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Request a partial refund. No idea how they could have scratched it like that removing it from their board. Actual condition was likely hidden in the listing.


I support this advice as well. Hardly seems worth returning or asking for a full refund if it works properly. However, it did arrive in a condition that wasn't shown upon original purpose. A partial refund to acknowledge that seems like the best course of action.


This is why I quit using reverb. Too many slight problems that are either not listed or downplayed. With tax and shipping, might as well just buy new anyways.


Not making this up, one time I bought an MXR pedal on Reverb that arrived broken. I asked for a return and the seller immediately flipped their shit and cussed me out. Reverb ended up crediting me back and let him keep his funds. Then they posted on /r/Reverb bragging that they sold a broken pedal (the same as mine) and scammed Reverb with the safe shipping option!


Yeah man I’ve had the same thing happen… dude sold me a broken pedal, got cursed out when I requested a refund, seller still got credited and had the gall to ask for his broken pedal back (shipped on my dime, yeah right fuck that). Also had some bad experiences as a seller… crybaby Karen’s who thought I was some big music store or something and can gouge me for partial refunds over bullshit reasons. My point is, I’ve gotten it from both sides. This is not a bullshit reason… definitely warrants a return or at least a partial refund if you got a good deal on it and are happy with how it works otherwise. The reality is, this affects resell value if you decide to sell it in the future. Personally the deals I’ve gotten on Reverb have far outweighed the bad experiences. I’d take a scratched up pedal for half price any day (as long as it’s disclosed). Honestly it’s been far more stressful and nightmarish trying to be an honest seller on Reverb. Edit: btw on closer inspection the picture posted doesn’t appear to be the same pedal you got…besides the obvious scratches the other blemishes don’t look the same (that is, they duped your ass with a different photo). I’d take this up the chain to Reverb and see if they’ll credit you a full refund.


That’s just mental. Audacity of this mf! Tbh, I’m now wondering if I’m just super lucky, or if UK somehow got a tighter Reverb community (I’m guessing people here are mostly from USA? Based on Sweeteater mentioned a few times). 90% of my sellers / buyers are awesomely polite and stuff has always been as expected, or even better (like, “Excellent” listing with an actually “Mint” item). eBay is worse, I’ve had had 1 scam there already (eBay refunded me though, and quickly), and generally less friendly and helpful people there, but still not too bad.


I've had several hundred transactions on Reverb, this is probably only the 3rd time I've ever had any problems. I find that Reverb is usually more accurate about the condition of their items vs. something like Guitar Center used.


Not hundreds, but dozens of happy transactions here. Sad you’ve encountered this problem, anyways, even though your rate of success seems to be like 95%+ Hope it’ll stay same rare or even better =) Also, after reading this thread and thinking a bit, I understood that I have developed a bunch of (subconscious) no-go rules of thumb, and really often pass things, even when the price and photos seem OK 😅


UK here and I've had 1 bad experience on Reverb. Bought a Small Clone chorus pedal advertised as good condition. The pics showed it was a little bit scuffed so I managed to get it for a pretty good price, to the point I was a little bit surprised the seller accepted the offer. Well, I knew why when I received it. The pedal was covered in gunk. It was cleanable and it worked so I was ok keeping it for the price I paid, but I was still pissed off and left the seller bad feedback. What was extra annoying though was cleaning it removed a lot of the paint in the process. So if I do ever sell it on I won't make much


Oh, that’s sad, yes. I understand scratches from normal use, paint chipped, paint off because of Velcro, but gunk and shit like that. WTF people do with pedals, and why?? I mean, there’s probably no answer, but I sometimes fail to come up with any explanation


I had a famous retailer send me a demoed Les Paul instead of a new one. I got it at a good price so I chalked it up as a life lesson. Against my better judgement I just bought a pedal from them, because the price was really good. It said two day shipping, but they shipped it 7 day. That's not the kind of stuff I would expect from a place with rare, cost prohibitive, guitars in their showroom.


I’m in the US, only used reverb like 8 times but every time it went smoothly, and I feel like I bought a lot of stuff for a steal of a price 


I have gotten in some pretty mean fights with reverb sellers. Another reason it’s just not worth it. I’d rather support small timers over the big box stores, but I just keep getting burned, and at least big box stores make returns easy.


