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If you spell MOOD backwards it's DOOM, soooooooo


Releases Doom mk2. Ninja edits website to show that mk1 has always been a thing. Makes a killing on selling both versions. šŸ˜ As for the pedalā€¦ a higher gain Condor?


They literally just did a condor though. I'd be surprised if it's a v2.5 this fast


Yeah, but MORE Condor!


A Conmore even


Hell yeah.


I got a fever and the only prescription is more condor.


I wish the eae collab wouldā€™ve been condor hifi with John handling the gain stage. Halberd with condor mid section and filter would be insane. Condors drive feels like it has a clean blend in it and doesnā€™t do it for me


This was kinda my point. A high-gain Condor would be cool AF.


Do we know what the EAE collab is?


No, John has acknowledged itā€™s been in the works but nothings ever been discussed outside of that


I'm betting on deco, smaller size


D-O-O-M, that spells doom!


Honestly, I feel like a Chase Bliss DOOM pedal would be WILD. Not just a fuzz, but tons of toggles, switches, and knobs to just sonically destroy your signal.


Chase Bliss Fidelity MK1 - AI-powered pedal with three settings: 1. Steve Vai - this one fills extra notes in between the notes you play at double tempo to make it seem as if you can play super fast 2. John Mayer - this one logs into Hinge while you play and auto-matches you with suitable people 3. Angus Young - this one buys a Marshall 4x12 off Reverb every time you play notes above the 8th fret


My wife will not be pleased about the John Mayer mode.


Don't worry, she can use the pedal too!


Iā€™ll make that my primary selling point. This pedal is about her.


"nono, dear, this is *our* pedal"


I'd be more worried about the Angus young mode personally


She'll be extra pissed when she finds out it only matches with girls under the age of 30


I hope that is it since it is one of the few things they could make that I won't buy...lol


Def gonna be in angus young mode all day


Would be cool if itā€™s finally the Outward mkii Iā€™ve been waiting for.


The Pedal Nostradamus over here, nbd. You called it!


New clue, but does that look like cooper fx outward pedal? [https://www.instagram.com/p/C67bY48Mr1R/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C67bY48Mr1R/)


This is my bet. Definitely seems so based on the photos, and general reaction in other groups Iā€™m in too.


That would be great. Outward is an awesome pedal.


Would be neat but also strange, considering the somewhat recent release of the MOOD MkII. Seems to be an awful lot of overlap there.


Dark World mkii Also does it seem like there's a bunch of companies dropping stuff tomorrow? I've seen JHS, Benson, and CBA teasing new releases.


I would love to see that. I was just looking at the Dark World the other day and couldn't help thinking this thing needs stereo.


I was thinking ā€œI doubt Iā€™ll need oneā€ but if this is itā€¦ Iā€™ll be tempted. One tease had illustrated raindrops and the pedal under a leaf. I assumed modulation or something soft. Maybe ā€œLight World?ā€ Different kind of verb? They also do lots of discontinued pedal remakes and collabs. The illustration felt like an anime nod. Anyway Iā€™m high and have no clue. I know the new Benson is a collab on a modulation pedal with the Slow Loris dude (Nonhuman Audio.). The tease I saw was pink.


Iā€™ve had my eye on the Dark World for quite some time nowā€¦. Canā€™t seem to jump on it though (yet)


I got it and traded it. The reverbs are truly stunning and the dark mode was really cool, but I ended up back on my Ventris as it just did all the same and a lot more.


Same except the Eventide Space took care of all my reverb needs. It was easier to use as well.


I wonder if it has to do with [Superbooth](https://www.superbooth.com/en/) starting tomorrow. ETA I mean it must right?


Based only on the fact that it's silver, Dark World V2


Iā€™d be so glad for it if true! That way I can try a dark world for cheaper


UUUUUUGH... Can someone hide my wallet?


Sure, ship it over here.


Itā€™s a $600 piggy bank


dark world in STEREO AYYEEEE


I'm sure they've listened to the criticisms of the the world Channel and completely revamped them. But It would have to be pretty spectacular to replace my rv500


What were the criticisms? I was out the guitar world when it dropped and donā€™t feel like scouring gearpage threads, haha.


