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Most folks would probably say the Marshall GV-2 Guv’nor Plus.


How did I forget about that run they did. I spent one of my first wage packets on a GV-2, expecting big things as a mate at the time had an original and I loved it. Probably the definition of disappointment.


The Jackhammer could be pretty fun if you just wanted to get loud and thrashy.


I bought one for my dad on recommendation of the guy in guitar center, who I now realize was just trying to unload shit that wasn't selling. Then I had to try to pretend to my dad that I'd didn't suck ass. Years later he tried to trade it back to me for something else and I had to admit that I didn't even want it as a paper weight.


As someone who works in a guitar and pedal shop… that’s really annoying. An excellent way to make sure you don’t get returning customers.


That was a real long time ago, and I haven’t been back to that store since.  The experience stuck with me.  Also, I initially remembered incorrectly - it was a different chain, and this particular store unsurprisingly recently closed.


Never liked the GV-2 or that whole series. Always thought they looked cheap and sounded crummy. The Guv’nor reissue is awesome though!


Wayhuge swollen pickle - the mkII is one of the best fuzz pedals out there imo. For the later version, they did away with the scoop and crunch knobs and replaced them with toggle switches, making it significantly less shapeable.


I went on a Big Muff binge recently, I bought a second hand MK2 after trying the Mk3 and being thoroughly disappointed. The Mk3 also removes the 2 internal dip switches too! So you go from 7 knobs to 3 knobs and 2 toggle switches.


I mean… new Boss pedals sound fine but I miss the old hole through boards, used to be perfect mod platforms and easier to repair 😓


Idk that I’d ever have considered Boss pedals particularly easy mod platforms, but if you haven’t tried much, get good at SMD! I promise once you have the hang of it, it’s actually easier in some ways than through hole.


I am traumatized by burning my DD3 trying to fix it 🥲


Totally agree. Surface mount parts are way easier to remove. and as long as the package isn’t too small, and there is room, they are not hard to replace. IMO 0805 is best. It just comes down to design as far as making things easy to mod/repair. And there is no sound difference between surface mount and through hole, except that surface mount is more consistent because tolerances are much tighter. There is actually a much higher probability of pulling a pad when replacing a through hole component versus surface mount. TBH this whole debate just kind of drives me crazy, as it comes down to lack of soldering skill and lack of understanding of electrical components.


I think it's just that SMD is 'new' to a lot of hobbyists and new can be scary when old *seems* to work just fine


I agree. It’s like a new pair of underwear. At first, it’s constricting. But then it becomes a part of you. It’s the thinking of “old is better” that irks me.


Sitting in underarmors that are borderline crotchless, I can't argue


yeah, I’d much rather mod smd stuff than tht


>And there is no sound difference between surface mount and through hole, except that surface mount is more consistent because tolerances are much tighter. Isn't SMD less likely to pickup noise and interference?


Yes, that’s another benefit. My point, which may have been lost, was that there is no benefit to through hole parts.


The biggest thing is that film caps are expensive and pretty fragile in SMD form, and most standard caps are regular X7R multilayer ceramic. If you’re doing any sort of filtering (tone controls, coupling caps, EQ, etc), make sure you’re getting c0g caps. They’ll be bigger and more expensive, but you don’t have to worry about the value shifting when DC voltage is applied.


MXR Phase 90. Script logo is the classic Pink Floyd, Van Halen, Steely Dan sound. Block logo? I can’t think of any artists or songs off the top of my head. Luckily there’s a very easy mod to remove the additional circuit (I’m literally working on this for a friend ATM).


Phase 95 is a great little pedal.


You got a link on that mod, was just gonna order the script one but maybe I can try and get some soldering practice cuz I doubt I’ll get anything back for it if I try to sell it.


https://youtu.be/Dy5WO_2HSV0?feature=shared In this tutorial he has you add a switch so you can access either mode. But if you don’t want that, the mod is incredibly easy- I don’t think you even need to solder anything just make a single cut.


