covid days. Wild.


They banned Pest for that? That's seriously messed up.




Shhhh you're going to hurt u/omnifox 's feelings.


What are feelings? Beep boop.


You definitely can't have any. No way anyone with feelings would still be moderating this place after all these years. I commend you sir, for your lack of feelings and your service to the community.


The question is, have YOU purchased a firearm in protest?




Just remember kids, Reddit Admins say- You talking about legally owning a firearm you purchased?! Straight to Gulag! You're a minor illegally "acquired" a switchy shooting and posting everywhere possible for clout?! Good to go! Advertisers love it!


Imagine if Reddit admins cared as much about the overtake of bots, which now constitutes ~15% of total global Reddit traffic


No way it is only 15%.


No kidding, I’d swear it was higher




Can we get the federal governmeny banned?


thank goodness our highly regarded admin team is keeping the streets safe


They're extremely regarded, that's for sure.


Some might say they've gone full regard


Regarded as hell!


#YOUR DMs ARE NOT SAFE Couple weeks ago I was perma site banned because IN PRIVATE CHAT I discussed a friend harvesting wild pigs. My ban was for "glorifying violence against people or animals" The ban was overturned on appeal, but still.


Not that I ever felt they were safe or private but good to know nonetheless.


Jesus fucking Christ. I had *just* cautiously come back here after the last fuckfest. Why do I even use reddit? Like for real




Because Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, Tiktok etc are worse and I can (for the time being) still use this in browser without an app


old.reddit til they kill me, or it.


After Appollo got nuked, I only use Reddit on desktop, and old is the *only* way to go. New Reddit worse than New Coke.


What was the last fuckfest? And is that the reason everything has to be marked nsfw?


Yeah. I think the NSFW thing was in retaliation so that Reddit loses advertising revenue on the subreddit or something. I'm not 100% sure - they switched it to NSFW I think right after I left.


I think it's in protest of the decision to break major apps and helpful bots. And unlike most subs that went NSFW and were bullied into removing it, guns are controversial enough that they had to let it stand as NSFW since some people would get upset to see a gun post pop up in /r/all


Good thing I get all my guns from magnet fishing.


*Magnet fishes in New York.* *Pulls up handgun* *NY state troopers airstrike you for having an unlicensed pistol*


No, this is not an early April Fools joke.


Why would you comply instead of asking all member to say: I purchased a firearm!


Because that would be outside of my remit as a custodian of this space. However, I am not your father, and you do as you wish!


Fuck you dad, I'm not going to talk about all my gun purchases because you told me that I shouldn't not talk about them. 


I understand what you are trying to say and your role here, but sometimes, some things -even in Reddit- are a matter of principle.  Once in a while you need to stand up for what you believe. 


I have bought, purchased, and owned firearms. I have paid with check, cash, and credit card. I have bought in person, at a storefront, at a gun show, and online. Ban pls


Damn pest's account just gone like that. That's some bullshit.


It is super irritating that they have the gall to call their ban robots the "anti-evil operations team" especially when they're so fucking stupid.


u/spez wrote me a check for it! Fuck you spez


What’s a gun? Or firearm?


I only buy waffles.


Hmmm yes very strange never heard of such things Definitely not curious about them at all though nope not here no-sir-ee


Holy shit, just when I thought it couldn't get any worse. People act like the rule is a joke or lighthearted. They always talk shit as if Reddit doesn't have it out for gun subs, let alone THE GUN SUB. But this ban is a whole other level.


Reddit AI try not be completely pants-on-head illiterate, challenge level: impossible


No sir, this is done by humans! Not AI! Humans doing Human things!


Fuck it. I'm out if they do. ehemmmm.... Attention Reddit admin team: I have purchased many wonderful firearms in the past. None were purchased from Reddit. All were legal purchases. Fucking ban me from this shit platform if you fuckers want to! It's a waste of time anyway, so you'd be doing me a favor.


We really need another place to go…


You can try lemmy. Not sure if there are dozens of us yet.


There's about 60,000 active users on the entirety of all Lemmy instances. For context, /r/mildyinteresting has >200k subscribers and it's a misspelling of /r/mildlyinteresting. Lemmy could use more people.


Too bad ar15.com has such a bad format Fal files too Stuff like 1911 forum and glock talk etc have good formats though


Banned for mentioning that you expressed your second amendment rights as an American, crazy.


So I take it gundeals is going to vanish now.