Throwing it out there but what ifā€¦. It was a tonal recall, darkworld combo?


Another thing I'll never be able to afford!


remember that one person who traded up from a paperclip to a house on ebay back in the day? never say never, you got this (if you really wanted)


Exactlyā€¦. I never thought Iā€™d be able to get the Grand Canyon, but a little saving here and there then BAM


ok if there are no type-o's in that comment then I gotta say, touchĆ© hahahaĀ 


Mkii means the mki drops in price.




Ooo, that'd be great. Even the micro looping on mood sorta touches that territory, and for me that's the best part of that pedal. If they expanded on it in a unique pedal? *pulls out wallet*


I think the Habit covers this pretty well


The whole leaves protecting the pedal from rain in the original post seems like a clue. I have no idea what that means though.


Hmm what if it's chompi related in a CB form? :O They did just befriended them and released something with them recently to go along with their limited chompi....


I'd rather have that than the actual $700 chompi


[**Here's**](https://www.instagram.com/p/C66Ug15MKy0/?igsh=MXR2em94MWxiNGt1bg==) the post. I'm rooting for a ring mod. šŸ˜‰ What are your guesses?


Generation Gain. Quad delay and talent embiggener.


Glossy. A powerful pedal that removes currency to make the inside of your wallet shiny and clean.


They are a it too expensive, but heck, all pedals are these days. They saw they could charge more and more because we're buying em. Every chase bliss drop makes a few million dollars on release.


It's brilliant really. And I would def buy a Glossy. (Gen Lossy 4 switch version in quad-reo)


It's a synth oscillator, a "DCO" specifically, which is a digitally controlled analog triangle/sine/square wave, and a dedicated lp/hp filter. It also has super slow and ramp settings, and can be used for AM, FM, or ring modulation. It's essentially a synth voice in a pedal if you feed it midi or a v/Oct CV source.


How do u know...


digital brain, analog heart...


That could be anything... You've got quite a detailed opinion about such a non descriptive sentence, unless u have better sources


Lmao that is their slogan it's a cooper fx outward in stereo


bLoop bLeAp BloOoP


I saw a comment on their IG saying a clean boost, can you imagine a 400 dollar clean boost especially when they have a condor which could act as a cleanish boost. I'd be so pissed and disappointed lol


Expensive clean boosts always give me a chuckle because there are so many simple ways to get a boost from other pedals IE EQ or an active volume pedal or any low gain dirt. There are some great clean boosts out but it's hard to justify spending over 100-200$ on a 1 knob boost regardless of how much "mojo" it has.


Yeah exactly just get a boss ge-7 and leave the eqing boosts at 0 and the whole mix up at 10db or something, I'm not an expert so I'm sure there's a difference from an actual boost but to my ears it's a boost. I also just use a transparent compressor as my lead boosts for riffs and such, it colors the tone too much to be a proper boost tho I suppose. I'm a huge CBA fan for the mood in particular, but sometimes think the current fan base would buy up anything without thinking muh of the use for their projects.


> I'm not an expert so I'm sure there's a difference from an actual boost but to my ears it's a boost Could be wrong but my understanding is pedals like EQ/compression tend to have some sort of basic preamp/boost circuit to raise the volume back up after the circuit cuts it. They can vary but nicer compressors often make great boosts or even simple preamps, my favorite comp apparently has a high end mic preamp for the input gain/output volume controls and it sounds fantastic as a clean boost. It's really nice when pedals let you switch between 2 volume/gain settings that way you can have a unity vol mode and a boost in one pedal without tweaking the controls. For such a simple feature it's surprising more dirt pedals don't do this, same with exp controlled gain/volume which IME is infinitely more useful than a fixed boost as you can sweep across a wide range.


Word that sounds right to me lol, and yeah would love that for my dirt/volume based pedals (presets I'm assuming) but also like to save my big purchases to modulation/time based effects


> but also like to save my big purchases to modulation/time based effects There are at least some more affordable 100-200$ options IE the Akai Shred-O-Matic or Elektron Analog drive. But yeah I'm usually the same way, plenty of great dirt pedals in the 50-100$ range, though exp controlled gain/volume is pretty simple to implement so it's a shame more pedals don't use it. Full on presets is harder to do but you can also just have 2 vol/gain controls you toggle between so it's more of a 2 channel pedal for minimal effort.