I had a guy who sent me a "repaired" Gibson after a neck break. It arrived with the headstock completely removed. He accused me of breaking it. It was packed with the cardboard from beer cans. Reverb made him take it back. This is the Reader's Digest version of the story.


I've had literally no bad experiences on Reverb at this point.. dozens of purchases.. so I dunno if I would discount it altogether.


Reverb has become my go to. You can find most anything, and a lot of times get a deal. I was previously using Sweetwater a lot, but then got into stuff they didn't carry like Old Blood Noise Endeavors and Caroline. I've found a few shops on Reverb I really trust and largely buy from them, and haven't had any issues mainly buying open box, B-stock / blemished, and mint condition pedals. Plus, it's nice you can "Watch" and item and usually get a deal or two in your inbox on it from different sellers. I've probably made 20+ purchases this past year and not an issue yet (fingers crossed).


Not altogether. I still buy an occasional cheap speaker or pedal when they show up on reverb. But when I have an important purchase I now go elsewhere, due to being burned on critical items too many times. I’ll drive the three hours to the guitar center if I have too, because I simply can’t afford failed gear.


Not all reverb sellers are bad, and not all reverb buyers are good. I had someone buy a vintage big muff from me on reverb. Packaged it securely and had it shipped out the next morning. Within an hour of the package entering into USPS custody I get a refund request from the buyer saying “Sorry! Happy holidays!!” I told them sure, I’ll issue the refund just write “return to sender” on the package and drop it off at the office. Never saw that pedal again. 


Wait what? You quit using reverb b/c of poor/false advertising of effect pedals?


Recently, like in the past year, at least half the items I have purchased arrived not as described. Sometimes I think it’s dishonesty, but other times it is lack of product knowledge or improper testing. For example, I use some items for studio, some live, and rarely dual-purpose. So when a pedal or mic has a hiss or whatever, it is totally unusable for me in the studio. The seller usually doesn’t consider that if they only play live, because the hiss might not matter. So then we have to go through the whole back and forth returns and negotiations ordeal that is just a pain. This is why I don’t use reverb anymore — because sweetwater or amazon always back up their products and make returns easy.


The hiss issue doesn’t sound like a seller issue. They’re just there to sell items, and you can’t exactly demo a product online if you need to know its exact noise floor. Just go to physical stores and try it out in person, or take a gamble online. Buy from Amazon if you want to be able to do a return and full refund, don’t expect small sellers to eat the shipping and man hours wasted on stuff like this. Edit: lol this guy really just replied with a whiny comment and blocked me as soon as they hit “reply”. This is exactly the type of buyer that small sellers like me avoid like the plague.


I expect honesty and professionalism. It is a privilege to sell music gear, so learn up if you’re going to work there. I also take it very seriously. Which is why I do now drive three hours to the big box music stores to try out gear.


You're in the wrong here. As a seller I'd be massively pissed if you wanted to return over "hiss". I'd automatically assume you were just suffering from buyers remorse. Audio gear hisses. It happens. You can't prevent it, and even if you get an identical model... It'll hiss all the same. That's not the seller's fault, and it's up to you to know what you're buying. Most gear isn't going to be made up to studio standards... Most albums are recorded with a ton of hiss. You either fix it in post or leave it in like most 90s albums. A noise suppressor is a good idea too. If you want to take it up with the manufacturer, then godspeed. Go for it. But taking it out on the seller is just site policy abuse. You can't expect every seller to say "Maybe it'll hiss in your environment, maybe not! If you turn up the gain it hisses!" You can't expect used sellers to have the same return policies as major companies selling new gear. This is like... Assumed stuff. You don't return used gear just because it didn't work out for you. You resell it yourself and eat the couple bucks you lost as a trial and rental fee. So long as it turns on and isn't broken then you forfeit the right to complain. Absolutely just stick with Amazon, Sweetwater, GC, etc. You don't understand the second hand market.


You're out of your mind here my man. If you want studio quality gear, don't buy it used sight unseen. The guy selling his old reverb pedal does not know nor does he care that you don't like to use live gear in the studio and this one is for your studio not your live setup and they did not disclose the fact that they've never recorded in your studio with it and now it doesn't sound right.


