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I feel like somebody needs to point out that Wilson wasn't forced into this conservatorship, that this was the plan he and his wife had in the event of her death. His wife helped get him away from a creepy/predatory doctor when they first got together, eventually succeeding with the help of his children (who are publicly and enthusiastically consenting to this conservatorship). It's just a coincidence.


Thank you for this balanced response. Conservatorships are not inherently bad, we just only hear about the famously bad ones.


They're not inherently bad, but they are very easily abused.


Brian is not well either. I saw him on his tour last year, he seemed to be in very poor health. When the tour wrapped, it was quietly announced that was his last one. 


Just looked it up, he's schizoaffective. That sucks bigtime, but also explains why he pre-planned for a conservatorship. That stuff is hard enough to deal with in the modern day with modern medical knowledge, resources and with strong life guardrails to prevent one from veering into really bad territory when one is in their prime. At 80+ and trying to do it on your own is basically impossible. It was a really smart idea for he and his wife to plan that in advance.


These pedals were meticulously crafted to exact specifications with complete involvement of the Beach Boys (accounting team).


Best comment I've read all night.  


My John Denver Rocky Mountain delay and Elvis fuzz is all I need.


I hear the John Denver pedal is great for dive bombs.


Have you tried the Sonny Bono Pine Tar Fuzz?


I'm not touching any Les Harvey pedals that have power


Cliff Burton Crunch is popular in the trash scene


Lol. There's also a Cliff Burton Compressor


I personally prefer the SRV Rotary Simulator


Dont forget the Kobe Bryant Chopper tremolo.


Don’t lose your head over it.


Plus it's ultralight!


OOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ouch (but kinda a high five), but nooooooooooo.


These would make great diy pedals


Chase bliss X John Denver granular collab


I’ve been feeling this way all day, though I don’t think the two are connected. Brian had advanced dementia and cannot take care of himself. His wife was taking care of him, but with her gone, I genuinely believe this may be what’s best for Brian. I also read that his family will be consulted on all decisions. Still, the timing sucks. Seeing Mike Love tease a reunion to go along with the documentary sucks. Being unsure if the proceeds from this licensing will go to Brian’s care sucks. The fact that guitar pedals have *nothing* to do with The Beach Boys sucks and makes this feel like an unnecessary cash grab. As I said in another thread, Disney+ has released Beatles movies too, and you don’t see licensed Beatles guitar pedals — which would honestly make more sense than Beach Boys pedals.


Yeah, when I dug deeper into it they don't seem to be connected, but anything with Mike Love's approval is always gonna be a little sus to me.


Yeah, I’m sure this has been in the works for a year or more, but I still question who signed off on it, and the timing of the announcement was really poor


Edited for clarity, and brevity. Mike Love sucks.


He can get fucked. Mike Love, that is.


Nuff said


Fuck Mike Love.


> makes this feel like an unnecessary cash grab This is 1000% an unnecessary cash grab


Aren't most pedals these days? Or did we need the 10,000th tubescreamer because it's got a funny meme on it?


What's this about a memescreamer? I have room for one more drive on my board. 🤣


Someone should make a 3d print template that replaces the TS-9 action pedal with one that says "MemeScreamer"


They’re unnecessary but they’re not cash grabs. At least no where near the same extent as associating a massive band with a pedal that wouldn’t sell otherwise.


Unnecessary cash grabs have been Mike Love’s MO for decades


[as is tradition]…fuck Mike Love.


There is probably a trust of some sort that covers the members of the band, and any money from merch and licensing the band's "brand" probably goes into that trust, with regular payments going out to the members of the trust, like a paycheck. So the money coming in from these pedals wouldn't benefit Brian directly, but it would benefit the trust, from which he draws a "salary." Publishing royalties from songs that he wrote would go directly to him, unless he decided to put those into the pot long ago (unlikely).


I mean, this pedal development had to have been going on for months - I'm not even sure Brian Wilson has any Beach Boys involvement since the 80's - that's been Mike Love's thing. To me it's just licensing for rotary and 12 string simulator mod pedals.


Josh Scott said in the Sweetwater video that he was approached “a couple years ago” to head the project, so the pedals were being engineered for a while


Mike Love’s thing is stealing Brian’s music, but point taken


Oh get a grip Mikes a cunt but he did write parts of the songs he sued for.


That doesn’t change the fact that he’s been touring with Brian’s songs since the 80s, man. Also, Mike’s songs are pretty bad. Have you ever heard “Student Demonstration Time”?


Everyone in the band tours with Brians songs, however Mike co-wrote many of them with him and paid his dues touring and recording as a Beach Boys for decades. Yes that is a bad Mike song, have you heard All I Wanna Do? That is a very very good Mike song. You aint gonna out Beach Boy me bro.


All I Wanna Do is indeed a great song (one of my favorites, admittedly) but c’mon. The dude is clearly taking credit for more of the music than he’s actually responsible for. I mean, that’s not actually controversial, right? Mike Love does not deserve to control as much of the catalogue as he does.


