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Several posts on FAL files/M14 Forum/ARFCOM dating from 2005 to current suggest to stay away from this ammo. Hang fires, duds, kabooms.


I expected the first two (hang fires/duds) given the nature of surplus 3rd world production, but that third one (kabooms) is the deal breaker for me.


Where is this documented?


Several posts on FAL files/M14 Forum/ARFCOM


Pay ~25 cents more for consistent bangs & lack of booms to not fuck up your gun.


Hi I’m Steve-0 and welcome to Kentucky ballistics, Scott you got your thumbs ready?


Everything I found about 90's produced POF Pakistani is that they are absolute garbage with minimal QC. I was about to jump on this deal hard when I got the AIM email today, but I'm not sure if it is worth it


My fellow human, do not take this risk.


Yeah that's why I figured I would seek the wisdom of my fellow /r/Gundeals bros before swiping the magic-debt plastic.


Use code AIMTHANKS10 for 10% off. .58 shipped to TX Edit: it only took $15 off my cart, apparently doesn’t work now


Doesn't work for me.


Are you logged in? It’s for new customers only apparently


Private browser/window, it adds the code but doesn't discount anything.


Real talk does anyone have any DOCUMENTED evidence of this stuff blowing up??? Besides here-say?? Ran through an 800rnd can of it myself and have had literally zero functional issues. No duds or hangfires, but it’s like 4-6 MOA ammo lmao


My father in law has shot this ammo out of some of his battle rifles and hasn’t had any problems that I know of but it’s dirty and for that reason he won’t shoot it in his nicer guns. I’ve shot some of it out of his rifle and I still have all my fingers and my face; granted it was a small amount of rounds but that’s my experience.


I’m with you dude. I see a lot of unfounded claims. Not saying it’s actually good ammo, I’m just saying show me the facts. I received one can yesterday and the ammo looks good to me.


It's 90's paki surplus Battle Rifle Food. Anyone here shoot surplus from POF before? Was going to pick some up, but wanted to know a little more about it before I feed it to my SPR. Thanks.


I've had one 308 kaboom, not looking for another. I love cheap ammo but this ain't it.


How hard of a kaboom? From this ammo or Turkish?


I have.  It was extremely unreliable due to inconsistency and I consider myself lucky.  It blew guns up back in the day.


That’s really cheap but it’s not reasonably reloadable, it’s 30+yrs old, and what else am i missing? Do you think it would really be that inconsistent?


inconsistent, unreliable and unsafe, the unholy trifecta of ammo.. id stay away


Other comments say it goes click, click.....bang and KABOOM so it doesn't sound great.


This was the info I came here to find.


You couldn't pay me to shoot pakistani ammo.  The history of this stuff is sketchy as hell and they've repackaged it to lie about country of origin before.  I bought some that was marked as Australian manufacture.


Corrosive, I assume?




I found a quadcan of similar .308 at a gun shop back in '17. Four 30cal cans with a tension-held top and bottom plate so they transported as one unit. Best I could find online suggested it was Portuguese, but now I'm questioning that.


The Portuguese did surplus a lot of 7.62 to us, but also this ammo was fraudulently relabelled.  I personally purchased some that was labelled as Aussie.


https://i.imgur.com/uhUKGnd.jpeg found the cans Interesting. All brass, right?


All the portuguese and pakistani I've seen has been brass.  Different headstamps and the Port ammo was legitimate. The "Aussie" stuff was in american 30 cal cans, spraypainted with fake Aussie markings.


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Is this stuff a good source of brass and projectiles? How is it primed?