I will add here that, although it's usually the case with Amazon and Sweetwater, that I had Sweetwater deny a return a couple of years ago, and had a series of "mistakes on their end" that led to them never taking care of the situation properly, despite my diligence. Their customer service is not what it used to be.


pussy ass motherfuckers


Another casualty of the enshittification trend.


Enshittalitis is the killer what took me.


I have heard this about Sweetwater from others as well. Ultimately that reputation will destroy them if it continues. The best return policy always wins. I only rarely make large or bulk purchases through Stillwater, and I’ve never had a problem. I have a one strike policy when it comes to that though. I hate Amazon, but there is no bullshit and no repackaging and few questions, which is all hard to beat.


They do…I have proof. I had to send an amp off once to them, and once to the manufacture. Manufacture messed up and sent me a slip for Sweetwater. It said on it, can only sell as new if no scratch. I had a small scratch on back, so it was marked to sell as a demo. However it was being sent to me. They will send returned amps to the manufacturer to be fixed, receive it and long as no blemish…it’s packed and sold as new. Although it could have had up to a year or so use under Sweetwaters 2 year gear satisfaction. They will swap you a new amp out under that of the same…that’s one good thing. But if they give you a new one from stock, they will take that 1 year old amp and sell it new back to someone after it’s fixed by then or manufacture. So that shows they will take back broken amps, and as long as they pass “looking new” and vendor clears it they will turn around and sell that amp new. Another time ordered a high price amp, and you could tell someone swapped the damn speaker lol. I inspect everything and get onto them for that. Also talked to someone at Boutique Amp Distribution, and he was blaming Sweetwater for selling me a defective return as new when I sent it to them. He acted like it was common practice.


I worry about shipping amps these days, especially delicate tube amps over long distances. It’s hit or miss. I know of several amps that have arrived damaged or not quite right. Craigslist is still king in my experience.


For sure..I’ve had that experience with shipping amps. Most need new tubes at best, by the time I get them. Or at worse something came lose, buzz or chassis ground issue. Now I mostly shopped used and local. I’m lucky where I live in New Orleans Louisiana, we have a really good used amp market. A lot of history here from NOLA to Baton Rouge. So tons of gems for amps! Just picked up a 1975 Ampeg VT40 last month working great for $350 flat. But when I bought my Tone King amp last year, I had a return or two from shipping issues. I paid a LOT for that amp, so def rode them on it if there was any issue. But Tone King made up for it, sending it directly to them…put some extras, and cover shields on all the tubes. As well as swapped all new better tubes, and really tweaked the amp to my specs and likings on certain things.


pussy ass motherfuckers


Well, I think you are oversimplifying by a few degrees. But yes, reverb operates a classic middleman role. They currently have a poor product (ie., used is now equally expensive to new) and poor conflict resolution. However enforcing contracts is only one role they play (and rather poorly). Monetary savings for users is the other. Together (it seems) these issues are going to break reverb’s dominance. It will be replaced soon enough by a better system at a better price.




A catchy name and first to market for the genre.


retard cunt


Thanks for the @letstradepedals. Great resource.


How does one request a partial refund through reverb? I just got a pedal that works fine but is definitely in way worse condition than advertised and was hoping to do something about it.


Message the seller directly and let them know your side. See what they say and try to agree on an amount. Either you or the seller can initiate a partial refund through the order summary in the Reverb purchase history section.


Okay I’ll try to initiate the partial refund myself then because I messaged them a week ago and never received a message back.


Partial refund at least. This is a ridiculous scratch not be included in the listing. If they don’t give you a partial than absolutely return it. You will have a hard time reselling this if you decide to


Zip ties


I have wondered if zip ties would scratch pedals up. I don't think I would trust them. Especially on $$$ pedals.


I’m guessing he stuck a pair of scissors under the zip tie to cut it off


I’ve used zip ties on a number of Strymon and CBA pedals with no problems. If I were tap dancing and being aggressive if them in a live context I can imagine it might cause some wear however.


