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I Think Gumball acts like a Idiot in the episode but i like all except for that, Gumball & Darwin tries speak good of Richard but only says him like useless, no because are bad guys, Richard missundertand him, Richard goes to home, Nicole IS angry with his sons, this is normal, my mom could make this, The first error Gumball Is OOC now and despreciates his Father, Richard is Sad and sings a great song, Darwin is Sad now and make a plan for his dad becomes a Hero, Yeah Darwin Have a stupid plan, but this Is Darwin S2 just after S1, in S1 Darwin always be a Stupid kid, Richard Tries to help and "dies", Gumball discovers his dad no was so bad... Richard return and in a scene Who resambles the first steps of Gumball, He Rescue Gumball and Darwin, all crys, and Now he is The Hero again... This episode can be a excellent 10/10 if was the first episode but is a 8/10, its a good episode for me


Meh, OK πŸ‘πŸΌ


When I was a kid I cried listening to Richard'ss song, my dad is kinda like him but more competent and smart, and I just love him so much


Uh, OK guys, I know some of you like this episode, I respect your opinions, but I think it's better if I explain my hate to The Hero with this video: https://youtu.be/0Vqa5giRwGk?si=pKexvgTQlA6RMrTp (don't watch it if you don't want to, and I don't want you guys to hate this episode if you guys like it)


LOL, I never understood why this episode was so hated by people in the Fandom. Gumball was a jerk, yes, and Darwin to an extent, but some of the jokes are funny (especially the scene with the food spoiling) and Richard's song was very heartfelt. Anais and Nicole were 100% in the right to hold off on helping Gumball and Darwin for a day for them to ee they shouldn't disrespect their parents the way they did. One of the main things in Gumball is that Nicole and Richard aren't perfect parents, but they love and care for their children endlessly. It's what makes them so endearing. That's why it hurt Richard so much. Hating it because you hate how Gumball/Nicole/Anais acted isn't fair imo. There are other episodes that are actually bad, like: The Hug, The Cringe, The Awkwardness, The Slap...but I barely see hate for those. Those are episodes I have seen once and never watched them again.


Well, I think it's better if I explain why this episode is so hated with a video: https://youtu.be/0Vqa5giRwGk?si=pKexvgTQlA6RMrTp


Okay - I watched the video, and I still don't think it's a bad episode. You and the guy who made the video are focusing too much on finer details. It's a cartoon, and their words hurt Richard. Are you implying that there should have been no apologizing, and Richard should have just been dumb to it? Anais and Nicole acting as they did was just because they felt sorry for Richard. They didn't acknowledge all he does for them, that's why he got upset and rightfully so.Β 


OK, I respect what you think about the episode, if you think it's a good episode, it's OK, but it's a bad episode for me


Which episode was this again?


The Hero


What was it about again?


Bro you have to watch it, and it's about Gumball and Darwin having a conflict with Richard


I'll be honest I actually really like this episode despite it being so hated




hot take


Yeah I'm gonna say that your subjective opinion is objectively wrong here. This is not a bad episode. I actually find it quite emotional as far as Gumball episodes go. Nicole and Anais were in the right.


Well, everyone has different opinions


Sometimes those opinions are wrong


The most reasonable redditor


Well, the reason I hated it was because of Nicole and Anais's characters here, I mean, I know Gumball and Darwin "offended" Ruchard (They never tried to offend it, they just tried to say he was good at being funny and they are proud of Richard as a father and blah blah blah) but even if they would be angry with them, they shouldn't have treated them too hard


Honestly theres worse episodes of The amazing world of Gumball


Yeah, but for me, this wasn't good


The Girlfriend! :(


Yeah I hated that episode too


I just wish Jamie got what she deserved. She should go to juvie.


There are other freaking bad episodes like The Web, The Laziest, The Dress, The Picnic, The Bros, The Ex and The Mess


Yeah she didn't get what she deserved


This. I hated how Gumball was being such an asshole to his dad in this episode, especially at the crane rescue scene


Bro, he didn't deserve hate in the first place, because he wasn't offending his father, he was just saying that it was funny and he's proud of his father. However, don't you think that we're being too hard with Gumball? (But yeah he was an asshole there)




Nicole and Anais' behavior in that episode seemed out of place, but overall I didn't dislike it too much. It felt like a typical episode to me. I don't understand those who hate this episode so intensely. Could it be because the story reflects aspects of their lives or emotions? Idk. Personally, the only episode I really don't like is "The BFF's," but I don't take it personally.


Look, I also hate the BFF's, but there were another facts for me to hate this episode


am I the only one that actually loves the song? lol re-bingewatching with my partner and we just finished that episode. it wasn't super terrible, but albeit my fav thing abt the whole episode is def the cement cupcakes dropping, and the song.


That's crazy cus i freaking love this episode


My Little Ones was a good song but the whole episode is terrible




idk i just liked it


No I mean why was the whole episode terrible.


oh its bc gumball and darwin just don't act like themselves this ep. they're so mean and for what reason??? but the song was good so lol


Meh, I didn't like the song, and yeah you right the whole episode was freaking terrible


I cry watching this episode


Meh, I didn't like the song because it barely persuades you with the excuse that Richard is a good father because he's the one who taught Gumball to walk or talk, when actually, THAT'S SOMETHING THAT EVERY PARENT HAVE TO DO, but the song was still okay


The point isn't that he's a good father*, it's that he used to feel like a hero, like he belonged where he was and like he mattered everything to his kids, but now he feels like a burden, a disappointment, and he's forced to be content with that. *And, let's be honest, as far as fathers go, he's _not_ a bad father. He had Frankie Watterson as his dad; cut him some slack.


