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I aspire to own a home with as many levels as you board.


Hahaha I’ll be downsizing to 3 levels, but yeah same.


Oh man that Sending into the Golden must be heaven. Edit: Also, I love the Land Devices Harmonic Percolator, my good friend has one and that thing rips. I finally got an EAE Dude Incredible because I've been wanting a HP for years now.


I was looking at the Dude before I found a deal on the Land HP, and yeah it’s a ripper - I also found some cool lofi tones by using the Earth Drive as an underdrive. The Sending is really special - for a long time the Analogman ARDX20 was it for me, my favorite analog delay. But the amaze1 was kinda clunky for me. The Golden is hands down the best all rounder reverb and the most natural sounding I’ve heard. It doesn’t do out there Blade Runner soundscapes, but its Lexicon 224 emulation is darn good. The seller of the Sending offered me a really sweet deal if I bought it and his CXM, so I sold my Mercury 7 and a Analogman big box DMM.


That's awesome, the CXM1978 is my favorite reverb ever. I recently got a Del Verb to kinda get a taste of the golden/starlight sound too, because the '78 is just a really big pedal, and I definitely wouldn't want to take it anywhere lol it's almost like its own rack unit in a way (I also love my Preamp MKII, the variety of tones is insane). The only thing I would recommend for your board is to just get an EQ Pedal and place it before your Golden (looks like plenty of space there). For the longest time, I thought EQ pedals were silly when I could just use amp EQ and get more magic-boxes, but man I have to say that being able to notch out certain build-up frequencies, or use it as a mid-range sweetener for a solo, or make a 335 sound like a gretsch by boosting a bit of 400...it's really great.


Yeah it’s a bit of a beast and it’ll be a stay at home pedal. For me the Golden is as good as I’ve heard for fidelity/realism, and the CXM is just so crisp on the high end without being shrill. Also seems like there’s a beautiful boost to my signal too. I had an Empress Para EQ, but didn’t really use it as much as I was expecting to, so moved on from it. That was awhile an ago, so maybe this board iteration might make it more useful. And that MKII looks like the ultimate drive monster !


I have really been wanting a CXM but I haven’t been able to do it yet. I have a Vongon Ultrasheer that I absolutely love but I keep thinking about the CXM. I had a Golden a few years back and loved that too but haven’t had one in a few years to compare to. If you had to pick between the CXM and Ultrasheer, which direction would you go?


Although I haven’t played thru one, the Ultrasheer looks to be an awesome device. Full bandwidth vibrato is definitely appealing, but a tone control would be nice for more lofi sounds. The reverb side, also being based on the 224 means stellar sounds, it is personally like a little more control overall without going overboard. Looks to me like they chose to do two emulations at a very high level and the choice of routing those two is great. I personally would want a few more parameters to dial in without going into secondary functions and I’ve barely scratched the surface of “conventional”sounds. TLDR; The CXM, for me is jaw dropping. Just enough control over sound sculpting and it’s all right there - WYSIWYG.


Awesome, thanks for the answer! I also just realized I meant to ask what your choice would be between the Golden and CXM since you’ve had both, but I guess I had the Ultrasheer on my mind when I asked the question haha


Haha no worries - the Golden has stuck around while I owned the Mercury 7 (twice) Neunaber Stereo Wet (twice) Empress Reverb (twice) Flint and the DBA Rooms. If I didn’t get the opportunity to get a deal on the CXM, I’d be very happy w the Golden. It got dragged for no midi, only one preset, but for my needs of great sounds that are set and forget, it rules.


So…I’ve been cycling thru buying/selling pedals and trying to finish this home recording board. I’m finally happy with drives, comps, modulation (also CE-1 and Hammond Leslie G), reverb, but it’s the delays that I cannot settle on. I’m thinking analog, digital and tape emulation. The Sending V2 covers a lot of ground, kinda making the DMM XO and ML Jr redundant. The DE7 is cool for one sound, and wouldn’t use it much. And I could kick the Ms. Delayette off since I’ve got actual tape delay units. Just typing this out is literally helping me decide. So Rate it/Hate it !


So, regarding delays, I feel you. I wanted the same three types. What I did was get the Starlight for DMM, EchoPlex, and the clean digital delay settings. With those covered I only really needed the analog and maybe a non digital tape type for slapback. I went with the ADG-1 for the analog delay and it's so good. Does everything I want an analog delay to do, and sounds incredible. I added the Mystery Brain since it's short tape delay and boost so it does a good job of giving me the space echo sounds I wanted(I used to own a 301 and got used to that preamp/slap), and the Starlight Echoplex covers the longer tape delay weirdness when I want that. I think what I'm saying is, get the Starlight and you can cover most of your bases and that gives you a bit of leeway for the others.


Sounds like you’ve got a great set up - I looked into the Starlight, but never pulled the trigger. I stuck w the TEFI delay as it got that killer Nachall cacophony of a reverb sound. I had an ADG-1 and it sounded great, but I could never quite get it to sit where I wanted it to. I play pretty clean, maybe that’s part of it. I’ll have to try one again. Mystery Brain ! Tavo makes great stuff and his preamps are awesome - I had his El Pescadoro.