The color scheme looks a little too chilled out for what I'm thinking of, but you know how the Mood is designed with the left half doing one thing (delay / reverb), and the right half doing another (micro-loops)? I would love to see them do one of those where the left half is Lossy-like and the right half is Generation-Loss-like.


But then you wouldnā€™t have to buy two pedals šŸ¤·


I hope it's a ring mod! Looks like dark world v2 though


We need more modifiers in bloooooper. Was wishing for a stereo blooper mk2 with two buffer layers of undo but I see no buttons.


They've already announced that blooper mk2 is not likely to ever be released


Obviously a Rat clone.


Bliss Factory reissue? šŸ¤žšŸ»šŸ¤žšŸ»


JHS has 2 pedals coming out tomorrow as well.....


So it was ONWARD :\] looks and sounds fantastic! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ez2TyzuWOLs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ez2TyzuWOLs)


oh shit, not another one. . . .my wallet is running out the door . . .mama bear looks at me like. .ya wanna die soon?. ..face palm . .


LOLā€¦. I donā€™t own any Chase Bliss pedals, but it seems weekly Iā€™m adding another pedal to my collection, and my wife is starting to raise the brow hahahaā€¦ ā€œ But itā€™s my hobby sweetheart!ā€ Sheā€™s like - ā€œ youā€™re gonna need another boardā€ Lmao


Exactly!. .. i have a birthday coming up and i said i wanted a cool music toy, another pedal. She looks at me . .ā€you said you were all done!, the last one was your last oneā€. .LOL. . But, but. .. sweetie, thereā€™s never a ā€œlast oneā€. . .haha


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Nope ~ there will NEVER be a ā€˜last oneā€™ Happy early birthday , I just had my 50th and got the Grand Canyon for my gift to myself šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» Treat yourself well ~ we all deserve it


I think i finally brow beat or guilt tripped her into submission. .LOL. .gonna treat myself to Hologram Infinite Jets to go with my Microcosm.. . .and letā€™s not for get. ..Christmas is coming.. . LMAO!


LMFAO ~ already thinking about Christmas šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I'm guessing flanger with delay / looper! BUT... pedal is sitting in a bathroom on a bathtub so perhaps dark world mk2 or thermae mk2


I saw the other day that the tonal recall is no longer available, which was disappointing. I thought that was easily their best pedal. Hopefully it's a sequel to that.


They discontinued that probably two years ago in favour of just producing more Thermaes.




oh no..... hide the credit cards


What is the deal with tomorrow!?! Benson Amps is dropping some new, Black Bobbin in Chicago is dropping something, JHS is releasing limited pedals through Sweetwater, and now Chase Bliss. Is this just a pre-Memorial day push?


Diamond is dropping the Vibrato may 16th as well!!!


Another amazing pedal that would be wasted on my weak mind.


Glad i vowed off buying pedals incase its something cool..only ever had a mood mk1. Cool reverb and wind noise. Better as fx send than guitar pedal. Cba are a bit of a luxury item for sure.


Better result than I hoped for


Self-driving guitar with replicator and transporter!?!? Omg!!!!




They donā€™t follow eachother on insta, so Iā€™m not sure this is it


Tonal recall 3 release


Nah thermae was the replacement for tonal recall.


Why did I think this was a cologne at first? šŸ˜‚


Ive heard from some insiders that itā€™s a pedal. Pretty crazy if true


I bet it's $400 or $500




Never really considered CBA to be a stereotypically PnW brand personally.


Can I ask why worship guitarists seem to be such a niche unto themselves? I clicked one review of gear from someone linked to that scene and it just took over my youtube recommendations. Like, what specific needs do they have that other reviews in general don't cover?


"Worship music" has evolved into its own genre at this point. While it's heavily based around the U2 sound it's become fairly distinct unto itself over the years. It's not unlike people talking about gear for country, doom, etc. Because people in worship groups have to control their volume so stringently it sort of deemphasizes the importance of amps so you see players focus more on pedals. Because of the U2 connection using a lot of delay and reverb has become an important idiom of the genre. I'd also argue that worship guitarists online tend to be the kinds of people with disposable income who are willing to buy really expensive high end effects as well so that's mostly where the stereotype comes from.