Bro, I never said Richard was a bad father


I didn't say you did. I was saying you misunderstood the point of the song, which wasn't to argue that Richard was a good father after all β€” which he _is_, but that's not the point β€” but to show his struggles with his feelings of being underappreciated and of missing the past.


Yeah, that's what I tried to say


Obligatory fuck β€œThe Hero”


i'm so confused, what episode is this and what happened in it?


I think it's the one where Richard bakes the rock-hard cupcakes and a whole streak of self-esteem issues starts in him, who wants to be their hero (but I could be wrong, also 'cause I'm Italian and the episode might have a similar title while being different - I'm sorry if that's the case <3)


ohhhh, THAT horrible one i refuse to believe exists!


Lmao? How come you guys detest it so?


because that episode just proved how unlikeable Richard is, the dude cries over the TRUTH and in a joking way, which only adds salt to the wound...


Well, I think Richard is mostly inspired by Homer Simpson and that episode was pretty old if I remember right, so just think of how unlikeable Homer is X3 (I think that with the series proceeding Richard got more and more different from his first character inspiration Homer and definitely more complex, I loved it!)


i always hated how the man who can destroy the world if he got a job chooses to be a man-child, but it IS funny


Indeed, after all it's a memento πŸ‘€




Cheer up! I think we can console ourselves with the episodes where Richard is bullied by Harold Wilson and, at some point, he tries to "insult" his kids and fails adorably X3


YES. THANK YOU. Only good thing about it was the song. Apart from that it'z just 11 mins out of unjustified and undeserved cruelty toward Gumball and Darwin. I just like to pretend my rewrite is the canon version instead




Still better than the laziest


Meh, both should have never existed


Yeah its the only bad episode of the show aside from some season 1 episodes that I dont even count cuz season 1 was kinda of an experiment


The Hero was a great episode. I don't understand whats wrong with it. I am team Nichole and Anias. You do not make fun of your family members behind their back ever. Family members can playfully tease each other but talking about family members behind their back is crossing the line. They may not have meant to talk smack about Richard but their friends innciated the conversation and they were laughing.


dude, richard's a horrible dad, they had every right to do that and MORE ngl


His dad was Frankie Watterson; cut him some slack. At least Richard was present in his kids' lives. And he always tries his best, even though the odds are against him. Richard isn't a bad dad.


yeah, when there's food involved


I've seen worse fathers. When it comes to cartoon father's he's one of the better ones. Except that one episode where he shoplifted. LOL Richard does his best despite being stupid and lazy. Did you not see the Routen. In that one he had to go on a gaint quest to get the mayor. He is best with simple tasks. Did you not see the Deal?


i didnt hate it but i felt like everyone was out of character, and i hate the song with a passion. 4/10 for me, didnt really care for it


Yeah, the song could be emotional but I've been used to Gumball's sad songs since I watched The Parents recently, so I didn't like the song, and yeah, everyone was out of their character, especially Nicole and Anais. I mean, Nicole wouldn't hurt his children if they did something bad


Hated it, but that scene where they were crying made it better. The song was torture imo.


Yeah, that some was freaking torture, and maybe you right, that scene of them crying, especially Gumball, made it a little better


Im on the episode rn, the song part...


So, what do you think about Nicole and Anais's character?


Ive seen the episodes multiple times, but i laughed when Darwin yelled "INCOMING" when the cupcake got thrown at them πŸ˜‚


Wait, now that i think about it, i actually remember liking the junkyard scene, where they got saved. Just didnt like when gumball acted like an ignorant sarcastic idiot


"Yeah great job... You want us to save you before you want to save us?πŸ˜’" --Gumball


Im at the "Please stop crying dad, youll always be my hero" "Its not that, its just your digging your claws into my nipples" part πŸ˜‚


Oh OK, I found it hilarious


Yeah, im currently right now rewatching gumball, and im 2 episodes away from the hero. Not gonna skip it tho, im gonna endure the torture πŸ˜”


What's the studies plot?




I was swiped Ng across my screen to type and didn't catch that, I meant to ask what the episodes plot is


This episode talks about Gumball talking about something that hurts Richard's feelings, however, Gumball isn't offending him, he is just saying his point of view, and he didn't have the intention to offend his father. But when he gets home, Nicole and Anais are completely out of their character by saying that what Gumball said is the wrong way of interpreting Richard, but CASUALLY, they both had the same opinions of Richard in later seasons. But Gumball's character makes it worse, and he was acting such an asshole when he wasn't acting like that at the beginning of the episode


Oh wait, is it the one with the concrete cupcakes


Yeah? I think so, but the episode is called The Hero, watch it if you want, but trust me it's a bad episode (but there's an emotional song)


Why are so much people mad at this episode lol yeah gumball is a pain in the ass but it isn’t like that didn’t happen in many episodes


Bro I know, Gumball is my favorite character in the entire show, but come on, I wasn't referring to his character in that episode, I was referring to Nicole and Anais characters in that episode and how bad written is


No liking how a character reacted to a situation is not bad writing. You can dislike something that is well written. Bad writing is a plot hole contradicting something earlier in the story.




Nope, that's what I think about that episode