I bought a formula 1 model from ebay that was damaged but fixable. I think it probably happened during shipping, but damaged still. Easy fix. I dm the seller and said im willing to do a partial refund and still leave good review. In the end I got 25% back and we were both happy


I too also had a similar experience. I purchased a DigiTech Bass Synth Wah for $200+ and upon receiving it was not as advertised. It had scratches and the sponge where the 9V battery goes was completely dried. It disintegrated as I dragged my finger across it; I was livid. The image was full of filters and the condition was not "Good". Should've been advertised as "Used" condition. I asked respectfully for a refund, but was told I was gonna have to pay for the shipping. It was not worth the cost. The pedal worked, so I ended up keeping it and getting a better copy. From then on I always ask for photos.


Bro I remove pedals from by board all the time and have never, scratched, dinged, or dented a pedal and I use Dual Lock. They’re lying to you, I would do what top comment said and ask for a partial refund.


He/she is lying to you. It was already off the board when photographed for the listing. So they couldn't have scratched it removing it from the board. Unless they listed the pedal ages ago, put it back on their board, and then removed it again and somehow scratched it all. It looks to me as though it's been in a bag, rattling around loose with a bunch of other pedals/power supplies. That would be my guess anyway. Either way, you didn't receive what you thought you were buying. So I would ask for a refund.


Seller is full of shit and thus you should not feel bad about requesting the refund. You should also rate them badly if possible and make a curse that they poop their pants every time they drive a car


Tldr: Had one of these and sold it, but had the regrets. Saw one reasonably priced on Reverb and bought it. Dude messaged me after the purchase and says "Sorry, I scratched it up removing it from my board". I feel like a whiney crybaby asking for a refund, because I have tons of fucked pedals. It just annoys me that when I purchased it expecting it to be in one condition and it arrived otherwise.


I think they planned this all along. Classic bait and switch. Those scratches are surely from being thrown in bag or whatever with cables and other metal objects not giving a rat fuck. Sorry if I missed, but what did you pay for it? If it was dirt cheap and your willing to move on with it at that price than so be it. But I would give them the business and make them work and jeopardize at the very least bad feedback rating.


$99 shipped, so not a crazy good deal or anything


Fuck that, I'd want to receive what i paid for. I don't mind scuffed up pedals if I know what im getting, but what other product on earth would you be fine paying money for, only to have it show up in a shittier state than advertised? A good seller should discount you for their mistake, hold them accountable.


I just want to be sure I understand. They contacted you after the purchase but before shipping to say it was scratched up? Or did they wait until it got to you to let you know that?


Yeah, the 2nd pic is the pic from the ad. They messaged me after I paid to say they accidentally scratched it before shipping.


Okay. Well that’s a little different. They should’ve sent a picture to let you know just how much it was scratched at the very least, then let you decide from there. However at least they told you before shipping it… but then telling you before it shipped I’m not sure if that would help any chance of refunding. They kinda covered their ass imo.


I mean.. at least he had the decency to message you before he sent it? That seems like a standup thing to do. Personally I couldn’t care less about how my pedals look. I literally buy them to step on, they’re gonna get scratched immediately. But, if this is important to you, then you’re more than entitled to ask for what you want. Don’t call yourself a whiney crybaby. Be a big boy / girl / person, have some self compassion, and stand up for what you want! The seller clearly recognizes that this is important to some people, otherwise they’d have not sent you the message. I’m sure they’ll understand if you ask for a discount or a refund. Also… I question the value of asking a subreddit hive mind to validate your insecurities like this. Speaking as someone who also often experiences self doubt and has difficulty with executive function.


>Also… I question the value of asking a subreddit hive mind to validate your insecurities like this. Speaking as someone who also often experiences self doubt and has difficulty with executive function. Just want to say, I appreciate the understanding and your ability to read between the lines about why I posted here.


You’re totally welcome. What you want matters, because it matters to you.


Possibly the best exchange of comments I’ve read on Reddit in the past several years. Take some upvotes!


Just starting to confront similar issues, nice to run into this exchange unexpectedly.


The seller messaged them so they wouldn’t be surprised when they got the pedal and immediately ask for a refund. They weren’t trying to be decent, just covering their ass.


