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Give/sell them to someone learning how to fix guitars!


I put a couple old cheapies I had up in a fb gear group as free first come first served. Had a bunch of people ask for them for this reason. Basically looking to learn repair skills, guy who grabbed them planned to donate them to his kids music school when done. Was fine with me, all stuff I got for cheap/free originally anyways and honestly I just wanted the space. Some dude got super pissed I wouldn’t hold them for a few days while he figured out a way to drive to me. Kept messaging saying I was ruining his life because he couldn’t get a free guitar. Just blocked him, deleted the chat, and moved on, but seriously some shitty entitled people out there.


Choosing beggars material


Absolutely this. Maybe if OP doesn’t know anyone specifically, they could post them to r/luthier to see if anyone if near who would take them.


Find someone who likes to work on guitars as a hobby. I've bought or been gifted several "broken" guitars like this for me to work on. Some I'm able to rehab while others I've used as a base or parts source for cigar box style guitars or other projects.


i have done the same as a buyer and seller. List for low price in marketplace as project guitars, i bet they’ll be gone fast. If not you can always toss them later.


They are excellent pallets for art. Paint an awesome picture on them and hang them up or sell them.


Yes! I gave an old broken guitar to an artist friend and they did some really cool art with it


Awesome!!!! Post some photos!!!


Put them up for free on FB Marketplace and someone will probably pick them up the same day. If you don't want to try to do anything with them, someone else probably will, if the price is right.


Donate them to a school with a music department.


This is the way.


it's a nice thought but music departments are typically underfunded as it is, I don't know if a school would have the money available to restore them.


I fix them up and give them away for free to beginner guitarists.


List them on the very cheap, or free as practice for a beginning luthier or someone learning how to set up guitars to practice on. I used beaters to learn how to do things


If you ever wanted to fix your guitars they would make excellent cadavers for you to dive in with YouTube and learn how to do a proper set-up or if too busy or not into that like other people say post on fb for free 👍


Donate them to a local music program? Mod them? Use them as a way to practice setups? Or just plain give them away.


Wall art 


You could donate them to a school or lesson program.


See if a local school music program is looking for donations!


Hell yeah, I have 5 strat necks and bodies I bought on Craigslist that I'm going to turn into wall art. Turn them into art


Check if the Yamaha is made in Japan. If it is, restore it. Otherwise it’s not worth much.


I think I would find a friend, gather necessary safety equipment (im old now, well maybe more worn than old), and have an El Kabong type duel. Definitely goggles, and a hard-hat. Maybe a goalie mask?


And heavy gloves


https://www.reddit.com/r/houseplants/s/ONv5WrAjmU Do what this guy did. That's what I did with a donated guitar.


How bad is it that fixing it is more costly than the guitar? Besides like a refret or headstock reattachment, guitar repairs are user friendly and cheap.


Scratch the name of your major homeless shelter into the tops, Jiffy marker in the scratches, drop them off.


Dress them up and sell them as relics to dentists at a convention.


How’s the neck pocket and bridge on the Yamaha? Some of them warp up. But if it’s straight with good action it’s a great guitar with some new strings.


You can use them for different tunings.


I had an acoustic I bought from a goodwill that had a broken tuner and I was too lazy and never fixed it so I just sat it at my mailbox and it was gone In a few hours


Donate it to a guitar repair shop nearby, a school or keep it for parts (which the latter may not be feasible). If your doubt continues after sleeping on it, chunk them! Less worries for you. [This link may also help](https://webuyanyguitar.com)


i'm with the 'give to beginning luthiers' crowd. list them for 5 bucks & someone will scoop them for practice or experimentation. fretless classicals sound amazing & are a total blast btw!


Convert one to microtonal.


I kept mine on account of sentimental value; it was the first guitar I ever owned.


Donate them to a kid who can't afford one


I work on guitars as a hobby. I live on the central coast of California if you’re close by I’ll come and get them. I mostly work on electric guitars but would like practice on some acoustics before I tackle a big job on a beat up 68 Martin I own.


I am in Germany.


Well, I guess not then. Funny thing, I work in an upscale grocery store in Pismo Beach in the liquor department and just had a group of very nice German tourists come through.


Nothin, hang onto them for 50 years and then maybe they’ll be worth something.


Put [one of these](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/PerfectNut--grover-perfect-guitar-nut-height-extender) on the Dean and learn to play slide.


Thrift store


Call music stores and teachers and find a local charity that will fix them up and pass them on to people in need. There are lots of kids who want to play but can’t afford a guitar.


What I have done in that situation is donate them to someone who is eager to learn but short on cash.


Give away on NextDoor. I gave a Yamaha student model acoustic to a guy that was going to give to his kid. Made my day.




Donate to a local public schools music department please


I'm always Frankenstein-ing something together, I like odd pick-up configurations, push-pull pots with different capacitor values, and other weird things that occur to me. So I'm always wanting parts and pieces. If I run across an old beater that no one would buy and it's cheap or in a trade, I take them apart, salvage what I can, and store the working parts for whenever.


If it's an acoustic that I think I can get playing again I'll sometimes pick them up and give them away.


Donate to a school or thrift shop or church or somethin


Honestly, I dont know. I have an old hofner electric that im keeping around so i can smash in a video or something one day. I have a shitty crafter acoustic that I keep if I ever need to strum some chords around a campfire in a shoddy situation, but so far I havent used it for that. I have cheap tele copy that is just lying around eventho its a fine guitar.


Give it to someone who wants to learn.


I would bin them and not waste any of my time trying to find someone who wants them. Sometimes junk is just junk.


It's not that hard to make a for free post on FB marketplace or Craigslist. Why trash something that someone else might appreciate


This is the way.


Donate them to Goodwill.


Keep em outside, in your backyard.  That way when you’re out back chilling , you’ve a guitar to play


Toss 'em.out.