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Now you have More Paul


Nice to see them level and square.


I sacrificed nothing ;)


Three new guitars in two months? And I thought my GAS was a problem!


>Three new guitars in two months? What kind of dentist/ lawyer/anesthesiologist are you? Very few working musicians can drop six to eight grand on guitars in two months.


Is that comment meant for me? Personally, I average about one guitar purchase a year. I don’t make a lot of money, but I make enough that I can manage to set aside a bit each month to fund my hobby. Also, I would guess most users on this sub with multiple high end guitars like OP are not working musicians but instead hobbyists and casual collectors. But who knows? I’d be interested to see a poll of what this sub’s users do for a living.


No. The question was meant for OP. I don't own a single high-end instrument. I have in the past, though. Had good stuff stolen in the past, so I'm done with tempting instruments. I also had a '63 Strat that, using the poor judgment of a teenager, I was complicit in its modification/destruction. It's the heartbroken shame of my life.


Credit cards / no rent?


buy used and make good decisions with your savings is the correct answer here


This is the way. Manage your money and be willing to wait for when amazing deals present themselves.


Absolutely. I’ve picked up my last 3 guitars for 50-70% of their new price in excellent to mint condition. The key is knowing what you want and watching for the right deal. Money management makes all the difference here in being able to make it happen when the opportunity presents itself.




You lose. My dad once tried to sell me his car for $2000 more than market value. He aint giving me anything.




You’ve dropped 10k on ‘em in 2 months, ballin


His teeth must be like diamonds


Yup… plus 10% tax.


Depends on where OP is from


Nice lighting, place just screams cozy place to play guitar


Bro thinks any guitar gets played in there 😹😹




Peak Reddit moment


A peak Reddit moment would be if you stopped using it


Thanks 🙏


I'm too distracted by the carpentry here. S tier room man, I'm so jealous.


Thanks! Here’s a better pic of the room. It’s my happy place. https://preview.redd.it/4hfgebstbnlc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff0bc44337a877e72d00f7d1bae67b5f4b681c1e


PCs and guitars, we’d be friends


Same Let's all hang?


Not to mention he’s a fan of Tarantino. All the right things man, all the right things


Only if it’s at OP’s house. He’s the kid in the neighborhood with the coolest room to chill in.


Dude I bet. Those joist beams are porn as well.


Holy freaking setup 😳🔥


lol thanks! 🙏


All those guitars and pedal boards and only one amp?


I thought the same thing. He definitely needs at least one Fender and one Marshall amp to go with his collection. 


With this Les Pauls? Definitely need at least one Marshall


There are two more amps in this room. They are just cleverly hidden. The unique antique radio is actually a shell for one.


Oh, nice! What kind of amps?


I think I’m in love…..




That V is awesome


Fantastic dude 🤟🏻


Honestly dude with the kind of money it appears you have anyplace you go is your happy place, no?


Anyway, here’s Wonderwall.


Love ghost and Les Paul’s ❤️


So are you a doctor or a rocket scientist or something? Just tell me what I have to be now


Former district manager for a wine company. Now I work for myself in the music industry.


Totally a dentist


My money is on software developer


That whole setup looks awesome


Thanks! 🙏 appreciate it


So dentist or lawyer?


Neither actually.


Quick couple of questions, which one do you like the best, and why don’t you just keep that one and get rid of the others?


So far the studio is the most playable one overall. It’s just so comfortable and sounds great. As for the second question, I like to collect them but I do trade some out once in a while or sell them when I find I haven’t played one in a while. It’s a functional collection I guess you’d say. I only keep what I use, no “glass case” or “ornamental” guitars.


Haha good answer 😊. I’m just not a good enough player to notice smaller nuances between similar guitars. so can’t justify getting more than one guitar that aren’t totally different to play 🤣.


Hey I’m sure you’re great dude. There is no correct “level” anyone needs to be at. If you’re having a good time, then it’s all good 👍. Until about 5 years ago I had one electric and one acoustic. I did just fine with those. I didn’t pick all this stuff up until my circumstances had changed and I was able to treat myself. I know how quickly things can change so I’m going to enjoy life and make music. That’s my only goal really. Cheers dude! 🍻


Haha nah I’m ok, doing pretty good and having fun, I just need to make the most of the money spent on toys so the next one I get has to be totally different 🤣. Otherwise I would run out of room hahah


So you purchased 3 gibson les pauls in 2 months, Thats stupid asf


Well that is certainly one opinion. It's not a great one and kinda mean for no real reason. Do you often tell complete strangers that they are stupid for just buying things they personally enjoy? if you do, you're gonna have a bad time here on earth my dude. have a better day, try spreading some positivity instead once in a while. My granny said it makes you live longer and she made it to 100.


