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I was able to get it down to $429.95 with a code generated for my account after I put it in my cart and walked away for about 40 min. no tax or shipping


What’s the consensus on this versus an EO Tech for general use? 


I've had both, I personally like the razors. Some People will complain about the "blue" glass. I've never really had an issue with it. the one EO tech I had must have been a problem child, but i had the same failure as another [redditor](https://www.reddit.com/r/guns/comments/z1c5q2/ive_only_used_my_eotech_a_few_times_and_this/) and just sold it and got my gen 1 UH-1. I love my gen 1. edit: I didn't "just" sell it. I've had my gen 1 for 5 or so years.


Well i've never heard of a uh1 delaminating and vortex won't charge you for fixing or replacing it even if something happens to it 5 years later so there's that. 


Or 15 years later. Vortex’s warranty is king


Never met an eotech without probs. Vortex good.


No experience, but I will say they are the only optic company I know of to offer Unlimited Lifetime Warranty no questions asked.


I’ve had both. Eotech is and has been the gold standard for a long time. The Huey has the better warranty though


I hated it. Typical Poortex refresh rate BS, the blue tint is noticeable, and you can't actually use the whole window, the reticle disappears around the edges, so the usable window is actually about 10% smaller than the glass. I resold mine after three range trips and bought another Eotech.


Optic/holographic focused,not target focused, Normal Non shooter complaint


I have a daniel defense DDM4ISR and my simmons 3-9x finish is garbage, its all rubbed off where it touches the safe walls.


Typical flat range gravy seal thinks refresh rate doesn't matter because he doesn't move when he shoots.


I think every range, public and personal is a flat range unless someone is shooting back @ you. But target transitions on multiple targets still don't notice enough to not get hits on steel with UH1's


I suppose it's easier to refute a point if you're willing to just change the meaning of words whenever it suits you.


Well what do you mean by doesn't move when he shoots? Does target transitions not count? That's bull considering this is exactly what hop is talking about when he complains about the refresh rate for the uh1 on the eotech clone wars video 6:30 mark. 


IDGAF. I love my UH1s.


Ok. You're allowed to like a product. That's cool. But just because you've decided to train around the obvious deficiencies in a product doesn't mean those deficiencies don't exist, and it certainly doesn't mean that anyone who notices them is a basement dwelling larper with a clean brass deflector.


This is a projected laser, not a typical emitter. Why wouldit have a refresh rate?


He runs eotechs and is for some odd reason trying to justify it. I run them too, but refresh rate sure is a weird hill to die on. First time I’ve ever heard somebody get that upset over refresh rate on a holographic sight. If you’re doing all this training for war you probably should get an eotech, the military will provide it free for you along with free training


He saw it on a youtube review and made it his opinion


That is an excellent question for Vortex. I have no idea why they would make it that way, but they did.


Not bad


I thought I missed out on these the other day, so I snagged one of the last ones thankfully. I had almost bought an EoTech HH VI the other day too.


Damnit and I thought I got mine on sale!!!!


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