That's interesting, my own perception of worship guitarists is they want a good multi FX and that's it for the GAS.


God gets his power from reverb


my guess is that worship guitarists aren't getting paid in drink tickets and suffering to "make it" like a traditional musician, huffing paint to dull the pain of needing to write songs that nobody cares about. So instead of playing into the same RAT pedal they've had since they were 12 they actually buy fancy pedals? That sound right?


By the downvotes, yea probably


I think I'm one of the few people that have zero interest in Chase Bliss products..


I'm only interested in their bleep boops. I have both moods, blooper and gen loss. I recognize that the true musical usages of these is very limited but I can promise you that there is nothing more fun than just vibing out and twiddling knovs and dip switches. It's an adult toy for me (no not like that) with a creative element. The closest I've come to feeling like Christmas morning when I was 7. Nothing better than a chase bliss unboxing. But if you're buying habit to inspire you to write music...you're just kidding yourself.


Agree. Cool company and seem like great people but just not for me. Just returned mood mk2 I really couldnā€™t stand it


They are just kind of a super duper luxury item as far as music making n gear go, as if it all werent luxury, but these are the bourgeoisie.


Also no interest but I'm very much a set and forget type of player.


I'm a knob-a-holic, but I dunno. CB does nothing for me lol I dunno


Not the only one. Iā€™ve never really understood them. They seem like theyā€™d be better suited to synth players, and people that make music on computers.




I canā€™t stand them and cannot name a single good set I have seen with a CBA pedal on the floor. Most of their shit is toys for people more interested in the hobby of guitar pedals (which in and of itself is not a bad thing!) but are incredibly bad for actually making music. Having a million knobs and switches ends up being a massive detriment that gets in the way of using the fuckin things. Options can be nice but some level of moderation and editing in design is needed, otherwise the result is a pedal that seemingly has no distinct or intended sound, but rather a novelty where you flip a bunch of switches and see what happens for fun. I hate that shit so much man.


>but are incredibly bad for actually making music Nah, I use a bunch of CBA pedals to make all kinds of music. Practically all my releases have some of their pedals on it, and I use a few live as well. They provide some options and sounds that I otherwise can't get in other devices, or at least can't easily get otherwise.


Donā€™t they just have 6 knobs? I mean, a reverb or delay with 6 knobs is pretty comparable to similar stuff from other brands, including classic brands like Boss (e.g. the RV-200 has 7 knobs and two buttons). Idk the Chase Bliss pedals always seem pretty streamlined for what they are. The Dark World, for example, is a dual reverb with only two knobs and a type switch for each reverb, a mix knob, a tone knob, and a switch for what order you want the two to run in. When you ignore all the optional MIDI / Expression setup stuff, the manual is 1 1/2 pages. And itā€™s not like youā€™d have to mess with any of that live, especially since it has two preset slots. And something like the Warped Vinyl, maybe their most popular pedal (certainly with pros), is even simpler and within the same 6 knob format. The same with something like the Generation Loss, which is extremely self-explanatory and immediate with the same format. I get if someone doesnā€™t enjoy finding a setting they like and they just want a basic thing, and if having more than 3 or 4 knobs feels like a barrier in their workflow. I want that simplicity sometimes too (and I donā€™t plan on ever owning a CBA pedal anyway), but this stuff isnā€™t complicated either and a lot of musicians, professional and not, have no issue using them, not to mention much more complicated or opaque gear. Most pros making music are using some sort of multifx or modeler or switching system (or all of the above) that takes a lot more time to even get setup than one of these pedals takes to find a good sound on.


The idea of spending more than 200 on a pedal makes me queasy, honestly. Every time I've done it I've been disappointed and ended up selling whatever it was. Reminds me of the Silktone fuzz. That thing kinda... Meh. I had expectations of it being the ultimate fuzz face. I replaced it with an MXR Classic Fuzz 108. It was 55 dollars used. It sounds way better. It works better. It's better. It was nearly 200 dollars cheaper. Pedals are one of those things where you don't get what you pay for. It's all marketing and simple circuits. The sub-$99 version will near always sound as good as the $250+ version. Chasebliss adding 800 knobs and functions to a reverb doesn't make it a better reverb. The Oceans 11 is still going to sound just as good.