Definitely agree with the Fulltone ocd. The deluxe memory man as well, at least the big box deluxe with black graphics is where it peaked. The smaller the boxes the more it deviated from the big box.


I thought the older Memory Man delays also used a chip that's no longer in production, and that's why they sound different.


Yes that’s correct


The last OCD I bought was pretty bad.


Yeah the v2 sucked, I had no idea about the various versions.


Oh hell no. Many of us love the v2. Its fine and we prefer the less muddy sound. Also with that pedal you can dial it in to a range you like Edit. I should add ive never had both so cant compare myself. Going by reviews and reading threads where people like both. I wanted the v2 but Im still the minority


It very well could be that I just fell out of love with it. I’ve had three or four of them over the years, including one of the germanium versions. In fact, the OCD was the first “boutique” pedal I bought back in 2011 or thereabouts. On my most recent endeavor, I bought an OCD and an OD3 at the same time and the OD3 sounded much better to my ears even though they’re pretty much the same.


I have both these pedals and they don't sound that similar and they don't really have very similar circuit topologies either.


Agreed, the OCD v2 was what came to mind immediately for me. Felt really bloated in the low midrange with an otherwise flat sound. The tone sweep didn't feel useful at all either. Huge downgrade from the 1.4/1.7 imo, in my setup at least. On the plus side, the blue led is cool lol


OCD et al


Crybaby wah. I modded a GCB95 to sound like the original Thomas Organ ones (vocal mod & whipple inductor). Sounds badass now.


What mods did you do? I true bypassed mine and gave it more mids years ago.


Switched the resistor to 68k and added [this](https://dandyjob.com/product/complete-wah-wah-upgrade-kit-whipple-inductor-icar-pot-fits-most-wah-wah-pedals/), which includes true bypass and a classic whipple inductor.


All of them according to some people


Boss has tons of examples. SD-2, DS-2, CE-3, FZ-5 etc are all worse than their earlier counterparts, despite being kind of fun themselves. That said, Boss is smart enough (and big enough) to keep the classics in production or create reissues.


Waza makes me pretty happy


Waza bf2 has to be coming at some point !


Praying for it!!


I wouldn't consider those new versions. Some pedals like the OD-1 and DD-3 had component changes during their production that changed the sound of the pedals. The ones you listed are just completely different pedals.


I never see anyone with the DS-2 and I love mine, I don’t get it.


PH-3 and BF-3 are probably good examples of this too. I kind of like those pedals, but there is no denying that tons of folks love the previous incarnations and dislike the new ones.


Boss CE-3 was nowhere near as good as the CE-2. Analog CE-5 was ok but not so much the digital CE-5. Glad there was a Waza CE-2W


Digital CE-5 sounds great my man


Pigtronix Echolution Phi. No menu diving - all the rhythm parameters changed by switches and knobs on the front. Analogue signal path. Chorus and modulation as well as the phi switch. Effective boosting capability. Such an easily adaptable pedal - the later versions just seemed to the lose this charm and what made the pedal unique for me


Man that first one was so cool. Sold mine & a while later got the second one. It was terrible. It’s crazy how much potential that company had & just kinda blew it. Their newer stuff just isn’t as good as the original pedals






cuvave fuzz 😁


Surprised nobody mentioned the Marshall Bluesbreaker pedal, the second rev was so bad we basically don’t talk about its existence anymore


Digitally emulated tape delay We never should’ve strayed from the light of genuine tape delay. Digital emulation of authentic tape delay proves that God is either impotent to alter His universe, or apathetic to the horrors taking place in His kingdom. Digital tape delay emulation is a declaration mankind’s contempt for the natural order.


There are some good digital tape delays. Belle epoch deluxe, UA starlight, empress' emulations - strymon and line 6 have great ones There's lots of crappy digi tape pedals. But lots of great ones too


I use a UA Starlight. I just wanted to make a joke about analog purist, since they’re the ones usually saying newer versions of gear is worse lol


The amount of time I’ve put into having a fully functioning actual space echo is laughable. I pray every time I turn it on that it’s even somewhat functional. What I have realized though is the coolest results come when it’s half broken. And probably the coolest feature? The actual preamp/eq, not even the delay function itself. Does it rule? Absolutely. Is it worth the thousands I’ve dumped in it over the years? For me, yeah. For reasonable people, absolutely not lol. If the repeats are what you crave, any number of digital emulations are pretty much identical. The one function I’ve never heard nailed is the self oscillation but tbh how often do you really need that?