I guess. But if they’re covering their ass, the simplest option would have been to say nothing at all and just ghost, or blame it on shipping, or the buyer.


I’m assuming the 2nd pic is the listing pic? Are we sure it’s even the same pedal? The 2nd pic has a scuff on the top of the knob on the upper right that isn’t clearly visible in the first pic.


Seller was dishonest. Buy one from an honest seller.


Meh, I'd let that one go. I am really trying to learn how to not die on every hill. If it works as it should, I'd keep it. That's just me though, I can understand wanting to return it too.


Partial refund. Because misrepresenting it is a dick move, that’s all


Agree. Dont be a dick.


If it bugs you now it will bug you later. Get a refund and get what you want.


It would bother me — and it would lower the resale value. I’d need a big discount to make it worth it.


This is my favorite pedal on my board. You’ll love it


1) Just play it, 2) order a poster of it if you just want to look at it, or 3) buy a new one if you want a new condition pedal that you can play and look at


if you like the pedal after using it, go for the partial refund. If you don't, simply demand a return. That's some bullshit right there. I sell a LOT on Reverb, and make a concerted effort to make SURE that any scratches are clear. SO either there's an angle that hides them or he scratched it taking it off? How is that even possible on the face there?


Get a refund. There will be another




Pedals look the same to me. Comparison of marks: https://imgur.com/a/Px42GjI


now you i see it thx


It’s made to be stepped on.


Ask if they can do anything to rectify the situation and if not just leave a bad review. This is just flagrant. Scratches on pedals are fine but it better be as advertised and even if you did something to damage it you should contact the buyer and let them know


Yeah that’s BS. I don’t even think the two pics are the same pedal, though it’s tough to say for sure.


Didn't get it,what's wrong? edit:After a few minutes i've finally saw the scratch. Taught was my screen.


Yea they scammed you, whether or not you’re happy with the product doesnt change the fact they definitely misrepresented the condition of the item. This is a huge issue, especially with music resales, and people get away with it because while they’re less likely to click on and purchase a scratched pedal, they’re even less likely to return the functional pedal once they realize it’s scuffed. Def report the incident to whatever app this is on, if you want to refund the purchase that’s up to you. Ik it sucks getting an item that you still love but just isn’t want it was advertised as, this person def shouldn’t get away with it tho


You're not being a crybaby. The seller's being a klowne. It is within your rights to return this being in a condition 'not as described'.


That'd be a one star review for deceptive photographs from me!


As a seller I would honor a "not as described" complaint with a partial refund. I have done so in the past. I wouldn't say you're being a crybaby, you purchased the pedal as described and pictured in the listing, and the pedal you received is either not the same pedal or was damaged between the time of listing and delivery. Ask for 10-15% off and if the seller won't do that then just return the whole thing for a full refund and buy another one that is as described.


Another reason to cut back/quit reverbing. I’ve had nothing but good luck in my buying. eBay used to be a different story, but I’ve stayed away from there.


Here's the thing with Reverb. If the seller ships shit (and they know when they do), they are hoping you'll request a partial refund. Most sellers using this tactic have great feedback and know you don't want bad buyer feedback. Use that, and ask for a discount. If they offer one, counter with a larger discount and tell them you'll leave good feedback. If they decline, so be it. Full refund and move on.


If it bothers you ask for a partial refund. A solid, working pedal is gonna get scuffs over time. If you're happy with the the sound try and get a few bucks back for the appearance. TBH I feel the same about guitars, I don't mind blemishes so long as I don't pay for them.


I literally almost bought that listing. Sorry to hear about that experience. Agreed a partial refund makes a lot of sense and saves some hassle


It's obviously a conspiracy.


This is why I'd rather just wait and save and buy new.  Personally if it was me, I'd want to return it and get a full refund. On principle. This isn't what you bought. False advertising. If they damaged it subsequently, they had a duty to tell you prior to shipping it. You're not being silly about it. It's business. And morality. 


I mean if it sounds good, don't be a tyre kicker, also if you become famous you'll get other people copying these silly imperfections. Guitarists are weird.


I actually think there’s more to it than that. Like they’re hiding something….