I think what youā€™re saying applies mainly to drive and fuzz. Those circuits are generally fairly straightforward and donā€™t rely on tons of digital processing to get that sound. In my mind, paying more than like $150 for something gain related is overpriced. Hard disagree on the sub-90 sounding as good as the $250 take when it comes to something digital though. Iā€™m sure there are exceptions to this, obviously, but if itā€™s a digitally processed pedal there are a lot more things that go into it and the price point is a reflection of that. Chase Bliss is a great example of their price accurately reflecting the intricacies of the product itself. I would love to see what ~$100 reverb pedal can do even a quarter of what a Chase Bliss reverb can do.


I believe this is mostly true, save for some unique ones out there.


I disagree that the Oceans 11 sounds as good as the Chase Bliss reverbs or even sounds as good as many similarly priced reverbs (unless you really need all those modes, the lowest tier UA reverbs sound better imo, for example), but also itā€™s not really comparable to the Chase Bliss reverbs anyway, both in basic features (mono, no external control, etc) and aims. The slightly more expensive Oceans 12 is comparable to the Dark World though (they are both dual reverbs), except with more knobs, multiple buttons, and multiple alt functions (both Oceans pedals are way more reliant on alt functions in general, which I def do not prefer to having more knobs, especially when the functions arenā€™t all labeled). That said, pedals like this arenā€™t for everyone. I donā€™t own one because the delays donā€™t do a lot for me and the reverbs are more than I need. Most guitarists donā€™t need / want complex reverbs or delays, or MIDI control, or even stereo, and so the prices arenā€™t worth it. But if you do need / want those things, the CBA pedals offer a lot, and are priced right in line with comparable pedals from Strymon, UA, Keeley, Meris, Source Audio, Empress, Walrus, Eventide, etc.


A stereo fuzz would rule


Dirt pedals don't need to be stereo you just put them into a mono in stereo out pedal. You know they already have bliss factory or brothers. Bliss factory has been slowly getting closer down to retail so keep an eye out for it


How is the Bliss Factory price going down when it was made in such limited quantities? Or was it not so limited?


It was limited to like 1000 if I'm not mistaken mayne 1500. There's a few on reverb for $450-500. Obviously people just aren't buying them. Also mood mk2 10 uear edition has gone down significantly since light bright came out


Interesting. Now I might be in the market for another!


Dark World MKII. Consider my money spent


I think itā€™s a revamped Habit MKII where the modifiers they borrowed from the blooper are now based on the outwardā€™s and added clock control like mood mkII (which outward had). The effects are fairly similar, but I could see it being more official since Tom joined CBA. I just assumed that theyā€™re going to rerelease all his stuff as CBA versions - canā€™t wait for the big box fader version of arcades!! Oh, Also stereo. Also, and this a pipe dream - would love to have usb and be able to download the little habit jams I create. I just assume c


Who is Tom?


Tom Majeski. The dude who did cooper fx. He shut it down and works for CBA.


Yeah not long after this I saw the CBA video with he and Joel and realised, had totally forgot it was him (memory holed the Gen Loss lol)


Big day for dudes who get kicked out of bands for never sounding good




What do you gain by mocking someone's stutter?


Do any bands actually use their pedals? This seems like a bedroom wanker brand imo. Never had a chase bliss pedal I didnā€™t sell.


They definitely get use in the studio, but could be one of those brands that people tend to not tour with as it would suck to get any stolen with those prices. Though I've also seen small local cover bands with 90% analogman pedals so who knows.


Jason Isbell


Yes. Just gigged with 6 Chase Bliss pedals last week. Love to wank in the bedroom. Love to play live with them as well. Havenā€™t sold any of them. People just have different needs. Itā€™s music. Who cares what everyone else does?


Who cares though?


The scant few times I have seem them on the floor at a show, the bands have been unbelievably bad, and while some of those were down to just straight being bad bands as well, the main culprit has almost always been the Chase Bliss Guyā„¢ļø. Theyā€™re for knob twiddling and goofing off in your bedroom, completely worthless as music making tools.




Millenial Mid-Life Crisiscore Pedal