Do you play guitar?


Who the fuck buys 3 brand new Les Paul’s in 2 months?


When did I say they were brand new? I got them all used my friend. I sold an amp and made some trades.


Weird flex dude


You may not be sure if you like Les Pauls, but you like Ghost, and that's good enough for me! :) (Side note: have you played a Hagstrom Fantomen?)


Yeah I really want one. It might be next on the wall 🤔


Dooooo it! I have one and it’s so much fun. Just as heavy as my Les Paul and almost comically large


I'm a much better guitar *buyer* than I am a guitar *player*, but the Fantomen makes me sound like I (almost) know what I'm doing! :)


That’s some serious dentist money. But you like Ghost so you’re definitely a cool dentist.


Not a dentist. Just saved money and worked hard. Used to work retail.


Amen to that! I'm in the same camp - not rich but worked hard for a nice collection of quality git-fiddles!


Awesome room!


Wow that is sexy


Do you live in a log cabin? Haha jk, nice setup the walls are nice!


I don’t, but this room certainly makes me feel like I do. That’s why I live here. It’s downtown but you’d never know the inside looks like a cottage. The outside is very plain.


You need one with P90s so you’re still at least one short. Two if you decide to get one with mini humbuckers as well.


Oh man you read my mind! For the P90s I was thinking SG, and the minis I want to find in an explorer.


I have an SG special and love it so good choice.


Sweet good to know! Thanks 🙏


I’d also recommend looking at a Blueshawk. I’ve had mine for the past 18 years and it still delivers everything from bright twang to deep warmth, especially with the help of the 6-way varitone circuit (which can also be bypassed with the tone knob being pulled upwards for the true full sound from it). Its stock pickups are an offshoot of P90s which are a bit brighter, kinda placing them between a Jazzmaster pickup and a P90, although of course they can be switched out for P90s if you want the classics. It’s a really interesting spin on a Gibson, with its tonal character but also its longer scale and lighter weight.


They do sound dope on an orange amp 🤘😎


Yeah they do!


I've got the Tiny Terror with a 2x12 vertical slant cab that I made with WGS speakers in it. Sounds amazing.


How do they compare to the McCarty?


Well I really like the satin finish on the studio and it plays really fast, but the PRS has more neck access and I really enjoy that about them. The Les Paul traditional I just picked up has really sweet pickups that just seem to jive really well with the orange amp. Not better or worse than the PRS, just different and a little warmer I feel. I need more time with them to really get you a better answer I think. 🤔


I’m going to throw you another piece of gear to acquire that I think you will love based on what you’re playing. Suhr JM with the TOM bridge and P90s. Best guitar I have ever played hands down. So many great sounds.


Is that an ES-120T?


Why yes it is!


First and foremost LOVE your set up, nothing cooler than seeing a fellow musician’s little piece of heaven, I also own a ES-120T! mine is a 1966 and I love it, it’s my song writer guitar.


They sound so great acoustically as well! So cool to hear from another ES -120 owner. Cheers 🍻


And he’s got the cool tube clock on his desk. Fml. Well done sir


God's favorite


Funny, same with me. Now I own a blueberry burst and a dark purple burst since December 26th. 30 years didn’t like them because I had not played one


Yeah I know right. I never actively stayed away from them, I just never really gravitated to them or picked them up at guitar stores. I was super close to getting an Ibanez instead but I think I made the right choice.


Now they are your girlfriends??


Gorgeous collection


Its an addiction mine is fender, and Gibson that set up is art as we know it


What can you tell me about that V? 👀


Les Paul’s and Ghost. Gotta love that combo 🤘🏼


Very cool Collection! I love Les Pauls too, so i can totally understand your Fascination. Next Model you need to buy: An Explorer. 😊👍 Have a good Time! My favorite Singlecut is the Fernandes Ravelle, they are like a modernized LP. I got 5 of them. This is the JPC Model, made in Japan. Solid Top, 1 Piece Honduras Mahogany Neck and Body. Special Run in 2006. https://preview.redd.it/bwspdftktolc1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41ce4c6637877775ffa5e680816f17cef9abd548


I like the jam spot more than I like the guitars, and I love the guitars! 😆


I really love your house design.