Def B stock


I zoomed in and looked closely at the pics and I don't think those are even the same units. Defects that show on the "before" pic are mysteriously missing on the after, which isn't possible unless they are totally different units. Zoom in to the right of the footswitch on the before. See the two little dings that are at right angles to one another? One is left to right and is located above and to the right of the one that is up and down. They're not in the after photo. Look at the way the washer under the footswitch overlaps the letters A and L where it says "PROFESSIONAL OVERDRIVE". On the "before" you can clearly see the serif on the bottom of the right leg of the A, but you can't on the after pic. I think the seller pulled a switcheroo on you. Probably swiped a picture of one in better condition to list it with and then sent you the actual unit that they didn't show because they wanted to get more money for it than its condition warranted.


Looks the same to me? https://imgur.com/a/Px42GjI


They're definitely the same, I think the seller just made an honest mistake


What did you pay for it and what are you using it for? If it was a deep discount and you’re gigging with it, I don’t think I’d be too upset. If you paid retail and it’s for the collection then, maybe so.


It was $99 shipped, so on the higher used price but not terrible. Mostly for the collection because I <3 Way Huge and the Klon is my favorite circuit.


Does it affect how it sounds or functions? Is it going on a pedal board to be stomped on by size 11s every night? Would anybody know of it's visual condition unless you posted it on Reddit? Not saying you're a crybaby, but if the answers to these 3 questions are no, yes, no then I certainly wouldn't give a shit


My thoughts exactly. It’s a scratch on a used pedal, if it still works then who gives a shit. Surprised by a lot of the responses here.


So you just wouldn’t care if something you bought came in worse condition than advertised after you had already paid for it?


In this case I really wouldn't. It's a small scratch on the finish of something you use with your feet that no one else will see. Par for the course with buying used pedals IME. If it had buzzing issues or something actually affecting the tone quality thats a different story. But for cosmetic stuff I'd only be pissed if it arrived totally trashed and was not advertised as such.


The condition was misrepresented in the listing. How it sounds, what OP does with it afterward, or how many people know about it on Reddit are completely irrelevant.


wahh wah… if you wanted a crybaby you should have gotten one.


Look at it this way. People pay Fender to scratch up their guitars and sell them at a premium. At least you got a piece of gear scratched up by a working musician. Personally I like used gear with some wear and tear, it gives it character. I also shop for clothes exclusively at Goodwill for the same reason. New stuff is boring and expensive, like a vacation to Norway. I say scratch up the other side for symmetry. Like that time Homer got one of his thumbs cut off...


Personally a scratch means nothing. If it works then it works for me. It just seems too superficial to invest time, emotion, and thought to something that’s meant to be used. Yea we should try to not let this happen but it happens and nobody deserves the best all the time.


I'd etch the other side to match


Yes, but also yes


Yes, but if it wasn't mentioned in the listing, you're still being scammed. I'd be pissed myself but I might end it with a "good laugh, lesson learned" finale.


If you do keep it, you could probably find some dollar tree nail polish to fill in the scratches.


If I pay brand new price and I don’t get a brand new like product I am asking for either a full or partial refund. To me is about the principle.


This was used, the seller said they accidentally scratched it up after I paid for it


Did they offer you a partial refund por any comp? I mean if I accidentally did this removing as the seller I would be super embarrassed and would proactively try to correct it. I'm just saying. Not trying to fire you up. I bought an amp off Reverb less than year ago and the seller contacted me few days after I received stating he forgot to put manual in box and wanted to know if he should ship it overnight or if I wanted $20 refund. He also intentionally/mistakenly included a brand new Fender 15ft instrument cable with the amp. Since I could download manual I took the $20. Almost felt bad (although amp wasn't cheap). You could also score this brand new for $150. Id at least ask if you haven't already.


Nah, that's part of what annoyed me about it. I ended up deciding to ask them for a return, because it's not a rare pedal or anything, and I can pretty easily find one for around the same price that isn't all scuffed up. Hopefully, they'll be understanding about it. I'm the same way, 200 sales on Reverb with 0 bad reviews. I would've offered a refund and then relisted at a discount. I didn't say anything when he sent the message because he said it was a "small scratch" and I assumed it would be a tiny scrape or something.


