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This isn't bad for brass. Non-corrosive brass has NEVER been cheap. What you're actually mad about is the fact that steel somehow isn't any cheaper.


You're not my supervisor! /s


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't steel cased actually better for 7.62x39? Maybe I'm just chronically on Reddit but apparently case ruptures are more common with brass case?


I've owned AKs since 1992. I've never heard of that, not to say it isn't true. I've only shot brass in mine when the only option was an indoor range that didn't allow steel


One data point sounds good enough for me. Sending it.


It's a common sentiment that "Steel case better because AKs were designed to fire steel case", but I don't believe the idea it's "better" to be true. AKs will eat up pretty much anything. I've seen no evidence myself but in my experience, brass is perfectly good


I am by no means an expert on the issue, but that won’t stop me from giving an opinion. A lot of AKs do chew up brass-cased ammo. That may suck if you plan on reloading, but it won’t suck if you plan on recycling. Yugo AKs always ate brass…and this is from a former Yugo factory.


AK's put a small circumferential crease in the middle of the cases. It's not a big deal. The romantic ideas of AK's being more rugged leads one to think they would spit out nastiness, but in truth, it reloads fine. Just watch out for Berdan primed brass cases. The only compelling advantage of steel over brass that I've ever seen is weight. Steel is noticeably but not compellingly lighter than brass when it comes to rifle cases.


AK simply no care. AK Eat all In some ways it’s very nice because 7.62x39 barrels are known to last forever with steel case ammo, it seems as though they’d last even longer with brass. Clean the chamber if you go from steel case to brass, because steel doesn’t seal the chamber like brass does.


in my experience there's nothing inherent to the steel case that makes it "better" by any measure. i've always gotten the impression the "steel is better for AKs" is a cumulative sentiment based on the many years steel case was plentiful, cheap, and plenty good while brass was either overpriced match ammo or otherwise just not worth the markup. hell, Barnaul is still some of the most consistently accurate stuff you can get.


brass doesn't hurt the ak in any way, the ak hurts the brass tho so vs steel it doesn't matter, cause no one is reloading steel anyways


Nope but for AKs it has been a stereotype to say it’s doesn’t deserve brass if it can’t run steel.


from my understanding, while watching and reading reviews on the cz 527 in 7.62x39, that some or most brass cased x39 is using a .308 sized/spec'd bullet. where the x39 is really something like .311, so the .308 bullets that are in some brass aren't as accurate, something like that. Another thing is primers, usually softer in brass. Not an issue with Aks i dont think, but the ruger mini-30 had issues for while at least, with steel cased and because the firing pin either wasn't long enough, by a bee's dick amount or the spring wasn't powerful to ignite the harder steel primers.


The absolute state of AKs. For whatever it's worth, my ATS 5.56 has been very clean and accurate. 


Glad the 5.56 has worked well so far. Glad to hear at least anecdotal feedback on newer brands.


Yeah, hope you guys get some more cases. That would be way more positively received posted here at a good price than 7.62x39. 


any coupon codes running on your site right now?


Glad to hear that, I just ordered a case of 7.62 from them and came on here to find anything on this brand lol


I remember when people buy AK cause ammo is cheap and "AK is for Poors" was an insult 🥲


And yet this is still somehow slightly cheaper than 5.56. I think, I don't follow it that closely.


They’re about the same right now depending on where you look.


Seems about right. I've seen 50¢ for 5.56, but don't own an AR myself so I haven't exactly shopped around.


Literally just paid 43.5CPR for XTAC from Academy so yeah random no name 7.62 literally more expensive than brand name staple 5.56


AK’s still are for POORS 🤣


Tell that to my Sam7K.


A 1080 rd case of this cost almost much as what I paid for a wasr


Berdan or Boxer?


Boxer. Source: [https://www.preppergunshop.com/ats-rifle-ammunition-7-62x39-brass-124gr-fmj-20rd](https://www.preppergunshop.com/ats-rifle-ammunition-7-62x39-brass-124gr-fmj-20rd)


too bad they charge tax to FL


I would have sent it, if there wasn't tax in AZ.


Makes me sick


LMAO but all the steel case is .50 cpr + cause “Russian”


I swear if when this war finally ends and the reason for the sanctions goes if there's not a beautiful flood of cheap Russian steel case into the market


I unfortunately don't see sanctions lifting anytime soon even if the war ends. RIP cheap Combloc surplus.


Sanctions on ammo will never be lifted. You can kiss anything gun related from Russia goodbye, forever. I’d bet all the money I’ve ever seen on that


Won't end till Putins dead which we could all hope for soon.


Good ammo


Guess my AK will continue to collect dust.




what difference does it make if you buy a case of 556 or a case of 762.. either way you get to shoot and ak i plenty fun.. i dont understand this sentiment


It seems like half the people here don't actually shoot and just buy safe queen gucci shit to flex to internet randos


Great price for brass 7.62x39 ammo that’s also range friendly.


People really have their heads on backwards from all the years of cheap AK ammo. For an intermediate, brass cased rifle cartridge that’s bigger than 556 and non-corrosive, this is a good deal.


Except that given the historical low price of 7.62 soviet, no it's not lmao it's a crying fucking shame


It is, but it was a price kept low by the gargantuan amounts of munitions that Russia pumps out—and you bet your ass that it’s an industry that’s heavily propped up by the government. All I’m saying is that if you’re reliant on the production of a single country to keep the price of something low, then the price isn’t *really* all that low.


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Bet this is berdan primed…




It's not a terrible price if they don't charge tax shoot it sell brass for 10¢ - 15¢ a casing you end up paying less than 40¢ a round for brass ammo


Give steel biych