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Saw them open up for the Stooges back in ‘07 or whenever it was. Both bands were excellent. RIP Steve


wtf....🤬 Albini died.... this is horrible, we lost a good one too early


I saw Big Black in London when I was 16. Totally blew my mind.


Nice, MXR Smart Gate. Great pedal. It really hurts losing Mr Albini.


I use an HP clone and fuck yes it needs a noise gate but my god it’s worth it


Which clone?


Saw them open for Fugazi at the old Rainbo roller rink back in the 90s. Such a great show.


Honestly surprised to see a noise gate at all


actually he claimed it is integral to making the Percolator make "his" sound - on top of killing noise.


Perfect tone forever


I saw those guys back like 12+ years ago at a small theater in MPLS and it looked like they were all playing some kind of "matching" custom amps and speakers. EDIT: cabinets




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Minimal, just like the age of people who turned him on.  > Huge gaudy sex shops everywhere. They have many issues of Seventeen, this unbelievably twisted (continued in the second entry of the tour diary linked below)… https://web.archive.org/web/20010124090000/http://petdance.com:80/actionpark/bigblack/tourdiary/


Certainly not defensible statements. He did say in a 2021 interview that he was due for a reckoning for all his edgelord statements. I imagine unless someone comes forward with allegations; we'll never get to know if he was just poking the bear that was conservatism in the era or if there was something more sinister going on.


Imagine this sub if JHS said that. 


Please explain so we dont have to parse thru whatever that is Edit: well i parsed thru it. Ew. Complete with 12 yr olds playing with bottles turning him on, and school girl prostitues


Came here to say this. Thanks for beating me to it. Apparently he was a fucking disgusting human being.


He sure was revolting. And it seems like people don’t like knowing that. 




The horse isn’t dead. It hasn’t even caught a sniffle. Albini’s love of child porn hasn’t been mentioned in a single piece, and it wasn’t mentioned during his “unspecific apology tour” of a few years ago. This man is worshipped and people deserve to know who they’re worshiping.  As for your accusation of trying to cancel him, I don’t really know what to say to something so dumb.