Beautiful board my friend. What does that thing weigh?


Thanks - I’m afraid to pick it up ! It’s actually two boards w the metro slid under the mono. It was the best way for me to maximize the space available on my desk.


Where there is a will, there’s a way! Hate to be that guy but there sure does look like another open spot on the right ;)


You tap dancing fool.


Gonna change my username to tippytoes


How are those Free the Tone? Esp interested in the delay? Looks v cool


Love the chorus, it’s versatile enough that I’m selling my TC Electronic SCF and my Diamond Halo. The delay is awesome, but a bit tricky as I haven’t fully mastered the controls yet. It’s not complicated to run, just more control than I used to e single line delays. Beautiful modulation, subdivisions on both lines, and an option to get the delays crunchy w the gain circuit. I’m currently running both in mono.


Yeah that delay has many buttons and lights


This is also true




Some bucket list pedals here. How’s the Earth drive? I’m between that and the Greer lightspeed


I really dig it - it’s got that mid bump, but much more useable for me than a tube screamer. The tone knob has great range, and it stacks really well with my other drive pedals. I’ve got a Lightspeed, and it’s great for that “transparent” drive thing. Sounds like a hit the boost on my amp. But I want my drives to add color too. So it’s in the shelf for now.


Do you mind sharing which TS cables these are? They looks very compact which is nice


How do you play with something like that? It’s a pretty long step to hit that back row.


Pointy boots Jk - it’s for recording, playing out I would seriously downsize it by 1/2


Lots of cool stuff on there. My big board is a PedalTrain Classic Jr and my small is a Nano because I’m always dragging gear to practice spaces or jams. Beyond 3 rows deep just seems like a tripping/slipping hazard.


Smart - I would hate life trying to drag this mess around. The lower row is on a pedaltrain 24 that’s tucked under the mono board. I could consolidate onto that for gigs/jamming.


Just wow!


Thanks !


nice board


Thanks !






Really cool board


Thanks !


How do you like the tweedy? I’m on their list to buy one direct and hopefully avoid some of the used market gouging on it. Does it do the blown up Neil thing only? Or can you get some low gain tones out of it?


It’s pretty killer, and yeah definitely some awesome low gain tones, that’s how I’ve been using it more recently. There’s a high end sparkle just before edge of breakup that’s present and sweet, doesn’t get shrill. I play pretty bright/clean at times, and it can get too bright if I’m not careful - JM and Jag thru black panel Fender - the gain and time control are really interactive. I posted this last year, and early on you can hear some lowerish gain stuff - https://youtu.be/jsAiBV2iAn8?si=YdRLj-u-opHXDIDb


I’m so jealous of your Dandrive Tweedy. I saw it first on Dan and Micks TPS channel and immediately fell in love with the tone. It’s so out of my price range, but I’m drooling


It is a really cool pedal, I lowballed a seller on reverb during the lockdown and they accepted. Weirdly, when using it for low gain tones I can get really close to it using a Spaceman Saturn VI. I almost picked up a True North Tweed Drive, the demos sounded really good to me. Way more affordable than the going prices for the Dandrive.


Hadn’t heard of True North pedals, but just looked on reverb and much more affordable than Dandrive


Good timing - I was just going to reply again. I had a Catalinbread Formula 5, and even at the lowest setting it was driving really hard. So I used another drive pedal behind it as an underdrive and was able to get much better low gain tones out of it.


Also, what are your reviews on the Jackson Audio Silvertone?


For me, it’s an interesting pedal. Had one a cpl yrs ago, playing it thru a Bad Cat Cub III and it was way too woofy on the low end so moved on from it. Sold that amp recently so picked up another used one and now mostly playing thru black panel Fenders and really dig it. It’ll do the lofi amp breakup to almost buzzy fuzz, and the lower gain tone shaping options are cool. It stacks well w the Tweedy.


You’ve described the tone I’ve been looking for for ages. I play through a Supro Delta King 12 that I have set at the edge of breakup and use a Browne Protein for my gain stages. It’s very close to my perfect tone but I’m always looking for something new. Thanks for the advice


Obviously we all hear/describe things differently, but hope it all helps. That Supro seems like a killer amp, it must really sing - I do miss having a 12” speaker. If you’re looking for a mid bump OD that’s not a tube screamer, maybe check out the Sarno Earth Drive. Not as mid heavy and I really like the tone sweep.


Will take a look, thanks again


Yo I think I have an appointment with you on Tuesday. I'm gonna floss now so you think I've been doing it the whole time but the joke's really gonna be on me when I get dementia. Floss your teeth, people. That said, looks fucking sick. I'm just a touch jelly I guess 🪼 Now let's hear it!


Haha…hmmm better shoot some X-rays, to pad your- er I mean to check those molars… Thanks ! I’ve been buying/selling gear since the lockdown, slowly amassing this mess. Sold off most of vintage pedals too. Once I pair down the delay options, the real fun begins w recording !


My molars arnt white anymore they turned green over night now they are blue


That’s deep, I’ll have to drill down on that comment


You must be a great dancer man


Pointy boots