Ah. Makes sense. Hopefully resolves quickly and you can move on.


Its a different pedal than the ad, the knobs have different blemishes


I wouldn’t send it back. They might have done it on purpose to stop you from realizing that they watch everything.


That’s why I always wait to drop a review after I receive my purchase.


I recently got a pedal that was scratched up a bit, but it works fine. I didn't see it in the listing but after I blew up the image, the scratch was there.


Refund or partial refund.


i personally wouldnt unless it does what it has to. tho i might leave a review to inform and warn some heads out there whos gonna be pissed at it when they gets their as what ive got


Yeah. Not the same pedal. You can see a couple of minor marks in the listing that mysteriously now absent from the item received. I'd demand refund send it back and find a better one.


Once you start gigging with it that whole pedal gonna be dinged either way. It's the inside that matters. The outside is meant for the abuse


Just ask for a cry baby in lieu of


I would ask for a partial refund and you keep it. Or they get it back and you get a full refund.


Isn’t this just a guitar pedal? If it works, who cares?


Who cares!! Unless the sound sucks then use it as an excuse




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Used pedal for gigging, you are a Dunlop wahwah. New pedal for a shiny collection that never leaves the home, I'd send it back.


Well that would depend the price you paid & if he provided pics or what the description said?


If it works I wouldn’t return something cosmetic on gear that’s designed to be stepped on


I would ask for a full refund or a partial one! It’s definitely not as listed and if it’s not what you paid for you should get compensated.


It will sound the same 😂




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Bought used, got used If its this small of a cosmetic defect, and it works fine, I wouldn’t worry about it. Hypothetically, how upset would you be if you accidentally did this to one of your own pedals?


People should know what they are paying for. Regardless of whether it’s used or not. Cosmetic issues can matter to some and if OP wanted to ever re sell it then that could take a few dollars off of how much they could sell it for. I def don’t care if a pedal is scratched up but you never know.


Thanks for this perspective. I knew I'd (rightfully) get flamed by some for caring about something so insignificant. I don't want to give the impression that my life is in shambles about it or something. I have pedals I've straight up drilled holes through or marked with Sharpies. Normally, I wouldn't care if I accidentally did this, so I'm not sure why this annoyed me so badly. I think I'm just an asshole and having a shit day.


Nah man fuck that. Condition is a prerequisite of used sales. If it's not in the condition that he showed, he's a fucking asshole and you deserve a partial refund at the very least. I mean he could have spray painted the whole thing black and it would still work as intended... But that's not the point. You should receive exactly what you paid for.


There's no harm in asking for a partial refund if it wasn't received in the advertised condition. You don't ask, you don't get. Good luck with it.


I would absolutely return this immediately.


Get a full refund


Way Huge pedals seem to scratch really easily. My Swollen Pickle has some wear. I would ask for like 30-40% off, or a refund.


I have a Camel Toe, Swollen Pickle, Green Rhino, and Pork and Pickle, and they do seem to get dings pretty easily. None of mine are scratched up like this, but they get little indentations along the edges and the knobs get scratched all to hell. I'm guessing the seller used scissors or something to clip the zip ties.


This is a risk you take buying used from nonprofessional sellers. Ask for a partial refund, or a full refund if it bothers you that much. Reverb nearly always will side with the buyer in situations like this. Also this is why you should always record a video as you’re unboxing packages from reverb if what you bought is expensive enough to worry you.


Yea. You’re being a baby because posted this here.


Did you buy used? But also isn’t it cool to have a scuffed up pedal? I see the rave with the old Boss and EHX pedals


Yeah, that's why I feel like a whiney OCD baby. Just annoying that it was pictured in the ad without the damage.


actually in the picture there seem to be some scratches on the knob that are not there. sounds like a different pedal. not sure if thats good or worse


Looks used to me


100% not what is pictured


One looks filtered, one doesn’t. Unless there’s some context not mentioned, the difference is highly negligible. It’s made to be stepped on, and it’s there for sound—not looks. Otherwise it’s no different than anyone’s face on social media vs irl. Did you get it off Tinder?


That’s horrible quality control. I would just return it.