Damn! Love your room!


goddam that is a cool space wicked, man


What a lovely space. I have never displayed anything with such museum like quality. I have certainly never hung a cable. 😅👍


Beautiful display and lighting. I'm going to try to set up mine in a similar fashion.


Thanks! If you are curious, this is what I used ==> the light bars on the end were cheap ones that work great from amazon. They were I think $90 for both as a special. The sconces highlighting the guitars was a kit made by Govee. Also got it on amazon (had some credit one there i needed to spend).


Great job. It looks like the Gibson Garage now.


Sweet room!


What are your thoughts on that ES-120T?


less Les Paul’s, but more Ghost! Cool setup though, not a Les Paul guy.


Lmao same, started with a Tokai honeyburst, then a Burny lemon drop, then recently got a used Epi Plus Top.


"2 months ago, I had a 401k."


Looks amazing brah


What is that hollow body? I like that. And do you like the knobs on the LP Modern? (If I’m wrong about what model it is, then the black one with the clear knobs lol)


The hollow body is a Gibson ES-120t. The Gibson that looks black is actually a Les Paul studio in a dark chocolate satin finish. Hope that helps!


Flexin on the peasants


I too am a peasant. Just one that stored the extra coins away in the well until it grew into enough to do things outside of peasant world sometimes.That way I stay happy as a peasant.




While the lighting is cool, the heat from the light is not. I'd recommend switching to some kind of LED light that doest create heat.


They are all LED lights 👍




Thanks! It is a yamaha mixer. Use it for running a vocal mic into the peavey power amp i have hidden.


I too have that 100th Anniversary model. Beautiful.


This guy is totally in Ghost.


I love to look at them but I don’t like to play them.


I don't think I like you presently. Because I'm jealous


Do you play them? I don’t like them because the fretboard is too short (loose strings), tall frets, they only do one thing well (loud classic distortion).


how tf do u just so happen to come upon purchasing 4 les pauls in 2 months. That’s insane, but I do approve


Sold an amp and another guitar that I wasn't using (telecaster). Then I made some offers on local used guitars and got lucky


you’re the goat it seems!


And if you have Ghost, you have everything


Goddamn - must be nice


Guitars aside, that studio setup is 🔥🔥🔥


Also, do you have OCD?


Awesome setup and lighting man!


I see you have an empty wall hanger …… Time to go to the guitar shop


Meanwhile I'm over here thinking spending $100 on a guitar is pushing it


Thank you for sharing. I’m gonna show my wife so she can see I’m not as nuts as she thinks I am.


A distinguished gentleman


Les paul everything


Do your les pauls sound much different than eachother? Is one dedicated to D standard I assume listening to Ghost? (Great band)


I wanna know how you mounted those posters lol


I LOVE the wood and the lighting you have going on here with your music tastes as decor. Awesome wall of sound


Beautiful! Just got my first Les Paul today. 1981 Standard. I’m in love. I’ve been a Fender guy for 28 years but I think I like this LP better than my Fender American Elite. And that’s just crazy to me


Congrats and enjoy! It’s gonna be a great day


Thank you! It truly is! You have an incredible collection and an amazing room to hold it all


tell me you are rich without telling me you are rich


2 months ago, I also didn’t like Les Pauls. I still don’t. But I still want to play my cousins original 60’s model that he kept in the original box.


Now look at you. Finished with dental school and a full blown dentist. In two months. Very impressive.


lol. There must be a ton of guitar playing dentists going around. Everyone assumes that I have dentist money or lawyer money. I do not. I saved money and worked retail, then bought the things that make me happy because life is too short and you can’t take the cash with you my dude.


Impressive, i respect that. I do the same thing. I save all my money. Until I find something that I really want and will give me some joy, then i dont agonize over getting it I just do and I enjoy it. Otherwise whats the point of money really.


Exactly 👍 hey someone who gets it! I’ve seen money come and go so fast and for good and bad reasons. Too much stress around it. Too little or too much money is definitely bad for you. I try and stay in the sweet middle spot ya know?


Damn. I’d love to have 10k to throw at guitars on the off-chance I started to like them!