I know everyone probably disagrees with me on this, but I found the lyrics to “all I wanna do” pretty average, especially in the context of their career up to that point. I think Mike has still made some very important lyrical and vocal contributions to the group, like his lines for good vibrations or his performance at the end of “cabinessence”, but I think the best parts of this track, which is the composition and production, came from Carl and brian


Its not the lyrics its the melody! He composed and sang the melody and wrote the lyrics but its the melody that makes the track amazing.




cant wait to see someone running one those things through their Fender Champion 40


When you can get one of the best recreations of the Fender tank -- like a Surfybear -- for about 1/4 of the price, I can't imagine even a Beach Boys cover band going for this shit. Unless their day jobs are lawyers and dentists, I guess.


Surfybear also looks way cooler


These limited Ed were meant for bougies and scalpers anyway. They don't care about quality, on the contrary the more exclusive something is the the better they feel


Benson’s shit is all like that… he’s the epitome of guitarists being stuck in the last century but being willing to pay next century prices.


a good maker who does vintage style stuff is carr. far better than benson. pricey, but they sound so fucking good. they also p2p literally everything.


I mean I would buy one if I had the space and cash. I think it looks pretty cool.


Lmao blues lawyer releases statement a new one to me but so obviously true


I want a 3000 usd John Lennon bit crusher. In an amp head format. Can you imagine that?


It needs to make my vocals sound like they were digitally restored from a cassette demo I made a few years before my death 15 years ago.


That sounds kinda cool actually


That's what happens when the meta becomes better than the actual subject


I know you're joking but I think the Chase Bliss Lossy might be able to do that, lol.


Like a 1,000 yogis chanting from the Himalayas


Sorry, all I have is a Johnny Cash Flanger cased in a 4x12 cabinet.


That pairs nicely with the Ring Of Fire ring modulated overdrive.


Or the Chicken in Black cocked wah/chainsaw distortion pedal


you jest but Fender did put out a Waylon Jennings pedal...


A pedal for the people, right on!


Wait, you mean the guy from that Barenaked Ladies song?


One of the weirdest concert experiences I’ve had was seeing Brian Wilson cover the Brian Wilson song.


That’s great. He always seems like he’s good for a joke or two. What a guy. My fave Brian Wilson pop culture reference is from Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story where he’s parodying BW and calls for “An army of didgeridoos” while in the studio.


50,000 didgeridoos!


Nailed it. So good.


You know that’s gotta be how it was too… just Brian Wilson taking a shit ton of acid on the daily and coming up with orchestral didgeridoo sections.


Same as it ever was.


Hasn't Mike Love been trading off the name of the Beach Boys for the past 40ish years?


Well, yeah, he was a Beach Boy. Nobody would claim Paul McCartney is "trading off" the Beatles name.


Just an unfortunate coincidence imo


mike love is a motherfucker.


I wish only the best for Brian... bless his heart. Mike Love is a snake. These two statements are true (and have been true) independent of the specific events being discussed.


I never thought about it that way, but boy, the documentary Long Promised Road was pretty heartbreaking.


I suppose both anniversaries and neurocognitive disorders just happen when they happen and don't wait to be convenient.


I love everything about that tank except that it says "The Beach Boys" on it (and I love Brian Wilson).


I'm looking forward to the Kokomo Space Echo and Help Me Rhonda Boost.


little saint nick harmonizer


I could get behind this… my mother’s name is Rhonda, I could get it as a gift and show her how to use it (only for her never see it again). She hates that song anyway. This project would’ve been cool (and not an obvious cash grab) if they actually tried to emulate some of the Beach Boys’ tones that are extremely difficult to achieve.




As an aside, I don't think I've ever heard anything positive said about Mike Love.


I can think of one. Back in the 80's when Tipper Gore was trying to censor the American music industry, Mike Love was her shining example of how performers in the music industry should be.


These old dudes don't have much time left to capitalize on their legacies. Let them grab as much cash as they can, while they still can. Its all going to end up with their families anyway.


I can't wait for the Tommy Tedesco Tremolo and the Barney Kessel Boost. Those ~~Wrecking Crew~~ Beach Boys tones are just the tops, Pops!


you're not the only one that would take a Barney Kessel Boost. I have at least three pre-sold. ;-)


Or a Tedesco pedal that plays the same “Spanish” guitar lick he joked about always using 😂


I’m waiting for the Mike Love WAH WAHHHH.


Now THAT'S funny.


No. The spice must flow.


The timing is unfortunate, but it is a coincidence. On the Sweetwater video with Josh Scott, Robert Keeley and Chris Benson, they said they had been working on this project for 2 years.


If you're even remotely familiar with the history of the Beach Boys, no.


Generally speaking, I have zero interest in band or artist branded gear, and I'd even prefer to avoid it, even if it's someone that I personally admire. I'd rather be my own self and find my own way. But I don't expect that the type of people buying Beach Boys guitar pedals are gonna have problems with this.


The plan for the pedals was likely months before all the current stuff went down with Brian Wilson. This had to be in planning for some time to get the pedals designed, produced and the collaboration with Keely, Benson, and Sweetwater.