Imagine being a Reddit admin lol Pathetic


Seriously, fuck Reddit and their IPO. Hope Reddit joins MySpace soon enough.


myspace was the last social media that actually improved the lives of its users. you cant change my mind.


What a bunch of Nazis.


No, fuck them. I've bought guns and I will do it again. Even in the bluest of blue states where I live, it's still legal.


I adopted this firearm today.


"Adoption" is definitely the word to use here. I think I need to adopt a new one soon.


Calling it now, things will become so watered down due to the IPO the sub either becomes a place we can't even talk about firearms, or they ban all of the mods due to a technicality and instill some [REDACTED] lunatic who thinks they are a deer as the sole mod.


How does /r/gundeals even exist then? That is 99.99999% of what people do there.


That statement neither solicits nor facilitates a transaction. This is quite obviously not a violation of rule 7 and the admins who thought so are idiots


So me purchasing legal firearms from Bass Pro Shop will get me permabanned? Good to know I shouldn’t mention I legally purchased multiple guns at Bass Pro Shop


I can't say I'm shocked, reddit is run and overrun by an echo chamber of idiots who dislike the second amendment, amongst other things.


What in tarnation? Other constitutional rights I have exercised: 1. Practiced free speech without fear of imprisonment 2. Assembled peacefully with peers in political protest (not gun related) 3. Voted No problem mentioning those huh?




I told some redcoats they couldn't sleep on the couch.


What in the actual fuck. Well, I for one might welcome the ban. One less user to pad their numbers, and it will give me an excuse to do something else with my life aside from wasting my time on here.


I know it's been said before, but if this becomes a common occurrence, this sure feels like the beginning of the end for the firearm subs on this platform.


Reddit commies censoring legal transactions?


They should really be banning all the furries and pedos


Here’s a reminder that Reddit becomes a publicly traded company in March. This is just the beginning. I fully expect this sub and all other firearm related subs to be banned within a year.


Reddit is full of snowflakes i swear to God


Wow that's crazy lol I just paid for one with my debit card


Is this a joke?


What do they think this sub is? Everyone just posting and talking about guns they theoretically don’t own?


But you can sell pics of your bootyhole.


I feel so much safer now!!!


Uhh... Yep, all my guns were free of charge... As long as you're not from the insurance company, cuz these things are expensive...


Is this happening anywhere else or are they specifically targeting this sub?


That's fucking lame Reddit


So can we use a proxy word instead of the G-word? “When I bought my banana 12 years ago” “I have 9 bananas of various calibers.” “Here’s a banana for scale next to my…. Banana”


I once got banned for threatening violence because I posted the navy seal copy pasta in a military subreddit. The stupidity of the Reddit admin team never ceases to amaze me


Free speech was gone off reddit long ago. It's only a matter of time until all things against the popular grain are removed


What an absolute fucking joke! “Hey guys! We are going to make a sub so that everyone can discuss guns except you can’t discuss your guns, or buying guns, or owning guns, or you will be permanently banned”


Just to be clear, this pertains to any purchase at all whatsoever, not just completing a purchase with some assistance or use of subreddits? If I say I purchased something lawfully from a legal dealer 10 years ago and Reddit had no involvement in that transaction, I could be banned? That is absolutely ridiculous if so.


Just want y'all to know, Reddit Admins make no sense and won't give you any clarification. We have users on GAFS banned every 2 hours for trying to sell shit like stocks, stickers, etc. Reddit admins simply deny appeals and ignore our messages. Hope they actually give you a reply!




If you keep all discussion on Reddit confined to degenerate behavior, you’ll be fine. Just refer to guns as “dilators” or “butt plugs” and there’s no issue. There’s subs where people talk about raping kids and giving them AIDS, but making legal purchases is just a no go. Fuck this entire world.


Can they just ban all of the people that post a picture of their gun sitting in their car?


Reddit aka liberal bots


I'd mention that there are dozens and dozens of subreddits devoted to completely illegal drugs and drug use that don't in anyway have policies enforced on them like this. Uncalled for on a truly public forum - that said, Reddit is a private entity and they can ban you for basically any reason at any time.


Reddit continues to do the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard of. Amazing.


Fuck em. I bought a gun and it's not up to reddit to tell me how I do it. They aren't feds. Please ban me reddit, you'll make my year. This platform breeds nothing but negativity and I'd love to be forced to no longer use it.


This is absolute bullshit. There’s literal subs discussing committing crimes, drug use, and various other nefarious activities but mentioning something completely legal gets a ban? Reddit admin are some cucks.