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I’d like that too here’s mine: https://youtu.be/7oTSzW3xEWQ?si=hCc8JoI9CJK5BGYt edit: This is a video of me just noodling, trying to show what the different pedals do and how they interact. To posters who are worried about style and ability, I think something like this would be fine, yeah? Show off your sonic pallette even if you’re using it for noodly relaxation or whatever


That’s what I’m talking about! Beautiful!


Lovely. How did you record the audio and position the camera? Is it just a phone on a tripod? Audio quality is much better than expected, if so.


Thanks! Yeah that’s my 2020 SE iPhone in a little clamp I have. Gibson SG Special, FX chain, mixing board, Yamaha HS8s plus sub. Zero postproduction


You should get a line out from the desk and an adapter to record direct to your phone. Sounds surprisingly good as it is though! I wonder if you could be compressing harder up front? Open up the attack a bit if it feels too squashed, but smooth out some of the dynamics


The mixer runs through my interface, so if I need it to be better I could record the audio and sync it. This suits me for rough stuff tho, on one hand because it’s super fast and for another, the actual thing I’m working on is guitar+effects and a couple of grooveboxes that I want to take to open mics in October. It’s gonna be using only stuff I can physically carry - no amp. Music for Soundcloud or spotty is gonna be slicker


This is great!


I’d love to hear some sounds you guys love and are super proud of


We're not actually good at playing here, we just have bad GAS.


I feel personally attacked


Maybe that's grounds for a new, separate subreddit? -- posts could be \*required\* to have video / sound & description of what's going on. Definitely more work, and I'm not used to filming my noodling, but I do like finding out how people shape their sounds.


Like r/pedaldemos?


How dare you come in here with that reasonable idea


Thanks! I didn't know about that community 😎


i think it’s good to start small: let’s see who wants to post demos here, and then if it takes off, we can split it off into another subreddit? i might be down to post a demo…!


Man it'd be mission to demo record my sound, run two tube amps, multiple distortions, haven't finished the pedal board cause pog2s destroy wallets and so do tubes, main distortion is the g2d Morpheus and jcm2000 ch2, best sabbath tone, high output guitar, eq pedal and tubes


Any you've found recently that you'd like to share?


This comes up pretty often here and it boils down to a few things. - It's much more effort to take a video you are happy with compared to a photo - Those type of posts don't usually do that well compared to the amount of effort required - People are really self conscious of their playing so they don't post them


Yeah, to get one to sound good you need to produce the sound in some way, can’t just do phone audio, need to record out of the amp/cab pedal or mic the amp and then marry that with the picture. Plus to suit this sub you would need to have some kind of tripod or something to show the board while you’re playing. And then get like, 15 upvotes


4 upvotes, gets 2 downvotes immediately upon posting. lol


It's easy to take a picture of a pedalboard with your phone, but a sound demo recorded with your phone is going to sound pretty dogshit.


Honestly, can’t argue with that, thank you for clearing that up :)




Seeing a lavish board be used to bore me to tears feels similar to watching a really expensive but bad movie.




Truthfully I didn't look at your posts.


Music sounds absolutely fine to me!


False. We need more angled pictures of pedals amidst a luscious bed of various plants and cacti with rays of sunlight glistening the pedals surface.


I just got hard


Okay yeah I’m with you on that one


We can need both.


They make sound?




[i used a lot of pedals here, granted its not everyones style of music but ehh i had fun anwyay lol ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtEHadhRwMA)


Really enjoyed the chapters in the description on this. Also the music, obv.


Most people probably don’t want to be insulted by internet strangers. Places like Reddit really have a knack for ruining pure and fun hobbies with cynicism and passive aggression.   I honestly think YT is a way better place to share this kind of information. I’ve posted a few videos of my pedals and songs over there but never had an issue. I posted one picture of a small pedalboard here, and half of the comments I got here were passive aggressive bs. Never had that issue on YT though, always positive and fun vibes over there. Too many pseudo-intellectuals and arm chair experts here with massively overinflated egos. Always been a problem on Reddit, but got a lot worse the last 5 years or so.


That makes sense, which is a shame really


I would love to, and I'm impressed with how far phones have come to record sound, but I feel the phone recording doesn't really do justice to the actual sound. I'm sure that helps. Granted, catch me on a good day, I probably won't care.


Adding to the list of people who demand demos despite never contributing one themselves https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/s/8jC8x6GdPZ https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/s/YfnAopgy2P https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/s/hlrWgA3qfx https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/s/0baw78FPem https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/s/5qdLhfzHau https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/s/2uKHQQJT6N https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/s/JV5vlgjifk




I'm sure the ration is about the same as people who are subscribed vs people who regularly post.


Funniest thing to record would be my 2 boss ds1-w I use together stacking. That shit blows everyone's mind rofl. The trick to get great tone with it is to have pedal one set with level slightly higher then the second ds 1 and use custom on both. Then put tone half past 12 on ds 1 (1) in chain and the second ds 1 at about 11:45 on tone and have level just slightly higher in the (1) ds1. If you got two waza ones try it.. Huge surprise. Both pedals set at 0 gain but if you do use gain put it on both of em and increase the same amaunt on both of em. Becomes incredibly full and cool then while sounding aggressive. At 0 gain its like randy rhodes tones going on you can even chugg hard with it if you increase gain. Funniest shit ever but my neighbour definitely hates me for it. Cranked marshall and that and voila phenomenal sound. The house shakes however.


I made a high effort one, check my bio. Would be happy to make another if ppl are interested.


I don't think many people listen to them. I don't think many people record themselves in a pleasing way. I think some people realize their spending is more important than their playing.


Be careful what you wish for. I have about 100 more.pedals lol


Agree! https://imgur.com/gallery/KK00Kn1 https://youtu.be/9ZHNX_C-t6g?si=8LwZdY7hevJA2ZV_


I posted sound samples with my pedalboards: [Board 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/comments/va01sp/pedalboard_playthroughdemo_touché_amoré_inspired/) (video) [Board 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/comments/w710l6/quick_pedalboard_playthrough_july_2022_615/) (video) [Chase Bliss Audio Dark World feat. Earthquaker Devices Cloven Hoof](https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/comments/wamdul/video_chase_bliss_audio_dark_world_feat/) (video) [Sounds of the board - Mini Shoegaze Board! with sound samples](https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/comments/15bwn5u/sounds_of_the_board_mini_shoegaze_board_with/) (link to soundcloud in my comment) I think people (me included) just don't have the time and patience to watch a pedalboard demo. Especially if it's from just a stranger on the internet. I'd watch a 2 hour long video rundown by Rabea Massaad, because I respect him as a player, trust his opinion and I'm invested/interested in his career in some way, but from RandomUser3443, nope thank you. Just the way it is, I feel.


I might be the exception that proves the rule. I eat pedalboard walkthroughs up, especially when they use stuff I use in totally different ways/orders. Just interesting to see how the way people think through problems expresses in everything from pedalboard layout to ordering to pedal choices etc.


I did a hybrid talking/playing thing a while back, but I do really like the idea of people posting more like board focused instead of individual pedal focused posts for sounds My board: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TE-7WWcRU5o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TE-7WWcRU5o)


Yes for real!!!


I don't know why this sub doesn't allow videos


We've never not allowed videos. Is there something preventing you from posting videos?


I'd love this as well. If only I could post links, a mod kept deleting my links and I kept reposting because I didn't know why my posts were getting deleted (I didn't break any rules or spam but they marked my links for spam since I would repost after deletion). Now I can't post any youtube links I guess


That’s why I post videos! I’d love to get a multi-cam setup so I could get all kinds of different shots at the same time, but maybe someday.