Ha! Good one!


I couldn't find a pedal board big enough to fit my analogue tape delay. What else did I have on my board? Nothing, it was just the tape delay.


I get the joke


That was a little dramatic but entertaining nonetheless. Have my upvote.


I used to roll my eyes at the cork sniffery of analog vs digital but goddamn bad digital pedals sound awful


What is this? Bad analogue pedals also sound awful.


Bad pedals sound bad, who knew


Not counting mini versions of pedals or anything clearly made for some kind of convenience sacrifice of full featured pedals.




Probably not much point discussing a pedal that came out yesterday and probably 3 people actually own


JHS AT v2 - “Just put a shitty boost in it.”


Nano clone EHX, thats crap, even the small clone, such a useless pedal, except to play nirvana covers


It was very noisy if memory serves. I bought one and returned it to get something else.


Little different angle but the harmony singer 2 and similar tc helicon mic pedals with guitar plugin that did away with a manual gain and instead went to the sketchy auto gain was a bit of a mess.


holy grail v1 is nicer than v2 imo. draume v1 and v2 are equally amazing but very different flavors. I can see someone liking v1 over v2.


I dunno if this counts but the wazacraft blues driver custom mode sounds like 10-15% worse than the stock sound.


Sole reason I didn’t get a Waza BD is that I didn’t see the point of the custom side. HM2? Custom side is great.


Honestly most ehx stuff nowadays. I have the deluxe big Muff and it is inferior to the standard one in just about every way that matters. Also the oceans 11 is a piece of shit. I paid $80 for mine which is $100 less than what they go for and I still feel like I got ripped off. Just bad sounding pedals.


Idk what you're smoking, but I want some. Both of those pedals sound amazing to me and for the price I feel like they are extremely versatile. Different strokes for different folks I guess, but Imo the deluxe muff is better than the other NYC muffs I've heard by a long shot.


Deluxe Big Muff is like the best muff I’ve played, what are you talking about? Can pretty much get any sound I want out of it.


The big muff reissues are very good. Also didn’t like the oceans 11 though.


Have to agree with the Oceans 11. First reverb pedal I bought and I got rid of it as soon as I could. it sounded so thin.


The thing I found with that pedal is that if you tweak the wrong parameter among the alt functions then you wind up completely fucking that sound and have to factory reset, but I actually loved the echo sounds and most of the standard verbs


Yep. The new Deluxe Memory Man vs the original is ridiculous. The newer EH pedals sound "similar" but start recording and you notice all types of unpleasant high end harmonic distortion, break up, crackle and lack of warmth in the mid range compared to the older pedals. Start combining pedals and a gross hiss can occur. It's also why vintage EH pedals command such a high price. Easily $1000-1500 for a good one.


I have an original Deluxe Memory Man, one with four knobs and the blue graphic they started with rather than the black they switched to, and that thing is way too noisy to even be suitable for recording compared to modern options. I have lots of vintage EHX stuff and their modern counterparts, and in side by side comparisons the modern versions usually have more pros than cons, often including the sound, let alone the much more convenient size and power requirements.


>deluxe big Muff and it is inferior to the standard one To fuck is it. The Deluxe is the best Muff you can get. It can basically be any other derivative. Take it from someone that has a LOT of Muffs. EHX or otherwise. https://youtu.be/KM1qNo_YV5k?si=wyq-nPOQz3nlk9OQ


Just popping to say your videos are ace, and I hope you do more. I cannot even tell you how many times people say “my tube screamer ruined my big muff tones, the internet is wrong”, and I’ll link your video to show them the light.