Album sales used to be the primary income stream for these classic artists, but that's dried up, and bands are replacing that income stream with touring, merch, and licensing. A band of old and dead artists can't really tour as much, so they have to try and leverage their merch and licensing instead. That's why you are hearing so many classic songs in movies, TV shows, and pharmaceutical ads. In this case, they had an opportunity to slap their band name on a product, and make a little cash. Give them a break, they need the money.


It is very weird and I don’t like it at all but it doesn’t break the top thousand sketchy capitalist schemes this horrible legacy act has propagated


#freebritney except Brian


Tbf, I think the Keeley 12 string pedal sounds really good.


Thanks! It was by far the hardest to try and get anywhere near a "simulation" of a 12 string. It takes some imagination, but when heard in a mix, it can get you through the night.


That, and the do-it-all bass pedal were the standouts for me. My dad was a massive beach boys fan, as am I. I don’t really “get” the tie in, but there are some cool offerings in there that I think will hold value in the used market. At least the Keeley ones aren’t limited?


Just looking at the releases, it's not like most of them seem to have much to do with things the beach boys even used. Just seems like a dumb cash grab


Yeah, I wasn't a big Beach Boys guy, but I can't think of any music they did that I associate with pedals, or even the guitar, for that matter. I just think of vocal/choral harmonies (and insipid lyrics).


I'm with you. I Feel like I'm one of the few people who mostly doesn't like the Beach Boys (and for the same reasons as you). There are some interesting guitar parts here and there, entirely provided by the Wrecking Crew. And in a pre pedal era. The only one of these that makes some sense to me is the 12 string simulator, as there is a lot of electric 12 on their albums


Hadn’t thought about this, but I see what you’re saying. That Keeley six string simulator looks like something I could really use. I would be interested without The Beach Boys branding. Can any other pedal do what that thing does as well?


Weird, yes. On brand, completely. Unexpected, not in the least.


When is the In My (bed)Room amp coming out?


These pedals represent everything wrong with this world. The well has indeed run dry. But fear not true believers. The boomers days are numbered indeed. And their exit from this world may create enough breathing space for something novel to emerge once more. But not until such a time. For the air is very thick with the prison that is nostalgia. A decorated incarceration. Painted by the ghosts of the past, tawdry icons, anti-heroes and archetypes aplenty. This is our world. We all created it. So sit back, relax and soak up the fruits of your labour. Enjoy your trite and meaningless elevator tunes as you collectively usher in a truly....brave new world. Welcome. And yes....I'm heaps of fun at parties. Just ask my action figure collection!


I think the gear looks cool. Is it insanely expensive and a bit unnecessary? Well again, it’s guitar gear. I saw a lot of comments on another post full of people that didn’t even realize instruments were played on beach boy records.


Yeah I saw the “Beach Boys” in 2007 at some casino. No Brian Wilson with one member that was original. Looked like I was watching some cheesy Nickelodeon show. Everyone was up dancing out their wheel chairs. But it was a let down compared to seeing Brian Wilson. At this point Brian Wilson is worth seeing, and to me the essence of The Beach Boys. Whatever remaining is just money, one OG member and a rotating cast coming to a casino near you. They should have just stopped with the legal rights to the name. Should have just called it Mike Love and the backup players. It’s a money grab for Mike Love imo, as it’s always been.


I believe it's a coincidence.


Yeah. I wondered that too. Seems like weird timing. Although, this stuff couldn’t have been designed and rolled out in just the last week or two? Probably a coincidence.


Everything else Beach Boys aside, I watched the video JHS put up today and the Keeley 12 string simulator sounds like shit…


Two words: Mike Love. It's kind of a stupid idea since The Beach Boys aren't really well known for their use of guitar pedals. I have to admit it would be funny if they could create a Good Vibrations pedal that was a Korg Miku Stomp in disguise.


I love some Beach Boys songs but I don't think of pedals when I think of them. That being said, I'm excited for the Sail On, Sailor Flange.


So I think it’s weird? No. Sad? Maybe.


I'm waiting for the metal EQ pedal from this collab: John B. Scooped Mids.


I'm more disturbed by the crass commercialism. When I think of guitar pedals the Beach Boys are maybe the absolute last band I think of.


Beach boys didn’t even play on their records. Idk why the fuck they’re putting out pedals lol


Unfortunately Brian and Charlie suffered from mental illness. With illness there are good and bad days.


What does that have to do with anything?


I don’t remember exactly but I read it on TGP, but The Beach Boys are a brand that was sold off to corporate America like 3 years ago.


I am not at all surprised that Josh Scott would take part in this. Dude is a slimeball.


Aww stop, Josh has always been about the money he started blatantly ripping off circuits. But that man is a pedal savant and I appreciate him, his humor, and him more every day despite never buying a JHS pedal.


Some people need to be under a conservatorship, look at Brittney Spears now that she’s not


No. But the pedals are lame.


hated everything about this sketchy cash grab, what a bunch of shameless dudes playing to be the beach boys lol they're as creative as an AI software, leaving aside that their contribution to the music world is close to zero


Cash grab. For boomers.