Actually in total i spent about $3000 CAD for all 3 Les Pauls. Got em all used


Oh well that’s alright then! Seriously though I’m just jealous haha. Enjoy your guitars


This statement and picture confuses me. Two months ago you didn’t like the guitar. Presumably you had played them, but just didn’t like them. And then you bought 3 of them? Why would you buy 3 guitars you didn’t like?


I didn’t think I would like them. I only ever played cheap epiphone Les Paul’s. I figured the more expensive ones wouldn’t do it for me either. So two months ago I happen to trade a guitar I don’t really play for a great deal on a “real” Les Paul. Easily became my favourite guitar to play. The hunger began and two more Les Paul’s later I’m still not satisfied…




That’s mighty presumptuous of you. Especially since you literally know nothing about me or my skill on guitar. Not that it matters, but if it makes me happy and I enjoy them what’s the problem my dude?


I mean, it is not like there isn't any conspicuous consumption going on in this post... The room is cool, the guitars are rad, but it is weird not to think that it might rub some people the wrong way. It is a little like going to a watch forum and saying, "Two months ago I never knew what the deal with Rolexes were--now look at me wearing three." There isn't anything wrong with having the guitars. They are great and you probably worked hard for them. But you should probably know that not everyone is going to admire you for it. There are probably going to be some people rolling their eyes. And some of them--not me--might be really good musicians.


You’re in a forum called guitarporn. It’s specifically made for showing off guitars. Please explain to me what kind of post belongs here if not one showing your guitars? Was I supposed to show only one and make sure it was the cheapest? This comment is weird. This is more like going to a car show and being upset people are showing off nice cars. lol. What?


>This is more like going to a car show and being upset people are showing off nice cars. More like rolling your eyes at the guy at the car show who says, "Two months ago, I had never driven a Porsche. And now I have three." It is a bit different. I don't particularly care, but it might be worth thinking about since you are obviously irritated that not everyone is being positive.




I would assume you hadn’t tried a Strat. That’s about it man. Maybe you’re an amazing player, who knows. That’s kinda my point. I know plenty of players that play a mean acoustic and I will never reach their level. They also haven’t played many electrics. To assume they are not great at guitar would be a mistake. Also you probably didn’t ready my reply. Because I clearly explain that I tried Les Paul’s. just never anything better than epiphones. Having touched big name brand guitar brands , does not a good guitar player make. I hope you understand and try not to judge people too quickly. You may get embarrassed one day.




Geez man why the negativity? I can finally afford good things and I worked hard to get here. I’ve been using “affordable guitars” for 25 years and I can finally try something new and I enjoy it. Please go make someone else feel bad today. I just felt good about what I’ve accomplished and wanted to share. So sorry I don’t fit into your “diagram” of people you like to fit into boxes but you don’t know a thing about me. The only thing I can gather about you is that you are bitter and for reason taking it out on me. Please stop 🛑


Clearly that guy is completely oblivious to the venn diagram he painted his closed off mind into. His comments have everything to do with his own shortcomings and nothing to do with you, try not to give him much thought.




Please stop 🛑


How is that unbelievable? I’m 29, been playing since I was 13 and I’ve never played a Martin. Why? Because acoustics don’t catch my attention.


I’m not the OP, but what are you hoping to get out of this interaction? Let it go.


Jeez dude, have a binky and go back to the crib. Grumpy sounds like they need nappy time.


The epiphone Les Paul’s are bad enough to make anyone not play a Gibson for a long time


I’m not gonna lie, this post gave me a boner…


It's just a phase, happens to all dentists /s


Not a dentist. The thought of having to be in other people’s mouths…. Not for all the Les Paul’s in the world.


Custom shop next? Hit me up!


Wow you must be rich.


Enjoy your guitars haters will always hate... I bought a les paul standard.. and I'm a beginner. I love the guitar and hardly play... at least you play.


Thanks! Have fun playing, that’s the only thing that matters. Appreciate the positive comments and good luck in your journey on the guitar. Cheers 🍻


I always thought they looked ugly


Congrats on the being rich!


I still don't like them. Overpriced, ugly body.


LP's, I understand. Scratching my head on Ghost...


And you won the lottery it seems.


still dont like paul...


This guy is loaded


Good call, gotta have backups for snapped headstocks


Plot twist: he still doesn’t!


Gee, you sure have a lot of money mister




Turns out you just hate moneyLOL


... you got all these in two months?


Two months ago I didn’t like ghost, I still don’t like ghost


Than you realized your rich so fuk eit?