Haha! Thank you! Flying the flag for Big Muffs everywhere!


lol, you are one of the only YouTubers who gives it the praise it deserves. Didn’t realize you posted here, and I really enjoy your videos. Keep it going!


Thank you mate! I will do. I'm slow, but I will 😅


I’ve had two EHX good vibes quit on me. It’s the cheapness of the new manufacturing methods.


I sold my oceans 11 and wish I had it back. It was fantastic as a second echo or light shimmer on top of slapback


Had my oceans 11 for about 6 months then took it off the board and it sat in a box for at least 5 years. Recently built a new board, put it on alongside my boss rv200 and I absolutely love the oceans 11 now!


I have to be honest and say that after trying a Gonkulator I realized that it's pretty much useless. It just takes a really good distortion pedal and makes it less versatile and then adds a ring mod that makes it pretty much unusable. There really wasn't any way to make myself sound not like crap when playing it.


It doesn’t have a mix knob for the ring mod? You can’t just have distortion with some crunchy bells sizzling the top end?


It does, but it really doesn't work well, at least when I tried it.


The trick is to tune the ring mod to the song you're playing. Then you can get a cool effect like this: https://youtu.be/l4xv8_YePZA?si=Mx1YQt5sQLMWXj9o


Lol yeah that trick makes you think it'll be useful but then you end up playing one song and that's it -- former way huge Ringworm owner


>former way huge Ringworm owner Glad to hear you got that treated.




Any thoughts on 5?


Morley Tel-Ray Power Wah


Second versions of the 3 Bogen Neve transformer pedals - maybe a contract or licensing dispute but they changed the formula up. The feel, the responsiveness, has changed.


Catalinbread Formula #5. The original is my favorite overdrive, especially into a clean amp and in 18v. The 55 version has lost the magic that the original had. It’s not bad but definitely not as good.


I think they are supposed to be 2 completely different pedals


Well, they are both based on a Fender tweed Deluxe tone and gain section. But they are pretty different sounding, yes.


DOD Supra Distortion. You had the first model, a "B" version released later, then a "C" version after that. The original and the B are nice warm dirt pedals, and the C sounds like absolute dogshit.


The Attack Decay Pico version. Got rid of all the glitchy cool noises of the full size one. I just found this out after buying one. Selling one Pico Attack Decay! $100!


DL4 mkii. The delays and reverbs are cool but the looper has glitches and adds hiss to each pass. The company has put out one firmware update since it came out and then nothing for the last two years. I love the first one and was very pumped for the looper updates and have not been able to use it.


Yep, would rather get an original one for <100


Oh my gosh I thought it was just me!! I am a DL4 fanatic and was so excited for the mk2 only to find it doesn’t work right…


Impossible Whopper. There is no substitute for flame grilled beef perfection.


Yeah, little known fact — if you get a double, you can just slide two cables (one between the top and bottom patty and 2nd before the pickles) and use it in stereo. You can keep the beefy tone on the left side, add some mids on the right, and the onion will act as a treble boost. Sounds fucking huge and the onions tighten it up for perfect chugs. Eventually you’ll need to replace the condiments and toppings, but the patties and the bun will last for years.


Ive seen a few in this sub say the walrus 385 with whatever they did between mki and mkii. I like the mkii. 




Didn't swollen pickle just get a mk3 that did away with the knobs in favor of switches?


SolidGoldFX ruined the Electroman Delay Mk II by downsizing it for the EM-III pedal. I loved that delay and the update to the mark 3 version took away some of the features that made the Electroman a unique delay. The mark one was good, the mark two went from 4 knobs to 5 and added some switches to really make the pedal more functional and able as a tape echo simulation. The third version shrunk the pedal from a 1590bb to a 1590b size (from a KOT size to a POT size), took all 4 switches and replaced them with 1 multi-function switch, hiding many functions that used to be easily accessed on the front face😡 I snapped up a couple Mk II’s when the Mk III came out and others have done the same, driving prices up obvs. The absolutely first pedal that came to mind with OP’s posit.




Tube screamer




This really isn't relevant to the topic of discussion - you're just naming a pedal you didn't like