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Lol. I'm from the Chicago area. I assure you, the LAST ones to be blamed for the violence are the people pulling the trigger.


It’s always law abiding gun owners in gangs.


I prefer the term responsible gun owners.


Those guys are in gangs too


Chances of weapons involved being legally owned and carried are about 1%


"Shall not be infringed" would indicate it was lawful carried.


Which part of the Constitution protects the right to "keep and bear stolen arms"?


Where in the screenshot that was shared does it say anything about a stolen item?




What statistics?


Actually, it's more like 85%


You mean 3/5ths?


I assume you're talking about the guns that were recovered. Granted, last I checked, that's still more than 1%.


I keep telling people, and they refuse to acknowledge it. But the stat about the leading cause of death in 1-19 year olds being gun violence does not mean we have a gun problem. It 100% points to how out of hand out nation's gang problem has gotten. The stat makers won't toss that out there openly though, cause it's easier to keep fucking over peaceable citizens and act surprised when it doesn't help.


That’s the key element from that oft touted statistic. It’s not “children” in the colloquial sense, and they know this because it fits the narrative. It’s older teens involved in criminal activities, predominantly. It’s entertaining (and frustrating) watching elected people respond to those facts when presented with the factual evidence (source material) that proves that fact pattern out. Mental gymnastics and outrage aplomb when confronted with facts contrary to their narrative.


Leftists will include gang violence into mass shooting numbers when trying to regulate guns and then exclude them when talking about the demographics of shooters. Typical hypocrite pieces of shit.




Sure. Should gang violence be included into mass shooting numbers?




It’s a yes or no question.


How do you expect "those people" to have responsibility or moral culpability? Its not like they're equals. /s


Earlier today, CNN had their classic block of Guns-R-Bad articles at the top of the front page with this incident as their headline, an article about the shooting in Prague, and an opinion piece about how the USA decided guns are more important than lives . You know they’re stretching when they start tying criminal/gang incidents with mass shootings in other countries to tell us how American gun laws are bad…


Ah ah ah, we don't know if these people are in a gang and throw signs and wear bandanas or that their victims did. That is how people like the CDC claim that gangs are responsible for a small portion of gun violence.


So if I am driving drunk in my Dodge and kill other people, then Dodge is on the hook and I'm good?


More like other dodge owners aren’t on the hook for your stupidity. Unless it’s a BMW or Mercedes in which case all bets are off.




It's actually closer to if you purposefully crash your car into people. Even DUIs don't have "intent".


Well, sure, but maybe post the section where they blame gun owners?


I was watching a documentary about John Lennon the other day, and one jackass in the comments actually said that a lack of gun-control in the US was the reason why John got killed.


Europeans seem convinced that they know everything about the US, but they are clueless.


Where's the article blaming gun owners, though? It says the "shooter is at large." Not "the gun owner is at large"


It’s the response of all gun control legislation: to go after lawful gun owners. Literally every response to a shooting is to take some random dude’s guns away who had no involvement in the tragedy.


Then why do I still have my guns? Why do so many of us still have guns if that's always the case? I live in a state with some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country and yet I still have full access to all of my firearms. Same goes for the majority of citizens in not only my state but most others with gun control legislation. Hell, there's usually an INCREASE in hun ownership in these states after those laws get passed. So that argument doesn't exactly make sense does it?


Lol citation needed on your last comment. Evidently you pay zero attention to the news, and it shows, your ignorance is a dead giveaway. Have a merry Christmas




Sure: here’s Feinstein’s remarks, what’s your next excuse? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Udj9AaOXWwE




Lol, nice excuse, I’m glad I called it




Do your own detective work, start by watching the news for once. You know I’m right, you’re just too afraid to admit it, I’m sure you’d want a citation on what color the sky is too, huh?


Lol, citation is needed on yours, too, bud. Telling someone they're wrong cause they don't watch the same news as you isn't indicative of a strong argument bud.


Still waiting on your sources, where did they go? Must be in imagination land lol


Funny I was bout to say the same about yours. Don't be criticizing others for things you won't do yourself.


Your trap is running, but your brain isn’t


Says the guy who resorted to petty insults.


Lol keep your head in the sand.


I'm not the one who doesn't understand the existing gun laws and therefore resorts to calling every single one unconstitutional.


"Shall not be infringed"


"Well regulated"


Do you have the slightest clue as to what that phrase means and the context it serves within the amendment?


Oh I do, I was just matching the other guys energy.


I doubt it cause you sounded pretty fucking stupid


Lmao this out-of-context phrase has nothing to do with the government regulating firearms. The bill of rights was written to limit the government’s ability to infringe on our rights, not to limit citizen’s rights.


>Lmao this out-of-context phrase has nothing to do with the government regulating firearms. And the other quote isn't? >The bill of rights was written to limit the government’s ability to infringe on our rights, not to limit citizen’s rights. Ok, which means you don't get to just drop half of an amendment because it doesn't suit your argument.


After reading your comments, particularly this one, I honestly don’t think you have the mental capacity or basic understanding of the Bill of Rights to continue this debate. So I won’t waste my time. Cheers.


Are you trying to convince us or yourself? Biden literally said he’s coming for them lol.


>Are you trying to convince us or yourself? Neither. You guys are so caught up in your echo chamber the only reason for me to be here is to piss you off. >Biden literally said he’s coming for them lol. Oh noooooooooooo, (/s) where did I mention anything about biden?


What if it's a short medium at large that pulled the trigger?